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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) |
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Error: cancellation of 223
Error: definition of 365
Error: discretization 32
Error: energy norm 387 405
Error: local stress 411
Error: local truncation 516
Error: order of 165
Error: RMS stress 367
Error: total permissible 405
Error: true 406
Error: truncation 499 531
Escher modes 263
Euler equations 62 63 75
Evans, J.H. 564 574
Evensen, D.A. 490 492
Exact integration 320
Exact nodal answers 147
Excessive continuity 287
Expansion: isotropic thermal 131
Expansion: polynomial 32
Expansion: quadratic 500
Expansion: stress field 353
Expansion: thermal 6
Expansion: three-dimensional thermal 130
Explicit dynamics 226
Explicit residual error estimator 387
Explicit scheme 336 497 521
Explicit-split process 569
Exponential Gauss function 435
Exterior elements 356
External boundaries 379
External loading 25
External nodal forces 118
External water pressure 102
External work 24
Extrapolation: Richardson 33
Extrapolation: stress 376
Extrusion problem 325
Extrusion, metal 544
Factors, eigenvalue participation 494
Farhat, Ch. 348 362
Fast Fourier Transform 486
FEAPpv (Finite Element Analysis Program) 576 579 583 618
Felippa, C.A. 222 246; 344; 550 567 573 574
Ferencz, R.M. 514 521 540; 618
Fibreglass 115
Fick's law 141
Fictitious compressibility matrix 324
Field approximation: partial 346—348
Field expansion, stress 353
Field methods: complete 276
Field methods: incomplete hybrid 346
Field problems, steady-state 140
Field strength, magnetic 155
Field: displacement 87
Field: incomplete 346
Field: oil 565
Field: thermal 544
Field: uniform stress 98
File: ASCII 576
File: output 591
Fill-in (matrix) 578
Film thickness 157
Films, squeeze 158
Finite differences 3 82 84 406 429 446 493 570
Finite element analysis program 576
Finite element approximation 632
Finite element discretization 143
Finite element program schematic 577
Finite element solution modules 597
Finite increment calculus 326
Finite point method 446
Finite volume 447 451 453
Finlayson, B.A. 1 16; 84
Finn, N.D.L. 494 539
First rank cartesian tensors 630
First-order equation 495
First-order problem 565
Fish, J. 430 465
Fix, G.J. 32 34 38; 246; 257 275
Fixed weighting function 440
Fjeld, S. 128 139
Fletcher, C.A.T. 82 86
Flexible wall 551
Flores, F. 453 466
Flow 12
Flow, axisymmetric heat 149
Flow, fluid 140
Flow, heat 41
Flow, ideal fluid 160
Flow, plastic 544
Flow, slow viscous 320
Flow, sphere heat 122
Flow, Stokes 318 335
Flows: free surface 159
Flows: incompressible 159
Flows: irrotational 159
Fluid flow 140
Fluid flow, ideal 160
Fluid flow, Stokes 318
Fluid interaction, soil-pore 558
Fluid networks 10
Fluid oscillating with wall 552
Fluid phase 561 571
Fluid problems 481
Fluid-structure interaction 542 543 545 547
Fluid-structure systems 571
Fluid-structure time-stepping scheme 553
Fluid: interstitial 564
Fluid: pore 562
Fluids, incompressible 555
Flutter 545
Flux 145 146 282 388 393 452
Flux boundary 74
Flux continuity, stress 361
Flux density 155
Flux, continuity of 283
Flux, normal 301 388
Force matrix 549
Force: inertia 470
Force: lateral inertia 472
Forced boundary condition 44 45 66 143
Forced periodic response 485 551
Forces: body 25 54 96 166 254 471
Forces: distributed body 23 119
Forces: equivalent nodal 23
Forces: external nodal 118
Forces: inertia 470
Forces: interelement 28
Forces: lateral inertia 472
Forces: nodal 6 95 351 471
Forces: prescribed nodal 578
Forcing motion, earthquake 556
Forcing term 406 504 506
Forcing, continuous 508
Formaggia, L. 138 139
Formula, two-point recurrence 497 also see Algorithms methods formulations
Formulation: displacement 19
Formulation: enhanced strain 293
Formulation: Galerkin 326
Formulation: hybrid 346
Formulation: incompatible 264
Formulation: irreducible 42 276 280 542 565 587
Formulation: mixed 42 276 304 342 346 542
Formulation: stress function 304
Formulation: three-field mixed 291
Formulation: two-field mixed 284
Forrest, A.R. 203 246
Forsythe, G.E. 446 465
