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Graff K.F. — Wave motion in elastic solids |
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Abbott, B. W. 134
Abramowitz 148 209 228 242 270 426 428 546 575
Abramson, H. N. 105 128 130 136 202 206 210
Achenbach, J. D. 303 309
Acoustic emission 5
Acoustics, analogy to 282 335 399
Acoustics, geometric 427
Adams, P. H. 629 632 634
Adjustment coefficient, extensional plate theory 504 507—8
Adjustment coefficient, flexural plate theory 484
Adjustment coefficient, Mindlin — Herrmann rod theory 514
Adjustment coefficient, Mindlin — McNiven rod theory 519 521
Adjustment coefficient, Mirski — Herrmann shell theory 526
Adjustment coefficient, Naghdi — Cooper shell theory 528 530
Adjustment coefficient, Timoshenko beam theory 183 186
Aggrawal, R. R. 457 575
Airy integral 270 546 551 566 567
Allan, W. A. 302 303 309
Amplification, in horn 116
Amplitude 12
Amplitude, ratio, surface waves 325
Amplitude, ratios, reflected waves in thin plates 246
Amplitude, ratios, waves in cylindrical shells 478
Amplitude, ratios, waves in half-space 317—20
Amplitude, ratios, waves in traction-free plate 441
Analytic continuation 418
Anelastic waves 3
Anisotropy 595
Antinodes 11 39
Antisymmetric, displacements in plate 437
Antisymmetric, Lam 6
Antisymmetric, modes 462—3
Antisymmetric, modes in plate 434 438—40 445-6
Antisymmetric, modes, of Rayleigh — Lamb spectrum 453
Approximate theories for waves in plates 482—510
Approximate theories for waves in rods 510—21
Approximate theories for waves in shells 521—32
Approximate theories, general 480—2
Arnold, R. N. 531 575
Aspect ratio, of plate 249
Austin, C. F. 134 135
Backward wave transmission 572—5
Baker, W. E 134 631 635
Banaugh, R. P. 410 428
Bar velocity 78
Bar velocity in membrane shells 264
Baron, M. L. 530 575
Barton, C. S. 105 128 129 135
Beams 153—4
Beams, elastic media 592—4
Beams, Mindlin — Herrmann theory 513
Beams, rectangular plates 247
Beams, semi-infinite media in contact 378
Beams, string 29—30
Beams, thin plate 234—5
Becker, E. С. H 129 135 630 634
Beebe, W. M 395 428 632 634
Berkowitz, H. M 266 269 270 631 634
Berlincourt, D. A. 135 139 631 634
Bernoulli-Euler hypothesis for beams 140 142 180—1
Bernoulli-Euler hypothesis for rings 197
Berry, J. G. 42 71
Bertholf, L. D 554 556 575
Bessey, R. L. 132 133 135
Betti’s reciprocal theorem 254
Bishop, R. E. D. 322 323 390 481 575
Blake, F. G. 303 309
Bleich, H. H. 531 575
Bloomquist, D. S. 629 636
Body force 274 587
Body force waves from 281—94
Boley, B. A. 187 189 193 194 209
Boundary conditions for approximate plate theory 491—2
Bounded plates in analysis of shell impact 268
Bounded plates in analysis of Timoshenko beam 190—1
Bounded plates in analysis of waves in rod 122
Bounded plates, Bromwich contour 612
Bounded plates, vibrations of 460—3
Bradfield, G. 631 634
Brekhovskikh, L. 341 375 380 389
Brillhart, L. V. 134 135
Britton, W. G. B. 208 209 631 634
bulk modulus 274 591
Buried source, in half-space 373—5
Cagniard, L. 288 309 356 361
Cagniard’s method 288 361—8 370
Calculus of variations 119
Campbell, J. D. 632 636
Capacitance transducer 256—7 564—5 569 632—3
Carpenter, E. W. 303 310
Carrier frequency 60
Carrier, G. F. 341 389
Cartesian tensor notation 274
Catenoidal horn 110
Cauchy, constitutive equations 590—1
Cauchy, initial-value problem 282
Cauchy, integral formula 610
Cauchy, principal-value 365
Cavities, scattering by 395—408
Cavities, waves from 294—309
Chao, С. C. 187 189 193 194 209 343 359 371 372 389
Characteristic equation (see Frequency equation)
