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Antia H.M. — Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers |
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Eigenvector, generalized 514 742
Eigenvector, inverse iteration 479 484 490 509
Eigenvector, left 475 486 580 581
Eigenvector, normalization 475 479 876
Eigenvector, orthogonality 475 497
Eigenvector, right 475 (see also Eigenvalue problem)
Elementary matrix 72 503
Elliott, D.F. 419 422
ellipse 175 368
Ellipsoid 360 401
Elliptic equations 636 639 670—685 941 944
Elliptic equations, alternating direction implicit iterative (ADJ) method 681—683 693 943
Elliptic equations, boundary conditions 639 671 674 676 684
Elliptic equations, cyclic reduction 684
Elliptic equations, direct methods 670 673 684
Elliptic equations, eigenvalue problem 636 673 676 700
Elliptic equations, FFT method 684 685
Elliptic equations, irregular boundary 674—676
Elliptic equations, iterative methods 673 677—683
Elliptic equations, nonlinear 676
Elliptic equations, parallel processing 691—694
Elliptic equations, successive over-relaxation method 679—681 692 941
Elliptic equations, three or more dimensions 683
Elliptic equations, truncation error 671 674 752
ELMHES 504 510 891
EPSILN 223 783
EQN 910 911 913 914 916 922
EQND 913 914 916
EQUDIS 221 258 805
Equidistributed sequence 241 255—258 805
Equidistributed sequence, convergence of integrals 256
Equidistributed sequence, generation 255 256
Equidistributed sequence, roundoff error 257
Equilibrated matrix 67 85 110
Equilibration 67 68 75 79 111 325
Equilibrium problem 635
Error curve 446 449 452 453 454 867
Error curve, nonstandard form 449 450
Error ellipsoid 401
Error function 17 263 471 739
Error, absolute 26 222 315 544
Error, blunder 3 17 357 368 394 396
Error, bug 3 11 12 15
Error, measurement 2
Error, modeling 2
Error, probable 250
Error, relative 25 26 222 315 544
Error, roundoff 2 4 10 25—51
Error, significant figures 26
Error, truncation 2 4—6
Euclidean norm 97 512
Euler — Maclaurin sum formula 13 180 181 233—235 236 262 268 723
Eulerian equation 669
Euler’s constant 16 265 268 707 723
Euler’s method 343 523 535 546 589
Euler’s method, backward 536 557
Euler’s method, truncation error 524 553
Euler’s transformation 238 239 240 268 430
Evolution problem 636
Exchange algorithm 454
Expansion methods 608—612 926
Expansion methods, boundary conditions 689
Expansion methods, collocation 609 610 611 613 617 618 688 689 926
Expansion methods, differential equations 597
Expansion methods, eigenvalue problem 613
Expansion methods, Fredholm equations 608—612 617 618
Expansion methods, Galerkin 609 612 613 686 688 689 690
Expansion methods, least squares 609 617 688 689
Expansion methods, partial differential equations 685
Explicit difference methods 640 646 659 661 662 666
Explicit difference methods, nonlinear equations 650
Explicit difference methods, parallel processing 691
Explicit difference methods, stability 641 642 649 660
Explicit formulas 523 530 532
Exponent offset 23 24 28 53
Exponential function 57 469 708 738
Exponential integral 59
Exponential order 428 430 737 862
EXTP 555 562 907
Extrapolation 16 131 140 163 329 523 620 908
Extrapolation methods 163—167 169 181 187
Extrapolation methods, -algorithm 185 203 208 212 233 430 585 783 862
Extrapolation methods, adjusting the step size 554 555
Extrapolation methods, convergence criterion 167 223
Extrapolation methods, differential equations 553—555 572 580 585 907
Extrapolation methods, differentiation 163—167 719 778
Extrapolation methods, extrema 396 438 447 448 449 450 454 473 867
Extrapolation methods, integral equations 604 613 628
Extrapolation methods, integration 181—187 203 204 208 212 223 782 783
Extrapolation methods, partial differential equations 674
Extrapolation methods, roundoff error 166
Extrapolation methods, using polynomials 163 168 169 554 562 908
Extrapolation methods, using rational functions 169 554 562 908
Factorial function 235 236
False position (see Regula falsi method)
Fast Fourier Transform 14 419—428 445 736 857—860
Fast Fourier transform for arbitrary N 422
Fast Fourier transform in n dimensions 427 428 860
Fast Fourier transform, bit reversal 420 858 860
Fast Fourier transform, Bluestein’s algorithm 422
Fast Fourier transform, complexity 467 736
Fast Fourier transform, convolution 423 426 467 736
