Авторизация |
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Gossett E. — Discrete Math with Proof |
Предметный указатель |
Integers 95 see
Interior node 670
Interpolation search 180
Intersection 15 19 269 see intersection"
Intuitionism 107
Invalid 70 see invalid"
Inverse 42 43 83 A3 see
Inverse matrix A25
Inverse, function 731
Inverse, relation 733
Inverter 785
Invited inference 30 see informal invited
Irrational number 96
Irrational numbers A4
Island of knights and knaves A12 A13 A16 A18
Isomorphic 619
Isomorphism invariant 620
Iteration 158 see
Jacopini 154
Join 749
Jordan curve theorem 637
Josephus 384
Josephus problem 383
Kaliningrad 590 see
Karnaugh map 781
Kempe, Alfred 632
Key 747
Key, alternate 747
Key, foreign 759
Key, primary 747
Kirchoff 709
Kirkman’s schoolgirls 9
Kleene closure 544 551 584
Kleene, Stephen Cole 544
Kleene’s Theorem 562
KMP 188 see
Knapsack problem 457
Knapsack problem, 0-1 457
Knapsack problem, bounded 457
Knapsack problem, unbounded 457
Knave A12 see
Knight A12 see
Knuth — Morris — Pratt 188 see
Koenigsberg 8 590
Kuratowski, Kazimierz 627
Kuratowski’s Theorem 627
Lagrange interpolation 327
Lake, Baikal 30
Lake, Caspian Sea 30
Lake, Superior 30
Lambert, Johann Heinrich A4
Language generated by a grammar 543
Language over 541
Language over , complement 570
Language over , regular 543
Latin square 421
Latin square and finite projective planes 433
Latin square, mutually orthogonal 424
Latin square, orthogonal 424
Latin square, self-orthogonal 443
Latin square, standardized 421
Law of hypothetical syllogism 48 86
LCM 97
Leaf 670
leaf node 670
Least common multiple 97
Left child 671
Lemma 93
Level of a node 669
level-order traversal 686
Lexicographical 679
Limit of a sequence 173
Limit point A4
Line 428 591 592
Line graph 595
Linear 338
Linear code 474
linear combination 415
Linear homogeneous recurrence relation with constant coefficients of degree k 339 397
Linear homogeneous recurrence relations with constant coefficients 338
Linear search 179 see
Lobachevsky 91
Logarithmic functions 171
Logic 13
Logic circuits 788
Logic gate 784
Logic operator 33 see operators"
Logic puzzles A12
Logic, analyzing claims 29
Logic, argument form 70 see
Logic, conditional statement 41
Logic, contingency 41
Logic, contradiction 41
Logic, derived implications 41—43
Logic, formal 14
Logic, formal fallacies, affirming the consequent 70
Logic, formal fallacies, denying the antecedent 70
Logic, informal 14
Logic, informal fallacies 30—32
Logic, informal fallacies, appeal to authority 30
Logic, informal fallacies, circular reasoning 31
Logic, informal fallacies, confusing the whole and the parts 31
Logic, informal fallacies, equivocation 31
Logic, informal fallacies, inappropriate generalization 31
Logic, informal fallacies, incorrectly using averages 31
Logic, informal fallacies, invited inference 30
Logic, informal fallacies, no one knows, so I must be right 31
Logic, informal fallacies, nonsequitur 31
Logic, informal fallacies, shifting the focus 30
Logic, informal fallacies, Using rules in an inappropriate context 30
Logic, operators 33 39 269
Logic, operators, AND 34—35
Logic, operators, biconditional 39—40
Logic, operators, conjunction 34
Logic, operators, disjunction 34
Logic, operators, equivalence 41
Logic, operators, exclusive OR 34
Logic, operators, functionally complete 789
Logic, operators, implication 38—39 42 43 83
Logic, operators, inclusive OR 34
Logic, operators, logical equivalence 41
Logic, operators, NAND 37
Logic, operators, NOR 37
Logic, operators, NOT 34—35
Logic, operators, OR 34—35
Logic, operators, precedence 40
Logic, operators, XOR 34
Logic, predicate 33
Logic, propositional 33
Logic, puzzles A12
Logic, syllogistic 14 69
Logic, symbolic 14
Logic, tautology 41
Logical fallacies 30 see formal "Logic informal
Logical inconsistencies 30
Logically equivalent 41
