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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) |
Предметный указатель |
Periodic response 477
Periodic response, forced 485
Permeability 149 559 561
Permeability, magnetic 155
Permissible error 401 405
Permutation: cyclic 89 327
Perrone, N. 429 446 464
Petrov — Galerkin method 47
Phase: fluid 561 571
Phillips, D.V. 226 246
Physical model 83
Pian — Sumihara 287—297
Pian, T.H.H. 32 38; 248; 305; 353 355 362; 491
Piecewise constant shape functions 649
Pierre, R. 337 338 345
Piers 110
Pile in stratified soil 125
Pile wall, inclined 150
Pile, foundation 124
Piltner, R. 356 363
Pin-ended bar 6 15
Pin-jointed bars 178
Ping Tong 32 38
PINPUT (program input command) 580
Pipes 12
Pister, K.S. 279 293 305; 343
Pitkaranta, J. 326 333 345; 500 539; 575
Pivot 464
Plane strain 87
Plane strain, axisymmetry 124
Plane stress 20 87
Plane stress, axisymmetry 124
Plastic flow 544
Plate, slopes of 26
PMACRn routines 596
Point approximation 84
Point collocation 46 83 446 451
Point-based approximation 429
Point: collocation 448
Point: quarter 234
Point: saddle 70
Point: superconvergent 377
Pointers 588 589
Points: Barlow 371
Points: collocation 447
Points: Gauss 374 376
Points: Gauss — Legendre 373
Points: hanging 402
Points: integrating 221
Points: minimum integration 375
Points: nodal 18
Points: optimal sampling 370 371
Points: quadrature 320
Points: sampling 219
Points: superconvergent 380
Pointwise definition 429
Poisson equation 140—161 333 360 381 412
Poisson's ratio 78 272
Poisson's ratio = 1/2 258 271 298 320 343
Poisson's ratio, high 78
Polygonal domain element 356
Polynomial approximation, multi-step 524
Polynomial expansion 32
Polynomial hierarchical method 458
Polynomial order 404 406
Polynomial: characteristic 518
Polynomial: complete 165
Polynomial: stability 528 529
Polynomials: completeness of 171
Polynomials: hierarchical 190
Polynomials: Lagrange 172 445
Polynomials: Legendre 219 444
Polynomials: linear 88
Pook, L.P. 234 247
Porcelain insulator 155
Pore fluid 562
Pore pressure 102
Porous foundation, anisotropic 149
Porous media 103 544 564
Porous media, seepage through 140
Positive definite matrix 35 617
Positive valued weighting function 79
Potential energy: total 29 349
Potential gradients 141
Potential temperature 276
Potential: body force 96
Potential: displacement 556
Potential: electric 140
Potential: electrostatic 155
Potential: magnetic 140
Potential: scalar 156
Potential: vector 154
Powell, M.J.D. 323 344
Power station: underground 108 110
Prager, W. 2 3 17; 23 38
Preconditioned conjugate gradient method 578 617
Preconditioned conjugate gradient solver 588
Preconditioning 571
Predictor-corrector iteration 515
Preprocessor 576
Prescribed boundary condition 13
Prescribed displacement 10 348
Prescribed nodal forces 578
Prescribed tractions 352
Pressure 307 549
Pressure equation, discrete 336
Pressure limit, vapour 556
Pressure loaded cylinder 121
Pressure loaded sphere 121
Pressure stabilization 332
Pressure vessel 243
Pressure vessel, axisymmetrical 152
Pressure vessel, concrete reactor 123
Pressure vessel, nuclear 122 137 149
Pressure: atmospheric 556
Pressure: external water 102
Pressure: hydrodynamic 149
Pressure: hydrostatic 103
Pressure: internal water 102
Pressure: pore 102
Price, M.A. 405 427
Primary variable 280 285 320
Primary variables, maximum 282
Princes of Serendip 176
Principal axes 149
Principal diagonal 612
Principle of limitation 280 286 304 354
Principle: constrained variational 70 76
Principle: contrived variational 61
Principle: d’Alembert 471
Principle: Galerkin 143
Principle: general variational 75
Principle: Gurtin's variational 498
Principle: Hamilton's variational 498
Principle: Hellinger — Reissner variational 285 652
Principle: maximum 76
Principle: minimum 76
Principle: modified variational 74
Principle: natural variational 61 79 80
Principle: variational 60 83 143 277 291 352 353
Prism elements, triangular 189
Prism numerical integration 219
Prism: distorted triangular 213
Prism: rectangular 184
Prism: triangular 190
Problem: acoustic 546
Problem: anisotropic 603
Problem: Boussinesq 125 135 233
