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Antia H.M. — Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers |
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extrapolation (see Extrapolation methods)
norm 395
-approximation 395 459—461 873
norm 395 398
norm 394
norm 395
-algorithm 185 203 207 208 212 233 430 585 783 862
-table 185 223 233 784 862
26 27 30 32 35 37—42 46—48 53 56 66 67 80—82 87 88 92 95 98 159 162 193 225 231 232 237 257 274 292 306 311 313 349 352 358 368 374 393 406 449 485 760 762 791 825 879 881 893
1.06 28 35 37 80 708
A-stable 556 557
Aarts, E. H. L. 387
Abramowitz, M. 51 161 189 199 236 437 709
Abscissa 118 172 188 194 195 200 245 246 602 923
Abscissa, finding nearest 126 769 771
Absolute convergence 13 723
Absolute error 26 222 315 544
Absolute stability 527 549 550 553 560 569
Accumulation of double length numbers 38 40 43 71 80 82 105 504 762
Acton, F. S. 324 326 393 450
Adams 562 898 899 903
Adams method 536 538 558 562 654 898 903
Adams method, roundoff error 591
Adams method, stability 530 560 745
Adams — Bashforth formula 535
Adams — Moulton formula 527 536
Adams — Moulton formula, stability 530
Adaptive integration 207 209 211 216 219 223—226 227 231 538 592 611 793
Adaptive integration, global 224 226
Adaptive integration, local 223
ADI 683 931 943
ADM 935
ADPINT 208 209 210 211 216 223 224 225 226 229 230 231 232 618 793 927
Advanced computer arithmetic 33
AEPS 754
Ahlberg, J. H. 134
Ait ken’s method 185 203 278 335 481 515
Alefeld, G. 33
Algebraic manipulation program 156 688
Aliasing 415 424 427
Aliasing, Chebyshev polynomials 439
Alternating direction implicit iterative (ADI) method 681—683 943
Alternating direction implicit iterative (ADI), parallel processing 693
Alternating direction implicit iterative (ADI), rate of convergence 683
Alternating direction method 656—658 681 935
Alternating direction method, boundary conditions 657 697
Alternating direction method, parallel processing 691
Alternating direction method, stability 657
Alternating direction method, three space variables 657
Alternating direction method, truncation error 697 750
Alternating variables method 363
Always convergent methods 272 291 293 294 295 305 308 314 347 357
Amplification factor 642 644 656 657 660 665 669 697 698 750 751
Amplification matrix 662 699 750 751
Analytic function, interpolation 148
Analytic function, zeros 302—305 820
Approximation 117 392—473 734—741 855-875
Approximation of data 393 397—414 454—461 855
Approximation of mathematical functions 393 431—454 863 865 867
Approximation, 395 459—461 873
Approximation, Chebyshev 395 437
Approximation, chi-square 396 398 399
Approximation, choice of model 396
Approximation, degenerate 449 453
Approximation, differentiation 405 409 414 458 460 463 857
Approximation, error in 397 411 432 441 460
Approximation, Fourier 397 417
Approximation, ill-conditioning 399 403 449 459
Approximation, interpolation 117 394 609
Approximation, least squares 395 397—414 855
Approximation, linear 396 397—409 455 459 855 873
Approximation, minimax 395 446—458 471—473 738-740 867—872
Approximation, Monte Carlo simulation 411 460
Approximation, multivariate 414 466 473
Approximation, nonlinear 397 409—414 456
Approximation, Pade 431—437 863
Approximation, rational function 431—454 456 457 863 865—872
Approximation, roundoff error 401 406 407 408 412 450 451 454 468 469
Approximation, smoothing 394 404 413 417 458 460
arc sin (see )
Arc tan (see )
Archimedes 17 170
Array in Fortran 9 427 860
Artificial damping 663 665
Artificial pole 449 453
Artificial variables 383 391 851 852 853 854
Artificial viscosity 663
Associative law 28 29 34 39 54
Asymptotic error constant 285 336 353
Asymptotic series 13 16 17 121 181 234 471
Automated allocation of mesh points 586 588
