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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) |
Предметный указатель |
Hall, J.F. 551 573
Hamilton's variational principle 498
Hammer, P.C. 222 246
Hanging points 402
Hansbo, P. 387 400
Harbour: artificial 487 488
Hardy, O. 404 415 427
Harmonic wave functions 458
Hause, J. 139 139; 247; 427
Hayes, L.J. 570 571 574
Head: hydraulic 12 149
Hearmon, R.F.S. 91 111
Heat conduction 47 123 140 276 279 287 370 395 458 486 505 520
Heat conduction, steady-state 41 149
Heat conduction, transient 57 468 477
Heat conduction, weak form 44
Heat conduction-convection, steady-state 41
Heat equation 592
Heat flow 41
Heat flow, axisymmetric 149
Heat flow, sphere 122
Heat storage 56
Heat transfer problem 303
Heat transfer, complementary 301
Heinrich, J.C. 545 572
Hellan, K. 279 304
Hellen, T.K. 221 234 246 248
Hellinger — Reissner variational principle 285 652
Hellinger, E. 285 305
Helmholtz equation 470 482 546
Hemispheric dome 238
Henrici, P. 494 539
Henshell, R.D. 234 248; 362
Hermitian interpolation function 435
Herrera, I. 356 363
Herrmann theorem 372 377
Herrmann, L.R. 69 85; 159 161 163; 285 304 305; 311 343; 373 398
Hestenes, M.R. 323 344
Hexahedral mesh generators 405
Hibbitt, H.D. 234 248
Hierarchical brick elements 193
Hierarchical bubble function 327
Hierarchical enhancement 443
hierarchical forms 167 208
Hierarchical interpolation 444 449 463
Hierarchical method, polynomial 458
Hierarchical moving least square 454
Hierarchical polynomials 190
Hierarchical rectangle elements 193
Hierarchical shape functions 164 166 190 194
Hierarchical tetrahedron elements 193
Hierarchical triangle elements 193
Hierarchical variables 431 457 571
High Poisson's ratio 78; see also Almost incompressible Poisson's
High-frequency responses 531
Higher derivatives 443
Higher order patch test 257 261 271
Higher order stability 520
Hilber — Hughes — Taylor algorithm 522
Hilber, H.M. 172 184 198; 522 532 541
Hildebrand, F.B. 60 63 84 85 86; 539
Hine, N.W. 494 539
Hinged member 9
Hinton, E. 78 85; 263 275; 344; 376 398; 406 427; 491; 557 558 559 564 567 572 573 574
Holbeche, J. 551 573
Hole, circular 99
Hollow bimetallic shaft 148
Hood, P. 314 343
Horace Walpole 176
Houbolt algorithm 522
Houbolt, J.C. 521 522 532 541
Hourglass control 226
hp-clouds 453
hp-refinement 415 422
Hrenikoff, A. 1 3 16
Hsieh, M.S. 153 162
Huang, Y. 375 398
Huck, J. 545 550 573
Huebner, K.H. 158 162
Hughes, T.J.R. 81 86; 305; 318 326 333 338 343 344 345; 500 512 514 521 522 532 539 540 541; 566 572 574
Hulbert, G.M. 326 333 338 345; 500 539
Humpheson, C. 104 111
Hurty, W.C. 480 489 492
Hurwicz, K.J. 301 306
Hurwicz, L. 301 306 323 344
Hurwitz, A. 518 521 540
Hybrid form 352
Hybrid formulations 346
Hybrid-stress elements 355
Hybrid: superelement 350
Hydraulic head 12 149
Hydrodynamic pressure 149
Hydrodynamics, smooth particle 464
Hydrostatic pressure 103
Hyperbolic equation 468
Ibrabimbegovic, A. 485 492
ideal fluid flow 160
Ideal fluid irrotational flow 140
Idelsohn, S.R. 446 447 465 466
Iding, R. 404 426
Impedance, complex 12
Impeller 245
Implicit algorithms 511
Implicit methods 497
Implicit residual error estimator 387
Implicit scheme: backward difference 538
Implicit schemes 515
Implicit-explicit dynamic analysis 545
Implicit-explicit partitions 565 566
Implicit-explicit solution 566
Implicit-implicit schemes 566
Inclined pile wall 150
Incompatible element 264 268
Incompatible element patch test 267
Incompatible formulation 264
Incompatible mode 264 269
Incomplete approximation 346
Incomplete field 346
Incomplete hybrid field methods 346
Incompressibility 226 301 311 334 335
Incompressibility patch test 326
Incompressibility: near 271 293 298 307 316 320; Poisson's
Incompressible constraint 324
Incompressible elasticity 309 323 334
Incompressible elasticity, three-field nearly 314
Incompressible elasticity, two-field 308
Incompressible flows 159 555
Incompressible material 110 307 308
Independent linear relations 225
Independent strain relations 226
Index: dummy 629
Index: effectivity 386 392
Index: free 629
Index: robustness 394 395
Indicial and matrix notation 630 633
Indirect methods 610
Inertia couples, rotary 472
Inertia force 470
Inertia force, lateral 472
Inertia, rotatory 472
Inexact integration 223
Infinite blade cascade 245
Infinite domains 229
Infinite elements 157 229
Infinite line 231
Infinitesimal patch 254