Problem: continuous 1
| Problem: discrete 1
Problem: driven cavity 338 340
Problem: dynamic 468
Problem: eigenvalue 625
Problem: extrusion 325
Problem: first-order 565
Problem: fluid 481
Problem: heat transfer 303
Problem: initial value 495
Problem: linear steady-state 590
Problem: magnetostatic 157
Problem: mixed 299
Problem: non-linear 494
Problem: non-self-adjoint 646
Problem: saddle point 76
Problem: seepage 159
Problem: self-adjoint 646
Problem: slot 342
Problem: standard discrete 2
Problem: standard eigenvalue 479
Problem: steady-state field 140
Problem: Stokes 334
Problem: three-dimensional 576
Problem: transient 576
Problem: two-dimensional 145
Problem: waveguide 482
Procedure see also Methods algorithms
Procedure: analytical 486
Procedure: computer 576
Procedure: frequency response 486
Procedure: lumping 474
Procedure: modal analysis 486
Procedure: multigrid 571
Procedure: numerical integration 598
Procedure: Rayleigh — Ritz 19
Procedure: recovery 374
Procedure: REP 385
Procedure: single-step 498
Procedure: SSpj 522
Procedure: stabilized 307
Procedure: weighted residual 1
Process: explicit-split 569
Process: general assembly 9
Process: recovery 365
Process: stabilization 571
Process: staggered solutions 567
Process: weighted residual 75
Processing, batch 576
Product: box 642
Product: cross 640
Product: scalar 639
Product: tensor 628
Product: triple 642
Product: vector 210 640
Products: sum of 623
PROFIL (program command) 586
Profile matrix 614
Profile solution scheme 588
Profile storage 615
Program: control 579
Program: GiD 618
Programming command language statements 595
Programming language: C 577
Programming language: command 590
Projection matrix, deviatoric 308
Propagation, elastic wave 520
Properties: material 577 578 585
Properties: stability 567
Property specification, material 583
Przemieniecki, J.S. 14 17
Qu, S. 34 38; 275; 305
Quadratic element 185
Quadratic expansion 500
Quadratic functional 61
Quadratic modes 338
Quadratic tetrahedron 188
Quadratic triangle 182
Quadratic triangular element 460
Quadrature see also Integration
Quadrature points 320
Quadrature weight 650
Quadrature: Gauss 219 371
Quadrature: Gauss — Legendre 219 374 598
Quadrature: Gauss — Lobatto 457
Quadrature: gaussian 259
Quadrature: Newton — Cotes 217
Quadrature: nodal point 474
Quadrature: selective reduced 270
Quadrilateral: Pian — Sumihara 287 290 295
Quadrilateral: Simo — Rifai 294 296
Quarter point 234
Quasi-harmonic equation 140 142 276 360 468
r-refinement 404
Rachowicz, W. 387 388 399; 415 427
Radau 222 246
Radial co-ordinates 112
Radial displacement 112
Radiation 546
Radiation boundary 548
Radiation boundary condition 147
Radiation coefficient 142
Radiation constant 144
Radiation energy loss 550
Radiation of reflected waves 487
Radius: spectral 532 536
Raju, I.S. 234 248
Ralston, A. 252 275; 611 618
Ramm, E. 295 305
Randolf, M.F. 320 344
Rank deficiency 261
Rank test, direct 311
Rank, E. 405 427
Rao, A.K. 234 248
Rao, I.C. 157 162
Rashid, Y.R. 112 126; 139
Rate of convergence 223 367 381
Rate: asymptotic convergence 59 250 406
Rate: convergence 32
Rausch, R.D. 453 466
Raviart, P.A. 287 305; 343; 539
Rayleigh damping 472
Rayleigh — Ritz method 19 30 60
Rayleigh, Lord 2 3 30 38; 85
Razzaque, A. 34 38; 274
Re-entrant corners 365
Reactions 259
Reactions, simple beam 6
Reciprocal theorem, Maxwell — Betti 7
Recovery based estimator 365
Recovery by element residual 392
Recovery by patch equilibrium 383
Recovery methods, stress 298
recovery procedures 298 374 375 365 374 375 388
Recovery: oil 564
Recovery: superconvergent patch (SPR) 377 383 394
Rectangle elements, hierarchical 193
Rectangular elements 168
Rectangular numerical integration 219
Rectangular prism 184
Rectangular prisms, serendipity family 185
Rectangular shaft torsion 148
Recurrence algorithm 522 560
Recurrence algorithm, multistep 522
Recurrence algorithm, transient 565
Recurrence formulae, two-point 497
Recurrence relation 229 494 498 528
Recurrence relation, single-step 494
Reddi, M.M. 158 162
Redshaw, J.C. 128 139
Reduced integration 250 255 258 286 318 320
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