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Coxeter H.S.M., Moser W.O.J. — Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups |
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Abelian group 3 4 8
Abstract definition 1 14 17 18 134—138 140—142
Adjan, S.I. 81
Affine collineation 83 92
Affine collineation, reflection 119—121 131—133
Alternating group 7 17 22 34 67 94
Alternating group 14 34 67 68 94 125
Alternating group 62 66 67 126 137
Artin, E. 61—64 131
Automorphism 5 8
Automorphism of 88 90
Automorphism of a map 101
Automorphism of the free group gn> 89 90
Baer, R. 3 19 81 82
Baker, H.F. 125
Baker, R.P. 39 104
Ball, W.W.R. 20 24 102 107
Bambah, R.P. 66
Basic invariants 130
Behr, H. 94
Below, N.W. 35
Belowa, E.N. 35
Bibliography 143—156
Bilateral symmetry 33
Bilinski, S. 103
Binary polyhedral groups 68 69
Bitangents of a plane quartic 128
Blichfeldt, H.F. 1 8 11 12 18 98 124
Bohnenblust, F. 62
Brahana, H.R. 101 102 110 113 114 116 140
Braid group 62 63
Branch 19
Bundgaard, S. 133
Burckhardt, J.J. 35 40
Burns, J.E. 12
Burnside, W. 3 12 17 19 21 38 39 48 50 62—64 67 75 80 81 82 94 97 101 105 106 108 109 116 121 124 133 137
Burnside’s problem 80—82
Bussey, W.H. 97
Carmichael, R.D. 8 9 11 12 16 17 64 66 67 92 93 98 99
Cartan, E. 121 122 132
Cartesian coordinates 65 86 103
Cayley diagram 21 23 26 29 36 38—40 56 58 61 65—67 88 104 105
Cayley diagram of 22 29
Cayley diagram of 22
Cayley diagram of 22
Cayley, A. 12 18 19 21 23
Central inversion 34 39 84 127
Central inversion, quotient group 84 127—129
Centre 5 10
Centre of a linear group 92
Centre of symmetry 40
Characteristic equation 119 120 129
Chen, K.T. 3
Chevalley, C. 130 131
Chow, W. 62 63
Circuit 19 23 28
Coble, A.B. 102 110 113
Cohn-Vossen, S. 20 24—27 58 61 112
Coleman, A.J. 130
Commutator 10 54
Commutator, quotient group 2 10
Commutator, subgroup 10 81 86 124—126
Complete reducibility 121
Complex regular polygon 79 80
Configuration 79 123
Congruent transformation 33 34;
Congruent transformation, elliptic 3-spaces 128
Connected graph 19 23
Conway, J. 99 100
Coset 12
Coset, diagram 31 32
Covariant coordinates 131
Covering surface 20 102
Cox, H. 123
Coxeter, H.S.M. 2 6 8 12 13 16 29 32—35 37—39 41 45—50 53 54 59 60 62 64—70 75 79—81 96—107 109—113 116—118 121—133 135 137 140
Crystal classes 35
Crystallographic point groups 34 35 131
Crystallographic point groups, restriction 121
Cubic surface 124
Cyclic group 1 3 6 8 33 34
da Vinci, Leonardo 33
Davenport, H. 66
Dedekind, R. 8
Defining relations 1 14 17 18 134 136—138 139 142
Dehn, M. 19 25
Dehnsches Gruppenbild 19
Dickson, L.E. 1 8 11 12 18 83 92 93 98 99 125 128 129 131
Dicyclic groxtp <2, 2, m> 7 9 12 69 106
Dieudonne, J. 83 93 125 129
Dihedral group 6 9 11 33 34 36 118
Direct product 3 4
Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, V.V. 35
Du Val, P. 128 129
Dual map 20 26 37
Dyck, W. 41 55 67 94 101 105 108 116 137
Dyck’s groups 54
Dye, D.S. 33
Eddington, A. 131
Edge, W.L. 95
