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Bellman L., Cooke K. L. — Modern elementary differential equations |
Предметный указатель |
Abel integral equation 16
Accuracy 155
Adaptive 166
Algorithm 168
Analog computer 19
Appell, P. 200
Approximate equation 13
Approximation 168
Asymptotic series 99 134
Bailey, N.T.J. 34
Bellman, R. 34 92 136 178 179 202 217
Bernhart, A. 178
Bessel function 119
Bharucha-Reid, A.T. 34
Biological systems 34
Bottleneck processes 22
Cauchy, A. 133 136 178
Characteristic equation 48
Characteristic roots 48
Clark, C. 178
Coddington, E.A. 136 178 218
Conservation of energy 30
Continued-fraction expansion 135
Control theory 34 92
Convergence 102 103 113
Craft, C. 178
Critical length 83
Curvature 14
Curves of pursuit 16
Decoupling 43
Difference approximation 145 147 154
Difference equation 85
Discontinuity 46
discontinuous functions 43
Discrete pursuit process 141
Dreyfus, S. 179
Drug kinetics 23
Dynamic programming 34 178
Electric circuits 18
Erdelyi, A. 137
Euler equation 83
Euler — de Moivre formulas 50
Euler, L. 178
Evaluation 168
Existence 99 151 187 203 208 217
Extrapolation 153
Fibonacci sequence 86
Finite difference algorithms 215
Finite difference techniques 178
Fission 17
flow charts 163
Forcing function 44
Forcing term 43
Fortran programs 163 168
Fundamental inequality 42
Gambler's ruin 87
General solution 49
Generating function 88
Grid size 152
Grodins, F.S. 34
Growth 8 11
Hardy, G.H. 175
Hartman, P. 217
Henrici, R. 178
Homogeneous 68
Hypergeometric function 136 137
Identification of systems 170 179
Identification problem 92
Ince, E.L. 136
Indicial equation 118
Inhomogeneous 68
Initial conditions 85
Initial-value problem 57
Integral equation 16 42 77 92 205
Integration 175
Invariant imbedding 33 34
Inverse problem 10
Kalaba, R. 34 92 136 179 202 217
Kepler equation 136
Kirchhoff's law 18
Lagrange, J.L. 136
| Laguerre, E.N. 135
Laplace transform 88 189 202
Lefschetz, S. 92 137
Legendre differential equation 103
Levinson, N. 136 178 217
Linear difference equations 85
Linear systems 194
Linearity 53
Liouville, R. 131 175
Littlewood, J.E. 178
Lockett, J. 202
Lotka, A.J. 33
Maclaurin series 96
Majoration 133
Malcolm, D. 178
Mathematical economics 20
Matrix analysis 202
Maximum altitude 5 7
Michaelis — Menten equation 24
Minorsky, L. 137
Modified power-series solution 117
Natural frequency 74
Neutron transport 24 26 34
Newton — Raphson approximation 112 146
Newton, I. 33 102 136
Nonlinear equations 107
Nonlinear oscillations 137
Nonlinear spring 123
Numerical approach 151
Numerical aspects 108
Numerical solution 139
Parabolic reflector 15
Partial differential equation 197
Partial fractions 192
Particular solution 31 69
Pendulum 110
Periodic solution 127
Perturbation series 121
Perturbation techniques 121 136
Poincare, H. 134
Population explosion 13
Power-series solution 93 196
Principal solutions 92 101
Profit 20
Puckette, C.C. 178
Pursuit 140 178
Quade, E.S. 178
Quasilinearization 4 92 136 179 214
Recurrence relation 106
Rescigno, A. 34
Resonance 74
Riccati equation 56 92 107 114 130 134
Ricciardi, F. 178
Ritt, J.F. 175
Round-off error 160
Search 171 179
Secular terms 127
Segre, G. 34
Shanks, D. 136
Simulation 178
Singular perturbations 128 137
Stability 157 178
Stability theory 13 34 91 136 217
Steady-state 13
Stieltjes, T.J. 134
Stratified media 91
Superposition 53 64
Trajectory 5
Transient 63
tuning 76
Two-point boundary conditions 81
Two-point boundary-value problems 213
Uniqueness 36 76 99 149 151 187 191 203 217
van der Pol equation 125 128
Vandermonde determinant 84
Variation of parameters 89
Volterra, V. 8 33
Watson, G.N. 137
Whittaker, E.T. 137
Wing, G.M. 34
WKB approximation 129
wronskian 201
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