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Koerber G.G. — Properties of Solids |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Acceptors 221
Activated processes 201—203
Activation energy 201—204
Alloys 69 182
Alloys, Heussler 265
Alloys, Hume — Rothery rules 109
Amorphous solids 54 74—78 199
Antiferroelectricity 260
Antiferromagnetism 264
Arcal density of atoms on crystallographic planes 58—59 174 177
Atomic spectra 81 84—94
Atomic structure 84—94
band theory 97—100 208—209
Band theory, correlation with zone theory 109—111
Band theory, covalent solids 98—99 212—213
Band theory, metals 99—100 215—217
Band theory, semiconductors 98—99 217—222
Band, conduction 98
Band, valence 99
Basic cell 55
Bohr’s model 81
Boltzman constant 190 200 203 212
Bond energy 95
Bonding 80—113
Bonding, covalent crystals 94—99
Bonding, ionic 111—113
Bonding, ionic-covalent 111
Bonding, metallic crystals 97—100
Bonding, van der Waals 111
Bonds, hybrid 95—97
Bragg reflection 208
Brillouin planes 105 109
Brillouin surface 106 108 189 191 207
Brillouin zone 104—110 189 191 207 215—216
Brillouin zone, volume of 107—109 193
Bubble raft 68
Bulk modulus, adiabatic 121
Bulk modulus, isentropic 119
Center of symmetry 137 138 140—142 149 271—273
Characteristic equation 34
Characteristic temperature see DeBye
Characteristic values 34
Charge carriers in semiconductors 218—224
Charge carriers, concentration of 213 216—217 242
Charge carriers, effective mass of 206—210 216
Charge carriers, mobility of 214—215 219 221 241
Charge carriers, mobility of, tabic 220
Charge carriers, thermal conduction 199—201
Co-factor of determinant 28
Coefficients see Specific type
Coercive force 259 268
Compliance 116
Compliance, mathematical nature 118—128
Compliance, matrix 118
Concentration gradient 13 222 237
Conductivity see Specific type
Contact potential 235
Continuity equation 21
Coordinates, Cartesian 4—6 56 102 104
Coordinates, principal 44
Coordinates, spherical 84—85
Coordinates, transformation of 29—31 40 44
Coordination number 62—63
covalent bond 94—99 220
creep 172 184—185
Crystal classes 136—139
Crystal classes, table 137
Crystal defects 63—69
Crystal growth 65 67 68 180
Crystal momentum 207—208 214—216
Crystal structure 55
Crystal symmetry 136—140
Crystal systems 59—62
Crystal systems, table 61—62
Crystal twins 71—72
Crystallographic axes 56—57 70—72 74 178 182—183
Crystallographic axes, relation to principal axes 147—148
Crystallographic axes, table 61—62
Crystallographic planes 57—59 174—176
Curie temperature 127 255—259 264
Curie temperature, table 257
Current densities see Electrical Entropy Mass
Davisson — Germer experiment 83
de Broglie equation 83 102 207
De Hass — van Alphen effect 245—246
Debye temperature 193 199
DeBye temperature, table 193
Density of states function 100 106 206—209 212 217—218 234
Determinant 28 34 44
Diamagnetism 263
Diamond lattice 98 138
dielectric constant 111 118 251—254
Dielectric displacement 116 122 250—251
Dielectric permittivity 111 142 251—254
Dielectric susceptibility 251 260 262
Diffusivity 13 69
Diode, solid state 99 222—223
Dislocation theory 63—69 179—85
Dislocation theory and slip 180—183
Dislocation theory, charge carrier mobility 214—215
Dislocations, edge 64 66 180
Dislocations, motion of 66—67 171 180—182
Dislocations, semi- 64 65
Dislocations, spiral 65 66 67 180
Distortion dyad 156 167—170
Divergence 16
Divergence theorem 17 167 196
Domains and ferromagnetic 265—268
Domains, ferroelectric 256—259
Donors 220—221
Dyadic product 47 123
effective mass 208—210 214—219
Eigenvalues 34
Einstein theory of specific heat 190
Elastic compliance 118 158—161 162 163 166
Elastic constants 161—163 165 166 169—170
Elastic constants, semi-matrices 275—277
Elastic constants, tables 162 171
Elastic limit 172—173 180—182
Elastic moduli, technical 163—166 169—170 183—184 193
Elastic rigidity 118—119 158—162 166—169
Elastic rigidity, table 162
Elasticity 155—172
Electric field intensity 116 122 129 225—229 240—241 249—250
Electrical conductivity 69 142 213 225—228
Electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity 199—207
Electrical conductivity in metals 215—216
Electrical conductivity in semiconductors 217—222
Electrical conductivity, mobility of charge carriers 214—215 241
Electrical current density 213 225—226
Electrical resistivity 214 225—229 240—241
Electro-caloric effect 123
Electron density distribution function see Orbital
Electron diffraction 83
Electron diffraction by lattice 104—107 116
Electron mobility 214—215
Electron wave-particle dualism 83
Electron waves 83 102—107 189 206—208
Electron waves, spectral distribution 103 207—208
Electron waves, velocity of propagation 207—208
Electronic configuration of elements 90—93
Electrons, concentration of 200 213 218 221
Electrostriction 125
Energy gap 99 100 110 217—221
Energy gap, table 220
energy levels 85
Energy levels, covalent solids 98
