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Greiner W. — Classical mechanics. Systems of particles and hamiltonian dynamics |
Предметный указатель |
phase diagram 364
Phase flow 420 423
Phase integral 391
Phase space 364
Phase trajectory 364
phase velocity 110
Phase-space density 368
Physical pendulum 171
Pirouette 69
Pitchfork branching 454 477
Pivot forces 230
Planck's constant 411
Plane, invariable 218
Poincare 417 462
Poincare cut 445 501 508
Poincare mapping 446 460 475 496
Poincare recurrence time 155
Poincare — Bendixson, theorem 437
Poinsot ellipsoid 217
Point attractor 477
Poisson bracket 413
Pole cone 220
Pole curve 49
Pole path 49
Pole trajectory 219
Polhodie 219
Potential, generalized 325
Potential, scalar 327
Potential, vector 327
Potential, velocity-dependent 324
Precession 235
Precession velocity 259
Precession, stationary 259
Principal axes of inertia 194
Principal axis 211
Projectile 52 330
Quantum hypothesis 410
Quantum number 109
Quasiperiodic 491 494 508
Rayleigh oscillator 433
Recurrence time, Poincare 155
Reduced mass 74
Relaxation vibration 437 439
Resonances 508
Rheonomic 271 293
River, superelevation of bank 19
Rolling pendulum 175
Rosette path 28
Rotating coordinate system 3 7
Rotating ellipsoid 227
Rotating tube 35
Rotation 41
Rotation about a fixed axis 165
Rotation about a point 190
Rotation energy 193
Rotation matrix 201 251
Rotational Velocity 7
Rotator, periodically kicked 489
Rotor 428
Rutherford scattering 56
Saddle point 428 454
Saddle-node branching 453
Saros cycle 241
Saturn 503
Scattering cross section, Rutherford 56
Scattering cross section, square well potential 60
Scattering experiment 52
Scattering of two atoms 64
Scattering, in a central field 51
Scleronomic 271
Sea level 20
Secular equation 426
Self-exciting vibration 437
Self-similarity 468 484 485 494
Sierpinski gasket 469
Similarity transformation 202
Slant throw 398
Sleeping top 259
Solar system 78
Sound velocity 110
Spin 255
Spiral 428 430
Stability 425
Stability of paths 446
Stability, asymptotic 427 442
Stability, orbital 443
Stability, time-dependent paths 442 446
Staggering motion 503 510
Standard mapping 491
| Steiner's Theorem 169
Stochastic cooling 369
Straight line, invariable 218
Strange Attractor 425 467 501
Stretching and folding 466 486
String pendulum 308
String tension 24 105 274 280
String, vibrating 105 112
Stroboscopic mapping 444
Subcritical branching 455
Subharmonic bifurcation 459
Subharmonic cascade 499
Supercritical branching 455
Superposition principle 109
Superstability 483 484 494
Surface density 47
Symmetry axis 211
Symmetry-breaking bifurcation 500
Synchronization 492
System of mass points 66
System of principal axes 194
Tautochrone problem 133
Tensor 201
Tensor of inertia 192
Tensor of inertia, square 198
Tensor of inertia, three mass points 212
Theorem of Chasles 41
Theorem of Liouville 364
Theorem of Steiner 169
Theory of chaos 462
Theory of stability, Floquet 447
Theory of top, analytical 220
Theory of top, geometrical 217
Tidal forces 241
Tidal friction 507 508
Top moment 236
Top, asymmetric 267 311
Top, free 216
Top, heavy 233 261
Top, oblate 216
Top, prolate 216
Top, rolling circular 207
Top, sleeping 260
Top, spherical 197 216
Top, symmetric 197
torque 165
Torque of rotating plate 228
Torque, elliptic disk 232
Torus 464
Total time derivative 415
Trace cone 219
Trace trajectory 219
Trajectory 420 497
Transcritical branching 455
Transformation of kinetic energy 73
Transformation, canonical 380
Transformation, to center-of-mass coordinates 72
Transients 423 484
Translation 41
Transverse cut 445
Tube, rotating 293
Turbulence 417
van der Pol oscillator 433 438
Variational problem 351 354
Vector field 419
Vector product 5
Velocity field 419 422
Velocity, angular 7
Velocity, generalized 277
Velocity, true 7
Velocity, virtual 7
Velocity-dependent potential 324
Vibrating chain 90
Vibrating membrane 136
Vibrating string 105 112
Vibration antinode 100
Vibration, self-exciting 437
Vibrations of coupled mass points 83
Virtual displacement 279 516
Virtual forces 8
Virtual work 280 281 332 516
Volume density 44
Voyager 503 510
Wave equation 107
wave number 110
Wavelength 110
Winding number 492
Work, virtual 279 281 332 516
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