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Sommerfeld A. — Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics |
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"Vis viva" 13
-space 207f.
-space 207f.
Absolute impossibility of reaching 74
Absolute temperature scale 30
Absolute zero 70
Absorptive power 138
Adiabatic process 19f.
Affinity, chemical 47 72
Ammonia, synthesis of 86
Aristoteles 13
Atmosphere 8
Atmosphere, equilibrium of 348
Atomic beams, method of 179
Avogadro 10 11
Avogadro number see "Loschmidt — Avogadro number"
Avogadro's law 10
bar 8
Barometric formula 180
Becker, R. 133
Bernoulli, D. 169
Berthelot, D. 72
Bethe, H.A. 277
Black body radiation 135
Boiling point depression 111
Boiling point, rise in 111
Boltzmann distribution 251
Boltzmann factor 179 223
Boltzmann's combinatorial method 211
Boltzmann's constant 141 213 252
Boltzmann's principle 213f.
Boltzmann's statistics 124
Boltzmann, L. 55 140 162 169 205 207 212 213
Born, M. 39 212 293 302
Bosch, C. 86
Bose — Einstein distribution 266 354
Bose — Einstein distribution, gas 272f.
Bose — Einstein distribution, statistics 73 261f. 266f.
Bose, S.N. 261
Boyle and Mariotte, law of see "Boyle's law"
Boyle's law 8 21
Braun — Le Chatelier principle 46
Brown, R. 181
Brownian motion 181
Caloric condition (for perfect gas) 15 46
Calorie 5 6
Canonical distribution 256
Caratheodory's proof 39
Caratheodory, C. 39 40
Carnot's ratio 30 68
Carnot, cycle 27f.
Carnot, L. 22
Carnot, S. 22 26 28 43
Casimir, H.B.G. 166
catalyst see "Catalyzer"
Catalyzer 13 370
Change of state see "Process"
Change of state, virtual 48
Chapman, S. 298
Characteristic equation see "Equation of state"
Charles' law (the law of Gay-Lussac) 9
Chemical constants 87f.
Chemical potentials 87f.
Chlorine-hydrogen mixture 86
Clapeyron's equation 44 68 97f.
Claret, from cold cellar 41
Clausius, K. 73 80 163 298
Clausius, postulate 27
Clausius, R. 25 26 27 38 39 44 154 169 182 197
Cloud chamber 103
Coefficient of tension 3 43 74
Cohesion energy 353
Cohesion forces (van der Waals) 197
Collision equation for electrons 333f.
Collision equation for molecules 293f. 323f.
Collision integral 299f.
Collision invariants 306
Collision moments 314 327f.
Collisions, law of 297f.
Compressibility 4
Conduction of heat 204 340 342f.
Conduction of heat in anisotropic body 155
Conductivity, thermal 333f.
Contact potential 159
Continuity, equation of 153
Couette flow 317 332
Critical point 67
Curie constant 123 127 192
Curie point 121 127 192
Curie temperature see "Curie point"
Curie — Weiss law 127
Curie's law for paramagnetic substances 123
CYCLE 4 22
Dalton's law 10 77
Dalton, J. 10
Daniell cell 115
Darwin — Fowler method 212 259
Darwin, C.G. 212 259
De Boer, J. 57
de Haas, G.L. 70
de Haas-Lorentz, Mrs. 47
Debye's theory of specific heat 247f.
Debye, P. 70 74 125 135 247
Degeneration of gases 266f. 274 277
Degeneration, characteristic temperature of 280
Degeneration, degree of 270
Degrees of freedom, additional in retarded equilibrium 50
Degrees of freedom, dying out of (freezing) 234 240
Degrees of freedom, thermal 3 18 239
Degrees of freedom, thermodynamic 108
Delbrueck, M. 253
Demagnetization 74f. 134
Density fluctuations 291 355
Dewar 20
Diesel engine 37
Diesselhorst, H. 277
Dieterici, C. 196
Differential, perfect 2 14 31
Diffusion 206
Diffusion, increase in entropy due to 80
Diffusion, thermal 163
Dilute solutions 92f.
Dipole 145
Dirac, P.A.M. 261
Dirichlet's discontinuous factor 381
Dissociation of steam 81
Doering, W. 133
Doppler's effect 179
Drude's equation 343
Drude's method 276
Drude, P. 276 344
Dufour, L. 163
Duhem — Margule conditions 90
Dulong — Petit rule 236 248
Efficiency 27f.
Effusion, thermal 163
Ehrenfest, P. 47 208 210
Ehrenfest, T. 47 208 210
Einbinder, H. 349
Einstein condensation 273 349
Einstein's equation 183
Einstein's reversal of Boltzmann's principle 213
Einstein, A. 181 240 261
Electric field strength, impressed 160
Electro-motive force 117
Electron gas in metals 276
Elementary cells in phase space 212 219
Emden, R. 40 357
Emmisivity 138
Energetics 13
| Energy 13 40f.
Energy, conservation of 13 153
Energy, dissipation of 165f.