Fast Fourier transform, Cooley — Tukey algorithm 421
Fast Fourier transform, parallel processing 427
Fast Fourier transform, real data 421 466 859
Fast Fourier transform, Sande — Tukey algorithm 421
Fast Fourier transform, solution of elliptic equations 684 685
Fast Fourier transform, using mixed radix representation 422 467
Fast Fourier transform, zero padding 422 423 426 428
FDM 574 576 577 584 910 915 920 922
Feasible region 380
Feasible vector 378
Fehlberg, E. 550
Fermi integrals 267 472 722 740
Fermi — Dirac statistics 267
FFT 427 857 859
fftn 427 428 860
FFTR 422 859
Fibonacci equation 284
Fibonacci numbers 109 349
Fictitious mesh points 640 665 671 675 676
Fill-in 98 505
Filon 791
Filon’s formula 205 227 791
Finite difference matrix 575 581 672 922
Finite difference methods 571—584 608 640—685 910—922 931-947
Finite difference methods, amplification factor 642 644 656 657 660 665 669 697 698 750 751
Finite difference methods, amplification matrix 662 699 750 751
Finite difference methods, automated allocation of mesh points 586 588
Finite difference methods, boundary conditions 572 587 588 640 650 656 657 659 665 671 674 676 684
Finite difference methods, central difference formula 571 659 671
Finite difference methods, consistency 644
Finite difference methods, convergence 644
Finite difference methods, deferred correction 572 573 574 580 595 910 911 913 915
Finite difference methods, dispersive 663
Finite difference methods, dissipative 663
Finite difference methods, eigenvalue problem 579—584 673 676 700 913
Finite difference methods, elliptic equations 670—685 941—947
Finite difference methods, explicit 640 641 642 646 649 650 659 660 661 662 666 691
Finite difference methods, extrapolation methods 572 580 674
Finite difference methods, higher order schemes 573 645 647 648 660 674
Finite difference methods, hyperbolic equations 659—670 938
Finite difference methods, implicit 640 643 644 651 660 662 666 691 751
Finite difference methods, nonlinear equations 574 650 651 664 676
Finite difference methods, parabolic equations 640—652 655—658 695 931 935
Finite difference methods, second-order equations 571 574 595
Finite difference methods, stability 641—644 649 656 657 660 662 665 669 697 751
Finite difference methods, Sturm — Liouville problem 579
Finite difference methods, truncation error 572 574 579 580 584 595 640 644 657 660 671 674 695 750 752
Finite element methods 685—690
| Finite element methods, boundary conditions 689
Finite element methods, continuity of solution 685
Finite element methods, initial value problem 690
Finite element methods, method of lines 690
Finite element methods, nodal points 686
Finite element methods, parallelogram elements 688 702 752
Finite element methods, partitioning 685
Finite element methods, triangular elements 686 688 702 752
Finite element methods, variational method 689
Finite elements 685
Five-point formula 671 672
Fixed-point arithmetic 23 25 263
Fixed-point iteration 276—278 533 536 602 620 651 903 929
Fixed-point iteration, convergence 277 342
Fixed-point iteration, system of equations 325 731 903
Fixed-point representation 22 23
Fletcher — Reeves method 376
Fletcher, R. 364 365 366 370 381 410 411
FLN 847 849 851
FLNM 842 844 846
Floating-point arithmetic 26 55 56
Floating-point arithmetic, overflow 29 32
Floating-point arithmetic, roundoff error 27 28 30 32 54 705 706 707
Floating-point arithmetic, underflow 29 32 54
Floating-point representation 23
Floating-point representation, base 23 26 46 755
Floating-point representation, exponent offset 23 24 28 53
Fluid mechanics 669 699
Flux 664 665 670 939
FM 867 870
Folding of frequency spectrum 415
Forsythe, G. E. 60 87 676
FORTRAN 7 10 71 104 105 106 241 323 474 672 753 814 868 932
Fortran, array 9 427 860
Fortran, GO TO 11
Fortran, SAVE 753
Fortran, unformatted write 12
Forward difference 127 238 262 571
Forward error analysis 34 35 43
Forward integration formula 523
Forward interpolation formula 128
Forward substitution 69 75 581 619 757 75 9
Forward substitution, roundoff error 80
Fourier approximation 397 417
Fourier method 642 644 649 656 657 660 662 665
Fourier transform 205 414—428
Fourier transform method 684 685
Fourier transform, convergence 416
Fourier transform, convolution 736
Fourier transform, discontinuity 416 417 425
Fourier transform, Gibbs’ phenomenon 417 (see also discrete Fourier transform)