Energy levels, hydrogen 86
Energy levels, metals 215—217
Energy levels, notation 88
| Energy levels, semiconductors 217—218
Energy, internal, of solids 158—159 189—192
Enthalpy gradient 197
Entropy current density 18—19 128—129 225
Entropy, as parameter 116 121—122 126—127
Equilibrium properties 116—128
Equipartition of energy theory 190
Ettinghausen effect 245
Exchange energy 95—96
Exclusion principle 88
Extensive parameters 116—128
Fermi energy or level 212—213 215—216 218 220 234—237
Fermi surfaces 209 210 246
Fermi — Dirac distribution function 210—213 218 234
Ferrimagnetism 269
Ferrites 269
Ferroelectricity 257—260
ferromagnetism 129—131 264—269
Function see Specific type
Galvanomagnetic properties 243
Gauss’ Theorem 20—21
Glasses 75 205
Glide lines 173
Gradient 12—15 see
Gradient, steady-state system 128—129 225—229
Grain boundaries 69—74 181—183 188
Hall amplifier 244—245
Hall coefficient 239
Hall coefficient in magneto-resistance 242—245
Hall effect 239—245
Hall field 239—240 245
Holes 209—210 216—218 236
Hume — Rothery rules 109
Hybridization of bonds 95—97
Hydrogen atom, quantum states 84—88
Hysteresis 129—131 259 268
Integrals 16—17
Intensive parameters 116
Ionic bonding 111—13
Ionic-covalent bonding 111
Kelvin relationships see Thompson
Kronecker delta 5 48
Lattice defects 63—69 see
Lattice diffraction 104—107 110 207
Lattice vibrations 187—189
Lattice, bcc 55 60 62
Lattice, bcc, Brillouin zones 105—106
Lattice, definition 55
Lattice, fcc 55 60 62
Lattice, fcc, Brillouin zones 105—106 108
Lattice, fcc, slip systems 175—178
Lattice, hcp 55 60 62
Lattice, hcp, Brillouin zones 107—108
Lattice, thermal energy 191—192
Leduc — Righi effect 245
Levi — Civita density 8 16 49
Line integrals 15
Linear density of atoms in crystaliographic directions 58—59 174 177
Lorentz force 239
Lorentz number 200—201
Madelung constants 112—113
Magnetic field intensity 116 126—127 129—131 263—264
Magnetic field intensity and domain wall motion 266—268
Magnetic field intensity and hysteresis in ferromagnetism 268
Magnetic induction 116 263
Magnetic permeability compliance 118 129—131 142
magnetic susceptibility 263—264
Magnetocaloric compliance 124
Magnetoresistance 242—245
Magnetostriction coefficient 120
Many-valley solids 209—210
Mass current density 129
Material properties, Class I, equilibrium 116—128
Material properties, Class II, steady state 128—129
Material properties, Class III 129—131
Material properties, Class IV 132—133
Material properties, classification 115
Matrices, elastic constants 275—277
Matrices, elastic constants, as rotation operators 29—31
Matrices, elastic constants, rank three tensor components 271—274
Matrices, elastic constants, rank two tensor components 148
Matrices, elastic constants, transformation 140
Matrices, elastic constants, types 25 27—29 32
Matrix, compliance 118
Matrix, compliance, diagonalization 31—35
Matrix, compliance, inverse 27
Matrix, compliance, notation 24—25
Matrix, compliance, operations 25—26
Matrix, compliance, rigidity 119
Matrix, compliance, transpose 28
Matrix, compliance, unit 27
Metals, band theory 99 100 215—217
Metals, bonding in 99—100
Metals, electrical conductivity 215—217
Metals, thermal conductivity 199—201
Metals, zone theory 108—109
Metastability 203—205
Michelson — Morley experiments 80
Miller indices 57—58
Molecular solids 97 111
Momentum space 4 102 208—210 215
Momentum, angular 87
Momentum, crystal 207—208 214—216
Nerst effect 245
Neumann’s principle 141 159 195 240 251 261
Orbitals 85—88 95
Orbitals, anti-bonding 95
Orbitals, hybrid 97
Orbitals, p- 87 97
Orbitals, s- 95 97
Orthogonality 5
Paramagnetism 263
Parameters, extensive and intensive 116—128
Pauli exclusion principle 88—89
Peltier coefficient 230—232 237—238
Perfect single-crystal crystals 178—180
Periodic table 279
Permeability, magnetic 142 264
Permeability, saturation 129—131
Permeability, zero point 129—131
Permittivity 142
Permittivity, dielectric 250—252
Phonon, concentration 190
Phonon, definition 188
Phonon, energy 189—194
Phonon, mobility 197—99
Phonon, scattering factors 197—199
Phonon, spectral distribution function 189—193
Phonon, velocity of propagation 191—192 197—199
Phonon, waves 188—189 191—192 197—199
photoelectric effect 80 84
Photon 84—85
Piezoelectric stress coefficient 118 260 262
Piezoelectricity 72 118 125—126 148—149 260—263
Piezoelectricity, matrices of tensor components 271—274
Piezomagnetic stress coefficient 120
Planck, black body radiation 190
Planck’s constant 81 82
Plasticity 172—184
Poisson’s ratio 164—166 170
Polarization 123—124
Polarization domains 256—257
Polarization in dielectrics 249—257
Polarization in ferroelectrics 257—259
Polarization in ferromagnetism 264—269
Polarization in ferromagnetism, domains 265—268
Polarization, relaxation time 252—254
Polycrystalline materials 54 69—74 203—205
Polycrystalline materials, plasticity 173—74 181—185
Polymers 75—78
Ðåêëàìà |