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Latrve D.R., Kreider D.L., Proctor T.G. — Hp-48G/Gx Investigations in Mathematics |
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Предметный указатель |
Absolute Comparison Theorem 148
Acoustical dynamics 302
Antiderivative 139
Approximations, midpoint 106
Approximations, polynomial 89
Approximations, rectangle 105
Approximations, Simpson’s 120 126
Approximations, trapezoid 120
Arc length, parametric 134
Arc length, symbolic integration 135
Area 123
Artillary shell 273
Asymptotic 201 281
Attracting solutions 240 246 250 284
Autonomous 238 244 247
Back substitution 432
Basis 460
Beats vibration 236
Bessell equation 325 326 328
Bessell function 327 328 331 335—336
Bessell function, program 328—329 331—334
Bessell functions 340
Boundary value problems 348
Cancellation errors 47
Catenary 88
Cauchy — Schwartz 473
Ceil 22
Change of basis 466
Characteristic equation 244
Characteristic polynomial 262 495
Chebyshev polynomial 86
Cholesky factorization 516
Column space 453 461
Column sum norm 535 551
Companion matrix 499
Conjugate transpose 418
Critical point see “Equilibrium point
Crout algorithm 446
Curve fitting 490
Damped harmonic motion 76
Data fit 209 213 228 230 288 187
define 19
Definite integral 118
Derivative, function 51
Derivative, definition 46
Derivative, partial 59
Determinant 422
Diagonal matrix 399
Diagonalizable matrix 505
Diagonally dominant 534
Difference quotient 46
Differential equation 142
Differentiation of XROOT 55
Differentiation, implicit 57
Differentiation, parametric 100
Differentiation, piecewise 56
Differentiation, using 51
Differentiation, using the stack 51
Differentiation, using the symbolic differentiate screen 53
Direction fields 179 298—302
Directory (subdirectory) 190 199
Discrete dynamical system 284ff
Dominant eigenvalue 542
Dot product 414
Double integrals 375ff
Echelon matrix 434 449
Eigenfunctions 244 254ff 349
Eigenspace 495
Eigenvalues 244 244ff 349 495
Eigenvector 495
Elliptic integral 366 367
Equation writer 52
Equilibrium solution 200—203 237 243 301—302
Errors, cancellation 46
Errors, integration 130
Errors, left rectangle 119
Errors, midpoint rectangle 119
Errors, right rectangle 119
Errors, Simpson’s 126
Errors, trapezoid 125
Euler algorithm 191—193 197 227 296
Fitting curves to data 490
Flag-54 425 451 524
Forward substitution 443 444
Free variable 436
Frobenius norm 470
Function, evaluation with SOLVR 17
Function, inverse 36
Function, one-to-one 36
Function, piecewise-defined 20
Function, two or more variables 19
Function, user-defined 19
Fundamental solution matrix 260—261 263—265
Fundamental theorem of calculus 138 139
Gamma function 327
Gauss — Jordan reduction 449
Gauss — Seidel iteration 532
Gaussian elimination 429 435
Gaussian quadrature 362ff 379—381
Gram — Schmidt process 478
Greatest integer function 22
Greens theorem 376 378
harmonic oscillator 233 235
Henon map 287
Hermitian product 470
Hilbert matrix 402
Householder matrix 482
HP Solve System 83
Hyperbolic cosine 88
Ill-conditioned 492
Implicitly defined solution 204
Improper integrals 147 167
Improved Euler alg. 192—194 197 226 296
Infinite sequence 153
Infinite series 159
Inflection points 64
Initial value problem 142
Initialization program 184—185 198
Inner product 470
Input signal delay 217
Input/output problems 216 230
Integer part 44
integral 118
Integral, improper 147 167
Integral, test 167
Integrate form 130
Integration, error 130
Integration, numerical 129
Integration, symbolic 135
Integration, using the stack 131
