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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) |
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Reduced quadrature, selective 270
Reduction of eigenvalue system 480
refinement 406
Refinement, adaptive mesh 401
Refinement, directional mesh 425
Regeneration: mesh 402 404 410
Regular mesh 147
Reid, J.K. 464 466
Reinforced opening 101
Reinsch, C. 479 491; 611 618
Reissner, E. 285 305
Relative energy norm error 367
Relative period elongation 532
Relaxation method 8
Relaxation solution 147
Remainder, Taylor series 513
Remeshing 402
REP procedure 385
Repeatability 244 490
Repeatability segments 245
Repeating boundaries 587
Reproducing kernel method 464
Required element size 405
Reservoir 151 558
Reservoir bottom 153
Reservoir-dam interaction 556
Residual 46 590
Residual based error estimator 365 392
Residual element 606
Residual error estimator 387
Residual estimator, equilibrated element 387
Residual form 590
Residual load arrays 577
Residual method: Galerkin weighted 39 46
Residual method: weighted 42
Residual procedures, weighted 1 75
Residual stresses 25
Residual, tolerance on 617
Residual, weighted 3 40 55
Resistance 12
Resistance, electrical 11
Resistance, frictional 471
Resolution (of matrix equations) 613
Response procedure, frequency 486
Response: forced periodic 485
Response: foundation 261
Response: free 477 484
Response: high-frequency 531
Response: periodic 477
Response: transient 477 486
Results module 576
Results, oscillatory 307
Revolution, body of 118
Reynolds equation 157
Rheinboldt, C. 387 399 401 426
Rice, J.R. 234 236 247 248; 322 344
Richardson extrapolation 33
Richardson, L.F. 2 3 17 33 38
Richtmyer, R.D. 446 465; 538
Rifai, M.S. 294 305
Right-hand rule 580
Rigid body constraints 350
Rigid body displacements 31 352
Rigid body modes 348 359
Rigid body motion 10 226
Rigid joints 5
Rigid valley and arch dam 239 241 242
Ritz, W. 2 17; 38; 85
RMS stress error robustness index 394 395
Roberts, G. 545 550 573
Robinson, J. 251 275
Robustness of error estimator 392
Robustness requirements 561
Robustness: assessment of 271
Robustness: degree of 252
Robustness: element 273 304
Rock foundation 102
Rock, T. 474 491
Rockenhauser, W. 127 139
Rohde, S.M. 158 162
Root mean square error (RMS) 366
Rotary inertia couples 472
Rotating disc 196 237
Rotating solids 550
Rotating sphere 238 240
Rotational symmetry 92
Rotatory inertia 472
Rotor blade, cooled 507
Rougeot, P. 391 394 400
Round-off 33 591
Routh — Hurwitz condition 518 519 555
Routh, E.J. 518 521 540
Routines: element 607
Routines: multiple element 583
Routines: PMACRn 596
Roux, F.-X. 348 362
Row sum method 474 649
Rubinstein, M.F. 480 489 492
Rudin, W. 166 198; 465
Sabin, M.A. 405 427
Sabina, F.J. 356 363
Sabo, B.A. 72 85
Sacco, C. 446 447 465
Saddle point 70 76
Safe zone for midpoint 205
Salkauskas, K. 430 438 465
Salonen, E.-M. 82 86
Sampling points 219
Sampling points, optimal 370 371
Sampling: optimal superconvergent 375
Sampling: stress 376
Samuelsson, A. 268 275
Sandberg, G. 545 550 573
Sander, G. 251 270 274
Sani, R.L. 319 344
Satya Sai, B.V.K. 326 335 345
Savin, G.N. 99 111
Scalar potential 156
Scalar products 639
Scale, length 446
Scaling, diagonal 474
Scharpf, D.W. 158 159 162 163; 182 184 198; 539
Scheme: Crank — Nicolson 499 500 503
Scheme: explicit 336 521
Scheme: finite difference 570
Scheme: fluid-structure time-stepping 553
Scheme: implicit 515
Scheme: implicit-implicit 566
Scheme: multistep 494
Scheme: profile solution 588
Scheme: self-starting 498
Scheme: sparse solution 616
Scheme: staggered 566 571
Schmit, L.A. 35 38
Schrefler, B. 103 111
Schrefler, B.A. 545 564 565 572 574
Schweingruber, M. 405 427
Scott, F.C. 175 176 177 185 192 198 198 199; 244 245 248 249
Scott, J.A. 464 466
Scott, V.H. 69 85
Second rank cartesian tensors 630
Second rank symmetric tensors 634
Second-order equation 508
Seed, H.B. 556 559 573
Seepage 140 159 160 544 559 562
Seepage, anisotropic 149
Selective integration 255 318 319
Selective reduced quadrature 270
Self-adjoint 67 68 277
Self-adjoint differential equations 66
| Self-adjoint operator 67
Self-adjoint problem 646
Self-equilibrating 25
Self-starting scheme 498
