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Antia H.M. — Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers |
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Neumann condition 635 638 639 640 671 674 685
Neumann condition, irregular boundary 676
Neville’s interpolation 151 262 719
NEWRAC 821 824
NEWRAP 289 290 810 824
Newton 330 830 831 832
Newton — Cotes formulas 171—180
Newton — Cotes formulas, choice 180
Newton — Cotes formulas, closed 172 620
Newton — Cotes formulas, convergence 175
Newton — Cotes formulas, integral equations 619 621
Newton — Cotes formulas, open 172 174 213 532 620
Newton — Cotes formulas, roundoff error 192 194
Newton — Cotes formulas, truncation error 172 174 175
Newton — Cotes formulas, weight function 201 206 264 720
Newton — Raphson method 287—290 294 299 304 336 471 566 595 810 824
Newton — Raphson method, convergence 287
Newton — Raphson method, modified 288 810
Newton — Raphson method, multiple roots 288 289 810
Newton — Raphson method, rate of convergence 285 288 300 337 338 727 728 729
Newton — Raphson method, roundoff error 314
Newton — Raphson method, secant method 285 337
Newton’s equations 263 303
Newton’s interpolation formula, backward 128 151 527 535 539
Newton’s interpolation formula, divided difference 124 157 168 188 719 768 774
Newton’s interpolation formula, forward 128
Newton’s method 410
Newton’s method with line search 328 363
Newton’s method, convergence 327 363
Newton’s method, damped 328
Newton’s method, modified 328 364
NGAUSS 795 797
Nicolson, P. 651
Nine-point formula 672 674
Nine-point formula, eigenvalue problem 700
Nine-point formula, parallel processing 693
Nine-point formula, truncation error 701 752
NMINF 374 375 847 849
Nodal points 686
nodes 580 597 614 686
Nonlinear approximation 397 409—414 456
Nonlinear elementary divisor 477 490 502 512 514 515 519 589 741 742 877
Nonlinear equations 271—344 565 725—732 807—834
Nonlinear equations, always convergent methods 272 291 293 294 295 305 308
Nonlinear equations, bisection 273—276 292 808
Nonlinear equations, Brent’s method 290—295 812
Nonlinear equations, Broyden’s method 332—334 833
Nonlinear equations, checking the roots 314
Nonlinear equations, choice of method 294 295
Nonlinear equations, complex roots 296—305 308—312 814-829
Nonlinear equations, continuation method 302 329 830
Nonlinear equations, convergence criterion 312 315—318 342 730
Nonlinear equations, deflation 302 309 311 312 317 325 326 340 341 815
Nonlinear equations, fixed-point iteration 276—278 325 342
Nonlinear equations, generalized secant method 332
Nonlinear equations, Hailey’s method 339 729
Nonlinear equations, ill-conditioning 303 306 316 318 322
Nonlinear equations, interpolatory method 290 291 300 337 727
Nonlinear equations, iterative methods 271 277 284 287 299 301 310 327 337 338 339 342 727 729
Nonlinear parabolic equations 650—655 934
Nonlinear programming 387
Nonlinear wave 653
Nontrivial solution 475 564
Norm 609
Norm, 394
Norm, choice of 395
Norm, continuum 394
Norm, discrete 394
Norm, error 394
Norm, Euclidean 97 512
Norm, matrix 78 92 97 367 502 512
Norm, spectral 78
Norm, vector 78 88
Normal distribution 395 398 399 405 411
Normal equations 398 409 464
Normal probability integral 473 740
Normalization, eigenvector 475 479 876
Normalization, floating-point number 23 24 27
Not-a-knot boundary condition 135 152 770
Nuclear power plant 3
NULL-SPACE 61 87 88 89
Nullity 87
Number representation 22—24
Number representation, fixed-point 22 23
Number representation, floating-point 23 53
Number representation, level-index 56
Number representation, one’s complement 22
Number representation, signed-magnitude 22
Number representation, two’s complement 22
Number system 18—21
Number system, balanced-decimal 52 704
Number system, balanced-ternary 21 704
Number system, base 18 19 52
Number system, binary 19
Number system, binary complex 21 704
Number system, conversion 19
Number system, decimal 18
Number system, hexadecimal 20
Number system, negative decimal 21 52
Number system, octal 20
Number system, positional 18
Number system, quantization 25
Number system, quater-imaginary 21
Numerical dissipation 663
Numerical instability 49 50 107 476 488 531 540 591 618
Numerical integration methods 523
Numerical integration methods, absolute stability 527 559
