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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) |
Предметный указатель |
Direct solution 578 609 610
Direction cosine array inverse 630
Direction cosine array transpose 630
Direction cosines 640
Directional mesh refinement 425
Disc: rotating 196 237
Discontinuities, load 505
Discontinuity 279
Discontinuity, element 33
Discontinuous Galerkin method 361 494 500
Discontinuous slope 43
Discontinuous stress approximation 286
Discrete analysis 16
Discrete coupled system 549
Discrete elements 1 18
Discrete pressure equation 336
Discrete system 1 2 14
Discrete variables 1
Discretization 1 71
Discretization error 32
Discretization, finite element 143
Discretization, partial 55
Displacement 635
Displacement compatibility 8
Displacement continuity 347
Displacement field 87
Displacement formulation 19
Displacement frame, interface 350
Displacement function 18 87
Displacement gradient 628
Displacement potential 556
Displacement shape functions 348
Displacement, prescribed 348
Displacement, radial 112
Displacement, virtual 24 55
Displacements: nodal 8 88
Displacements: prescribed 10
Displacements: rigid body 31 352
Displacements: SPR for 383
Distorted four-noded element 651
Distorted Lagrangian elements 216
Distorted serendipity elements 216
Distorted triangular prism 213
Distortion: gross 204
Distortion: violent 204
Distributed body forces 23 119
Distributed bubbles (cavitation) 556
Distributed loads, nodal forces 5
Dixon, J.R. 234 247
Doctors, L.J. 159 163
Doherty, W.P. 179 198; 266 269 275
Dolbow, J. 430 453 465
Domain element, polygonal 356
Domain integral 355
Domain of influence 435 438
Domain: analysis 245
Domain: continuum 1
Domain: L-shaped 368 413 416 420
Domain: space-time 494
Domain: square 412
Domain: time 495
Domains overlap 543
Domains: infinite 229
Domains: interpolation 435
Domains: multiple 542
Domains: overlapping 544
Dome, hemispheric 238
Double summation (numerical integration) 221
Douglas, J. 287 305
Driven cavity problem 338 340
Duarte, A. 430 444 445 453 465
Duarte, C.A. 430 457 458 459 463 464 465 466
Duff, I.S. 464 466
Dummy index 629
Dungar, R. 153 162; 362
Dunham, R.S. 279 305
Dunne, P.C. 168 169 198
Dyke foundation 563
Dynamic analysis, implicit-explicit 545
Dynamic eigenvalues, damped 484
Dynamic equation, average 512
Dynamic memory allocation 579
Dynamic problems 468
Dynamically dimensional arrays 578
Dynamics: explicit 226
Dynamics: soil 544
d’Alembert principle 471
E: Young's Modulus of elasticity 23 35 36 90—94 116—117 131—132 583 632
Earthed trough 155
Earthquake 562
Earthquake forcing motion 556
Earthquake motion 557
Earthquake, simulated 563
Effective stress 103 558
Effectivity index 386 392 393 413
Effects, surface wave 555
Eigenpairs, real 489
Eigenproblem 336 394 485
Eigenvalue computations 604
Eigenvalue participation factors 494
Eigenvalue problem 625
Eigenvalue problem, standard 479
Eigenvalues 476 478 494 518 550
Eigenvalues, damped dynamic 484
Eigenvalues, real 477
Eigenvalues, zero 460
Eigenvector 478 489 494 625
Eiseman, P.R. 139 139; 247; 427
Elastic bars 2
Elastic constants 91
Elastic constants, Lame 604 632
Elastic constitutive equations 631
Elastic foundation 268
Elastic foundation, string on 450 455
Elastic membrane 268
Elastic wave propagation 520
Elasticity 284 395 458
Elasticity matrix D 90 317 366
Elasticity, anisotropic 309
Elasticity, incompressible 309 323 334
Elasticity, linear 4 39 459
Elasticity, two-field incompressible 308
Elastodynamics 494
Electric conductors 156
Electric current 155
Electric potential 140
Electrical networks 10
Electrical resistance 11
Electromagnetics 155 482
Electrostatic potential 155
Electrostatics 153
Element analysis 576
Element array computations 598
Element boundary, internal 256
Element connection 578 583 585
Element damping matrix 471
Element data 597
Element discontinuity 33
Element invariance 580
Element mass matrix 471
Element matrix 192 211
Element matrix, singular 225
Element modes: singular 256
Element modes: zero energy 256
Element partition 566
Element patch 285 384 391;
Element residual 606
Element residual error estimator 388
Element residual, recovery by 392
Element robustness 273 304
| Element routines 607
Element routines, multiple 583
Element shape functions 165—198
Element singularities, local 226
