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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) |
Предметный указатель |
continuity 43 52 164 279
continuous shape functions 168—198
continuous shape functions, 1 dimensional 183—184
continuous shape functions, 2 dimensional 168—177
continuous shape functions, 3 dimensional 184—198
continuity 29 80 268 304 443
continuity 279
norm 366
projection of stress 376
: Poisson's ratio 583 632
a posteriori error estimator 385
Abdulwahab, F. 382 398 399 400
Abramowitz, N. 217 219 246
Absciss\ae, integration 220 222 223
Accelerator matrix, convergence 323 324
Accuracy, local 499
Acoustic problems 546
Adams, M. 617 618 619
Adaptive analysis 463
Adaptive mesh refinement 401
Adaptive methods 398
Adaptive time stepping 500
Adaptivity, h 405
Added mass 153 556
Adee, J. 464 467
ADI (Alternating Direction Implicit) 570
Adjoint functions and operators 75 83 645
Aerofoil 233 545
Ahmad, S. 237 248; 275
Ainsworth, M. 387 388 392 400
Aircraft 138
Airy stress function 303
Algebraic equations: linear 577
Algebraic equations: non-linear 594
Algebraic equations: simultaneous linear 609
Algorithm see also Algorithms methods
Algorithm, Bossak — Newmark 522
Algorithm, CBS 338 341
Algorithm, Gear 521
Algorithm, generalized Newmark 508
Algorithm, GiD 583
Algorithm, GN 516
Algorithm, GN22 514 515 529 531 533 553 566 571 593
Algorithm, GNpj 508 560
Algorithm, GNU 566
Algorithm, Hilber — Hughes — Taylor 522
Algorithm, Houbolt 522
Algorithm, Liniger 521
Algorithm, Newmark 512 515 531 533 see
Algorithm, recurrence 560
Algorithm, SS (Single Step) 495—521
Algorithm, SS11 511 565
Algorithm, SS21 519 520
Algorithm, SS22 511 519 520 529 530 531 533 566 see
Algorithm, SS31 520
Algorithm, SS32 520 530
Algorithm, SS42 530
Algorithm, SS42/41 algorithms 529
Algorithm, SSpj 508 514
Algorithm, steady-stage 594
Algorithm, three-step 527
Algorithm, transient step-by-step 560
Algorithm, Uzawa 301
Algorithm, Wilson 522
Algorithm, Zlamal 521
Algorithmic damping 536
Algorithms: general single-step 508
Algorithms: GNpj 514
Algorithms: implicit 511
Algorithms: multi-step 522
Algorithms: multistep recurrence 522
Algorithms: recurrence 522
Algorithms: single-step 495
Algorithms: transient recurrence 565
Algorithms: transient step-by-step 551
Allen, D.N.de G. 1 16; 86; 161
Allwood, R.J. 355 362
Alternating direction implicit (ADI) 570
Alternating direction of sweeps 569
Amplification matrix 501 516
Analysis procedure, modal 486
Anchorages, cable 110
Andelfinger, U. 295 305
Anderson, R.G. 222 246
Ando, Y. 74 85;
Angular velocity 119
Anisotropic elasticity 309
Anisotropic materials 91
Anisotropic media 144
Anisotropic porous foundation 149
Anisotropic problems 603
Anisotropic seepage 149
Anisotropic valley 102
Anisotropy, stratified 115
Approximation error 499
Approximation in time 493
Approximation: central difference 530
Approximation: discontinuous stress 286
Approximation: finite element 632
Approximation: function 431
Approximation: incomplete 346
Approximation: least square 78
Approximation: mixed 309
Approximation: multi-step polynomial 524
Approximation: partial field 346 348
Approximation: point 84
Approximation: point-based 429
Approximation: three-field 292 329
Arbitrary tetrahedral meshes 138
Arbitrary weighting function 495
Arch dam in rigid valley 239 241 242
Archer, J.S. 472 491
Area coordinates 180—182 186—190
Area: elements of 641
Area: tributary 429
Argyris, J.H. 2 3 16; 128 139; 159 162 163; 182 183 184 198; 344; 539
Arlett, P.L. 140 153 155 161; 482 483 491
Armstrong, C.G. 405 427
Arnold, D. 287 305
Arnold, D.N. 314 320 343 344
Array computations, element 598
Array storage 588
Arrays: dynamically dimensioned 578
Arrays: global 585
Arrays: residual load 577
Arrow, K.J. 301 306; 344
Artificial harbour 487 488
Arya, S.K. 79 81 85
ascii file 576
Assembly equations 13
Assembly process, general 9
Asymptotic convergence rate 59 250 257 406
At-Abdulla, J. 355 362
Atluri, S.N. 276 304
Atluri, T.H. 355 362
Atmospheric pressure 556
Augmented Lagrangian form 324
Automatic element subdivision 226
Auxiliary bending shape functions 265
Auxiliary functions 303
Average dynamic equation 512
Average stress error 401
Axes: orthogonal 627
Axes: principal 149
Axial co-ordinates 112
Axial tension 7