Numerical integration methods, accumulated error 531 532
Numerical integration methods, consistency 524 526 531
Numerical integration methods, convergence 525 531
Numerical integration methods, explicit 523 530 532
Numerical integration methods, implicit 523 532
Numerical integration methods, method of undetermined coefficients 523 524 528
Numerical integration methods, order 524 526
Numerical integration methods, parasitic solution 526 528 531 532
Numerical integration methods, roundoff error 531 542 543 591
Numerical integration methods, stability 525—531 533 534 538 556 558 559 560 590 591 595 744 745
Numerical integration methods, starting values 536 537 592
Numerical integration methods, stiffly stable 558—563 905
Numerical integration methods, three-step fourth-order formula 528—530 591
Numerical integration methods, truncation error 524 528 531 532 534
Numerical integration methods, two-step formula 591 745
Numerical integration methods, using higher order derivatives 594
Numerical integration methods, weakly stable 529 530
Numerical model 1
Numerical viscosity 663
Nyquist frequency 415 424
Objective function 378 851 875
Off-centered difference formula 571 573 581
Oldham, К. B. 51
Olver, F. W. J. 321
One’s complement 22
Open formulas 172 174 213 532 620
Optimal feasible vector 378 380 382 851 853
Optimization (see Minimization)
Order of convergence 4 16
Order, differential equations 521
Order, exponential 428 430
Order, interpolation formulas 120
Order, iterative methods 280 284 291 336
Order, numerical integration methods 524 526
Order, partial differential equations 635
Ordinary differential equations (see Differential equations)
Ortega, J. M. 694
Orthogonal functions 406 609
Orthogonal matrix 63 87 89 115 491 498 506 881
Orthogonal polynomials 188 195 196 200 402 406—409 855
Orthogonal transformation 89 93 107 115 400 492 499 504 507 513
Orthogonalization 372 406
Osborne, M. R. 390
| Oscillatory convergence 278
Oscillatory divergence 278
Osculatory interpolation 132
Overdetermined system 61 87 89 400 455 609 617
Overflow 22 23 24 29 32 68 252 309 375 434 494 522 562 582 705 756 818 7 17 20 52 703
pade 863 867 871
Pade approximatio, convergence 436
Pade approximatio, existence 468
Pade approximatio, truncation error 432
Pade approximation 431—437 863
Parabolic equations 636 638 639—658 931—936
Parabolic equations, alternating direction method 656—658 935
Parabolic equations, boundary conditions 640 650 656 657 697
Parabolic equations, convergence 644 645 648
Parabolic equations, Crank — Nicolson method 643 651 932
Parabolic equations, explicit method 640 641 642 649 650
Parabolic equations, finite difference methods 640—652 655—658 695 932
Parabolic equations, implicit method 643 644 651
Parabolic equations, method of lines 652—655 934
Parabolic equations, nonlinear 650—655 934
Parabolic equations, parallel processing 691
Parabolic equations, several space variables 655—658 935
Parabolic equations, stability 641—644 649 656 657
Parabolic equations, system of 652
Parabolic equations, three space dimensions 657
Parabolic equations, truncation error 640 644 657 695 97 750
Parabolic interpolation 126 291 298 351 353 354 374 387 836 839 845 849
Parabolic window 467
Parallel algorithm 104
Parallel processing 36 99—108 377 690—694
Parallel processing, alternating direction implicit iterative (ADI) method 693
Parallel processing, cyclic reduction 103 104 107 691 694
Parallel processing, efficiency 102
Parallel processing, elliptic equations 691—694
Parallel processing, fast Fourier transform 427
Parallel processing, Gauss — Seidel method 692 693
Parallel processing, hyperbolic equations 691
Parallel processing, independent computation 101
Parallel processing, integration 259
Parallel processing, Jacobi method 692
Parallel processing, linear equations 106—108
Parallel processing, matrix product 105
Parallel processing, matrix-vector product 104
Parallel processing, multicolor ordering 693
Parallel processing, nonlinear equations 334
Parallel processing, parabolic equations 691
Parallel processing, recurrence relations 103
Parallel processing, red-black ordering 692
Parallel processing, speed-up 99 102 259
Parallel processing, successive over-relaxation method 692
Parallel processing, summation 102
Parallelism 102 103 106
Parallelogram 687 688 702 752
