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Friedlander S.J. (Ed), Serre D. (Ed) — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 3 |
Предметный указатель |
"div-curl" lemma 193
"Outer" problem 324
semigroup 341
space 181 190 191 210
Activity 11
Agmon, S. 614 657
Alexander, J. 316 344 355 357 367 417 524
Alexander, R.K. 19 79
Alinhac, S. 88 118 157
Amann, H. 169 215 235
Anisotropic treatment 578
Aoki, K. 56 82
Argument principle 519
Arkeryd, L. 37 79
Arnold theorem 265
Arnold, V.I. 254 265 266 307
Asano, K. 50 79 294 307
Asymptotic behavior 163 165 185 221 226 227
Atmosphere 540 563
Attractor 226
Auscher, P. 190 191 231 233 235
Auxiliary energy estimate 383 448 481
Azevedo, A. 327 335 524
Babin, A. 307 [3]
Backward self-similar solutions 221 222 226
Bahouri, H. 105 142 157
Balancing transformation 351 502
Baouendi, S. 157 [10]
Bardos, C. 4 51 59 60 79
Barmin, A.A. 316 324 332 336 507 525
Barraza, O.A. 224 226 227 231 235
Bartello, P. 598 657
Batchelor, G.K. 307 [4]
Battle, G. 187 235
BBGKY hierarchy 4 25—27 30 35
Beale, J. 157 [12]
Beale, T. 307 [5]
Beirao da Veiga, H. 231 244
Ben-Artzi, M. 235 [9]
Benachour, S. 757 [11]; 757 [13]
BenAmeur, J. 156 157
Benois, O. 64 80
Benzoni-Gavage, S. 313 316 324 330—333 338 370 371 477 525
Bergh, J. 188 219 220 235
Bernstein lemma 175
Bertozzi, A.L. 757 [15]; 235 235 525
Besov spaces 130 165 177 178 180—183 185 186 188 190 191 196 197 201—205 209—211 217 218 220 222—224 226 234
Besov, O.V. 235 [13]
Beta plane 539
Beta plane, approximation 548 566
Bethe, H.A. 326 329 507 525
Bewley, T. 657 [4]; 657 [5]
Bhattacharya, R.N. 188 235
Biagioni, H.A. 171 235
Biler, P. 171 229 236
Binary collisions 20
Biot — Savart law 85 87 89 114
Bird scheme 37
Blow up 164 210 221 226 227 229
BMO space 179 181 213
BMO space 179 181 209 210
Bobylev, A.V. 56 82
Boillat, G. 317 486 525
Boldrighini, C. 15 74 80
Boltzmann collision operator 33
Boltzmann dynamics 4
Boltzmann equation 4 17 23 24 35—37 40 41 44 46 51 56 59 164
Boltzmann equation for hard spheres 22
Boltzmann H-function 42
Boltzmann H-theorem 42
Boltzmann hierarchy 33 34
Boltzmann — Gibbs distribution 10
Boltzmann — Grad limit 24 26 37 70
Bony, J.-M. 88 118 131 142 757 236
Bottom of the ocean 547
Bouchut, F. 525 [B]
Boundary, layer 548
Boundary, layer type solutions 268
Boundary, layers, Ekman 297 298 300 301
Boundary, layers, Prandtl's 297
Bourdaud, G. 177 180 236
Bourgain, J. 74 80
Bourgeois, A. 307 [5]
Boussinesq approximation 542
Boussinesq conditions 56 58 60
Boussinesq equations of the ocean 543
Boussinesq, J. 56 80
Branch singularities 456 459 467 475 518
Brandolese, L. 234 236
Brenier, Y. 269 270 307
Bresch, D. 540 657
Brezis, H. 236 [28]; 236 [29]
Bridges, T. 335 525
Brin, L. 313 335 525
Brouwer fixed point theorem 557
Browder, F.E. 167 170 236 307
Bultelle, M. 525 [BGS]
Bunimovich, L.A. 5 74 78 79 80
Burgers equation 62
Burgers number 597
Buttke, T. 88 757
Cadeddu, L. 171 235
Caffarelli, L. 164 236