infinity 229 356
Initial conditions 504 505
Initial strain 25 91 94
Initial strain, axi-symmetric 115
| Initial strains, volumetric 324
Initial stress 25
Initial value problem 495
Input module: data 576 577 578 580
Input module: mesh 583
Instability 311 503
Insulator, porcelain 155
Integral: domain 355
Integral: surface 210
Integral: volume 117 209
Integrating factor 646
Integrating points 221
Integration by parts 43 143 278 351 389 549 643
Integration formulae for tetrahedron 637
Integration formulae for triangle 636
Integration formulae: tetrahedra numerical 223
Integration formulae: triangle numerical 222
Integration limits 212
Integration orders, low 224
Integration points, minimum 375
Integration procedures, numerical 598
Integration: exact 320
Integration: Gauss 218
Integration: gaussian 219
Integration: inexact 223
Integration: numerical 117 200 217 219 224 650
Integration: order of 224
Integration: prism numerical 219
Integration: rectangular numerical 219
Integration: reduced 250 255 258 286 318 320
Integration: selective 255 318 319
Integration: standard 258
Integration: tetrahedral numerical 223
Integration: triangle numerical 222
Interaction: bone-fluid 564
Interaction: dam/reservoir 551
Interaction: fluid-structure 542 543 545 547
Interaction: reservoir-dam 556
Interaction: soil-fluid 545
Interaction: soil-pore fluid 558
Interaction: soil-pressure 563
Interaction: structure-structure 543
Interelement continuity 74
Interelement forces 28
Interface displacement frame 350
Interface gradients 379
Interface line 348
Interface traction 346 349
Interface traction link 346 349
Interface with solid 547
Interior elements 356
Internal bending moments 26
Internal boundaries 356
Internal element boundary 256
Internal nodes 177
Internal parameters, nodeless 177
Internal variables 265 348
Internal water pressure 102
Internal work 24 89
Interpolation function, Hermitian 435
Interpolation: continuous 438
Interpolation: domains 435
Interpolation: four-point 527
Interpolation: hierarchical 444 449 463
Interpolation: Lagrange 228
Interpolation: local 361
Interpolation: Shepard 444
Interpolation: three point 525
Interpolation: two point 525
Interstitial fluid 564
Invariance, element 580
Inverse of matrix 622
Irons, B.M. 10 17; 34 38; 126; 139; 172 174 176 177 181 185 192 198 198 199; 221 222 236 237 239 244 246 248; 252 274; 501 540; 573
Irreducible elements 282 342
Irreducible form 279 304 318 353
Irreducible form subdomains 346
Irreducible formulation 42 276 280 542
Irregular mesh 147
Irregular partitions 570
Irrotational flow 159
Irrotational flow: ideal fluid 140
Isoparametric element 203—216 355
Isoparametrics, degenerate 236
Isotropic behaviour 308
Isotropic material 90 142
Isotropic material,transversely 91
Isotropic thermal expansion 131
Iteration, predictor-corrector 515
Iterative method 12 298 323 588 610
Iterative solution 127 616
Iterative solvers 567
Jacobian 210 600 650
Jacobian determinant 205
Jacobian matrix 209 290
Jacobian matrix, transformation 232
Jacobian, constant 269
Jaeger, J.C. 470 491
Jameson, A. 453 466
Javandel, I. 160 163
Jennings, A. 479 480 491 492
Jet overflow 160
Jet, free 160
Jirousek, J. 356 358 361 363
Johnson, C. 387 400 494 500 539 540
Johnson, M.W. 32 38
Joints, rigid 5
Jones, W.P. 46 84
Jump 504
Jun, S. 464 467
K matrix, singular 479
k: permeability 561
Kamei, A. 234 247
Kantorovitch, L.V. 56 85
Kassos, T. 72 85
Katona, M. 494 539
Katz, I.N. 416 428
Kaupp, P. 229 247
Kazarian, L.E. 564 574
Kelly, D.W. 74 85; 229 235 247; 363; 399; 428; 572
Kernel method, reproducing 464
Key, S.W. 309 343; 491
Kikichi, F. 74 85 361 363
Kikuchi, N. 161 163; 305
Koch, J.J. 2 3 17
Kong, D. 352 362
Koshgoftar, M. 161 163
Kosloff, D. 226 246; 275
Krizek, M. 375 398
Krok, J. 429 465
Kron, G. 348 362
Kronecker delta 170 389 441
Krylov, V.I. 56 85
Kulasetaram, S. 464 467
Kvamsdal, T. 545 550 551 573
Kythe, P.K. 84 86
L-shaped domain 368 413 416 420
Ladeveze, P. 383 388 391 394 399 400; 428
Ladkany, S.G. 355 362
Lagragian forms, constrained 83
Lagrange interpolation 228
Lagrange interpolation in time 523
Lagrange multiplier 282 346 349 361
Lagrange polynomials 172 445
Lagrange shape functions 171
Lagrangian elements, distorted 216
Lagrangian form, augmented 324
Lambert, T.D. 494 528 529 538
Lame elastic constants 604 632
Laminar flow regime 12
Laminations 115
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