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Eisenhart L.P. — A Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces |
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Surface, definition 53
Surface of center, a curve 186 188 308—314
Surface of center, asymptotic lines 183 184
Surface of center, definition 179
Surface of center, developable 186 305—308
Surface of center, fundamental quantities 181 182
Surface of center, lines of curvature 183 184
Surface of center, met by developables in a conjugate system 180 181
Surface of center, total curvature 183
, , , definition 386
, , , definition 141
, , , for the moving trihedral 174
see “ ”
see “ ”
, definition 142
Acceleration 15 50
Angle between curves 74 200
Angle of geodesic contingence 212
Applicable surfaces to the plane 101 156
Applicable surfaces, definition 100
Applicable surfaces, invariance of geodesic curvature 135
Applicable surfaces, invariance of total curvature 156
Applicable surfaces, pairs of, derived from a given pair 349 (see also “Deformation of”)
Applicable surfaces, solution of the problem of determining whether two given surfaces are applicable 321—326
Applicable surfaces, surfaces Area, element of 75 145
Area of a portion of a surface 145 250
Area of a portion of a surface, minimum 222
Associate surfaces of a ruled surface 381
Associate surfaces of an isothermic surface 388
Associate surfaces of pseudospherical surfaces 390
Associate surfaces of quadrics 390 391
Associate surfaces of the right helicoid 381
Associate surfaces of the sphere 381
Associate surfaces, applicable 381
Associate surfaces, characteristic property 425
Associate surfaces, definition 378
Associate surfaces, determination 378—381
Asymptotic directions, definition 128
Asymptotic lines, definition 128
Asymptotic lines, orthogonal 129
Asymptotic lines, parametric 129 189—194
Asymptotic lines, preserved by projective transformation 202
Asymptotic lines, preserved in a deformation 342—347
Asymptotic lines, spherical representation 144 191—193
Asymptotic lines, straight 140 234
Beltrami, (applicable ruled surfaces) 345
Beltrami, (differential parameters) 88 90
Beltrami, (geodesic curvature) 183
Beltrami, (normal congruences) 403
Beltrami, (ruled W-surfaces) 299
Bertrand curves on a ruled surface 250
Bertrand curves, definition 39
Bertrand curves, deformation 348
Bertrand curves, parametric equations 51
Bertrand curves, properties 39—41
Bianchi, (associate surfaces) 378
Bianchi, (cyclic congruences of Ribaucour) 435
Bianchi, (cyclic systems) 441
Bianchi, (surfaces with circular lines of curvature) 311
Bianchi, (surfaces with spherical lines of curvature) 315
Bianchi, (theorem of permutability) 286—288
Bianchi, generalized transformation of 439
Bianchi, surfaces of 370 371 442 443 445
Bianchi, transformation of 280—283 290 318 320 370 456
Bianchi, triply orthogonal systems of 452—464 464 465
Binomials which are the principal normals to another curve 51
Binormal to a curve, definition 12
Binormal to a curve, spherical indicatrix 50
Bonnet, (formula of geodesic curvature) 136
Bonnet, (lines of curvature of Liouville type) 232
Bonnet, (ruled surfaces) 248
Bonnet, (surfaces of constant curvature) 179
Bonnet, (surfaces of constant mean curvature) 298
Bour, (associate isothermic surfaces) 388
Bour, (helicoids) 147
BScklund, transformation of 284—290
Canal surfaces, definition 68
Canal surfaces, surfaces of center 186
Catenoid, adjoint surface of 267
Catenoid, definition 150
Catenoid, surfaces applicable to 318
Cauchy, problem of 265 335
Central plane 244
Central point 243
Cesaro (moving trihedral) 32
Characteristic equation 375
Characteristic function 374 377
Characteristic lines 130 131
Characteristic lines, parametric 203
Characteristics of a family of surfaces 59—61
Characteristics of the tangent planes to a surface 126
Christoffel (associate isothermic surfaces) 388
Christoffel symbols, definition 152 153
Christoffel symbols, relations between, for a surface and its spherical representation 162 193 201
Circle of curvature 14
Circle, osculating 14
Circles on the sphere 301
Circles, orthogonal system of, in the plane 80 97
Circular lines of curvature 149 310 316 423 446
Circular point on a surface 124
Codazzi, equations of 155—157 161 168 170 189 200
Combescure transformation of curves 50
Combescure transformation of triple systems 461—465
Complementary surface 184 185 283 290 370 464
Conformal representation of a plane upon itself 104 112
Conformal representation of a pseudospherical surface upon the plane 317
Conformal representation of a sphere upon itself 110 111
Conformal representation of a sphere upon the plane 109
Conformal representation of a surface and its spherical representation 143
Conformal representation of a surface upon itself 101—103