Automatic integration 218—233 780—805
Automatic integration, adaptive 219 223—226 793
Automatic integration, iterative 219 780 782—791 795—805
Automatic integration, limitations 219 226
Automatic integration, multiple integrals 243 795—805
Autonomous form 522
Average 396
Avoided crossing 745
Back-substitution 65 69 75 86 107 135 485 581 757 760 771
Back-substitution, roundoff error 80
Back-transformation 493 500 509 878 880 891
Backward deflation 341
Backward difference 128 262 571
Backward differentiation formula 161 558
Backward error analysis 34 38 39 43 45 79 81 343 512 609
Backward Euler’s method 536 557
Backward interpolation formula 128 151 527 535 539
Baker, C. T. H. 598 622 628
BALANC 503 510 888 891
Balanced-decimal 52 704
Balanced-ternary 21 704
Balancing a matrix 502 503 510 888
Balancing a matrix, isolated eigenvalue 503
balbak 503 891
Band matrix 62 96 97 107 109 494 579 653 673
Band matrix, Gaussian elimination 65 97 107 109
Bandwidth 62 96 97 672 673 690
Bandwidth limited 415
Barrodale, I. 456 459
Base 18 19 20 21 23 26 47 52 502 755 888
Basic feasible vector 380 383 385 851 852 853
Basic feasible vector, degenerate 380 381 391 457
Basic feasible vector, finding 383
Basis functions 398 455 459 608 610 685 926
Basis functions on parallelograms 688 702 752
Basis functions on triangles 687 702 752
Basis functions, biquadratic 702 752
Basis functions, cubic 702 752
Basis functions, finite elements 685 686
Basis functions, linear 687
BCs 910 911 913 914 916 922
BCSD 913 914 916
Beale, E. M. L. 391
Bernoulli numbers 181 233 234
Bernstein, S. N. 118
Bessel function 58 59 472 594 740 747
Bessel function, zero 337 594 747
BFGS 367 369 370 412 842 844 868
BFGS formula 365 368 389 842
Bicubic spline 146—148 155 777
Bidiagonal matrix 89 91 765
Biharmonic equation 701
Bilinear approximation 688
Bilinear interpolation 144
Binary complex system 21 704
Binary number system 19 20 22 24 419
| Binary search 126 769 771 776
Binary tree 36 102
Biorthogonality 476 505
BISECT 274 351 808
Bisection 273—276 281 292 295 347 808
Bisection on parallel processors 334
Bisection, pitfalls 273
Bisection, roundoff error 274
Bisection, searching an ordered table 126 769 771 772 776
Bisection, Sturm sequence 494—497 883 884
Bit 22 24
Bit reversal 420 858 860
Block tridiagonal matrix 672
Bluestein’s FFT algorithm 422
Blunder 3 17 357 368 394 396
Boole’s rule 175
Boor, C. de 221 226
Bose — Einstein statistics 267
boundary conditions 521 564 571 572 600 914
Boundary conditions, alternating direction method 657 697
Boundary conditions, Cauchy 635 637 659
Boundary conditions, cubic spline 135 152
Boundary conditions, Dirichlet 635 638 639 640 674 684 689
Boundary conditions, finite difference methods 572 640 650 656 657 659 665 671 674 676 684
Boundary conditions, finite element methods 689
Boundary conditions, irregular boundary 674—676
Boundary conditions, Lax — Wehdroff method 665 939
Boundary conditions, Neumann 635 638 639 640 671 676 685
Boundary conditions, parallel processing 692
Boundary conditions, partial differential equations 635 638 639 640 650 656 657 659 665 671 674 676 684 689 931 932 936 939 943
Boundary conditions, periodic 684 701
Boundary conditions, separable 564 574 910 913 922
Boundary value problem 521 564—584 602 910
Boundary value problem, choice of method 570 578
Boundary value problem, conversion to integral equation 600
Boundary value problem, deferred correction 572 573 574 595
Boundary value problem, existence and uniqueness of solution 565
Boundary value problem, finite difference methods 565 571—578 910
Boundary value problem, initial value method 565—570 595
Boundary value problem, linear 566 568 572 576
Boundary value problem, nonlinear 565 569 574 577
Boundary value problem, partial differential equations 635 670—685 941 944