Element size, required 405
Element stiffness calculation 602
Element stiffness matrix 5 471 604
Element stiffness matrix computation 599
Element subdivision 59 402
Element subdivision, automatic 226
Element test, single 255
Element-free Galerkin method 429 430 453
Element: damping 548
Element: distorted four-noded 651
Element: enhanced strain 296
Element: general triangular 182
Element: incompatible 264
Element: line 183
Element: linear 185
Element: non-robust 252
Element: Pian — Sumihara 343
Element: polygonal domain 356
Element: quadratic 185
Element: quadratic triangular 460
Element: Simo — Rifai 343
Element: tetrahedral 127 128
Element: triangular 20 87
Elements of area 641
Elements of volume 641
Elements: blocks of 583
Elements: boundary 356 359
Elements: boundary Trefftz-type 357
Elements: brick-type 132
Elements: composite 134
Elements: convergence of 213
Elements: cubic 186
Elements: diffuse 453
Elements: discrete 1 18
Elements: distorted Lagrangian 216
Elements: distorted serendipity 216
Elements: exterior 356
Elements: hierarchical brick 193
Elements: hierarchical rectangle 193
Elements: hierarchical tetrahedron 193
Elements: hierarchical triangle 193
Elements: hybrid-stress 355
Elements: infinite 157 229
Elements: interior 356
Elements: irreducible 282 342
Elements: isoparametric 355
Elements: linear 183
Elements: mapped 200
Elements: non-conforming 33 250
Elements: one-dimensional 183
Elements: patch of 377
Elements: rectangular 168
Elements: singular 235
Elements: singularity 200
Elements: superparametric 207
Elements: suspect 261
Elements: tetrahedral 186
Elements: three-dimensional 184
Elements: Trefftz-type 356 358 359
Elements: triangular prism 189
Elements: two-dimensional 168
Elias, Z.M. 304 306
Elimination of internal variables 177
Elimination of singularities 226
Elimination: direct 72
Elimination: forward 611
Elimination: Gaussian 577 578
ELMLIB (Element Library) 608
Elongation 7
Elongation, relative period 532
Ely, J.F. 149 162
Emson, C. 229 233 247
Energy bound 30 34
Energy conservation 7
Energy functional 372
Energy loss, radiation 550
Energy norm 366 386 387 405
Energy principle, complementary elastic 302
Engelman, M.S. 319 344
Enhanced strain element 293 296
Enhanced strain stabilization 329 338
Equation: adjoint differential 645
Equation: average dynamic 512
Equation: characteristic 484 554
Equation: conservation 276
Equation: continuity 160 546 557
Equation: convective diffusion 69
Equation: damped wave 470
Equation: discrete pressure 336
Equation: equilibrium 471
Equation: first-order 495
Equation: heat 592
Equation: Helmholtz 470 482 546
Equation: hyperbolic 468
Equation: Laplace 140—161 333 337 555
Equation: Maxwell's 155
Equation: parabolic 468
Equation: Poisson 140—161 333 360 381 412
Equation: quasi-harmonic 140—161 276
Equation: Reynolds 157
Equation: second-order 508
Equation: wave 481
Equations: assembly 13
Equations: constraint 320
Equations: coupled 560
Equations: differential 1
Equations: elastic constitutive 631
Equations: equilibrium 10 55 303 332 635
Equations: Euler 62 63 75
Equations: linear algebraic 577
Equations: non-linear algebraic 594
Equations: non-linear differential 66
Equations: ordinary differential 56
Equations: quasi-harmonic 360
Equations: self-adjoint differential 66
Equations: singular 77
Equations: slope-deflection 37
Equations: symmetric 278
Equations: system 14
Equilibrated element residual estimator 387 388 394
Equilibrating form subdomains 353
Equilibrating stresses 354
Equilibrium and energy 630
Equilibrium conditions 19 284 302
Equilibrium equations 10 55 303 332 471 635
Equilibrium equations weak form 53
Equilibrium, overall 8
Equivalent nodal forces 23
Ergatoudis, J.G. 3 128 139; 172 174 185 198 198 199; 239 248
Eriksson, K. 500 540
Error estimates by recovery 385
Error estimation 33 251 365 401 500
Error estimator 405
Error estimator, a posteriori 385
Error estimator, element residual 388
Error estimator, energy norm 386
Error estimator, equilibrated residual 388 394
Error estimator, explicit residual 387
Error estimator, global 421
Error estimator, implicit residual 387
Error estimator, residual 387
Error estimator, residual based 365 392
Error magnitudes, permissible 401
Error norms 365
Error: approximation 499
Error: average stress 401
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