Conformal representation of two surfaces 98—100 391
Conformal-conjugate representation of two surfaces 224
Congruence of curves 426
Congruence of curves, normal 430
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear) of Guicliard 414 415 417 422 442
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear) of Ribaucour 420—422 424 425 435 442 443
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), associate normal 401—403 411
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), cyclic 431—445
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), cyclic of Ribaucour 435 442 443
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), definition 392
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), derived 403—405 411 412
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), developables 398 409 414 421 432 437
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), developables of cyclic 437 441
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), focal planes 400 401 409 416
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), focal points 398 399 425
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), focal surfaces 400 406 409—411 412 414 416 420
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), isotropic 412 413 416
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), limit points 396
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), mean ruled surfaces 422 423 425
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), middle envelope 413 415
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), middle point 399
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), middle surface 399 401 408 413 421—424
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), normal 393 398 401 402 403 412 422 423 437
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), normal cyclic 437
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), principal planes 396 397
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), principal surfaces 396—398 408
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), pseudospherical 184 415 416 464
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), ruled surfaces 393 398 401
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), spherical representation of cyclic 432—433
Congruence of straight lines (rectilinear), W- 417—420 422 424
Conjugate directions 126 173
Conjugate directions, normal radii in 131
Conjugate system of plane curves 224
Conjugate system, definition 127 223
Conjugate system, parametric 195 203 223 224
Conjugate system, preserved by projective transformation 202
Conjugate system, preserved in a deformation 338—342 348 349
Conjugate system, spherical representation of 200
Conjugate systems in correspondence 130
Conoid, right 56 58 59 68 82 98 112 120 195 347
| Coordinates, curvilinear, in space 447
Coordinates, curvilinear, on a surface 55
Coordinates, elliptic 227
Coordinates, symmetric 91—93
Coordinates, tangential 163 194 201
Correspondence with orthogonality of linear elements 374—377 390
Corresponding conjugate systems 130
Cosserat (infinitesimal deformation) 380 385
Cross-ratio of four solutions of a Riccati equation 26
Cross-ratio of points of intersection of four-curved asymptotic lines on a ruled surface 249
Cross-ratio of the points in which four surfaces orthogonal to a cyclic system meet the circles 429
Cubic, twisted 4 8 11 12 15 269
Curvature, first, center of 14
Curvature, first, circle of 14
Curvature, first, constant 22 38 51
Curvature, first, of a curve 9
Curvature, first, radius of 9
Curvature, Gaussian 123
Curvature, Gaussian, geodesic see “Geodesic”
Curvature, mean, of a surface 123 126 145
Curvature, mean, of a surface, surfaces of constant see “Surface”
Curvature, normal, of a surface, radius of 118 120 130 131 150
Curvature, normal, of a surface, radius of, center of 118 150
Curvature, normal, of a surface, radius of, principal centers of 122
Curvature, normal, of a surface, radius of, principal radii of 119 120 291 450
Curvature, second, constant 50 (see also “Torsion”)
Curvature, second, of a curve 16
Curvature, total, of a surface 123 126 145 155 156 160 172 186 194 208 211
Curvature, total, radius of 189
Curvature, total, surfaces of constant see “Surface”
Curve of constant first curvature 22 38 51
Curve of constant torsion 50
Curve, definition 2
Curve, form of a 18
Cyclic congruences see “Congruences”
Cyclic system 426—446
Cyclic system of equal circles 430 443
Cyclic system, associated with a triple system 457; 458
Cyclic system, definition 426
Cyclic system, planes depend on one parameter 442
Cyclic system, planes envelop a curve 439 440
Cyclic system, planes through a point 440 441
Cyclic system, surfaces orthogonal to 436 437 444 457
Cyclic system, triple system associated with a 446
