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Engel K.-J., Nagel R. — One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations |
Предметный указатель |
a-adic solenoid 322
Absolutely continuous function 64
absorption operator 362
Abstract, Cauchy problem see “Cauchy problem”
Abstract, control system see “Control system”
Abstract, delay differential equation see “Delay differential equation”
Abstract, Dyson — Phillips series 198
Abstract, extrapolation space 125
Abstract, Favard space 130
Abstract, H?older space 130
Abstract, second-order Cauchy problem see “Second-order Cauchy problem”
Abstract, Volterra operator 162 182 195
Adjoint operator 517
Algebra homomorphism 58
Approximate, eigenvalue 242
Approximate, eigenvector 242
Approximate, point spectrum 242
Arveson Spectrum 285 287
Autonomous system 535
Balanced exponential growth 336 358
Banach lattice 353
Bernstein operators 224
Bochner integral 523
Bohr compactification 322
Boltzmann, operator 362
Boundary condition 256
Boundary condition, Dirichlet 397
Boundary condition, elastic barrier 397
Boundary condition, Neumann 397
Boundary condition, Ventcel 398
Boundary point 396
Boundary spectrum 116 282 324 356
Boundary spectrum, cyclic 357
Calkin algebra 248
Cauchy problem 17 84 145 150 295 347 368 419
Cauchy problem, controlled 452
Cauchy problem, inhomogeneous 436
Cauchy problem, mild solution of 146
Cauchy problem, nonautonomous 227 477
Cauchy problem, second-order see “Second-order Cauchy problem”
Cauchy problem, solution of 145
Cauchy problem, well-posed 151
Cesaro means 337
Chaos paradigm 538
Chaos theory 536
Character group 313 320
Characteristic equation 256 335 352 388 427 451
Characteristic equation, generalized 431
Characteristic function 231 256 352
Chernoff product formula 220
Classical solution 145 368 420 436 477
Closed convex hull 511
Closure of an operator 516
Collisionless transport operator 362
Compact operator group 319
Compact resolvent 117
Compact semigroup 308
Complex inversion formula 233
Control system, approximately p-controllable 457
Control system, approximately q-observable 467
Control system, exactly p-controllable 456
Control system, exactly p-null controllable 457
Control system, exactly q-observable 467
Control system, exponentially detectable 471
Control system, exponentially stabilizable 468
Control system, external stability of 475
Control system, input–output stability of 475
Control system, internal stability of 475
Control system, similar 466
Control system, strongly stabilizable 472
Control system, transfer function of 474
Control, Banach space 452
Control, feedback 453
Control, function 452
Control, operator 452
Controllability 453
Controllability map 456
Controlled abstract wave system ......... 455
Controlled heat equation 453 459 465 468 471 474 476
Controlled wave equation 454 460 465 468 473 474
Convex compactness property 525
Convolution of functions 164 527 530
Convolution of sequences 527
Core of an operator 52 58 517
Damping operator 367
Delay, differential equation 93 255 420
Delay, operator 420
Derivation 58
Determinism 531
Deterministic system 535
Diffusion semigroup 68 69 177 224 384
Domain of an operator 49 53 519
Dominant eigenvalue 13 331 360
Duality set 87
Dynamical system 6
Dyson — Phillips series 163 186
Eigenvalue 241
Eigenvalue, dominant 13 331 360
Eigenvalue, simple 13
Eigenvector 241
Elastic operator 367
Entire vector 81
Essential growth bound 258
Essential norm 249
Essential range 31 524
Essential spectral radius 249
Essential spectrum 248
Essential supremum 32 524
Evolution equation 531
Evolution family 478
Evolution family with exponential dichotomy 480
Evolution family, exponentially bounded 479
Evolution family, exponentially stable 479
Evolution family, hyperbolic 480
Evolution semigroup 481
Extended transfer function 474
Extension of an operator 516
External stability 475
Extrapolation space 125 126
Favard space 130
Favard space, extrapolated 190
Feedback control 453
Feedback operator 453 468
Flow 91
Formula, Chernoff product 220
Formula, complex inversion 233
Formula, Fourier inversion 406 527
Formula, Phragm?en inversion 236
Formula, Post — Widder 223 231 236
Formula, Trotter product 227
Formula, variation of parameters. 162 183 186 196 198 425 436
Fourier transform 406 526
Fourier transform, inversion theorem 406 527
Fourier transform, uniqueness theorem 527
Fractional power 137
Fredholm, domain 248
Fredholm, operator 248
Function, (strongly) measurable 523
Function, absolutely continuous 64
Function, additive 6
