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Graff K.F. — Wave motion in elastic solids |
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Folk, R. T 455 547 548 549 557 576
Foundation and prestress effects in beams 170—80
Fourier cosine transform applied to definition 614
Fourier cosine transform applied to finite, applied to beam 162—3
Fourier cosine transform applied to forced motion of beam 149—50
Fourier cosine transform applied to pulse in rod 548
Fourier integral 619—20
Fourier integral, applied to string 18
Fourier sine transform applied to beam 149—51
Fourier sine transform applied, definition 614
Fourier sine transform applied, pulse in rod 548
Fourier spectra of pulses 627—8
Fourier spectrum of impulse 541
Fourier transform 614—20
Fourier transform, applied to beam 144—5 151-2
Fourier transform, definition 614
Fourier transform, half-space 345
Fourier transform, rod impact 544
Fourier transform, SH waves in half-space 330—5
Fourier transform, SH waves in infinite media 284
Fourier transform, Sommerfeld problem 414
Fourier transform, spherical cavity source 300
Fourier transform, string 18—9 22—9 63
Fourier transform, string on subgrade 70
Fourier transform, waves from body forces 288—90
Fourier — Bessel integral representation 357
Fox, G. 547 548 549 553 557 566 567 568 576 632 635
Fracture, to produce stress waves 632
Frederick, J. R. 116 135 281 309 327 390
Fredericks, R. W. 410 428
Free edge condition for plate 234—5
Frequency spectra of various shell theories 532
Frequency spectrum for beam 143
Frequency, beam on elastic foundation 173—4
Frequency, composite rod 89
Frequency, cyclic 12
Frequency, equation for beam 156—7
Frequency, extensional waves in plate 508—10
Frequency, fixed-flxed strings 38
Frequency, flexural waves in rods 473—4
Frequency, linear horn 115
Frequency, longitudinal waves in rod 470—1
Frequency, Mindlin — McNiven rod theory 520
Frequency, radial 11—12
Frequency, Rayleigh — Lamb plate 441—6
Frequency, rectangular thin plates 248—50
Frequency, ring 199
Frequency, rod 464—8
Frequency, SH waves in plate 343 445—6
Frequency, surface waves 325
Frequency, thin circular plate 252
Frequency, Timoshenko beam 184
Frequency, torsional waves in rod 468—9
Frequency, waves in membrane shell 264
Frequency, waves in shells 476—9 525
Frequency, waves in thin plate 236
Friedlander, F. G. 410 428
Friedman, Ì. B. 410 428
Fringe constant 673
Frocht 630 635
Fulton, J. 288 309
Fung, Y. C. 361 370 390
Fyfe 631 635
Gauge invariance 467 475
Gauss’ Theorem 587—8
Gazis, D. C 464 475 477 478 479 480 575 576
Geometric acoustics 427—8
Gintin 276 310
Goldsmith, W. 104 108 133 134 135 136 168 202 203 210 302 303 309 629 632 635
Goodier — Bishop waves 323 454
Goodier, J. N 136 322 323 385 390
Goodman, L, E. 458 576
Governing equation for beam on foundation 171—3
Governing equation for membrane 214—15
Governing equation for SH waves in infinite media 283
Governing equation for SH waves in plate 432—3
Governing equation for string 9—10
Governing equations for approximate plate theory 504—6
Governing equations for infinite media 274—6
Governing equations for loading on half-space 344—5 356-8
Governing equations for membrane shell 258—62
Governing equations for plane waves in half-space 312—17
Governing equations for rings 195—9
Governing equations for scattering by spherical obstacle 401—2
Governing equations for SH wave scattering 395—6
Governing equations for thin plates 229—33
Governing equations for Timoshenko beam 181—4
Graff, K. F. 201 210
Grazing waves 322—3 370
Green, W. A. 481 510 576 577
