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Gossett E. — Discrete Math with Proof
Gossett E. — Discrete Math with Proof

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Название: Discrete Math with Proof

Автор: Gossett E.


For one-semester undergraduate Discrete Mathematics courses for math and computer science majors. This exceedingly well-written text equips students to apply discrete mathematics and provides opportunities for practice of the concepts presented. A semester of Calculus is useful for reasons of sophistication.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 922

Добавлена в каталог: 15.07.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Directed walk, endpoints      643
Directed walk, length      643
Dirichlet drawer principle      238
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune      728
Discrete      1 257
Discrete mathematics      2
Disjoint      15 see disjoint"
Disjunction      34
Disjunctive normal form      770
Distinct representatives      484
Distributive      A3 see
Divide-and-conquer      358
Divided differences      415
Divine proportion      A20
Divisible      96
Divisor      214
dodecahedron      611
DOM      702
Domain      729 732
Dominoes      226
Dr. Seuss      238
draft      263
DTD      699
Dual graph      633
Duality      57 428
Duality principle      57 428
Dynamic programming      459
Eccentricity      676
Edge connectivity      603
Edge list      619
Edge, elementary subdivision      626
Efficiency      476
Element      15 694 see element"
Elementary number theory      243
Elementary subdivision      626
ELISA      298
Ellipsis      15
Embedding      617
Empirical probability      261 see calculating"
Empty set      15 see empty
Encode      471 473 522
Encoding      529
end tag      694
Endpoints      600 643
Enigma machine      200
enqueue      686
Enumeration      403
Equally likely outcomes      260 see definitions equally
EQUIVALENCE      39 see operators biconditional"
Equivalence class      740
Equivalence class, class representative      740
Equivalence relation      736 739
Equivalent binary expressions      770
Equivocation      31 see informal equivocation"
Erdoes, Paul      107 239
erf(x)      769
Error function      769
Error-correcting code      470 474
Error-correcting code, hamming code      480 516
Error-correcting code, perfect      479
Error-correcting code, repetition code      476 480 516
Essential dependency      755
Estimation      266
Euclidean division algorithm      96 99 A2
Euclid’s Elements      91
Euler $\phi$      164 243
Euler circuit      608
Euler gamma functions      337
Euler totient function      164 243
Euler trail      608
Euler, Leonhard      8 73 121 405 427 590 732
Euler’s 36 officers problem      427
Euler’s formula      629
Even      96
Event      258 see definitions event"
Excitatory input      576
Exclusive OR      34
Existence      403
Existential quantifier      107
Expected value      285 287 see expected "Probability definitions expected
External node      673 675
Face      628
Face card      219
Face value      219
Factor      A2
Factorial      120
Fair game      290 see definitions fair
Fallacy      70 see formal "Logic informal
Fallacy of affirming the consequent      51
Fallacy of denying the antecedent      51
Fallacy, gambler’s      268
Falling factorial      416
FALSE      33
Fano plane      429
Favorable outcome      258 see definitions favorable
fibonacci      675
Fibonacci sequence      134 332 344
Field      A3
Field axioms      A3
Fields      746
FILE      746
Finite automaton      531
Finite induction      118
Finite projective plane      428
Finite projective plane and mutually orthogonal Latin squares      433
Finite projective plane, duality principle      428
Finite projective plane, Fano plane      429
Finite projective plane, order n      432
Finite-state machine      9 530
Finite-state machine with output      535
Finite-state machine, deterministic finite automaton      557
Finite-state machine, finite automaton      531
Finite-state machine, non-deterministic finite automaton      557
First normal form      754
Floor function      177
Foreign key      759
Formal logic      14
Formulas, counting      213
Formulas, probability      274 307
Four color theorem      107
Fractions      A3 see rational
Free variables      63
Full m-ary tree      670
Function      729
Function, 1-1      729
Function, bijective      729
Function, binary      768
Function, boolean      766 767
Function, domain      729
Function, image      729