Cyclides of Dupin 188 312—314 412 422 465
D, , for the moving trihedral 174
D, , , definition 115
Darboux, (asymptotic lines and conjugate systems preserved by projective transformation) 202
Darboux, (asymptotic lines parametric) 191
Darboux, (conjugate lines parametric) 195
Darboux, (general problem of deformation) 332
Darboux, (generation of new surfaces of Weingarten) 298
Darboux, (generation of surfaces with plane lines of curvature in both systems) 304
Darboux, (geodesic parallels) 216 217
Darboux, (lines of curvature preserved by an inversion) 196
Darboux, (moving trihedral) 168 169 170
Darboux, (surfaces applicable to paraboloids) 367
Darboux, (triply orthogonal systems) 468—461
Darboux, derived congruences of 404 405
Darboux, twelve surfaces of 391
Deformation of surfaces see “Applicable surfaces”
Deformation of surfaces of minimal surfaces 264 269 327—330
Deformation of surfaces of paraboloids 348 368 369
Deformation of surfaces of ruled surfaces 343—348 350 367
Deformation of surfaces of surfaces of constant curvature 321—323
Deformation of surfaces of surfaces of revolution see “Surfaces of revolution”
Deformation of surfaces of the envelope of the planes of a cyclic system 429 430
Deformation of surfaces, general problem 331—333
Deformation of surfaces, method of Weingarten 353—369
Deformation of surfaces, which changes a curve on the surface into a given curve in space 333—336
Deformation of surfaces, which preserves asymptotic lines 336 342 343
Deformation of surfaces, which preserves conjugate systems 338—342 349 350 443
Deformation of surfaces, which preserves lines of curvature 336—338 341
Developable surface of a congruence see “Congruence”
Developable surface, applicable to the plane 101 156 219 321 322
Developable surface, definition 61
Developable surface, equation 64
Developable surface, formed by normals to a surface at points of a line of curvature 122
Developable surface, fundamental property 244
Developable surface, geodesies on a 224 268 318 322
Developable surface, particular kinds 69
Developable surface, polar 64 65 112 209
Developable surface, principal radii 149
Developable surface, rectifying 62 64 112 209
Developable surface, total curvature 156 250
Dextrorsum 19”
Differential parameters of the first order 84—88 90 91 120 160 166 186
Differential parameters of the second order 88—91 160 165 166 186
Dini, (ruled W-surfaces) 299
Dini, (spherical representation of asymptotic lines) 192
Dini, (surfaces of Liouville) 214
Dini, surface of 291 318
Director-cone of a ruled surface 141
Director-developable of a surface of Monge 305
Directrix of a ruled surface 241
Dobriner (surfaces with spherical lines of curvature) 315
Dupin (triply orthogonal systems) 449
Dupin, cyclide of see “Cyclide”
Dupin, indicatrix of 124—126 129 150
Dupin, theorem of Malus and 403
e, f, , g, definition 393
E, F, G, definition 70
E, F, G, for the moving trihedral 174
Edge of regression 43 60 69
Element of area 75 145
Element, Ellipsoid, equations 228
Element, linear see “Linear element”
Element, normal section 234
Element, polar geodesic system 236—238
Element, surface corresponding with parallelism of tangent plane 269 (see also “Quadrics”)
Element, umbilical geodesies 236 267
Elliptic coordinates 227
Elliptic point of a surface 125 200
Elliptic type of pseudospherical surfaces 274
Elliptic type of surfaces of Bianchi 370 371
Enneper, (equations of a minimal surface) 256
Enneper, (torsion of asymptotic lines) 140
Enneper, minimal surface of 269
Enneper, surfaces of constant curvature of 317 320
Envelope of a one-parameter family of planes 61—63 64 69 442
Envelope of a one-parameter family of spheres 66—69
Envelope of a two-parameter family of planes 162 224 426 439
Envelope of a twoparameter family of spheres 391 444
Envelope of geodesies 221
Envelope, definition 59 60
Equations of a curve 1 2 3 21
Equations of a surface 52 53 54
Equations, parametric 1 2 52 53
Equidistance, curves of 456
Equidistantial system 187 203
Equivalent representation of two surfaces 113 188
Euler, equation of 124 221
Evolute of a curve 43 45—47
Evolute of a surface 180 415
Evolute, center) ; of the quadrics 234
Evolute, mean, of a surface 165 166 372
f see “E”
f see “e”
Family of Lame 461 463 464
Family, one-parameter, of curves 78—80
Family, one-parameter, of geodesies 216 221
Family, one-parameter, of planes 61—64 69 442 463
Family, one-parameter, of spheres 66—69 309 319 463
Family, one-parameter, of surfaces 59 446 447 451 452 457—461
Family, two-parameter, of planes 162 224 426 439
Family, two-parameter, of spheres 391 444
Focal conic 226 234 313 314
Focal planes 400 401 409 416
Focal points 398 399 425
Focal surface of a congruence 400
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