Caflisch, R.E. 4 44 47 49—51 79 292 294 307
Caglioti, E. 7 74 80
Calderon, CP. 197 198 227 236
Cannone, M. 88 142 157 165 166 171 172 174 181 182 185 188 190 192—195 197—204 206—209 215 217 218 222—225 227 229 231 233 234 236 307
canonical ensemble 10
Canonical state 11
Caprino, S. 37 50
Carrier, G.F. 309 [52]
Cattabriga — Solonnikov inequality 640 649
Cauchy theorem: deformation of contours 428 431 435 442
Cazabat, A.M. 525 [BMFC]
Cazenave, T. 171 236
Cellular instabilities 316
Cercignani, C. 4 19 24 34 35 37 39 41 44 52 50
Chacon Vera, E. 757 [23]
Chae, D. 234 237
Chandrasekhar, S. 314 354 526
Chapman, S. 52 50
Chapmann — Enskog expansion 52 54
Characteristic equation 356 366
Characteristic length 230
Characteristic velocity 230
Chazarain, J. 364 365 526
Chemical pollutants 537
Chemin, J.-Y. 97 104 105 118 120 125 126 134 139 141 142 144 156 757 234 237 307
Chen, Z.-M. 237 [62]; 237 [63]; 237 [64]
Chen,L. 188 235
Choe, H.J. 229 237
Classification of profiles 321 322
Clopeau, T. 296 307
Coddington, E.A. 526 [CL]
Coefficients transport 51 54 55 58 61 62
Cohen, A. 144 755
Coifman, R. 755 [37]; 193 237
Colin, T. 307 [14]; 307 [15]
Collision invariant 39 41
Compensating matrix 352 385 449
Compressible Euler equations 58 61
Compressible fluid 15
Compression ratio 515 524
Concentration of salinity 542
Conditions boundary 166 212 547 548 552 566 567 571 585
Conditions boundary, Boussinesq 56 58
Conditions boundary, Robin 614
Conditions Boussinesq 60
Conditions Rankine — Hugoniot 324 513
Conical singularity 365 455
| Conjugation lemma 343 495
Conley, C. 327 526
Conservation laws 108 110
Conservation of energy 537
Conservation of energy equation 542
Conservation of mass 537 542
Conservation of momentum 537 542
Consistent splitting 344 355
Constantin, P. 88 156 757 235 235 657
Continuity equation 542
Convection-diffusion equation 234
Convex entropy 485
Convex profiles 268 270
Coppel, W.A. 526 [Co]
Coriolis force 297 298 542
Corrections to the local equilibrium 51 61
Costantini, C. 50 50
Coupled atmosphere-ocean 570
Courant, R. 315 526
Cowling, T.G. 52 50
Critical layer 252 278
Critical Reynolds number 286—288 297 301 306
Critical space 190 191 194 208—210 214 215 222 223 226
Critical spaced 210
Cross section 23 38 54 59 60 66 78
Cross section, cutoff 35
Cylinder type domains 615
D'yakov, P. 316 329 507 526
Danchin, R. 144 156 757
Davis, W.C. 315 316 328 526
de Masi, A. 15 58 50
De Sterck, H. 338 526
Dehman, B. 757 [9]
Delacour, P. 755 [43]
Delort theorem 94
Delort, J.-M. 86 94 145 755
Depauw, N. 144 755 235
Derks, G. 335 525
Desjardins, B. 268 300 306 307
Desvillettes, L. 50 74 50
Detonation waves 316
Diagnostic variables 546 548 567
Diffusion coefficient 78 543
Diffusion constant 77
Diffusion process 78
Diffusive limit 64 78
Diffusive scaling 64 78
DiPerna, R.J. 4 59 50
Dirichlet — Robin boundary value problem 622
dispersion relation 356
Dobrushin, R.L. 7 15 50
Dobson, S. 188 235
Doughs, A. 614 657
Drazin, P.G. 250 253 267 272 282 307 526
