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Ghausi M.S., Laker K.R. — Modern Filter Design. Active RC and Switched Capacitor |
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and Q sensitivity 120
enhancement 216
Active-C biquad 267
Active-ladder 300
Active-R biquad 250
Active-R biquad, general 256
Active-R biquad, minimum element 253
Active-RC biquad 177
Active-RC filter realizations 282 300 325
Active-switched capacitor realizations 464 486
Active-switched capacitor realizations, cascade 487
Active-switched capacitor realizations, multiple loop feedback 314 491
Aliasing 47
All-pass 19 216
Analog computation 76
Analog sampled-data system 57
Approximation methods 23
Approximation methods, Bessel 28
Approximation methods, Butterworth 23
Approximation methods, Chebychev 25
Approximation methods, Elliptic (Cauer) 30
Approximation methods, Thompson 25
Band-pass 16
Band-pass, RC 191
Band-pass, SC 485
Band-reject 16
Band-stop 16
Bandwidth 23 318
bessel 28
Bilinear resistor 421
Bilinear transform 600
Biquad 175
Bode plot 98
bp 16 362
Cain resign 97
Cascade realization 282
Cascade realization, dynamic range 294
Cascade realization, sensitivity 285
Cauer forms 512
Characteristic equation 94
Chebychev 25
Closed loop gain 73
Common-mode rejection ratio 525
Comparison of biquads 242
Coupled biquad 348
Decomposition RC—RC 280
Delay equalization 19
Delay time 37
Digital filter 3
Direct synthesis 278
Driving-point functions 9
Driving-point functions, passive RC 511
Dynamic range 294
D—4 channel bank 59
Elliptic 30
Elmore's definition 37
Enhancement, 216
Enhancement, Q 216
Equalizer 19
Equiripple 25
Equivalent SC circuits 413
Equivalent SC circuits, floating capacitor 413
Equivalent SC circuits, open-circuit grounded resistor (OGR) 416
Equivalent SC circuits, single-phase grounded capacitor (SPOC) 416
Equivalent SC circuits, toggled switched capacitor (TSC) 414
Equivalent SC circuits, toggled switched difference (TSD) 415
Equivalent SC circuits, toggled switched inverter (TSI) 415
Excess phase 87
FDNR, active RC 105
FDNR, switched capacitor 449
Feedback 92
Feedforward 319
Filter, definition 1
Filter, evolution 2
FIR 51
First-order active-SC networks 423 424
First-order active-SC networks, high-puts 426
First-order active-SC networks, low-pass 424
FLF 325
Floating gyrator 310
Floating inductor 308
Follow-the-leader Feedback (FLF) 325
Foster forms 512
Frequency transformation 32
Frequency transformation s to z domain 389
Frequency transformation s to z domain, backward difference (BD) 390
Frequency transformation s to z domain, bilinear 390
Frequency transformation s to z domain, forward difference (FD) 390
Frequency transformation s to z domain, lossless discrete integrator (LDI) 390
Frequency transformation, low-pass to band-pass 34
Frequency transformation, low-pass to band-reject 34
Frequency transformation, low-pass to high-pass 33
Frequency-dependent negative resistor 107 307
Gain crossover frequency 97
Gain-bandwidth 81
Gain-sensitivity product 124
Gaussian distribution 157
Generalized follow-the-leader feedback (GFLF) 334
Generalized immittance converter (GIC) 102
GFLF 102
GIC 102
Grounded FDNR, active RC 308
Grounded FDNR, SC 449
Group delay function 11
Gyrator 99
High-paw 13
IC op amp 87
Ideal SC networks 379
IFLF 340
IIR 57 377
Impulse response 37
Inductance simulation 102 305
Inductor SC realization 447
Inductor SC realization, floating 452
Inductor SC realization, grounded 447
Input bias current 525
Input offset current 525
Integrator 87
Integrator, bipolar 88
Integrator, monolithic 87
Integrator, MOS 88
Inverse follow-the-leader feedback 340
Large-parameter change sensitivity 141
Leap-frog (LF) 342
LF 342
Linear phase 21
Link two-port (LTP) 414
Lossless bilinear integrators 443
Lossless integrator 430
Lossy bilinear integrators 445
Lossy integrator 437
Lossy integrator with OFR 439
Lossy integrator with TSC 437
Low-pass 13
Low-pass, active RC 178 216
Low-pass, active SC 424