Semi-discretization 468 494
Semi-infinite half-space 229
Sen, S.K. 355 362
Serendip, Princes of 176
serendipity 190
Serendipity cubic shape functions 175
Serendipity elements, distorted 216
Serendipity family rectangular prisms 185
Serendipity linear shape functions 174
Serendipity quadratic shape functions 174
Serendipity quartic shape functions 175
Serendipity shape functions 174
Series collocation: Taylor 497
Series collocation: truncated Taylor 512
Series remainder, Taylor 513
Series: Fourier 47 167
Series: orthogonal 167
Series: Taylor 32 446
Severn, R.T. 153 162; 362
Shaft torsion, rectangular 148
Shaft: hollow bimetallic 148
Shaft: non-homogeneous 148
Shape function 97
Shape function subprograms 598
Shape function: beam 36
Shape functions 21 58 140 164 357 435
Shape functions, continuous 168
Shape functions, auxiliary bending 265
Shape functions, bilinear 205
Shape functions, corner 176
Shape functions, displacement 348
Shape functions, element 165
Shape functions, global 50
Shape functions, hierarchical 164 166 190 194
Shape functions, incompatible 268
Shape functions, Lagrange 171
Shape functions, mapped 230
Shape functions, mid-side 176
Shape functions, piecewise constant 649
Shape functions, serendipity 174
Shape functions, serendipity cubic 175
Shape functions, serendipity linear 174
Shape functions, serendipity quadratic 174
Shape functions, serendipity quartic 175
Shape functions, standard 166 384
Shape functions, tetrahedron 187
Shape functions, tetrahedron cubic 187
Shape functions, tetrahedron linear 187
Shape functions, tetrahedron quadratic 187
Shape functions, triangle 181
Shaw, K.G. 234 248
Shear strain singularity 236
Shedding of vortices 545
shells 238
Shen, S.F. 229 247
Shepard interpolation shift, mid-side 234
Shepard, D. 430 438 444 465
Shiomi, T. 103 111
Shrinkage 22 94
Silvester, P. 153 162; 198; 247
Simkin, J. 154 162
Simo — Rifai element 343
Simo — Rifai quadrilateral 294 296
Simo, J.C. 34 38; 256 275; 294 305; 325 343 345; 521 540
Simon, B.R. 564 574
Simple beam reactions 6
Simple patch test 253
Simply supported beam 481
Simpson one third rule 218
Simulated earthquake 563
Simultaneous linear algebraic equations 609
Singing wire 545
Single element test 255
Single-phase systems 567
Single-phase systems, partitioned 565
Single-step algorithms 495
Single-step algorithms, general 508
Single-step procedures 498
Single-step recurrence relations 494
Singular element matrix 225
Singular element modes 256
Singular elements 235
Singular elements by mapping 234
Singular equations 77
Singular functions 458
Singular k matrix 479
Singular solutions 356
Singularities 59
Singularities, elimination of 226
Singularities, gradient 365
Singularities, local element 226
Singularity 356 368 370 406 420 591
Singularity elements 200
Singularity matrix 224 225 318
Singularity, avoidance of 281
Singularity, shear strain 236
Singularity, weak 252
Size, required element 405
Skeleton: soil 544
Skeleton: solid 558
Sken, S.W. 46 84
Skew symmetric matrix 68 628 641
Sloan, S.W. 320 344
Slope-deflection equations 37
Slope: discontinuous 43
Slopes of plate 26
Sloss, J.M. 161 163
Slot problems 342
Slotted tension strip 341
Slow viscous flow 320
Small strain operators 55
Smooth particle hydrodynamics 464
Smoothed stress 298 384
Smoothing 505
Smoothing, least square 298
Snell, C. 429 446 464
Soil dynamics 544
Soil liquefaction 562
Soil skeleton 544
Soil-fluid interaction 545
Soil-fluid system 572
Soil-pore fluid interaction 558
Soil-pressure interaction 563
Sokolnikoff, I.S. 631 634
Solid skeleton 558
Solid: elastic 2
Solid: interface with 547
Solids: axisymmetric 112
Solids: rotating 550
Solution and output module 577
Solution iteration number 590
Solution method: iterative 127
Solution methods: Galerkin 447
Solution methods: transient 592
Solution module 576 590
Solution modules, finite element 597
Solution processes, staggered 567
Solution scheme: profile 588
Solution schemes, sparse 616
Solution: base 253 258
Solution: boundary 355
Solution: direct 578 609 610
Solution: implicit-explicit 566
Solution: iterative 616
Solution: lower bound 34
Solution: relaxation 147
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