Interactive stack 9 72
Inverse function 36
IP 44
Jacobi iteration 532
Julia set 288
LAPACK code 524
LDLT-factorization 517
LDU-factorization 517
Least integer function 22
Least squares 492 528
Left null space 461
Legendre polynomials 86 358ff
| Line integrals 372—375
Linear autonomous system 244
linear combination 453
Linear dependence 455
Linear independence 455
Linearly independant sols 318 321
Lorentz 278
Lotka — Volterra model 240
Lower triangular matrix 400
LU-factorization 439
L’Hospital’s Rule 157 158
Matrix writer 394
Matrix, change of basis 467
Matrix, companion 535
Matrix, defective 507
Matrix, diagonalizable 505
Matrix, echelon 434
Matrix, Hilbert 402
Matrix, Householder 482
Matrix, ill-conditioned 492
Matrix, inverse 422
Matrix, iteration 532
Matrix, lower triangular 400
Matrix, orthogonal 514
Matrix, permutation 439
Matrix, positive definite 514
Matrix, powers 416
Matrix, symmetric 510
Matrix, tridiagonal 402
Matrix, upper triangular 400
Maxima 65
Mean value theorem 96
Midpoint rule 140
Minima 65
Mixing problem 205—206
n-th roots 7
Newton’s method 80 250 292
Nonhomogeneous 266ff
Normal equations 489
Normal vector 471
Norms, column-sum 535 551
Norms, Euclidean 414 550 551
Norms, Frobenius 551
Norms, matrix 550
Norms, row-sum 550
Norms, spectral 552
Norms, sum 551
Norms, vector 550
Norms, vector-max 550
Norms, vector-sum 550
Null space 461
Orthogonal 354
Orthogonal complement 473
Orthogonal matrix 482
Orthogonal projection 476
Orthogonal subspaces 472
Orthogonal trajectories 238
Orthogonal vectors 471
Orthonormal basis 475
Overlay 186 189 202
Parameters 187—188 208 284
Parametric curves 38
Parametric curves, slopes of 101
Partial derivative 59
Partial pivoting 433
Partial sum 160
Particle motion 211—215 219—224 290
Pendulum 241 269
Periodic 23 233 241—243 283
Permutation matrix 439
Phase plane 240
Pick 9
Piecewise Plots 35
Pivot 432
Pivot variable 436
PLOT menu 25
PLOT screen 24
Plots, connected 34
Plots, disconnected 32
Plots, parametric 38
Plots, piecewise 35
Plots, sequential 33
Plots, simultaneous 33
Plots, superimposing 32
Poincare section 234
Polynomial, approximations 89
Polynomial, best linear approximation 89
Polynomial, best quadratic approximation 91
Polynomial, Chebyshev 86
Polynomial, Legendre 86
Polynomial, Taylor 91
Population growth problems 207—212
Positive definite matrix 513
Power method 542
Power series solution 325
Principal cube root 36
Projectile motion 273—276
Projection 476
Purge 13
Pursuit problem 276
QR-factorization 483 486
Radius of convergence 320
Random matrix generator 396
Rank 464
Ratio Test 171
Recurrence 321 322 324 326
Reduced row echelon matrix 449
Regular point 320 321
Regular singular point 325
Repelling solutions 238 240 284 286
Restricted three body problem 281
Riemann Sums 115
RKF program 345
Rocket flight 273
Root-finder 82
Row echelon matrix 436
Row space 461
Row sum norm 535 552
RPN 10
RREF 449
Runge — Kutta 311 341—343 382—383
Runge — Kutta algorithm 187 194 251
Schur factorization 502
Second order IVP 183
Series solution of IVP 316 318
Series, alternating 163
Series, alternating harmonic 165
Series, convergent 160
Shooting method 350
SIGN(X) 62
Similar matrices 505
Simpson’s approximation 120 126
Singular value decomposition 520
Singular values 522
slope 46
Solution structure 202—203
SOLVE command menu 85
Sonin— Polya theorm 313
Souriau — Frame method 496
Space curves 369—372
span 453
Spectral decomposition 512
Spectral radius 534 552
Spiral point 244
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