Axisymmetric elasticity matrix, D 116
Axisymmetric heat flow 149
Axisymmetric initial strain 115
Axisymmetric loading 112
| Axisymmetric solids 112
Axisymmetric stiffness matrix 117
Axisymmetric strain matrix, B 115
Axisymmetric stress analysis 112
Axisymmetric thermal strain 115
Axisymmetrical pressure vessel 152
Axisymmetry plane strain 124
Axisymmetry plane stress 124
B, strain matrix 90—95 115 600
B-bar method 316
Babuska patch test 392
Babuska — Brezzi conditions 307 326
Babuska, I. 251 275; 280 304 305; 363; 392 393 394 398 399 400; 404 415 416 426 427 428; 445 457 458 459 463 465 466; 575
Bachrach, W.E. 226 246; 275
Back substitution 611
Back, P.A.A. 153 162
Background grid 453
Backward difference four-step algorithm 521
Backward difference implicit scheme 538
Bahrani, A.K. 470 482 483 491
Bahrani, A.L. 140 153 155 161
Baiocchi, C. 161 163
Balestra, M. 326 345
Bampton, M.C.C. 480 492
Band: variable 588
Bandwidth 127 337 358
Bandwidth minimization 587
Banerjee, P.K. 84 86; 362
Bank, R.E. 387 388 391 399
Bar: pin-ended 6 15
Barlow points 371
Barlow, J. 371 398
Bars: elastic 2
Bars: pin-jointed 178
Barsoum, R.S. 234 248
Base polynomial solutions 253 258
Basic shape function routines 577
Batch processing 576
Bathe, K.J. 161 163; 246; 490 521 541
Batina, J. 446 447 453 465 466
Baumann, C.E. 361 363 364; 415 427
Bayless, A. 430 465
Baynham, J.A.W. 276 280 304; 320 343
Bazeley, G.P. 31 34 38; 274
Beam 82
Beam reactions, simple 6
Beam shape function 36
Beam vibration 481
Beam: cantilever 376
Beam: narrow 171
Beam: simply supported 481
Bearing pad 157
Becker, E.B. 82 86
Beckers, P. 251 270 274
Beer, G. 84 86; 247
Beisinger, Z.E. 474 491
Belytschko, T. 226 246; 275; 398 399; 453 464 465 466 467; 521 540; 574
Bending moment 7 35
Bending moments, internal 26
Bending of prismatic beams 140
Benz, W. 464 466
Benzley, S.E. 234 248
Bercovier, H. 319
Beresford, P.J. 265 268 275
Best fit stresses 98
Bettencourt, J.M. 505 521 540
Bettess, P. 74 85; 233 235 247; 363 487 492; 569 572 574
Bey, K.S. 404 415 427
Bhakra dam-reservoir system 557
Bicanic, N. 261 263 275; 574
Biezeno, O.C. 2 3 17; 84
Bijlaard, P.P. 127
Bilinear mapping 215
Bilinear shape functions 205
Bimetallic shaft, hollow 148
Biomechanics 244 564
Biot, M.A. 559 573
Bischoff, M. 295 305
Blackburn, W.S. 234 248
Blacker, T.D. 382 398 399; 427; 466
Blade cascade, infinite 245
Blade, cooled rotor 507
Blending functions 226 227
Blocks of elements 583
Blocks of nodes 583
Bociovelli, L.L. 474 491
Body force components 23
Body force potential 96
Body force vectors 208
Body forces 25 54 96 166 254 471
Body forces, 3D distributed 132
Body forces, distributed 23 119
Body of revolution 118
Bogner, F.K. 35 38
Boley, B.A. 545 572
Bone-fluid interaction 564
Bonet, J. 464 467
Booker, J.F. 158
Boroomand, B. 97 111; 274; 394 397 399 400
Borouchaki, H. 229 247
Bossak — Newmark algorithm 522
Bossak, M. 521 522 541
Boundaries: external 379
Boundaries: internal 356
Boundaries: repeating 587
Boundary condition data 577 578
Boundary condition: forced 44 45 66 143
Boundary condition: natural 44 45 66 143 278
Boundary condition: prescribed 13
Boundary condition: radiation 147
Boundary condition: traction 356
Boundary elements 356 359
Boundary methods 82 346 355
Boundary traction 256
Boundary Trefftz-type elements 357
Boundary: flux 74
Boundary: internal element 256
Boundary: radiation 548
Boussinesq problem 125 135 233
Box product 642
Braess, D. 295 305
Brauchli, H.J. 298 306; 398
Brebbia, C.A. 84 86; 361 363
Brezzi, F. 280 287 305; 326 333 343 345
Brick elements, hierarchical 193
Brick-type elements 132
Brigham, E.O. 486 492
Brown, C.B. 161 162
Bruch, J.C. 161 163
Bubble function 183 311 326
Bubble function, cubic 338
Bubble function, hierarchical 327
Bubble mode 329 331 334 338
Bubbles, distributed (cavitation) 556
Bubnov — Galerkin method 47; see also Galerkin
Buck, K.E. 172 184 198
Bugeda, G. 401 411 426
bulk modulus 308 325 546
Butterfield, R. 356 362
Buttress dam 102
Byskov, E. 234 248
C programming language 577
Cable anchorages 110
Campbell, D.M. 285 305
Campbell, J. 77 85; 177 185 192 198 198 199; 244 248; 376 398
Canann, S. 405 427
Cancellation of error 223
cantilever 374 376
Cantin, G. 298 302 305; 521 540
Caravani, P. 490 492
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