Fourier’s conditions 335
FRACTION 23 24 26 27 28 30 38 56
Fraction/mantissa 23 24 26 27 28 30 38 56
Fraction/mantissa, normalization 8 23 24 27
Fraction/mantissa, overflow 24
Fraction/mantissa, precision 24 26
Fraction/mantissa, underflow 24 29
Fred 604 606 607 614 615 923
FREDCO 926 928
Fredholm equations 598 600 601 602—619 923—928
Fredholm equations, classification 599
Fredholm equations, collocation method 609 610 611 613 617 618 926
Fredholm equations, deferred correction 603 604 606 613 618
Fredholm equations, existence of solution 616 631
Fredholm equations, expansion methods 608—612 613 617 618
Fredholm equations, extrapolation methods 604 613
Fredholm equations, first kind 616—619 923—928
Fredholm equations, fixed-point iteration 602
Fredholm equations, Galerkin method 609 612 613
Fredholm equations, nonlinear 607
Fredholm equations, quadrature method 602—608 613—616 617 749 923
Fredholm equations, regularization method 619
Fredholm equations, second kind 600 601 02—612 923—928
Fredholm equations, singular 600 604 606 617
Fredholm equations, spurious convergence 617 632
Fredholm equations, system of 608
Fredholm equations, third kind 612—615 923
Fredholm equations, truncation error 603 609 614
Free boundary 564 587
Free-end conditions 135
Frequency domain 414 418 684
Friedrichs, К. O. 660
Fully symmetric region 246
Funk 927 928
FUNPLT 350 807
Galerkin method 609 612 686 688
Galerkin method, eigenvalue problem 613
Galerkin method, Fredholm equations 609 612 613
Galerkin method, partial differential equations 686 689 690
Gamma function 16 242 452
Garbow, B. S. 474
GAUBLK 575 581 911 915 916 919
GAUELM 68 511 755 790 833 834 863 866 867 877 905 924 927
GAULAG 214 787
Gauss 193 220 784 787
Gauss — Chebyshev formula 196 720
Gauss — Hermite formula 199 214 721
Gauss — Jacobi formula 197
Gauss — Jordan elimination 69 86 106 107
Gauss — Jordan elimination, complexity 109
Gauss — Kronrod formula 191 200 223 224 793 794
Gauss — Kronrod formula, weights and abscissas 794
Gauss — Kronrod — Patterson formula 191 220
Gauss — Laguerre formula 199 214 217 233 787 788
Gauss — Laguerre formula, weights and abscissas 788
Gauss — Legendre formula 189 194 220 229 688 784 787
Gauss — Legendre formula, composite 190
Gauss — Legendre formula, integral equations 604 607 614 617 923
Gauss — Legendre formula, product 243 245 688 795 797
Gauss — Legendre formula, truncation error 189
Gauss — Legendre formula, weights and abscissas 785 797 924
Gauss — Seidel method 97 677 713 714
Gauss — Seidel method, convergence 97 678
Gauss — Seidel method, multicolor ordering 693
Gauss — Seidel method, parallel processing 692 693
Gauss — Seidel method, red-black ordering 692
Gaussian elimination for band matrix 65 97 107 109
Gaussian elimination for eigenvalue problem 503 504 513 891 892
Gaussian elimination for finite difference matrix 575 581 919
Gaussian elimination for singular matrix 114
Gaussian elimination for sparse matrix 98
Gaussian elimination for symmetric matrix 110
Gaussian elimination for tridiagonal matrix 710
Gaussian elimination, algorithmic form 68
Gaussian elimination, complexity 65 109
Gaussian elimination, matrix formulation 71—73
Gaussian elimination, parallel processing 106
Gaussian elimination, partial pivoting 66 67 73 575 581 755
Gaussian elimination, roundoff error 65 67 79
Gaussian quadrature 188—192 195—201 216 217 784 787 788
Gaussian quadrature, calculating weights and abscissas 200 790
Gaussian quadrature, checking the weights and abscissas 190
Gaussian quadrature, composite formulas 190 199 200
Gaussian quadrature, convergence 190 196
Gaussian quadrature, improper integrals 195—201 204 214
Gaussian quadrature, integral equations 603 604 617 619
Gaussian quadrature, logarithmic singularity 264 720
Gaussian quadrature, nonstandard weight functions 200
Gaussian quadrature, over infinite interval 199 214 788
Gaussian quadrature, roundoff error 190 194
Gaussian quadrature, truncation error 189 195
Gaussian quadrature, weight function 195—201 204 214
Gaussian quadrature, weights and abscissas 189 199 720 785 788 797 924
GAUSWT 201 208 228 331 790
Gear 559 562 563 654 655 898 899 905 934
Gear, C. W. 538 554 557 558 593
Gear’s method 558—563 905
Gear’s method, pitfalls 560
Gear’s method, stability 559 560
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