Greenspoon, J. E. 522 530 532 576
Green’s constitutive equations 590
Green’s function for beams 151—2 160-1
Green’s function for SH waves in half-space 331 334 335
Green’s function for SH waves in infinite media 284—5 287
Green’s function for string 23—9 43-4
Green’s function in scattering problems 409—10
Green’s function in terms of Laplace transform 288
Green’s theorem in approximate plate plate theory 490
Grid of bounds 450—4
Group velocity 59—62
Group velocity for rod modes 539
Group velocity for SH waves in plate 434
Group velocity, negative 455 549
Gutenberg, B. 390
Gutzwiller, Ì. C. 371 390
Hadley, C. F 561 562 576
Half-space 313
Hamilton’s principle 495 597—8
Hankel transform 620—1
Hankel transform, applied to beam 240—1
Hankel transform, applied to load on half-space 358—60
Hankel transform, applied to membrane 217 219
Hankel transform, applied to SH waves in infinite media 286
Hankel transform, applied to table of 626
Hankel transform, applied to thin plate 236—9
Harmonic, body force 290
Harmonic, forcing of string on foundation 56—7
Harmonic, plane waves in half-space 312—29
Harmonic, plane waves in infinite media 280—1
Harmonic, plane waves in membrane 222
Harmonic, plane waves in thin plate 235—6
Harmonic, sources 353—6
Harmonic, waves from cavities 294—7 303-6
Harmonic, waves in beam 143—4
Harmonic, waves in membrane 216
Harmonic, waves in membrane shell 263—6
Harmonic, waves in membrane strip 224
Harmonic, waves in plate 492—4 506-7
Harmonic, waves in plate, SH 534—6
Harmonic, waves in rings 199—201
Harmonic, waves in string 10—13
Harmonic, waves in string on subgrade 69
Harmonic, waves in Timoshenko beam 184—7
Harris 629 635
Harrison 458 576
Havelock, T. H 61 71
Head wave 370 383
Heating, to produce stress waves 632
Helmholtz resolution 275 277 294
Herrmann, G. 481 482 510 515 521 522 526 531 576 578
Hertz contact theory 105—6 108 370
Hetenyi 629 635
High-speed photography as recording technique 382—3 386 633
Hildebrand, F. B. 259 270
Hill, J. L. 372 390
Hillier, K. W. 629 635
Historical background 5—8
Hoese, F. O. 631 635 636
Holden, A. N 456 576
| Holography, to detect vibrations 634
Hooke’s law 117 591
Hopkins, H. G. 301 310
Hopkinson bar 122 130—3
Hopkinson, B. 81
Hopkinson, N. 630 635
Hoppmann, W. H. (II) 202 210
Horn, profiles 109—10
Horn, resonance 114—16
Hsieh, D. Y. 564 565 576
Hudson, G. E. 473 515 576
Hunter, S. C. 370 390
Huygen’s principle 283 370
Image waves in rod 80—1 97
Image waves in string 31 37
Imaginary wavenumber 53 434—5 439
Impact in beam 204
Impact in rods 95—108 128—9 543-7
Impact of membrane shell 266—70
Impact on beam 167—9
Impact on half-space 370—1
Impact to produce stress waves 629—30
Impedance concepts, for strings 73
Impedance of horns 108 112 114
Impedance of semi-infinite rod 84 136
Impulse, applied to rod 91—5
Impulse, body force 292
Impulse, load of beam 177—80
Impulse, load of thin plate 243
Index notation 582—3
Inductance methods, to detect stress waves 632—3
Infinite, media, waves in 273—310
Infinite, shear rigidity 235
Initial-value problem for beams 144—8 160
Initial-value problem for membranes 217—20
Initial-value problem for string 14 19
Initial-value problem for thin plate 236—9
Integral transforms 603—28
Internal energy 588
Inverse transform, Fourier 616—7
Inverse transform, Hankel 620
Inverse transform, Laplace 605—6 610—14
Irrotational disturbance 277
Isotropic elasticity, equations of 591—2
Jacobi polynomials 516
Jaffe, H. 135 139 631 634
Jahsman, W. E. 385 390
Jardetzky, W. S. 328 341 343 373 374 375 380 390
Jeffreys, B. S. 341 390
