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Sommerfeld A. — Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics |
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Legendre transformation 42f.
Light, pressure due to 139
Linde's regenerative process 61
Liouville's theorem 207f.
Liquefaction of gases 60f.
Liquid line 65 97
Little wood, J.E. 358
Local mean values 294
London, F. 272
Lorentz number 344
Lorentz, H.A. 96 141 344
Loschmidt — Avogadro number 114
Lummer, O. 149
Mach, E. 71
Magnetization, work of 122
Magneto-caloric effect 70 134
Magnetostriction 122
Mass action, law of 77f. 81f.
Mathematical expectation 206
Maximum of entropy 47
Maxwell relations see "Reciprocity relations"
Maxwell — Boltzmann law 207f.
Maxwell — Boltzmann velocity distribution 174f. 224 306f.
Maxwell's line 64
Maxwell, J.C. 43 46 65 139 169 175 202
Maxwellian distribution 178
Mayer, R. 6 13 22
McLewis, W. 16 44
Mean free path 197f.
Mechanical equivalent of heat 6
Mechanical theory of heat 13
Meissner, W. 62 63
Meixner, T. 322
Melting curve 101 104
Melting point depression 101 111
Michelson, A.A. 179
Microbalance 185 353
Microcanonical distribution 256
Microscopic reversibility 163 167
Microstate 209
Mittasch, A. 86
Mixing term (entropy) 81
Mixture, perfect 90
MKS system 7
Mol 10
Molar heat 15
Molar heat of quantum-mechanical oscillator 239
Molar heat of quantum-mechanical rotator 245
Molar volume 11
Molecular chaos 301
Molecular velocity 173
Molecular weight 12
Molecular weight, determination of 11
Molecule, diatomic 234
Molecule, polyatomic 236
Molecule, volume of 192 193
Moliere, G. 253
Momentum, transfer of 200
Multiple proportions 10
Natural phenomena and Second law 36
Natural vibrations 246
Navier — Stokes equations 317
Near-equilibrium processes 152f.
Nernst's law for electron gas 285
Nernst's Third Law 71f. 275 289
Nernst, W. 11 71
Numbers, very large, law of 286
Ohms' law 160 341
Onsager's reciprocal relations 155f.
Onsager, L. 156
Oscillator, energy of 150
Oscillator, linear 237
Osmotic pressure 92f.
Ostwald, W. 11 27 47
Paramagnetic properties 121f.
Paramagnetic substances 187
Partial pressures, Dalton's law 77
Partition function 218 237 248f.
Paschen, F. 149
Pauli's principle 279
Peltier effect 161f. 340f.
Perfect differential 2 31
Perfect gas 8f.
Perfect gas, equation 169
Permanent magnet 127
Permutability 214
permutations 353
Perpetual motion machine of the first kind 27
Perpetual motion machine of the second kind 27
Perrin, J. 180
Pfaff's differential 2 42
Pfeffer, W. 78 92
Phase 63f. 96
Phase elements in -space 208 210
Phase equilibrium 100 103f.
Phase rule 106f.
Phase space of molecules 210
Phases, coexistence of 63
Physical space 174
Planck's law of radiation 145f. 247
Planck's quantum of action 143 150 211 237
Planck, M. 27 38 39 47 111 145 148 213 247
Pohl, R.W. 7
Poisson's equation 20
Polytrope, equation of 21
Porous plug experiment 23
Potentials, chemical 87f. 158
Potentials, electrochemical 113
Potentials, thermodynamic 42f.
Pressure, kinetic definition of 171
Prime mover 28
Pringsheim, E. 149
Probability (of a state) 214
Probability maximum 217
Process, adiabatic 19f.
Process, irreversible 22f. 152f.
Process, isobaric 4
Process, isochoric 4 221
Process, isothermal 4
Process, reversible 19f. 51
Property, thermodynamic 1
Quantization of rotational energy 242f.
Quantization of vibrational energy 237f.
Quantum of action 143 150 211 237
Quantum states, equal probability 255
Quantum statistics 253f.
Quantum statistics of identical particles 257
Radiation, black body 135
Radiation, laws of 245f.