Characteristics 16—17 101
Chase, W. G. 631 636
Cheney, J. A. 632 636
Chieng, S. L. 408 428
Chree, C. 481 575
Churchill, R. V. 420 428 538 575 606 621 634
Circular, plates, vibrations of 251—3
Circular, waves in plate 458—60
Citron, S. J. 105 128 129 135
Cohen, L. J. 631 634
Complex branches of frequency spectrum for beam 173—4
Complex branches of frequency spectrum for rods 472—3
Complex branches of Rayleigh — Lamb spectrum 454—6
Complex wavenumber 69—70 455
Cone of percussion 3
Conical horn, vibrations of 110 112—14
Conservation equations 585—9
Constitutive equations 590—2
Continuous media 594—6
Convolution theorem applied to finite string solution 48
Convolution theorem applied to forced motion of beams 151
Convolution theorem applied to impulse loading of prestressed beam 178—9
Convolution theorem applied to impulse loading of rod 93
Convolution theorem applied to initial-value problem of beam 144—5
Convolution theorem applied to SH waves in plate 538
Convolution theorem for crack propagation 4
Convolution theorem for Fourier transform 617
Convolution theorem for Laplace transform 608—10
Cooper, R. 521 527 530 531 575 578
Coordinate systems, separable 409
Cornish, R. H. 134
Crede, E. 629 635
Critical angle of SV-wave incidence 319—21
Critical angle of waves from buried source 374—5
Critical angle of waves in two semi-infinite media 380
Critical velocity for moving load on beam 170 175
Cunningham, D. 134 135 202 203 210
Curran, D. R. 135 139 631 634
Curtis, C. W 547 548 549 551 553 557 566 567 568 569 575 576 632 635
Curvilinear coordinates, elasticity equations in 600—2
Cutoff frequencies of cylindrical shell 477 479
Cutoff frequencies of membrane strip 225
Cutoff frequencies of Mirsky — Herrmann shell theory 526
Cutoff frequencies of plate 449
Cutoff frequencies of SH waves in plate 434
Cutoff frequency beam on elastic foundation 173
Cutoff frequency for adjustment coefficients 508
Cutoff frequency of approximate plate theory 494
| Cutoff frequency, linear horn 112
Cutoff frequency, ring 200
Cutoff frequency, string on elastic base 54
Cutoff frequency, Timoshenko beam 186
Cylindrical, cavity, waves from 303—9
Cylindrical, coordinates 600—1
Cylindrical, shells, membrane 258—70
Cylindrical, waves in 475—80
Dally, J. W. 134 135 382 383 384 385 386 387 389 390 391 629 631 632 634
Damping in beam on viscoelastic foundation 180
Damping in string 68
Daniel, I. 384 390
DasGupta, S. C. 303 309
Davies, R. M 121 124 125 135 538 539 540 575 631 634
Delay lines 4 382
Derivatives, transforms of 605 621 614—15
Detection of stress waves 632—4
DeVault, G. P. 547 551 576
Diffraction of waves 409—28
Diffraction Sommerfeld 410
Dilatation 274
Dilatational waves 276—8
Dilatational waves from body force 293
Dilatational waves from cylindrical cavity 306—9
Dilatational waves from spherical cavity 294—303
Dispersion in rods 108—25
Dispersion in string on elastic base 51—8
Dispersion of Love waves 382
Dispersion, beams 143
Dispersion, curve for approximate plate theory 493
Dispersion, curves for Naghdi — Cooper shell theory 530
Dispersion, experimental results 563—5
Dispersion, Love’s equation 120
Dispersion, membrane shell 264
Dispersion, Mindlin — Herrmann rod theory 514
Dispersion, Mindlin — Herrmann theory 515
Dispersion, Mirsky — Herrmann shell theory 526
Dispersion, plate 456—7
Dispersion, relation for approximate plate theory 492
Dispersion, ring 201
Dispersion, rod theory 471
Dispersion, rod torsional modes 470
Dispersion, SH waves in plate 434
Dispersion, string on elastic base 54—6
