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Gossett E. — Discrete Math with Proof |
Предметный указатель |
playing cards 219
Point 428
Polyhedron 628
pop 572
Portia A15—A16
Poset, Hasse diagram 738
Possible 129
Post-order traversal 677
Postfix 678
Postulate 91
Power series expansion 374
Power set 20
Powers of 2 A9
Pre-order traversal 677
Precedence 40 552
Predecessor A1
Predicate 62
prefix property 689
Pregel River 590 see
Premise, major 69
Premise, minor 69
Primary key 747
Prime 98 110 A2
Prime, twin 143
Principia Mathematica 103
Priority queue 689
probability distribution 256
Probability of outcomes and events 260 see definitions of
Probability, Bayes’s Theorem 294—297
Probability, birthday 272
Probability, calculating 261—263 269—274
Probability, computation formulas 274 307
Probability, definitions 257—261 266—269
Probability, definitions, complement of an event 259
Probability, definitions, conditional probability 266
Probability, definitions, equally likely outcomes 260
Probability, definitions, event 258
Probability, definitions, expected value 287
Probability, definitions, fair game 290
Probability, definitions, favorable outcome 258
Probability, definitions, independent events 267
Probability, definitions, mutually exclusive events 259
Probability, definitions, odds 288
Probability, definitions, of outcomes and events 260
Probability, definitions, outcome 257
Probability, definitions, random experiment 257
Probability, definitions, random variable 286
Probability, definitions, sample space 257
Probability, definitions, value of an outcome 285
Probability, expected value 285—291
Probability, sweepstakes and lotteries 288—291
Problem solving, techniques, divide and conquer 269
processing instructions 694
Production 542
Projection 749
Projective plane 428 see
proof 90 94 102
Proof by contradiction 48 86
Proof, cases 106
Proof, combinatorial 234
Proof, constructive 107
Proof, contradiction 105 107
Proof, counterexample 109
Proof, direct 102
Proof, indirect 104
Proof, strategy summary 138
Proof, trivial 102
Proof, vacuous 102
Proof, with sets 24
Proper coloring 634
Proposition 33 92
Pseudocode 154
push 572
Pushdown automaton 571 572
Puzzles, logic 74 A12—A19
Pythagorean Theorem A3
Pythagorean triple 98
qed 93
Quantifier 62
QUEUE 686 689
Queue, dequeue 686
Queue, enqueue 686
Quine — McCluskey algorithm 781 783
Quotient A2
Radziszowski, Stanislaw 497
Ramsey condition, (j,k) 492
Ramsey condition, (j,k;m) 494
Ramsey number 490
Ramsey number, 496
Ramsey number, R(j,k) 492
Ramsey number, R(j,k;m) 494
Ramsey, Frank 490
Random 256
Random experiment 257 see definitions random
Random variable 286 see definitions random
RANGE 729 732
Rate, birth 279
Rational numbers A2 see rational
Rational roots theorem 346
Real number line A4
Real numbers A4 see real
Received message 523
Received signal 523
Receiver 523
Recognize 531
Record 746
Recurrence relation 332
Recurrence relations 331
Recursion 313
Recursion, redundant 318
Recursion, tail-end 317
Reductio ad absurdum 48 86
Redundancy 470
Reference functions 170
Reflexive 736
Reflexive closure 738
Region 629
Regular expression 547 548 552
Regular expression, precedence 552
Regular grammar 542 571
Regular graph 593 629
Regular language 543
Regular polyhedron 629
Regular set 548
Relation 732 746
Relation, 1-1 732
Relation, antireflexive 737
Relation, antisymmetric 737
Relation, asymmetric 737
Relation, binary 745
Relation, complete ordering 737
Relation, domain 732
Relation, equivalence relation 736 739
Relation, inverse 733
Relation, join 749
Relation, n-ary 745
Relation, one-to-one 732
Relation, onto 732
Relation, partial ordering 737
Relation, poset 737
Relation, projection 749
Relation, range 732
Relation, reflexive 736
Relation, reflexive closure 738
Relation, symmetric 736
Relation, symmetric closure 738
Relation, ternary 745
Relation, transitive 736
| Relation, transitive closure 738
Relational database 746
Relatively prime 243
Religions 277
Remainder A2
repeat-until 159 see
Repeating decimal 245 A4
Repetition 158 213 217 see
Repetition code 476 480 516
replacement 213
Replication 449
Residual design 451
Revere, Paul 530
Reverse Polish 678
Rhind papyrus 212
Right child 671
Risk (game probabilities) 281—282
Rock, paper, scissors 258 786
Romeo and Juliet 530
Root 669
root node 669
Rooted tree 669
Russell 103
Russell, Bertrand 199
Russell’s paradox 199 see barber"
RXP 701
Sacagawea 225
Saccheri 105
Safety constant 329
Sample 529
Sample space 257 see definitions sample
sandbox 598
Scheherazade 388
Schema 699
Schoolgirls 9 see
Scientific theory 94
Scissors, paper, rock 258 786
Second normal form 754
Selection 155 see
Self-orthogonal Latin square 443
Semantic 522
Sentence 541
SEQUENCE 154 see
Sequential circuit 785
Sequential search 179
serial 784
Set 15—21
Set, cardinality 17
Set, cartesian product 20
Set, closure 738
Set, complement 17
Set, difference 18
Set, disjoint 18
Set, element 15
Set, empty set 16
Set, equal 16
Set, index set 19
Set, infinite 17
Set, intersection 17 19
Set, member 15
Set, partially ordered set 737
Set, power set 20
Set, proofs 24
Set, proper subset 16
Set, subset 16
Set, symmetric difference 23
Set, union 17 19 269
Set, universal set 15
Set, Venn diagram 16
Set-builder notation 15
Seuss 238 see
Shakespeare, William 530 A15
Shannon, Claude E. 521 784
Shirley Temple Black 732
Short division A2 see
Sibling 669
Sierpinski curves 7 323
signal 523
Simple directed graph 641
Simple graph 591 592
Simplification rule 780
Simpson’s rule 327
Simulation 534
Single-variable Boolean function on B 766
Smullyan, Raymond A12
Sorting, heap sort 686
Sorting, merge sort 360
source code 573
Spades 219
Spanning tree 705
Sphere, binary 478
Sphere, ternary 483
Square matrix A22
St. Ives 212
Stable assignment 4
Stable marriage problem 3 see
Stack, pop 572
Stack, push 572
Standard deck of cards 219
Standard ordering 36
Standardized 421
Star graph 597
Start symbol 542
start tag 694
State 530
State diagram 531
State table 531
Statement 33
Stirling numbers of the first kind 418
Stirling numbers of the second kind 410 413
Straightedge 199
Strategy 102
String 470 531
Strong induction 125
Strongly connected 643
Structured control 154
Structured control, fixed iteration 158
Structured control, indefinite iteration 159
Structured control, indefinite iteration, repeat-until 159
Structured control, indefinite iteration, while 159
Structured control, nesting 159
Structured control, repetition 158
Structured control, selection 155
Structured control, sequence 154
Structured programming 160
Subgraph 594
Subjective probability 262 see calculating"
Subset 15 see subset"
Substitution Principles 45 86
Subtree 669
Successor A1
Suits 219
Summation notation A10—A11
Surjective 729
survey 256
Sweepstakes 288 see sweepstakes
Syllogistic logic 14
Symbol 541
Symbolic logic 14 33—35 38—40 72
symmetric 736
Symmetric closure 738
Symmetric difference 23 59
System of distinct representatives 484
Szekeres, G. 239
table 746
Tag 694
Tautology 41 45
Tb 294 see
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