Energy, distribution 179
Energy, flux of 17 24 339
Energy, limiting 279 342
Ensemble, Canonical 267
Ensemble, Grand Canonical 267 290
Ensemble, microcanonical 267
Enskog, D. 168 295 322
Enthalpy 13 16 24 42f.
entropy 25f.
Entropy and probability 213
Entropy at absolute zero 71
Entropy increase in diffusion 80
Entropy, additivity of 34
Entropy, constant 230
Entropy, decrease of 41
Entropy, flux of 154 165
Entropy, increase 36
Entropy, local generation of 152f. 166 328 336
Entropy, source density 328 336
Entropy, theorem 34 320f.
Equation of state 3 10
Equation of state, Dieterici 188
Equation of state, Gay-Lussac 9
Equation of state, magnetic 121f.
Equation of state, perfect gas 9f.
Equation of state, Van der Waals 55f.
Equilibrium conditions 48
Equilibrium, cyclic 369
Equilibrium, detailed 351
Equilibrium, liquid and gas 65
Equilibrium, retarded 36
Equilibrium, state of 19
Equilibrium, thermal 1 34
Equilibrium, thermodynamic 1 47f.
Equilibrium, unconstrained 47
Equilibrium, unstable 66
Equipartition, law of 174 238
Equivalence of heat and work 6 13
Eucken, A. 234 332
Euler's equation 317
Evaporation, latent heat of see "Latent heat"
Exner, F. 187
Extensive quantity 3 42
Faraday's equivalent charge 114
Fermi — Dirac distribution 266
Fermi — Dirac gas, complete degeneracy 277f.
Fermi — Dirac statistics 73 261f. 266f.
Fermi, E. 261
Ferro-magnetism 121f.
Ferro-magnetism, Weiss' theory of 125
Fluctuations 39 181
Fluctuations, higher powers 291
Fluctuations, mean square of 286
Fluid dynamics, fundamental equation of 310f.
Flux of current 339f.
Fourier, T.B. 153
Fowler, R.H. 1 212 260
Free energy 42f. 53
Free enthalpy 42f.
Free enthalpy per electron 158 278
Freezing of degrees of freedom 234 240
Galvanic cell, emf 113
Gas degeneration 73 266f.
Gas, diatomic 230f.
Gas, mixture 77f. 226
Gas, monatomic 227
Gas, polyatomic 233
Gas, thermometer 68
Gas, universal constant 9 12
Gaussian distribution 178
Gay-Lussac's experiment 20 25
Gay-Lussac's law see "Charles' law"
Gay-Lussac, J. 10 20 71
Giauque, W.J. 70 135
Gibbs — Helmholtz fundamental equation 72 118
Gibbs' condition 250f.
Gibbs' paradox 80
Gibbs' phase rule 106f.
Gibbs, W.J. 44 47 48 87 212 250
Giorgi's M.K.S. system 7
Glaser, W. 141
Grad, H. 307 323
Gram-mol 11
Guldberg and Waage, law of 77f.
Guldberg, C.M. 81 83
H-Theorem 302f.
Haber, F. 86
Hardy 358
Heat, "content" 7
Heat, conduction of 204 340 342f.
Heat, equivalent, mechanical 6
Heat, flux 154 319
Heat, quantity of 6
Heat, substance 26
Heat, transfer 27
Heating 6
Helmholtz — Gibbs law 118
Henry's law of absorption 112
Hertz's dipole 145
Hertzfeld, K.F. 323
Hilbert, D. 205
Ideal gas see "Perfect gas"
Impressed electric field strength 160
Indicator diagram 5 103
Integrating denominator 2 31
Intensive quantity 3 42
Internal transformations 163
Inversion curve 61
Irreversible processes 19f. 152f.
Isentrope 26
Isentropic process 20f.
Ising, E. 187
Isolated system 34
Isotherm 21 23
Jaeger, G. 277
Jaumann, G. 165
Jordan, P. 259
Joule — Kelvin process 23f. 47 60
Joule, heat 6
Joule, J.P. 22 23
Kamerlingh-Onnes, H. 63 125 135
Kapitza, P. 63
Kappler, E. 185 186 353
Kelvin's clouds 233
Kelvin's postulate 27
Kelvin's temperature scale 10 68f.
Kelvin, Lord see "Thomson W."
Kilogram-mol 11
Kinetic theory of gases 169f. 293f.
Kirchhoff's law 136
Kirchhoff, G.R. 136
Knudsen, M. 199
Kroenig, A. 169
Kronecker's symbol 312
Kundt, A. 203
Kurlbaum, F. 149
Langevin's function 124 187f.
Langevin, P. 122 181
Latent heat 99
Latent heat of fusion 100
Law of mass action 77f.
Law of thermodynamics, first 13f.
Law of thermodynamics, second 26f.
Law of thermodynamics, Second, differential form 155
Law of thermodynamics, third 71f.
Law of thermodynamics, Zeroth 1
Law of very large numbers 286
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