Boundary value problem, shooting method 565—570 595
Bracketing complex roots 296—298 814
Bracketing minimum 347 350 351 366 835
Bracketing Teal roots 273 278 280 283 291 295 307 324 807
BRACKM 351 388 835
Brent 292 812
Brent, R. P. 291 292 352 354 372 373 374 375 812 838
BRENTM 354 838 867 868 870
Brent’s method 290 291—295 566 812
Brent’s method for minimization 354—356 449 450 453 838
Brent’s method multiple roots 293
Brent’s method pitfalls 294
Brent’s method roundoff error 295
Brent’s method, convergence 291
Brigham, E. 0 424
Brownlee, K. A. 393
Broyden, C. G. 365
Broyden’s method 332—334 411 558 559 566 574 833 905
BROYDN 830 831 833
Bug 3 11 12 15
Bulirsch, R. 140 554 568 684
Buneman, O. 684
Burgers’ equation 696
Butcher, J. C. 593
Carry 21 23
Cartesian grid 144 296
Cartesian product 241
Cascade sum 36 40 193 754
Cascade sum, parallel processing 102 103 106
Cascade sum, roundoff error 37
Cauchy condition 635 637 638 639 659
Cauchy principal value 201 207 214 266
Cauchy’s Theorem 302
Causality 638
Cautious iteration 221
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 518
Central difference 463 650 671
Central difference formula 161 571 659 671
Central limit theorem 250
Centroid 246
Centrosymmetric 630
Chaining 100
Change of variable 203 213 243
Characteristic equation 475 525 528 529 558 559 582
Characteristic polynomial 318 475 476 478 590
Characteristic polynomial, Krylov’s method 518
Characteristics 636 638 639 659 660
Charles XII 20
Chasing 91
CHEBCF 437 438 864
Chebyshev approximation 395 437
Chebyshev economization 441 442 469 738
Chebyshev expansion 437—446 447 864 866
Chebyshev expansion, calculating the coefficients 445 469
Chebyshev expansion, Lanczos -method 470
Chebyshev expansion, rational function approximation 440 444 865
Chebyshev integration 194 263
Chebyshev interpolation 127 129 736
Chebyshev polynomials 59 127 196 197 198 340 388 437—440 449 597 610 864
Chebyshev polynomials, differentiation 440
Chebyshev polynomials, extrema 127 438
Chebyshev polynomials, integration 469
Chebyshev polynomials, orthogonality relation 439
Chebyshev polynomials, recurrence relation 437 438 469
Chebyshev polynomials, shifted 469
Chebyshev polynomials, zeros 127 196 438
Chebyshev SOR method 692
Chebyshev theorem 127 446
Cheney, E. W. 447
Chi-square 396 398 399
Cholesky decomposition 73 112 360 478 519
Chvatal, V. 391
clarity 10
Clenshaw, C. W. 220 471
Clenshaw’s recurrence 407 438 465 857
Cody, W. J. 449 454 472
Collocation 132
Collocation method 609 610 611 617 618 688 926
Collocation method, eigenvalue problem 613
Collocation method, Fredholm equations 609 610 611 617 618 926
Collocation method, partial differential equations 689
Combinatorial optimization 346 387
Commutative law 30
Complete pivoting 66 80 98 711
Complex arithmetic 29
Complex roots 296—305 308—312 814 829
Complex roots of analytic functions 302—305 820
Complex roots of polynomials 308—312 825—829
Complex roots, locating 296—298 814
Complex roots, Muller’s method 298—302 816 818
Complex roots, quadrature based method 302—305 820
complexity 65 122
Composite formulas 175 190 199 248 606
Composite formulas, convergence 177
Computational efficiency 287 299 310 336 339 353 357 729
Computational efficiency on parallel computers 334
Computer programming (see Program/programming)
Condition number 44 46 154 512 609 709 717
Condition number of matrix 78 79 81 85 87 94 609 618 710 712
Condition number, nonlinear equations 319
Confidence level 251 254 803
Conjugate directions 371 376
Conjugate gradient method 99 365 370 376
Conjugate gradient method, Fletcher — Reeves method 376
Conjugate gradient method, sparse matrix 377
Conjugate transpose 63
Connection conditions 588
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