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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) |
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Solution: staggered 571
Solution: Trefftz-type 355
Solutions exact at nodes 645
Solvers, iterative 567
Sommer, M. 405 427
Soni, B.K. 139 139; 247; 428
Sound, speed of 546
Source listings 576
Southwell, R.V. 1 3 8 17; 84 85 86; 306
Space-time domain 494
Span, minimum 449
Sparse coefficient array 578
Sparse solution schemes 616
Specht, B. 268 275
Specification, material property 583
Spectral form 625
Spectral radius 532 536
Speed of sound 546
Sphere heat flow 122
Sphere: pressure loaded 121
Sphere: rotating 238 240
SPR (Superconvergent Patch Recovery) 377—383
SPR for displacements 383
Spring constant 268
Spurious mechanisms 252
Spurious mode 262
Spurious solutions 333
Square domain 412
Squeeze films 158
SS (Single Step), algorithms 495—521
SS11 algorithm 511 565
SS21 algorithm 519 520
SS22 algorithm 511 519 520 529 530 531 533 566 533 566
SS31 algorithm 520
SS32 algorithm 520 530
SS42 algorithm 530
SS42/41 algorithms 529
SSpj algorithm 508 514
Stability 282 354 499 501 519 553 555
Stability check 273
Stability condition 252 292 294 325 359 516
Stability criteria 317 352
Stability limit 518 571
Stability of general algorithms 516
Stability of mixed approximation 280
Stability polynomial 528 529
Stability properties 567
Stability requirements 337 494
Stability, conditional 497 501 566
Stability, higher order 520
Stability, local 538
Stability, unconditional 497 501 519 521 565 567 569
Stabilization: enhanced strain 329 338
Stabilization: pressure 332
Stabilized methods 307 326
Stabilizing terms 335
Stable: conditionally 511 571
Stable: unconditionally 511
Stagg, K.G. 99 102 111
Stagger 568
Staggered schemes 566 567 571
Stakgold, I. 76 85
Standard discrete system 2 14
Standard eigenvalue problem 479
Standard shape functions 166 384
Stanton, E.L. 35 38
Stationary point of functional 69
Steady-stage algorithm 594
Steady-state field problems 140
Steady-state heat conduction 41 149
Steady-state heat conduction-convection 41
Steady-state problems, linear 590
Steady-state solutions 562
Stegun, I.A. 217 219 246
Steinberg, S. 229 247
Step-by-step algorithm: transient 551 560
Stephenson, M.B. 405 427
Stepped pad bearing (lubrication) 157
Stiffness array 577
Stiffness calculation, element 602
Stiffness matrix 7 12 95 208 350 549 578
Stiffness matrix, 3D 132
Stiffness matrix, axi-symmetric 117
Stiffness matrix, element 5 471 604
Stiffness matrix, global 577
Stiffness matrix, unsymmetric 591
Stiffness, tangent 591
Stokes flow 318 335
Storage allocation 579
Storage operation, compact 585
Storage: array 588
Storage: heat 56
Storage: profile 615
strain 18 22 635
Strain constant 250
Strain element, enhanced 296
Strain energy 29
Strain formulation, enhanced 293
Strain matrix, B, 2D 90 600
Strain matrix, B, 3D 130
Strain matrix, B, axi-symmetric 115
Strain operators, small 55
Strain plane 87
Strain relations, independent 226
Strain stabilization: enhanced 329 338
Strain tensor 22
Strain, axi-symmetric initial 115
Strain, axi-symmetric thermal 115
Strain, circumferential 112
Strain, deviatoric 307
Strain, generalized 35
Strain, initial 25 91 94
Strain, thermal 94
Strain, volumetric 308 316 317 559
Strain-displacement 317 558
Strains: deviatoric 332 335
Strains: volumetric initial 324
Strang, G. 32 34 38; 246; 257 275; 466; 616 618
Strannigan, J.S. 234 247
Strata 92
Strata, curved 103
Stratified anisotropy 115
Stratified foundation 150
Stratified material 92
Stratified soil, pile in 125
Stream function 160
streamline 161
Strength, magnetic field 155
Stress approximation, discontinuous 286
Stress components 54
Stress concentration 99
Stress error: average 401
Stress error: local 411
Stress error: RMS 367
Stress evaluation 97
Stress extrapolation 376
Stress field expansion 353
Stress field: linearly varying 98
Stress field: uniform 98
Stress flux continuity 361
Stress function 359
Stress function formulation 304
Stress function, Airy 303
Stress matrix, 3D 132
Stress recovery methods 298
Stress sampling 376
Stress tensor, symmetric cartesian 54
Stress-strain relation 23 635
Stress: axisymmetry plane 124
Stress: deviatoric 307 308
| Stress: effective 558
Stress: initial 25
