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Greiner W. — Classical mechanics. Systems of particles and hamiltonian dynamics
Greiner W. — Classical mechanics. Systems of particles and hamiltonian dynamics

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Название: Classical mechanics. Systems of particles and hamiltonian dynamics

Автор: Greiner W.


The series of texts on Classical Theoretical Physics is based on the highly successful series of courses given by Walter Greiner at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Intended for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students, the volumes in the series provide not only a complete survey of classical theoretical physics but also an enormous number of worked examples and problems to show students clearly how to apply the abstract principles to realistic problems.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Общие курсы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 537

Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Acceleration, centripetal      8 11
Acceleration, Coriolis      8 35
Acceleration, gravitational      11
Acceleration, linear      8
Action function      400
Action function, Hamilton      386
Action quantum, Planck      410
Action variable      391
Action waves      401
Air resistance      330
Amplitude modulation      89
Angle variable      391
Angular frequency      110
Angular velocity      5 7
Anticyclone      34
Approximation, successive      14
Arnold tongues      493
Asymptotic stability      427
Attractor      423
Attractor diagram      481 484 499
Attractor, chaotic      425 464
Attractor, strange      425 467 501
Atwoods fall machine      77
Autonomous system      419 421 449
Baker transformation      466 473
Bascule bridge      284
Basin of attraction      425
Beat vibrations      86
Bernoulli shift      474 486
Bessel functions      152
Bessel's differential equation      149
Bifurcation      452
Bifurcation cascade      480 482
Bifurcation, static      452
Bifurcation, subharmonic      459
Bifurcation, time-dependent      457
Billiard ball      184
Body, rigid      39 165
Boundary condition, Dirichlet      126
Boundary condition, periodic      149
Brachistochrone      357
Branching      452
Branching, Hopf      456
Branching, pitchfork      454 477
Branching, saddle-node      453
Branching, transcritical      455
Butterfly effect      462
Canonical transformation      380
Cantor set      467 471
Capacity dimension      470
Cardano formula      118
Casus irreducibilis      122
Catenary      355
Center of gravity      43
Center of gravity, circular cone      47
Center of gravity, pyramid      45
Center of gravity, semicircular disk      46
Center-of-mass coordinates      72
Central field, scattering in      51
Central forces      68
Central motion      346
Centrifugal force governor      335
centripetal acceleration      8 11
Chain, vibrating      90
Chandler period      226
Chaos      417
Chaotic attractor      425 464
Characteristic equation      196
Charged particle      327
Chasles' theorem      41
Chirikov criterion      508
Circular mapping, dissipative      491
Circular mapping, one-dimensional      491
Cluster property      44
Collision parameter      53
Conditionally periodic      159
Cone pendulum      30
Configuration space      364
Constraints      271 274
Constraints, generalized      316
Constraints, holonomic      271
Constraints, nonholonomic      271 314
Constraints, rheonomic      271
Constraints, scleronomic      271
Continuity equation      367
Continuum      39
Contracting flow      423
Control parameter      419
Cooling of particle beam      374
Cooling, stochastic      369
Coordinate system for rotating earth      10
Coordinate system, body-fixed      192
Coordinate system, center-of-mass      54 72
Coordinate system, rotating      3 7
Coordinates, generalized      271 274 275 420
Coordinates, ignorable (cyclic)      291
Coriolis acceleration      8 35
Coulomb scattering      57
Couple of forces      165
Coupled mass points, vibrations      83
Coupled pendulums      87
Critical point      425
Cross section, differential      52
Cross section, Rutherford      56
Cycloid      135 306
Cyclone      34
D'Alembert principle      279
Deformable medium      39
Degeneracy      141
Degrees of freedom      41
Determinant of coefficients      93
Deterministic      419 462
Deviation moments      168 192
Devil's staircase      493
Differential cross section      52
Differential principles      351
Dimension capacity      470
Dimension, broken      465 467
Dimension, fractal      469
Dimension, Hausdorff      472
Dimension, Lyapunov      503
Dirichlet conditions      126
Discrete systems      475
Discretization      444 489
Dispersion law      110
Displacement, virtual      279
Dissipation      420 421 423
Dissipation function      328
Dissipative circular mapping      491
Double pendulum      303
Dynamical system      419
Earth, nutation of      225