Dritschel, D. 88 755
Dubois, S. 169 233 235
Duerr, D. 74 50
Duhamel principle 393 450
Dutrifoy, A. 144 755
Dyadic blocks 175 176 185 188
Dyadic decomposition 179
Dyadic partition 125
Dynamical stability 324
Earman, J. 163 235
Effective eigenspace 423 441 474
Egorushkin, S.A. 316 324 332 336 507 525
Ekman boundary layers 297 298 300 301
Ekman, V.W. 297 307
Elastic collision 18
Embid, P. 307 [19]
Empirical currents 7
Empirical density 17 63
Empirical distribution 36
Empirical fields 7
Empirical mass momentum and energy densities 7
Energy equality 222
Energy flux 14
Energy inequality 59 170 171 213
Engquist, B. 292 307
Engquist, W. 292 307
Enskog equation 164
Enstrophy 539 541
entropy 42
Entropy, bound 60
Entropy, dissipation 38
Entropy, flux 42
Entropy, inequality 59
Entropy, method 17 63
Entropy, variable 485 490
Entropy-entropy flux inequality 42
Equation barotropic two-dimensional 538
Equation Boltzmann 4 17 23 24 35—37 40 41 44 46 51 56 59 164
Equation Boltzmann, homogeneous 44 47 48 50
Equation Boltzmann, linear 5 74 77
Equation Burgers 62
Equation Burgers inviscid 17
Equation Enskog 164
Equation Euler 4 5 15 16 46 50 51 53 58 74 164 234 510
Equation Euler, compressible 58 61
Equation Euler, incompressible 4
Equation governing 571
Equation of diffusion for the salinity 542
Equation of state of the ideal gases 58
Equation of-state 11 542 544
Equation, characteristic 356 366
Equation, conservation mass 611
Equation, continuity 542
Equation, Hamilton — Jacobi viscous 234
Equation, heat 77 226 234 625
Equation, hydrodynamic 64 74
Equation, hydrodynamical 18 37 41 50
Equation, hydrostatic 538 597
Equation, KdV 227
Equation, limit of the Navier — Stokes incompressible 56
Equation, Liouville 12 13 16 25—27 29 61
Equation, Navier — Stokes 4 51 52 54 61 163—166 169—173 177 178 182 185 187 189—193 195—197 200—202 205 208—211 214—216 220—227 229—235 488 489 538 561
Equation, Navier — Stokes — Fourier 54
Equation, Navier — Stokes, incompressible 4 58 59 64
Equation, Newton 5 61
Equation, Prandtl's 290 291 296
Equation, primitive 537 538 541 545 563 574
Equation, Schroedinger 201 227
Equation, shallow water 538
Equation, thermodynamics 542
Equation, wave 201
Equilibrium, Maxwellian distribution 24
Equilibrium, probability distribution 10
Equilibrium, state 9 12
Equilibrium, statistical mechanics 11 15
Equivalence of the ensembles 10
Equivalence, "weak : strong" 213
Erpenbeck, J.J. 316 328 329 331 332 507 508 519 523 526
Escauriaza, L. 213 235
Esposito, R. 51 58 62—64 50
Essential spectrum 251 253
Euler equation 15 46 58 74 164 510
Euler equations 4 5 15 16 46 50 51 53 164 234
Euler limit 17 37 62
Euler scaling 17
Euler, time scale 17 59 63
Evans function 345
Evans, J.W. 316 367 526
Ewald, B. 565 657
Exponentially, asymptotically stable 231
Exponentially, unstable 231
Extreme shock 322 513
Fabes, E.B. 192 202 235
Fabrie, P. 307 [15]
Fanton, X. 525 [BMFC]
Farge, M. 185 235
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