Edmonds, J.R. 103
Elliptic space groups 128
Embedding a graph 20
Enumeration of cosets 12—14 31
Equiaffine collineation 84 88
Errera, A. 101 102 111 116
Escher, M.C. 45
Euclidean tessellation 53
Euclidean tessellation, metric 121
Euler — Poincare characteristic 20 58 61
| Euler, L. 20 21
Even subgroup 124 125
Exponents of a product of reflections 129 141
Extended polyhedral groups [p, q] 118
Extreme quadratic forms 124
Face 19
Factor group 2 4
Fedorov, E.S. 40 66
Fejes Toth, L. 41
Ford, L.R. 34 86
Four-group 6
Fox, R.H. 3
Frasch, H. 86 94 95 100
Free group 3 89
Fricke, R. 37 40 53 87 102 136
Fruchx, R. 5 117
Fryer, K.D. 99
Fundamental circuits 19 20 23 28
Fundamental circuits, group 24—26 28 58 61
Fundamental circuits, region 37 39 40 63—56 65 88 102 121 132
Garbe, D. 100
General linear homogeneous group, GL(n, q) 92
Generalization of polyhedral groups 67—80
Generator 1 3 28
Genus 24 61
Glide-reflection 56
Goursat, E. 128 129
Graph 19 21
Graphical notation for reflection groups 118 141 142
Green, J.A. 82
Group of a map 101
Group of a map, generated by reflections 35 117—133 141
Group of a map, of exponent n 80
Group of a map, of rotations 34
Grun, O. 82
Hadamard, J. 101
Hall, M. 3 11 12 101
Hall, P. 12 80—82
Hamill, C.M. 129
Hamilton, W.R. 8 67 137
Hamiltonian group 8
Harmonic homology 133
Heawood graph 117
Heawood, P.J. 101 107
Heesch, H. 40
Heffter, L. 11 101 104
Henry, N.R.M. 35 40 51
Hermann, C. 35 40 128 135 136
Hess, E. 33 34
Hessel, J.F.C. 33
Hessian group 98
Higman, G. 81 82
Hilbert, D. 20 24—27 58 61 112
Hilton, H. 8
Hinton, C.H. 65
Homomorphism 2
Homotopic circuits 24
Hua, L.K. 84—86
Hudson, R.W.H.T. 129
surface 19—31 43 56—61 “Non-orientable” “Orientable” “Riemann”)
Sylow subgroup 11
Symmetric group 7 112
Symmetric group 61 63—66 89 122 137
Symmetrical embedding 23
Symmetrical embedding graph 117
Symmetry group 33 37 53 65
Symmetry group, operation 33
Table of cosets 14
Tessellations 52 102 111
Tetrahedral group, 7 22 34 68
Thomsen graph 22 117
Threlfaix, W. 20 24 26 29 53 55 58 61 68 71 101—103 110 115 128 140
Tietze, H. 101 112
Tits, J. 99 132
Tobin, S. 81
Todd, J.A. 12 13 16 66 79 88 90 95 100 116 118 123—125 130 133 137
Torus 24 25 29 43 101—109 117
Translation 59
Translation group 40 60 61 66
Tritangent planes of a twisted sextic 129
Trott, S. 85
Truncated tetrahedron, t{3, 3} 22 38
Two-faced maps 113
Unbounded surface 19
Unimodular group 85
Unimodular group 91
Unimodular group 84
Unitary reflection 133
Unitary reflection, groups 76—79
Universal covering 26 27 103
Van der Waerden, B.L. see “Waerden”
Veblen, O. 120 133
Vertex 19
Voronoi, G. 66
Waerden, B.L.van der 80 84 92 93
Watson, J. 16
Weber, H. 11 98
Wells, A.F. 33
Weyl, H. 33 34 135
Whitney, H. 20
Whitrow, G.J. 54 133
Witt, E. 82 99 122
Word 21 23 28
Young, A. 90
Young, J.W. 120 133
Z-metacyclic 11
Zassenhaus, H. 8 10 11 34 81 82 95 99
ZS-metacyclic 11
“Bounded periods” problem 82
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