Stress: plane 20 87
Stress: smoothed 298 384
Stress: techtonic 102
Stress: total 103
Stresses: best fit 98
Stresses: deviatoric 335
Stresses: effective 103
Stresses: equilibrating 354
Stresses: recovery of 375
Stresses: residual 25
Stresses: tectonic 25
Stresses: thermal 108 123
String on elastic foundation 450 455
String, loaded 47
Strip, slotted tension 341
Strouboulis, T. 251 275; 392 393 394 398 400
Stroud, A.H. 222 246
Structure-structure interaction 543
Strutt, J.W. 2 3 17; 38; 85
Stummel, F. 251 268 275
Subdivision: automatic element 226
Subdivision: element 59 402
Subdomain 351 355 356
Subdomain collocation 46 83 447 453
Subdomain continuity 349
subdomains 346 348 367
Subdomains with standard elements 360
Subdomains, circular 453
Subdomains, equilibrating form 353
Subdomains, irreducible form 346
Subdomains, mixed form 349 351
SubMatrix 6
Submerged surface 149
Subparametric 207
Subprograms, shape function 598
Subspace method 480
Substitution, back 611
Substructures 177 178
Substructuring 179
Subtraction: matrix 621
Subtraction: vector 639
Sufficient condition for convergence 256
Sum of products 623
Sumihara, K. 290 305
Sumihara, Pian and 291
Summation convention 626
Summation, double (integration) 221
Superconvergence 370 371 374 395
Superconvergent patch 378
Superconvergent patch recovery (SPR) 377 383
Superconvergent point 377 380
Superconvergent sampling, optimal 375
Superelement hybrid 350
Superelements 360
Superparametric elements 207
Support conditions 479
Surface flows, free 159
Surface gravity waves 547
Surface integrals 210
Surface traction 549
Surface wave effects 555
Surface: free 160 356 547
Surface: submerged 149
Suri, M. 404 415 427
Suspect elements 261
Swedlow, J.L. 234 247
Symmetric cartesian stress tensor 54
Symmetric coupling forms 356
Symmetric equations 278
Symmetric matrix 35 61 623
Symmetric matrix, skew 628 641
Symmetric tensors, second rank 634
Symmetry 67 244 490
Symmetry, rotational 92
Synge, J.L. 2 3 17; 38
Szabo, B.A. 416 428
Szmelter, J. 19 38
T elements (Trefftz) 356
Tabbara, M. 453 466
Taig, I.C. 203 246
Takizawa, C. 405 427
Tanesa, D.V. 157 162
Tangent matrix 61
Tangent matrix, global 593
Tangent stiffness 591
Tank, conical water 237
Tarnow, N. 514 521 540
Tautges, T.J. 405 427
Taylor series collocation 497 513
Taylor, C. 314 343; 484 491
Taylor, R.L. 34 38; 163; 176 177 179 182 198; 256 264 265 266 268 269 275; 277 279 280 282 293 304 305; 317 318 320 325 343 344; 426; 447 457 465 466; 485 492; 499 521 522 532 539 540 541; 554 559 573 576 611 618
Techniques, recovery 388
Techtonic stress 25 102
Temperature 41 141 149 282 506
Temperature change 5 22 94
Temperature, potential 276
Tension strip with slot 338 341
Tension, axial 7
Tensor product 628
Tensor-indicial notation 626
Tensor: strain 22
Tensorial relations 628
Teodorescu, P. 356 358 363
Terzhagi, K. 103 111; 491
Tetrahedra numerical integration formulae 223
Tetrahedral element 127 128
Tetrahedral elements 186
Tetrahedral meshes, arbitrary 138
Tetrahedral numerical integration 221
Tetrahedron cubic shape functions 187
Tetrahedron elements, hierarchical 193
Tetrahedron linear shape functions 187
Tetrahedron quadratic shape functions 187
Tetrahedron shape functions 187
Tetrahedron: cubic 188
Tetrahedron: quadratic 188
Thatcher, R.W. 229 247
Theorem: Green's 278 301 353 643
Theorem: Herrmann 372 377
Theorem: Maxwell — Betti reciprocal 7
Theorem: variational 316
Thermal conduction 502
Thermal dilatation 94
Thermal expansion 6
Thermal expansion, isotropic 131
Thermal expansion, three-dimensional 130
Thermal field 544
Thermal strain 94
Thermal strain, axi-symmetric 115
Thermal stresses 108 123
Thomas, D.L. 490 492
Thomas, J.M. 287 305
Thomasset, F. 323 344
Thompson, J.F. 139 139; 247; 427 428
Thompson, J.P. 229 247
Thomson, H.T. 490 492
Three point interpolation 525
Three-dimensional continuum 54
Three-dimensional elements 184
Three-dimensional oscillations 482
Three-dimensional problem 576
Three-dimensional strain matrix 130
Three-dimensional stress analysis 127
Three-dimensional thermal expansion 130
Three-dimensional transformer 158
Three-field approximation 292 329
Three-field mixed formulations 291
Three-field nearly incompressible elasticity 314
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