Eastward deflection      13 18
Eclipse      241
Ecliptic      236
Eigenfrequency      84 141
Eigenmodes, orthonormal      158
Eigenvalue      195
Eigenvector      195
Eigenvibrations      84
electromagnetic field      327
Ellipsoid of inertia      203
Ellipsoid of inertia, quadratic disk      210
Ellipsoid of inertia, regular polyhedron      226
Ellipsoid, rotating      227
Energy law      69
Equation, characteristic      196
Equilibrium solution      425
Ergodic system      463 488
Euler angles      249
Euler equations      222
Euler — Lagrange equation      355
Externally excited system      443
Fall machine, Atwoods      77
Feigenbaum constant      481
Figure axis      216
Fixed point      425 464 475
Fixed point, unstable      427
Floquet multiplier      448 450
Floquet's theory of stability      447
Flow of a vector field      420
Force, generalized      277
Force, Lorentz      324
Force, nonconservative      328
Foucault's pendulum      23
Fourier coefficients      126
Fourier series      125
Fractal      466
Fractal dimension      469
Free fall      10
Frequency spectrum, (an)harmonic      141
Friction force      214
Friction parameter      496 501 503
Friction tensor      329
Function, even (odd)      127
Function, homogeneous      344
Fundamental harmonic      141
Galaxy, flattening of      68
Generating function      381
Gravitational acceleration      11
Gyrocompass      240
Gyroscope      238
Hamilton principle      351
Hamilton — Jacobi theory      386
Hamilton's equations      341 343 363
Hamiltonian      342
Hamiltonian mechanics      420
harmonic oscillator      384
Hausdorff dimension      472
Herpolhodie      219
Hockey puck      182
Holonomic      271 293 330
Hopf branching      456
Hydrogen atom      411
Hyperion      503
Inertial system      3
Information dimension      473 503
Integrability condition      272
Integral principles      351
Iteration method      14
Iterative mapping      475
Jacobi matrix      426 449
Kaplan — Yorke relation      503
Kepler problem      393
Kepler's law      506
kinetic energy      73
Kinetic energy of a rotating rigid body      193
Koch curve      467 471
Laboratory system      3
Lagrange equations      289
Lagrange equations, nonholonomic constraints      314
Lagrange multipliers      314
Lagrangian      289
Legendre transformation      341
Libration      497
Limit cycle      432 434 440 449 458 464
Linearization      425
Liouville theorem      365 421
Lissajous figure      160
Logistic mapping      477 481 486
Lorentz force      324
Lorenz      462
Lyapunov dimension      503
Lyapunov exponent      461 466 510
Lyapunov exponent, logistic mapping      484 488
Lyapunov exponent, maximum      463 500
Mandelbrot      465
Many-body system      66
Mapping, iterative      475
Mapping, logistic      477 481 486
Mapping, one-dimensional      460 476
Mapping, Poincare      446 460 475 496
Mapping, stroboscopic      444
mass density      45
Mass, reduced      74
Membrane, circular      146
Membrane, rectangular      138
Membrane, vibrating      136
Mercury      508
Mode locking      492 495
Molecule, asymmetric linear      302
Molecule, three-atom      297
Molecule, triangular      300
Moment of inertia      166 504
Moment of inertia, circular cylinder      168
Moment of inertia, cube      173
Moment of inertia, rectangular disk      170
Moment of inertia, rigid bodies      179
Moment of inertia, sphere      172
Momentary center      49
Momentum space      364
Momentum, generalized      289
Momentum, linear      66
Monodromy matrix      447
Motion, central      346
Neutron star, vibrating      229
Newton's equations, arbitrary relative motion      8
Newton's equations, rotating coordinate system      3 7
Nodal line      142
Node      100 428 454
Nonconservative forces      328
Nonholonomic      314 331
Nonlinear dynamics      417
Normal frequencies      86 302
Normal vibrations      84 109
North Pole, geometrical      226
North Pole, kinematical      226
Nutation      220
Nutation cone      219
Nutation of earth      225
One-dimensional mapping      460
Orbit      420
Orthogonality relation for trigonometric functions      126
Oscillator, harmonic      384
Oscillator, nonlinear      430
Oscillator, Rayleigh      433
Oscillator, Van der Pol      433 438
Overtone      111 141 154
Parabola, Neil      402
Paraboloid      319
Path stability      442
Peano curve      471
Pendulum length, reduced      175
Pendulum watch      492
Pendulum, cone      30
Pendulum, coupled      87
Pendulum, double      303
Pendulum, Foucault      23
Pendulum, periodically driven      496
Pendulum, physical      171
Pendulum, plane      364
Pendulum, rolling      175
Pendulum, string      308
Pendulum, theories      346
Pendulum, upright      294 295
Period, Chandler      226
Period-doubling      459 477 478 497
Periodic attractor      492
Periodic solution      443
Perturbation calculation      12
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