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Содержимое каталога
1. The GRE physics test practice book2001
2. Ashby N. Miller S.C. Principles of modern physics1970
3. Beiser A. Schaum's easy outline applied physics2003
4. Berliner A. Handbuch der Elementarphysik1928
5. Blandford R.D. Thorne K.S Applications of classical physics2003
6. Cahn S. Mahan G.D. Nadgorny B. A Guide to Physics Problems (Part 2: Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics)2004
7. Cahn S. Nadgorny B. Guide to Physics Problems (Part 1: Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics)2004
8. Cassing W. Elektrodynamik1999
9. Cassing W. Mechanik2001
10. Cassing W. Quantenfeldtheorie2002
11. Cassing W. Thermodynamik und statistik1999
12. Crowell B. Conservation laws (2.1 edition)2002
13. Crowell B. Electricity and magnetism (2.1 edition)2002
14. Crowell B. Newtonian physics (2.1 edition)2002
15. Crowell B. Optics (2.1 edition)2002
16. Crowell B. The modern revolution in physics (2.1 edition)2002
17. Crowell B. Vibrations and waves (2.1 edition)2002
18. Feynman R.P. Leighton R.B. Sands M. The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.1)1963
19. Feynman R.P. Leighton R.B. Sands M. The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.2)1964
20. Feynman R.P. Leighton R.B. Sands M. The Feynman lectures on physics (vol.3)1965
21. Gautreau R. Savin W. Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics1999
22. Gibilisco S. Physics Demystified2002
23. Goodstein D.L. Goodstein J.R. Feynman's lost lecture1964
24. Greiner W. Classical electrodynamics1998
25. Greiner W. Classical mechanics. Point particles and relativity2004
26. Greiner W. Classical mechanics. Systems of particles and hamiltonian dynamics2003
27. Greiner W. Reinhardt J. Field quantization1996
28. Greiner W. Reinhardt J. Quantum electrodynamics (third edition)2003
29. Greiner W. Quantum mechanics. An introduction (fourth edition)2001
30. Greiner W. Quantum mechanics: special chapters1998
31. Greiner W. Mueller B. Quantum mechanics: symmetries (second edition)1994
32. Greiner W. Relativistic quantum mechanics. Wave equations (third edition)2000
33. Greiner W. Neise L. Stocker H. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics1997
34. Hebbeker T. Physik I Deformierbare Medien2001
35. Hebbeker T. Physik I Einleitung: Methoden der Physik2001
36. Hebbeker T. Physik I Newtonsche Mechanik2001
37. Hebbeker T. Physik I Newtonsche Mechanik II2001
38. Hebbeker T. Physik I Schwingungen und Wellen2001
39. Hebbeker T. Physik I Warmelehre, Teil I2002
40. Hebbeker T. Physik I Warmelehre, Teil II2002
41. Hebbeker T. Physik II2000
42. Hebbeker T. Physik III2000
43. Hebbeker T. Physik IV2000
44. Huggins E.R. Physics 2000 (Parts I, II), Calsulus 20002000
45. Landau L. Lifchitz E. Mecanica1966
46. Landau L. Lifchitz E. Mecanique1966
47. Landau L.D. Lifshitz E.M. Course of Theoretical Physics (vol.3). Quantum Mechanics. Non-relativistic Theory (third edition, revised and enlarged)1977
48. Landau L.D. Lifschitz E.M. Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 6 (2nd edition)1987
49. Landau L.D. Lifschitz E.M. Statistical physics (vol. 9 of course of theoretical physics)1980
50. Landau L.D. Lifshitz E.M. Statistical physics (volume 5 of Course of Theoretical Physics) (third edition, revised and enlarged)1980
51. Lim Y.- K. Problems and solutions on atomic, nuclear and particle physics2000
52. Lommel E. Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik1902
53. Mosel U. Gauge-field theories1996
54. Mosel U. Introduction to path integrals in field theory1999
55. Mosel U. Quantenelektrodynamic1999
56. Tatum J.B. Celestial mechanics2004
57. Tatum J.B. Classical mechanics2004
58. Tatum J.B. Electricity and magnetismn/a
59. Tatum J.B. Geometric opticsn/a
60. Tatum J.B. Heat and thermodynamicsn/a
61. Tatum J.B. Stellar atmospheresn/a
62. Wegener D. Vorlesung Moderne Physik2000
63. Алешкевич В.А. Деденко Л.Г. Караваев В.А. Колебания и волны. Лекции2001
64. Алешкевич В.А. Деденко Л.Г. Караваев В.А. Механика сплошных сред1998
65. Алешкевич В.А. Деденко Л.Г. Караваев В.А. Механика твердого тела1997
66. Архангельский М.М. Курс физики. Механика. (издание второе, исправленное и дополненное)1965
67. Белавин А.А. Кулаков А.Г. Лекции по теоретической физике1999
68. Вихман Э. Берклеевский курс лекций: квантовая физика (Том 4)1965
69. Волькенштейн В.С. Сборник задач по общему курсу физики (издание одиннадцатое, переработанное)1985
70. Гильденбург В.Б. Миллер М.А. Сборник задач по электродинамике (издание 2-ое, дополненное)2001

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