Function, injective      729
Function, inverse      731
Function, one-to-one      729
Function, onto      729
Function, range      729
Function, surjective      729
Functionally complete      789
Functionally dependent      747 751
Fundamental theorem of algebra      A6
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic      98 114 125 A2
Gambler’s fallacy      268
gambling      293
Gamma functions      337
Gate      784
Gate, and      785
Gate, nand      789
Gate, nor      789
Gate, NOT      785
Gate, or      785
Gates      37
Gauss      91
GCD      97 111
gcd, calculating      98 111 143 331
Generalization, improper      31 see informal inappropriate
Generating function      372
Generating function, derivative      377
Geometric progression      126—128
Geometric sequence      126
Geometric series      127
Goedel      103
Golden ratio      A20
Golden rectangle      A20
Golden section      A20
Grammar      571
Graph      591 592
Graph theory      591
Graph, adjacency list      619
Graph, adjacency matrix      604 642
Graph, bipartite      596
Graph, chromatic number      634
Graph, circuit      600
Graph, clique      599
Graph, complement      594
Graph, complete bipartite      596
Graph, complete graph      596
Graph, component      601
Graph, connected      601
Graph, cycle      596 600
Graph, degree sequence      620
Graph, digraph      641 see
Graph, directed graph      641 see
Graph, dual      633
Graph, edge      591 592
Graph, edge list      619
Graph, embedding      617
Graph, grid      596
Graph, Grotztsch      639
Graph, Heawood      639
Graph, Herschel      611
Graph, homeomorphic      626
Graph, hypercube      597
Graph, icosahedron      639
Graph, incidence matrix      617
Graph, independent set      599
Graph, induced subgraph      594
Graph, isomorphic      619
Graph, line      595
Graph, loop      592
Graph, minimal spanning tree      711
Graph, multigraph      593
Graph, path      600
Graph, Petersen      626
Graph, planar      624
Graph, regular      593 629
Graph, simple      591 592
Graph, simple directed      641
Graph, spanning tree      705
Graph, star      597
Graph, subgraph      594
Graph, trail      600
Graph, Tutte      615
Graph, underlying simple graph      593
Graph, vertex      591 592
Graph, walk      600
Graph, Walther      639
Graph, wheel      596
Graphic      620
Greatest common divisor      97
Greedy algorithm      458 711
Greek alphabet      A26
Grid graph      596
Grotztsch graph      639
Guthrie, Francis      632
Guthrie, Frederick      632
Hail’s marriage theorem      486
Haken, Wolfgang      632
Halting problem      198—200
Hamilton cycle      611
Hamilton path      611
Hamilton, William Rowan      611 632
Hamming code      470
Hamming distance      474
Hamming weight      474
Handshake Theorem      594 652
Hanoi      333 see
Hasse diagram      738
Heap      685 see
Heap sort      686
Hearts      219
Heawood graph      639
Heawood, Percy      632
Hegesippus      383
Height of a tree      670
Herschel graph      611
Heuristic      464
Hexadecimal      555 A7 see representation hexadecimal"
Hierholzer, Carl      609
hilbert      91 323
Homeomorphic      626
Homogeneous      338
HTML      554 693
Hyper-Text Markup Language      554
Hypercube      597
Hypotenuse      A4
Hypothesis      38 70 94
Icosahedron graph      639
Icosian game      611
Identity      A3 see
Identity matrix      A23
if ... then ...      38 see operators implication"
If and only if      40
IFF      26
Image      729
imaginary numbers      A5 see complex
Implication      38 see operators biconditional" "Logic operators implication"
Implies      38 see operators implication"
IN      15 see element"
In-order traversal      677
Incidence function      592
Incidence matrix      617
Incidence matrix of a BIBD      446
incident      593
Inclusion-exclusion      241 242
Inclusive or      34
Indegree      642
Indegree sequence      653
Independent      92
Independent events      267 see definitions independent
Independent set      599
Independent tasks or choices      213 see formulas"
Index set      19
Index variable      A10 see
Indirect proof      48 86
induce      740
Induction      117 see
Inductive reasoning      94
Inference      45
Infinite set      17
Infix      556 678
Informal logic      14
information      528 576
Information processor      576
Information source      522
Inhibitory input      576
Initial vertex      641
Injective      729
Input string      531
Insanity      37
INTEGER      A2 see integers"
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