Parasitic solution 526 528 531 532 547
Parseval’s theorem 418 466
Partial 66 67 73 74 75 80 111 504 575 581 603
Partial differential equations 634—702 750—752 931—944
Partial differential equations, alternating direction method 656—658 681 935
Partial differential equations, boundary conditions 635 638 639 640 650 656 657 659 665 671 674 676 684 689
Partial differential equations, boundary value problem 635 670—685 941—944
Partial differential equations, characteristics 636 638 639 659 660
Partial differential equations, classification 636—639
Partial differential equations, convergence 644 645 648
Partial differential equations, Crank — Nicolson method 643 932
Partial differential equations, detecting instability 658
Partial differential equations, dimension 635
Partial differential equations, eigenvalue problem 636 673 676 700
Partial differential equations, elliptic 636 639 670—685 941—947
Partial differential equations, equilibrium problem 635
Partial differential equations, extrapolation methods 674
Partial differential equations, FFT method 684 685
Partial differential equations, finite difference methods 640—685 932—947
Partial differential equations, finite element methods 685—690
Partial differential equations, hyperbolic 636 659—670 938
Partial differential equations, ill-conditioning 750
Partial differential equations, initial value problem 635 636 639—670 932—939
Partial differential equations, Lax — Wendroff method 664 665 670 938
Partial differential equations, method 681—683 943
Partial differential equations, method of lines 652—655 690 934
Partial differential equations, nonlinear 650—655 664 676 934 938
Partial differential equations, order 635
Partial differential equations, parabolic 636 638 639—658 931—936
Partial differential equations, parallel processing 691—694
Partial Differential Equations, Quasilinear 635 696
Partial differential equations, roundoff error 666 699
Partial differential equations, stability 641—644 649 656 657 660 662 665 669 697
Partial differential equations, successive over-relaxation method 679—681 692 941
Partial differential equations, truncation error 640 644 657 660 671 674 695 697 750 752
Partial double precision 592
Partial pivoting 66 67 73 74 75 80 111 504 575 581 603 755 757 760 919
Partial pivoting, limitations 66 711
Partial pivoting, roundoff error 80
Particular solution 61 566
Partitioning 685
Pascal matrix 712
Patterson rule 191 220
Pegasus method 335
Penney, W. 21
Periodic boundary conditions 684 701
Permutation matrix 73 111 581
Piecewise polynomial 134 146 396 409 465
Piessens, R. 171 191
Pipeline 100
Pissanetzky, S. 61
Pitfalls 7
Pitfalls, reverse communication 815 818 916
Pivot 65 360
Pivoting 66 67 80 106 107 135
Pivoting, complete 66 80 98
Pivoting, limitations 66
plot 807
Point of inflection 347 357 388 841
Poisson’s equation 671 677 678 682 684 941 943
Poisson’s equation, FFT method 684 685
Poisson’s equation, five-point formula 671 672
Poisson’s equation, nine-point formula 674 701 752
Polak — Ribiere formula 376
Pole 273 289 305 430 449 451 453 773
POLEVL 407 855 857
POLFIT 407 408 855 857
POLY 2 146 774
POLYC 305 821 828
Polyhedron 378
polyL 1 459 873 875
Polynomial 302 396
Polynomial extrapolation 168 169 554 562 908
Polynomial interpolation 118—138 768—770 774—777
Polynomial interpolation in several dimensions 144—148
Polynomial interpolation, complexity 122 125
Polynomial interpolation, existence and uniqueness 119
Polynomial interpolation, truncation error 120 121 124 126 714 715
Polynomial, characteristic 475 476 478 518
Polynomial, Chebyshev 59 127 196 197 198 340 388 437 438 440 610 864
Polynomial, Chebyshev expansion 437 864
Polynomial, checking the roots 312
Polynomial, complex roots 308—312
Polynomial, convergence criterion 312
Polynomial, deflation 309 311 312 341 825 826 829
Polynomial, evaluation 122 275 407 433
Polynomial, Graeffe’s root squaring method 308
Polynomial, Hermite 59 199
Polynomial, ill-conditioning 303 306 318 319 321
Polynomial, Jacobi 197
Polynomial, Laguerre 50 199 340 388
Polynomial, Laguerre’s method 309—311 825—829
Polynomial, least squares 406—409 855
Polynomial, Legendre 59 188 198 340 594 595 610 747
Polynomial, Li-approximation 459—461 873
Polynomial, minimax approximation 447 455
Polynomial, multiple roots 275 321
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