Dispersion, thin membrane shell 265
Dispersion, thin plate 236
Dispersion, Timoshenko beam 184
Dispersion, various shell theories 532
Dispersion, volumetric 324
Displacement vector 274 584
Displacements in infinite media 279—81
Distortional waves from body force 293
Distortional waves in infinite media 276—8
Divergence theorem 597 599
Doeblin, E. O. 629 634
Dohrenwend, С. O. 202 210 255 256 270
Donnell shell equations 262 529
Donnell, L. H 259 262 270 521 530
Dove, R. C. 134 629 632 634
Drucker, D. C. 202 210 255 256 270
Dueweke, P. W. 631 634
Durelli, A. J. 382 389 394 428
Dynamic material properties 133
D’Alembert solution for finite string 37
D’Alembert solution for long rods 77—9
D’Alembert solution for reflection from end of rod 82—3
D’Alembert solution for string 13—14
Earthquakes 5
Eason, G. 288 289 293 309 372 373 390
Eigenfunctions (see Normal modes)
Eigenvalues (see Natural frequencies)
Einspruch, N. G. 408 428
Eisler, J. D. 561 562 576
Eisner, E. 116 135
Elastically restrained plate 450—2
Elasticity equations 582—602
Electromagnet, to pulse beams 207
Electromechanical methods to produce stress waves 630—1
Ellis, A. T 557 558 569 570 576 577
End in string 19—21
End, conditions for beams 153—4
End, conservation of 588
End, energy concepts 596—600
End, resonance 155
Energy, local stored 149
Energy, partition, waves in half-space 355—6
Equations of elasticity 582—602
Equivalent circuit 138—9
Equivoluminal disturbance 277
Erdelyi, A. 148 210 606 621 635
Eringen, A. C. 303 308 309
Eubanks, R. A. 105 135
Euler, equation 119
Euler, loads from beam vibrations 177
Eulerian coordinates 586
Evanescent mode 57
Evans, J. F. 561 562 576
Ewing, W. M 328 341 343 344 347 373 374 375 380 390
Experimental, half-space 382—9
Experimental, methods 629—34
Experimental, plates and rods 561—75
Experimental, results for beams 202—9
Experimental, thin plates 255—8
Experimental, thin rods 128—34
Explosive, to produce stress waves 382—3 386 631
Exponential, Fourier transform 614
Exponential, horn 110
Extensional waves in plates 494—510
Faltung theorem (see Convolution theorem)
Far field in half-space 351—2
Feng, С. C. 108 135
Feshbach, H. 113 136 275 285 287 310 402 409 410 411 420 429 465 578
finite 617—9
Finite beams 160—70
Finite Fourier transforms (see Fourier)
Finite of pulse 628
Finite string 42—51
Finite string, membrane 220—1
Finite string, motion of beam 148—53
Finite string, plates and rods 532—61
Finite string, string 21—9
Finite string, string on subgrade 69—71
Finite string, thin plate 239—44
Finite, applied to beam 162—3
Finite, applied to beam under impulse loading 178
Finite, applied to finite string 46—7
Finite, applied to string 47—9
Finite, table 625
Finite, tables 623
Fischer, H. C. 129 135
Fitch, A. H. 574 575 576
Flamant 136
Flexural waves in circular rod 472—3 568-9
Flexural waves in fluids 595
Flexural waves in plate 482—94
Flexural waves in rods 474
Flexural waves in rods, input to string 23
Flexural waves in rods, longitudinal waves in rods 472—3
Flexural waves in rods, McNiven et al. shell theory 533
Flexural waves in rods, mixed boundary condition plate 438—9
Flexural waves in rods, pulse 63
Flexural waves in rods, Rayleigh — Lamb equation 453
Flexural waves in rods, ring 201
Flexural waves in rods, SH waves in plate 434—5
Flexural waves in rods, string on elastic base 54—5
Flexural waves in rods, traction free plate 453
Flexural waves in shell 480
Flexural waves in thin plate 229—58
Flexural waves in thin rods 140—212
Fliigge, W 259 270 531 576
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