LSI 376
LTP 414
Mask programmable SC fitters 496
Maximally flat delay 28
Maximally flat magnitude 23
| Maximum power transfer 302
Minimum op amp realization 362
Minimum phase function 10
Minimum sensitivity feedback (MSF) 354
MLF 351
Modified leapfrog (MLF) 351
Monte Carlo simulation 156
MOS active-SC 454
Multiple-loop feedback 314
Multiple-loop feedback, sensitivity and dynamic range 320
Narrow-band filter 34
Natural frequencies 9 92
Negative feedback 92
Negative Impedance converter 98
NIC 98
Nonideal op amp 51
Normalization 42
Notch 194
Nyquist criterion 96
Nyquist rate 47
Op amp 70
Op amp terminologies, differential Input/differential output 73
Op amp terminologies, inverting 73
Op amp terminologies, noninverting 74
Op amp, single pole model 81
Op amp, two-pole model 87
Op amp, two-pole single-zero model 84
Open loop gem 72
Optimization 164
Overshoot 36
Parasitic capacitances 456
Parasitic free active-SC biquads 464
Passband 13
Phase cross over frequency 97
Phase function 10
Phase margin 97
Polar form 97
Pole Q 34
Pole-zero pairing 284
Positive feedback 193
Positive real functions 509
Prb 331
Prewarping 393
Primary resonator block (PRB) 331
Puke amplitude modulation (PAM) 49
Pulse code modulation (PCM) 59
q 34
Q enhancement 216
Random variable 126
RCD network 308
Reconstruction filter 48
Recursive filter 377
Rise tune 37
RLC network 304
Root sensitivity 119
Root-locus 93
Routh — Hurwitz test 92
SAB 177
Sample and hold 367
Sampled-data waveforms 384
Sampling process 44
Sampling theorem 47
sc 417
SC circuit transformations 398
SC circuit transformations, capacitor 400
SC circuit transformations, inductor 401
SC circuit transformations, resistor 400
SC network transfer functions 88
SCF 331
Sensitivity 113
Sensitivity of high-order cascade 151
Sensitivity of high-order feedback 153
Sensitivity of SC networks 474
Sensitivity optimization 164
Sensitivity, definition 117
Sensitivity, deterministic 125
Sensitivity, multiparameter 125
Sensitivity, single parameter 116
Sensitivity, statistical 126
Shifted-companion-form (SCF) 331
Signal flow graph 345
Simulated, FDNR 105
Simulated, gyrator 103
Simulated, inductor 103
Single amplifier biquad (SAB) 177
Single amplifier biquad (SAB), all-pass 209
Single amplifier biquad (SAB), band-pass 191
Single amplifier biquad (SAB), general 205
Single amplifier biquad (SAB), low-pass 178
Single amplifier biquad (SAB), notch 194
Single amplifier biquad (SAB), STAR 211
Single pole model 81
Slew rate 527
Specifications 13
Stability 91
Standard deviation 157 164
State variable, active R 256
State variable, active RC 221
Statistical sensitivity 126
Statistical sensitivity, high Q case 135
Step response 36
Stopband 13
summer 76 319
Switched capacitor 417
Symmetrical filter 34
systems 5
Systems, linear 5
Systems, time invariant 6
Systems, zero input response 8
Systems, zero state response 8
Tables of filter design 516—522
Three dB bandwidth 23 27 29
Three-op amp biquad 218
Three-op amp biquad, Akerberg and Mossberg (AM) 227 240
Three-op amp biquad, comparison 242
Three-op amp biquad, general 233
Three-op amp biquad, Kerwin, Huelsman, and Newcomb (KHN) 221
Three-op amp biquad, Mikhael and Bhattacharyya (MB) 238
Three-op amp biquad, Moschytz (M) 232
Three-op amp biquad, Multiple input biquad (MIB) 235
Three-op amp biquad, Padukone, Mulawka, and Ghausi (PMG) 240
Three-op amp biquad, Tarmy and Ghausi (TG) 229
Three-op amp biquad, Tow and Thomas (TT) 226
Toggle-switched blocks 419
Toggle-switched floating four-port TSFFP 418
Transfer function 9
Transfer function, passive network 512
Transition band 17
Transmission zeros 9
Two-integrator loop 244
Two-op amp biquads 218
Two-pole model of op amp 87
Two-pole single-zero model 84
Unity gain 75
Unswitched capacitor 420
Virtual ground 73
Voltage gain function 10
z-domain circuit SC models 402
z-transform 49
Zero input response 8
Zero state response 8
zeros 9
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