Logicism 103
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 530
Loop 592
lossless decomposition 752
Lotteries 288 see sweepstakes
Madeline 9
Magic square 403
Main diagonal A22
Mantoux skin test 294 see
Marriage problem 484 see
Marriage theorem 486
Material implication 39
Mathematical induction 117 131
Mathematical induction, complete induction 124 131
| Mathematical induction, finite 118
Mathematical induction, strong 125
Mathematical induction, weak 118
Mathematical models, probability 258 263
Matrix A22
Matrix, addition A24
Matrix, coefficient A23
Matrix, identity A23
Matrix, inverse A25
Matrix, main diagonal A22
Matrix, multiplication A24
Matrix, power A25
Matrix, square A22
Matrix, transpose A22
Matrix, zero A23
MAX 116
Maximal 613
Maximal complete tree 670
Maximal spanning tree 716 724
Maxterm 779
McCulloch 576
McKay, Brendan 497
Meaning 522
Member 15 see member"
Merchant of Venice A15
Merge sort 360
Message 471 522
Metacharacter 548 549
MIN 116
Minimal spanning tree 711
Minimum distance of a code 474
Minterm 769
Miss Clavel 9
Miyazaki, Hayao 732
MOD 100
modus ponens 47
Monopoly 540
Monotone 239
Montague, Romeo 530
Monty Hall 296 see Bayes’s
Multigraph 593
multinomial 230 231 237
Multinomial theorem 237
Mutually exclusive events 259 see definitions mutually
Mutually exclusive tasks or choices 213 see formulas"
Mutually orthogonal Latin squares 424
NAND gate 789
Nanosecond 172
Natural join 749
Natural numbers 95 A1 see "Number natural
Necessary and sufficient 40
Necessary and sufficient condition 110
Negation 35 70
Nesting 159 see
Neural net 576
neuron 576
Newton, Isaac 410
Noam Chomsky 571
Node 668
Noise 523
Non-Euclidean geometry 92
Nondecreasing function 363
Nondeterministic finite automaton 557
Nonkey attribute 747
Nonnegative integers A2 see natural
Nonsequitur 31 see informal nonsequitur"
Nonterminal symbol 542
NOR gate 789
Normal forms, first 754
Normal forms, second 754
Normal forms, third 754
NOT 34 see operators NOT"
NOT gate 785
null character 541
Null string 541
number systems A1—A9
Number systems, complex numbers A4—A6
Number systems, integers 95 A2
Number systems, integers mod p A6
Number systems, natural numbers 95 A1—A2
Number systems, rational numbers 96 A2—A4
Number systems, rational numbers, derivation 741 742
Number systems, real numbers A4
Number theory 243
Numbers, representation A7—A9
Numbers, representation, base A7
Numbers, representation, binary A7—A9
Numbers, representation, hexadecimal A7—A9
Numbers, representation, octal A7—A9
Numbers, representation, place value A7
Objects 409
Obvious algorithm 187 see
Occupancy problems 409
Octal A7 see representation octal"
Odd 96
Odds 288 see definitions odds"
One-to-one 729 732
One-to-one function 592
Onto 729 732
Opening tag 694
Operations research 459
Optimal 129
Optimization 404 458
OR 34 see operators OR"
OR gate 785
Order 213
Order, axioms A4
Ordered tree 671
Orthogonal Latin squares 424
Outcome 257 see definitions outcome"
Outdegree 642
Outdegree sequence 653
Output function 535
Package 598
Paper, scissors, rock 258 786
Paradox 206
Paradox, barber 199
parallel 784
Parent 669
Parse tree 687
Parser 701
Parsing 573
Partial ordering 737
Partially ordered set 737
Partition 19 739
Partition of an integer 405
Pascal’s theorem 234
Pascal’s triangle 310
Path 600
Pattern matching 186
Pattern matching, BM (Boyer — Moore) 191
Pattern matching, KMP (Knuth — Morris — Pratt) 188
Pattern matching, obvious algorithm 187
Patterns 256
Peano 323
Perfect code 479
Perl 553
Permutation 213
Permutation of a set 421
permutations 216 see permutations"
Permutations with repetition 217 see permutations
Persian rugs 320 362
Petersen graph 626
Phrase-structured grammar 571
Pigeon-hole principle 238 239
Pipe symbol 545
Pitts 576
Planar graph 624
Platonic solids 630
Playfair’s postulate 91
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