Авторизация |
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Gossett E. — Discrete Math with Proof |
Предметный указатель |
"Freshman Theorem" 116
0-1, knapsack problem 457
1-1 729 732
Accepted 531
Adaptive quadrature 326
Adjacency list 619
Adjacency matrix 604 642
Adjacent 593
AIDS 298
Algorithm 153
Algorithm, greedy 458 711
Alphabet 238 541
alphanumeric 227
Alphanumeric-upper 227
Alternate key 747
Alternation 551
Analyzing claims 29—30
Ancestor 669
AND 34 see operators AND"
AND gate 785
Ann Landers 497
ANSI 688 689
Antecedent 38
Antireflexive 737
antisymmetric 737
Appel, Kenneth 632
ARC 641
Arc, initial vertex 641
Arc, terminal vertex 641
Archimedes 199
Argument 13
Argument form, incomplete 71
Argument form, invalid 70 71
Argument form, sound 71
Argument form, unsound 71
Argument form, valid 70 71
Arithmetic progression 127 332
Arithmetic sequence 127
Arithmetic series 127
Arithmetic, mod p A6 see integers
assignment operator 156
Associated set 53
Associative A3 see
assumptions 30
Assumptions, model specific 260
asymmetric 737
Attribute 694 698
Attribute set 746
Attributes 746
Automaton 531 see
Axiom 91
Axiomatic method 91
Axioms 53
Back substitution 334
Backtracking algorithms 724
Balanced incomplete block design 446
Balanced incomplete block design, construction 449
Balanced incomplete block design, resolvable 447
Balanced incomplete block design, symmetric 447
Balanced incomplete block design, trivial 446
Balanced tree 670
Ball 409
Barber paradox 199
Barbie 225 283
Bayes’s theorem 294 see Bayes’s
Benefit 457
BIBD 446
BIBD, construction 449
BIBD, resolvable 447
BIBD, symmetric 447
BIBD, trivial 446
Bierce, Ambrose 74
Big- 166
Big- 168
Big- 165 169
Bijective 729
BINARY 470 A7 see representation binary"
Binary error-correcting code 474 see
Binary expression 769
Binary expression, conjunctive normal form 779
Binary expression, disjunctive normal form 770
Binary expression, equivalent 770
Binary expression, simplification rule 780
binary function 768
Binary function, equal 770
Binary heap 685
Binary relation 745
Binary search 180 358
Binary search tree 679
Binary sphere 478
Binary string 470 531
Binary tree 670
Binary variable 769
Binomial coefficient 218
Binomial coefficient, generalized 378
Binomial theorem 236
Binomial theorem, Newton’s 378
Bipartite graph 596
Birthday 272 see birthday"
Bit 470 A7
Black hole 533
Blob, the 645
Block 446
bm 191 see
Boehm 154
Bolyai 91
Boolean algebra 53
Boolean algebra, duality principle 57
Boolean algebra, symmetric difference 59
Boolean expression over 53
Bound variables 63
Bounded knapsack problem 457
Boyce Codd normal form 762
Boyer — Moore 191 see
Breadth-first 708
Bridge 590 see
BYTE 688
California Supreme Court 274
Canonical form 770 803
Cantor’s diagonalization proof 200
Capacity 457
Capulet, Juliet 530
Cardinality 17
cards 219
Cartesian product 20
Cayley, Arthur 632
Cayley’s formula 710
Ceiling function 177 209
cell 409
Center 676
Chain 636
Change of base 172
Channel 522
Channel, capacity 529
character data 694
Characteristic equation 340
Check bit 471
Child 669
Chomsky hierarchy 571
Choose method 25 108
Chromatic number 634
Church, Alonzo 576
Circuit 600
Circuit, combinatorial 785
Circuit, sequential 785
Circuits, logic 788
Circular Reasoning 31 see informal circular
Class representative 740
| CLIQUE 599
Clock arithmetic A6
Closed 600 643
Closing tag 694
Closure of a set 738
Clubs 219
Codd, E.F. 746
Code word 471 474
Coding theory 470 529 see
Coefficient matrix 342 A23
Coloring 634
Combination 213
Combinations 218 see combinations"
Combinations with repetition 221 see combinations
Combinatorial circuit 785
Combinatorial circuit, creating 788
Combinatorial design 404
Combinatorial proof 234
Combinatorica 598 617 621
Comments in pseudocode 163
Communication system, continuous 523
Communication system, discrete 523
Communication system, mixed 523
Commutative A3 see
compass 199
Compiler 521 573
Complement 15 259 450 see complement" "Probability definitions complement
Complement of a language 570
Complement of a simple graph 594
Complete bipartite graph 596
Complete graph 596
Complete induction 124
Complete ordered field A4
Complete ordering 737
Complete tree 670
Completeness A4
complex numbers A4 see complex
Complex plane A5
Complexity, NP 621
Complexity, NP-complete 621
Complexity, P 621
Component 601
Composite 98
Concatenate 531 544
Concatenation 551
Conclusion 38 69 70
Conditional probability 266 see definitions conditional
Conditional statement 41
Congruence class 740
Congruent 100 740
Conjunction 34
Conjunctive normal form 779
Connected 601
Connectivity 602
Consequent 38
Consistent 92
Consonants 261
Constant coefficients 338
Constraints 457
containers 409
Context-free grammar 571
Context-sensitive grammar 571
Contingency 41
continuous 2
Contradiction 41
Contrapositive 42 43 48 70 83 86 104
Converges to 173 208
CONVERSE 42 43 83
Convex set 16
Corollary 93
Countably infinite 2
Counterexample 28 109
Counting 213—232
Counting, combinations 218—221
Counting, combinations with repetition 221—224
Counting, formulas 214 215 224
Counting, permutations 216—217
Counting, permutations with repetition 217—218
Cover 782
Cut edge 602
Cut vertex 602
Cycle graph 596
Database, hierarchical 746
Database, network 746
Database, relational 746
Database, relational, attribute set 746
Database, relational, attributes 746
Database, relational, decomposition 752
Database, relational, fields 746
Database, relational, file 746
Database, relational, foreign key 759
Database, relational, functionally dependent 747 751
Database, relational, join 749
Database, relational, key 747
Database, relational, lossless decomposition 752
Database, relational, natural join 749
Database, relational, nonkey attribute 747
Database, relational, normal form 762
Database, relational, normal forms 754
Database, relational, primary key 747
Database, relational, projection 749
Database, relational, record 746
Database, relational, relation 746
Database, relational, table 746
Database, relational, terminology comparison 747
Database, relational, tuple 746
De Bello Judaico 383
de Morgan, Augustus 632
Decode 471 473
Decomposition 752
Deductive reasoning 94
Deferred Acceptance 6
Deferred Acceptance Algorithm 5 129 212
Definition 30 92
deg(v) 593
Degree of a region 638
Degree of a vertex 593
Degree sequence 620
Dense A3 A4
Depth of a node 669
Depth-first 707
dequeue 686
Derivable 543
Derivation 543
Derivative of a generating function 377
Derived design 450
Derived implications 41 see derived
Descendant 669
Destination 522
Deterministic 256
Deterministic finite automaton 557
diamonds 219
Difference 15 see difference"
Difficult 199
Digraph 641 see
Dijkstra, Edsger 645
Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm 645
Direct proof 102
Directed circuit 643
Directed graph, directed circuit 643
Directed graph, directed multigraph 641
Directed graph, directed walk 643
Directed graph, simple 641
Directed graph, strongly connected 643
Directed graph, tournament graph 653
Directed graph, weakly connected 643
Directed multigraph 641
Directed walk 643
Directed walk, closed 643
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