Jeffreys, H. 341 390
Jones, Î. E. 554 555 556 557 558 569 570 576 577
Jordan, D. W. 308 310
Jump condition for beam 161
Karal, F. C. (Jr) 427 428
Karlsson 410 428
Katz, H. W 135 139
Kaul, R. K. 552 553 577
Keast, D. N 629 635
Keller, J. B. 427 428 429
Kelvin, Lord 65 71
Kelvin’s method of stationary phase (see Stationary phase)
Kennard, E. H. 531 577
Kennedy, J. T. (Jr) 175 176 210
Kennedy, L. W. 555 556 577
Kernel of transformation 603—4
Kharitonov, A. V. 116 136
Kinematics of deformation for approximate plate theory 484—5
Kinematics of deformation for membrane shell 261
Kinematics of deformation for Mindlin — Herrmann rod theory 511
Kinematics of deformation for Mindlin — McNiven rod theory 516 519
Kinematics of deformation for Mirsky — Herrmann shell theory 522
Kinematics of deformation for Naghdi — Cooper shell theory 527
Kinematics of deformation for thin plates 231
Kinetic energy in continuum 588
Kinetic energy in thin rod 118
Kirchhoff, analysis for infinite media 283
Kirchhoff, free edge condition 234—5
Knopoff, L. 326 390 408 410 428
Kolsky, H. 81 85 130 187 210 561 562 564 565 576 577 629 631 635
Kraus, H. 259 262 270
Kronecker delta 583
Krook, M 341 389
Kuo, S. S. 204 205 206 210 630 635
Kynch, G. J. 481 577
Lagrange equations 598
Lagrangian coordinates 586
Lamb results for half-space 343 368—9 385—6
Lamb, Sir H 59 71 343 353 368 369 373 385 390 456 577
lame 6
Lame, constants 274 591
Lame, G 456 577
Lame, modes 448—9 454 462—3 479
Lang, H. A. 343 368 390
Lange, J. N. 577
Langhaar, H. L 119 135 597 635
Langley, G. O. 208 209 631 634
Langner, C. G. 631 635
Laplace transform 604—14
Laplace transform of Green’s function 287
Laplace transform, applied to beams 144—5 149 164—5 178 240-1
Laplace transform, applied to impulse on rod 92—4
Laplace transform, applied to load-on half-space 358—60
Laplace transform, applied to membrane shell 267—9
Laplace transform, applied to rod impact 544
Laplace transform, applied to SH waves in plate 536
Laplace transform, applied to string 24—5 32—4 44—9 57-8
Laplace transform, applied to thin rod 122
Laplace transform, applied to Timoshenko beam 188
Laplace transform, applied to waves from cylindrical cavity 306—9
Laplace transform, normal mode expansion 165—6
Laplace transform, table of 622—4
Lateral-inertia effects from exact theory 472
Lateral-inertia effects on dispersion in thin rod 116—25
Lateral-inertia effects, assessment by Rayleigh 116
Lateral-inertia effects, experimental results on 133—4
Layered media, waves in 375—82
Lead azide, use of 383
Legendre polynomials, in approximate plate theory 494—5
Leissa, A. W 255 270
Levy, B. R. 427 429
Lewis, D 387 389 390 634
Lewis, J. L. 135
Lifson, H. 374 376
Lin, T. C. 521 531 577
Lindholm, U. S. 131 132 133 135
Lindsay, R. B. 397 399 400 429
Linear horn 110—12
Liouville’s theorem 424
Lissner, H. R. 632 636
Loading on half-space, transient 356—75
Loeber, J. F 427 429
Long-wavelength limit for membrane shells 264
Longitudinal waves in circular rod 470—2 510—21
Longitudinal waves, across discontinuities 128—30
Lord, A. E. (Jr) 355 390
Love waves 380—2
Love, A.E.H. 117 119 135 195 200 210 259 270 282 283 310 380 390 481 521 531 577 598 636
Love’s equation for rod 117—21
Lu, T. H 427 430
Lyon, R. H. 457 577
Magneto-strictive effect, to produce stress waves 208 631
Magnus, W. 577
Magrab, E. B. 629 636
Malvern, L. E 633 636
Marino, R. L. 384 387 390
Mason, W. P. 631 636
Mass, conservation of 586—7
Mass, impact on beam 168—9
Materials, use of stress waves in 3
May, J. E. (Jr) 631 636
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