Fortin, M. 314 323 324 343 344
| Fortin, N. 314 343
Fortran 95, DEC 576
Forward elimination 611
Foundation pile 124
Foundation response 261
Foundation: anisotropic porous 149
Foundation: dyke 563
Foundation: elastic 268
Foundation: rock 102
Foundation: stratified 150
Four-noded element, distorted 651
Four-point interpolation 527
Four-step algorithm, backward difference 521
Fourier series 47 167
Fourier transform, fast 486
Fourier's law 141
Fox, R.L. 35 38
Fracture mechanics 234
Fraeijs de Veubeke, B. 34 38; 198; 274; 304 305 306
Frame links 353
Frame of specified displacements 355
Frame parameters 351
Frame, interface displacement 350
Franca, L.P. 81 86; 333 338 345; 539
France, E.P. 564 574
Fraser, G.A. 260 275
Frazer, R.A. 46 84
Free index 629
Free jet 160
Free response 477 484
Free surface 160 356 547
Free surface flows 159
Free vibration 479 550
Frequencies, natural 550
Frequency response procedure 486
Freund, J. 82 86
Frictional resistance 471
Fried, I. 78 82 85 86; 198; 246; 479 491; 539
Friedmann, P.P. 545 549 550 573
Frontal method 405
Fujishiro, K. 405 427
Fully reduced matrix 611
Function see under names of functions e.g. shape
Functional 1 63 76 143
Functional, constrained 78
Functional, energy 372
Functional, maximum of 69
Functional, minimum of 69
Functional, quadratic 61
Functional, variational 40
Furukawa, T. 464 467
Gago, J.P. de S.R. 193 197 199; 399; 428
Galerkin approximation, time discontinuous 536
Galerkin form 333 645
Galerkin formulation 326
Galerkin least square (GLS) 81 82 333 338
Galerkin method 39 46 47 64 83 143 284 447 451 453; Bubnov
Galerkin method, discontinuous 361 494 500
Galerkin method, element-free 429 430 453
Galerkin, B.G. 2 3 17; 47 84
Gallagher, R.H. 127 139; 247; 304
Gangaraj, S.K. 387 392 393 394 400
Gantmacher, F.R. 518 521 540
Gates, crest (spillway) 110
Gauss function: exponential 435
Gauss function: truncated 435
Gauss points 374 376
Gauss quadrature 218 219 259 371 374 598
Gauss — Legendre points 373
Gauss — Lobatto quadrature 457
Gauss, C.F. 2 3 17
Gaussian elimination 577 578
Gear algorithm 521
Gear, C.W. 494 521 539 541
General assembly process 9
General single-step algorithms 508
General triangular element 182
General variational principle 75
Generalised patch test 255
Generalized Newmark algorithm 508
Generalized strain 35
Generators, hexahedral mesh 405
Geometrical conformability 206
George, P.L. 229 247
Geradin, M. 545 550 573
Ghaboussi, J. 264 266 269 275
GiD algorithm, program 583 618
GiD — the Personal Pre/Postprocessor 139 139; 247; 618 618
Gingold, R.A. 464 466
Girault, V. 429 446 464
Global arrays 585
Global coefficient matrix 588
Global coordinates 208
Global energy norm 405
Global energy norm error 416
Global error estimator 421
Global finite element approximation 196
Global Functions 360 457
Global matrix 12
Global shape functions 50
Global stiffness matrix 577
Global tangent matrix 593
Glowinski, R. 323 324 344
GLS 338; see Galerkin Least Squares
GN algorithm 516
GN22 algorithm 514 515 529 531 533 553 566 571 593
GNpj algorithm 508 512 514 560
GNU algorithm 566
Godbole, P.N. 318 343
Gong, N.G. 404 415 420 421 424 427
Gonzalez, O. 514 521 540
Goodier, J.N. 22 23 38; 85; 99 111; 126; 139; 306
Gordon, W.J. 227 246
Gorensson, P. 545 550 573
Gould, P.L. 355 362
Gourgeon, H. 356 363
Gradient singularities 365
Gradients: interface 379
Gradients: potential 141
Gradients: recovery of 375
Grammel, R. 46 84
Gravity dam 110
Gravity dam: perforated 413
Gravity loading 102
Gravity waves, surface 547
Green's functions 356
Green's theorem 278 301 353 643
Gresho, P.M. 319 344
Grid: background 453
Grids, nesting 229
Griffiths, A.A. 234 247
Griffiths, D. 84 86
Griffiths, R.E. 251 275
Gross distortion 204
Growth: crystal 22 94
Gu, L. 430 453 465 466
Gui, W. 404 415 426
Guo, B. 404 415 426
Gupta, A.K. 604 618; 634
Gupta, K.K. 479 491; 573
Gupta, S. 551 573
Gurtin's variational principle 498
Gurtin, M. 498 540
Guymon, G.L. 69 85
h adaptivity 405
h convergence 59
h-refinement 402 404 412 420
Half-space, semi-infinite 229
Hall, C.A. 227 246
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