Ramsay, W. 77
Randall, M. 16 44
Rankine, H.O. 13
Raoult's law for dilute solutions 108
Raoult, F.M. 111
| Rayleigh — Jeans law 247
Rayleigh — Jeans radiation law 142 149
Rayleigh, Lord 77 142 243
Reaction, heat of 119
Reaction, heat of, at absolute zero 92
Reciprocal relations see "Onsager"
Reciprocity relations 42
Refrigerator 28
Regelation of ice 101
Relaxation phenomena 163
Release, processes of 13
Reversibility 19
Reversibility, microscopic 163 167
Reversible process 19f.
Richardson's effect 283
Rotational energy (specific heat) 242f. 330
Rubens, H. 149
Rumford, Count (B. Thompson) 5
Sackur — Tetrode formula 229 258
Sackur, O. 229
Saddle point method 262
Saha, M.N. 1
Sauter, F. 192
Schroedinger, E. 260
Second Law and direction of natural phenomena 36
Semi-permeable membrane 78 92
Separation of gases 78
Shear flow see "Couette flow"
Solid, molar specific heat of 240
Solid, theory of 245
Sommerfeld, A. 163 277 293
Soret, Ch. 156
Sound, velocity of 174
Specific heat 6 16 17 227f. 234f.
Specific heat of metal electrons 283
Specific heat of rigid molecules 227
Specific heat of saturated steam 101
Specific heat of solid bodies 234 247
Specific heat of vibrating molecules 234
Specific heats at absolute zero 74f.
Specific heats, and 129f.
Specific heats, difference 45
Specific heats, ratio 18
Spin 281
Spontaneous magnetization 127
Srivartava, B.N. 1
Statistical Gibbs' method 212
Statistical mechanics 207f.
Steam engine 37 96f.
Steam line see "Vapor line"
Steam vapor-pressure curve 96f. 100
Stefan — Boltzmann law 139 152 248
Stern, O. 179
Stokes' theorem 2
Sublimation 104f.
Sublimation, curve 104
Superposition of errors 352f.
Supersaturation 66
Synthesis of ammonia 86
System, isolated 34
Szegoe, G. 358
Tamman, G. 104
Temperature 1f.
Temperature, absolute 30
Temperature, characteristic 237 243 247
Temperature, dimension of 3
Temperature, Kelvin scale 10
Temperature, kinetic definition of 172
Temperature, scale, absolute 30
Temperature, thermodynamic scale 350
Tension, coefficient of 3 43 74
Tetrode, H. 229
Thermal death of universe 38
thermal diffusion 163
Thermal effusion 163
Thermal equilibrium 1
Thermal expansion, coefficient of 3 45 73
Thermal expansion, coefficient of, value at absolute zero 73
Thermal force, absolute 159 340 342
Thermodynamic potentials 42f.
Thermodynamic potentials, extremum properties 50
Thermodynamic potentials, table 44
Thermodynamic property 1
Thermodynamic system 3
Thermoelectric phenomena 157
Thompson, B. see "Rumford"
Thomson's effect 160
Thomson, W. (Lord Kelvin) 13 23 26 68 160 161 162 163 227
Total heat 16
Transfer of electrons 333f.
Transport phenomena in gases 312f.
Triple point 104f.
Ultra-vacuum gage 352
Undercooling 66
Units, system of 7
van der Waals constant, statistical interpretation of 192
Van der Waals equation 55 1
Van der Waals gas 33 55f.
van der Waals, J.D. 55 57 58
van't Hoff's equation of state 93
van't Hoff, J.H. 93 111
Vapor line 65 97
Vapor-pressure curve 96f. 104
Vapor-pressure, decrease in 110
Velocity space 170 174
Vibrations, natural 246
viscosity 168 200 328f.
Voigt, W. 156
Volume of a molecule 193
von Haller, A. 6
von Helmholtz 13 44 54 213
von Laue, M. 141
von Schiller, F. 234
Von Smoluchowski, M. 185
Waage, P. 81 83
Wald, F. 41
Waldmann, L. 80 163 295
Warburg, E. 203
Water, anomalous behavior of 46
Water, phases of 63 96
Watt, J. 5
Weighting factor, quantum statistics 242
Weiss domains 126
Weiss theory of ferromagnetic phenomena 125
Weiss, P. 125
Wiedemann — Franz law 205 276 333 343
Wien's Law 140 141 143
Wien, W. 140 149
Wilson's cloud chamber 103
Wilson, C.T.R. 103
Woltjer, H.R. 125
Work 4
Work, maximum 52f.
Zermelo, E. 237
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