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Поиск по указателям |
Copeland A.H. — Geometry, algebra, and trigonometry by vector methods |
Предметный указатель |
-dimensional space 31 147
Abelian group 29 221
Absolute value 12 71
Addition of vectors 6
Altitude 274
angle 215 225
Angle sum 231
Angular velocity vector 7
Area of parallelogram 45
Area of triangle 45
Associative law 6
Asymptote 84
Azimuth 274
Barycentric coordinates 87
Base of logarithm 251
Bisector of an angle 74
Cartesian coordinates 87
Characteristic equation 187 201
Characteristic of logarithm 246
circle 55
Circle, center and radius of 177
Colatitude 273
Commutative group 29
Commutative law 6 21
Completing the square 177 178
complex numbers 277 278
Component of a vector 15
Cone 144 211 273
Conic section 77 211
Conjugate complex 278
Consistency of postulates 149
Constant term 168
Coordinate plane 128
coordinates 12 18 27 34 35
Coordinates, barycentric 89
Coordinates, Cartesian 87
Coordinates, cylindrical 272
Coordinates, polar 265
Coordinates, spherical 272
Cosecant 233
Cosine 216
Cosine, inverse 262
Cosines, Law of 230 231
Cotangent 233
Cross product 113
Cross product term 185
Cubic equation 207
Cyclic order 119
Cylinder 144 272
Cylindrical coordinates 272
De Moivre’s Theorem 283
Degree 168
Determinant, higher order 153
Determinant, second order 50
Determinant, third order 91
Diagonal, principle 52
Diagonal, secondary 52
Direction 1
Direction perpendicular to given direction 41
Directrix 77
Discriminant 178
Displacement 17
Distance between two points 30 35 88
Distance formula 35 88
Distance from point to line 42 47 108
Distance from point to plane 109 122
Distributive law 21 118
Dividing a segment in a given ratio 39 91
Dividing a segment in a given ratio, problem 7
Dot product 21
Eccentricity 77
Eigen-value 187 201
Eigen-vector 187 201
ellipse 75 77 79
Ellipsoid 136 137
Elliptic paraboloid 140
Empty set 61
Equation of a line 47 88 164
Equation of locus 73
Equations, linear 54 99
Equations, simultaneous 160
Equilibrium of forces 10
Equivalent vectors 2
Expansion of determinant 52 93 154 156
Exponents 248
Extrapolation 241
Focus 77
force 7
Function, inverse trigonometric 261
Function, linear vector 47
Function, scalar 216
Function, trigonometric 216 233
Graphs of trigonometric functions 238 239 240
Group 29 221
Group, additive 221
Group, multiplicative 221
Higher degree equation 207
Hyperbola 77 82
Hyperbola, conjugate hyperbolas 85
Hyperbolic paraboloid 141
Hyperboloid 137 138 139
Identity 256
imaginary numbers 277
Inconsistent 149
Inequality, Schwarz 108
Inequality, triangle 109
intercept 67
Intercept formula 68
Interpolation 240
Intersection of lines 59
Intersection of planes 126 130
Intersection of sets 61
Inverse 221
Isometric projection 26
Latitude 273
Latus rectum 77
Law of Cosines 230 231
Law of Sines 230
Left handed 71 106
Line 36 88 150
| Line parallel to a given line 66
Line perpendicular to a given line 66
Linear dependence 62 119
Linear equations 54 65 122 160
Linear equations, geometric properties of 65
Linear independence 62 110
Linear vector function 183 186
Locus, equation of 73 136
Logarithm 244
Logarithm, base of 244 251
longitude 273
Magnitude of a vector 1 22 30
Mantissa 246
Matrix 183 186 189 199 204
Minor of a determinant 52 93 94 95 154
Models of postulates 147
Multiplication of a vector by a number 11
Negative of a vector 9
Normal vector to a line 47
Normal vector to a plane 123
Obvious solution 63
Opposite sense 2
Orientation 71 106
Oriented angle 215 227
Origin 34
Origin of a ray 214
Origin of a vector 3
Orthonormal system 18 25 31
Orthonormal system, left handed 71 106
Orthonormal system, orientation of 71 106
Orthonormal system, right handed 71 106
parabola 77
Parabolic cylinder 143
Paraboloid 136 140 141
Parallelepiped, volume of 111
Parallelogram, area of 45
Parametric equations 37 88
Perpendicular 16 22
Perpendicular, to a line 47
Perpendicular, to a plane 123
Plane 90
Plane analytic geometry 18 34
Point-slope formula 68
Point-slope formula, two-point formula 68
Polar coordinates 265
Postulates 5 29
Product of two determinants 69 104
Product, scalar (or dot) 21
Product, scalar triple 116
Product, vector (or cross) 113
Product, Vector triple 121
Projection 15
Pure imaginary 277
Pythagorean Theorem 23 28
Quadratic equation 169 173 199
Quadratic formula 177 178
Quadric surface 137
Radian measure 235
Ray 214
REAL 277
Reduction formula 223
Right handed 71 106
Rotation 169 180 182 194 280
Rotation, through an angle 218
Ruled surface 142
Ruler and compass constructions 210 287 288 289
Ruling 144
scalar 22
Scalar product 21
Scalar triple product 116
Schwarz inequality 108
Secant 233
Sense 1
Set 31 35
Set, empty 61
Sets, intersection of 61
Sets, union of 74
Signed minor 51 92 153
Sine 216
Sine, inverse 262
Sines, law of 230
Slide rule 242
slope 67
Slope-intercept formula 68
Space 31 147
Sphere 88 273
Spherical coordinates 272
Standard form of conic section 85
Sum of vectors 6
Surface, quadric 137
Surface, ruled 142
Symmetric determinant 176
Symmetric matrix 190 204
Symmetry 77 80 83
Tangent 233
Terminal point 3
Tetrahedron, volume of 111
Three dimensional space 25 31 147
Translation 169 193
Transpose of a determinant 53 97 156
Transpose of a matrix 190 204
Triangle inequality 109
Triangle, area of 45
Triangle, solution of 232 254
Trigonometry 214
Two-point formula 68
Union of sets 74
Unit vector 3
Unoriented angle 215 226 227
Vector 2
Vector function 183
Vector product 113
Vector space 31
Velocity 2
Velocity vector 2
Vertex of a cone 144
Work 17 20
Zero vector 9
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