Function, almost periodic 317
Function, Bochner integrable 523
Function, control 452
Function, essentially bounded 524
Function, observation 452
Function, rapidly decreasing 405
Function, simple 522
Function, subadditive 251
Functional calculus 231 284 285
Functional equation 2 6 497
| Gaussian semigroup 69
Generator 17 47 49 79
Graph 515
Graph, norm 52 515
Green’s function 391 485
Group, generator of 79
Group, induced by flow 91
Group, one-parameter 14 535
Group, periodic 35
Group, rotation 35
Group, solenoidal 320
Group, strongly continuous 37 78
Growth bound of a semigroup 40 250 299
Growth bound of an evolution family 479
Heat semigroup 69
Hilbert direct sum 511
Holder space, abstract 130
Holder space, classical 510
Ideal 309
Impulse response function 474
Inhomogeneous abstract Cauchy problem 436
Initial state 452
Initial value problem 145
Input 452
Input–output stability 475
Integral solution 156
Integral, Bochner 523
Integrated semigroup 153
Internal stability 475
Isolated singularities 246
Isometric limit semigroup 263
Landau — Kolmogorov inequality 59
Laplace transform 530
Laplace transform, convolution theorem 530
Laplace transform, uniqueness theorem 530
Left multiplicative perturbation 201
Left translation 33
Liapunov stability theorem 12
Linear dynamical system 6 14
Mean ergodic projection 338
Mild solution 146 436
Moment inequality 141
Motion 533
Multiplication, operator 25 31 218
Multiplication, semigroup 27 32 65 120 217
Non-quasi-analytic weight 289
Nonautonomous abstract Cauchy problem 227 477
Nonautonomous abstract Cauchy problem, hyperbolic case 479
Nonautonomous abstract Cauchy problem, parabolic case 479
Nonautonomous abstract Cauchy problem, solution of 477 478
Nonautonomous abstract Cauchy problem, well-posed 477
Nonautonomous Cauchy problem mild solution of 488
Nonobservable subspace 468
Observability 453
Observability, map 466
Observation, Banach space 452
Observation, function 452
Observation, operator 452
One-parameter group 9
One-parameter semigroup 8
Operator with compact resolvent 117
Operator, adjoint 61 517
Operator, approximate eigenvalue of 242
Operator, approximate eigenvector of 242
Operator, approximate point spectrum of 242
Operator, bounded 517
Operator, central 46
Operator, closable 82 516
Operator, closed 515
Operator, closure 516
Operator, control 452
Operator, core of 52
Operator, damping 367
Operator, degenerate 383 390
Operator, delay 420
Operator, delay differential 92 255 420
Operator, differential 91
Operator, dissipative 82
Operator, domain of 49
Operator, doubly power bounded 285
Operator, eigenvalue of 241
Operator, elastic 367
Operator, elliptic 409
Operator, feedback 453
Operator, fractional power of 137
Operator, Fredholm 248
Operator, Hille — Yosida 87
Operator, homogeneous 409
Operator, implemented 20
Operator, infinitely divisible 23
Operator, kernel of 516
Operator, local 33 46
Operator, multiplication 25 31
Operator, nondegenerate 383
Operator, normal 30 105 282
Operator, observation 452
Operator, part of 60 124 245 261
Operator, point spectrum of 241
Operator, range of 517
Operator, relatively bounded 169
Operator, relatively compact 179
Operator, residual spectrum of 243
Operator, resolvent of 15 55 239
Operator, resolvent set of 15 55 239
Operator, second-order differential 93 383
Operator, sectorial 96
Operator, self-adjoint 30 90 106 324 459 460 506
Operator, skew-adjoint 89
Operator, spectral bound of 57 250
Operator, spectral decomposition of 244
Operator, spectrum of 15 55 239
Operator, system 452
Operator, uniformly elliptic 411 489
Operator, Volterra 162 182 195
Operator, weakly closed 515
Optimal regularity 442
Optimal space regularity 447
Orbit 6
Orbit, map 36 48
Orbit, reversible 315
Orbit, stable 315
Output 452
Output injection operator 471
Period 266
Perturbation, additive 157 169 201
Perturbation, Desch — Schappacher 182
Perturbation, Miyadera — Voigt 195
Perturbation, multiplicative 201
Phragm?en inversion formula 236
Plancherel’s equation 407
Point spectrum 241
Pole 246
Pole, algebraic multiplicity of 246
Pole, algebraically simple 246
Pole, first-order 246
Pole, geometric multiplicity of 246
Population equation 348 419 434
Post — Widder inversion formula 223 231 236
Principal part 409
Principle of uniform boundedness 512
Pseudoresolvent 206
quantum mechanics 536
reachability space 466
reactor problem 361
Relativity 536
Residual spectrum 243
Residue 246
Resolvent 15 239
Resolvent map 239
Resolvent map, isolated singularities of 246
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