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Vladimirov V. S. — Equations of mathematical physics |
Предметный указатель |
Arzela's lemma 233
Associated Legendre functions 339
Bessel's inequality 17
Bilinear expansion of an Hermitian continuous kernel 242
Bilinear expansion of iterated kernels 241
Bilinear form 25
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem 2
Boundary value problem 53
Boundary value problem for equations of elliptic type 56
Cauchy principle of convergence 2
Cauchy — Buniakowski inequality 12
Cauchy's problem 53
Cauchy's theorem 5
Characteristic cone 43
Characteristic equation 43
Characteristic function of a set 2
Characteristic numbers of a kernel 202
Characteristic surface 43
Closure equation 17
Closure of a set 2
Compactum 2
Complete system of functions 17
Continuation of a linear functional 21
Continuity, equation of 35
Convolution of generalized functions 102 104 105
Convolution of generalized functions of slow growth 121
d'Alembert's formula 176
Derivative of a generalized function 80
Derivative, correct normal 281
Descent, method of 144
Differential equations of characteristics 47
Diffusion equation 30
Diffusion of heat in a bounded rod 382
Dini's lemma 5
Dirac -function 64
Dirac's equation 38
Direct product of generalized functions 96
Direct product of generalized functions of slow growth 96
Dirichlet, external problem 307
Dirichlet, internal problem 307
Distributions 75
Du Bois Reymond's Lemma 72
Eigenfunctions of a kernel 202
Eigenfunctions of an operator 24
Eigenvalues of a kernel 202
Eigenvalues of an operator 24
Elliptic equation 380
Elliptic type, equation of 40 49
Energy integral 259
Euler's equation of motion 35
Fourier coefficients 16
Fourier method 263 373
Fourier series 16
Fourier transform of convolution 129
Fourier transform of functions belonging to 121
Fourier transform of generalized functions belonging to 123
Fredholm integral equations 201
Fredholm integral equations, adjoint 201
Fredholm integral equations, homogeneous 201
Fredholm theorems 225—227 229 233
Fredholm's alternative 225
Fubini's theorem 11
Function with compact support 4
Functional, linear 21
Fundamental solution 141 147
Fundamental solution of the Cauchy — Riemann operator 154
Fundamental solution of the heat conduction operator 148
Fundamental solution of the Helmholtz operator 153
Fundamental solution of the Laplace operator 151
Fundamental solution of the transport operator 154
Fundamental solution of the wave operator 149
Generalized Cauchy problem for heat conduction equation 197
Generalized Cauchy problem for wave equation 172
Generalized function 69
Generalized function of slow growth 116
Generalized function, regular 72
Generalized function, singular 72
Generalized harmonic function 287
Generalized solution of linear differential equation 140
Generating function for Legendre polynomials 337
Green's first formula 256
Green's formula 279
Green's function of a boundary value problem 274
Green's function of a Dirichlet problem 318 358
Green's function of an operator 273
Green's function, construction 322
Green's second formula 257
Hadamard's example 60
Harmonic function 278
Heat conduction equation 31 44
Heine — Borel lemma 3
Helmholtz equation 33 362
Helmholtz equation, homogeneous 363
Hilbert — Schmidt theorem 237 240 247 249
Hoelder continuous function 5
Huygens principle 179
Hydrodynamics, equations of 35
Hyperbolic homogeneous equation 374
Hyperbolic inhomogeneous equation 376
Hyperbolic type equations 40 46
Influence, function of 141
Integral equation 201
Integral equation with degenerate kernel 217
Integral equation with Hermitian kernel 202
Integral equation with polar kernel 211
Integral equation, Fredholm 201
Integral equation, Volterra 209
Interior point of a set 2
Iterates of a function 204
Jentsch's theorem 249
Kellogg's method 251
Kelvin's transformation 309
Kernel 21
Kernel of integral equation 201
Kernel of positive type 246
kernel, continuous 202
Kernel, degenerate 217
kernel, hermitian 231
Kernel, polar 211
Kernel, Volterra 209
Kernel, weakly polar 211
Kernels, Hermitian adjoint 202
| Kernels, iterated 206
Kernels, symmetric 249
Kirchhoff's formula 176
Klein — Gordon equation 38
Kowalewski's theorem 59
Laplace equation 33
Laplace's formula 343
Lebesgue integrable function 5 6
Lebesgue integral 5 6
Lebesgue theorem 8
Legendre polynomials 335
Liapunov surface 297
Linear normed space 4
Lipschitz continuous function 5
Maximum principle 283 285 405
Maxwell's equations 36
Mean value theorem 283
Measurable function 6
Minimum principle 406
Mixed problem 54 57
Mixed type, equation of 41
Multiplicity of an eigenvalue 24
Neumann series 204
Neumann, external problem 307
Neumann, internal problem 307
Normalized function 15
Normally hyperbolic type equation 40
Normally parabolic type equation 40
Operator, bounded from to 20
Operator, Cauchy — Riemann 94
Operator, continuous from to 20
Operator, differential, or order m 22
Operator, Hermitian (Lagrange self-adjoint) 25
Operator, integral 21
Operator, integrodi\taufferential 22
Operator, Laplace 30
Operator, linear 20
Operator, positive 26
Operator, wave (D'Alembert ) 30
Orthogonal functions 15
Orthonormal system of functions 15
Parabolic type equations 40 49 378
Parseval's equality 17
Poisson's equation 33 44
Poisson's formula 186 325 326
Potential, double layer 111 293 302 303
Potential, heat with density f 194
Potential, logarithmic 110 350
Potential, Newtonian 110 291
Potential, Newtonian, physical sense 296
Potential, retarded 163
Potential, Robin's 316
Potential, Robin's, physical sense 317
Potential, simple layer 111 293 300 304
Potential, surface retarded 167
Potentials 365
Principle of amplitude 369
Principle of limiting absorption 368
Propagation of waves 178
Property fulfilled almost everywhere 5
Quadratic form 25
Reflections, finite string 191
Reflections, method of 322
Reflections, semi-infinite string 198
Region 3
Regularization of generalized functions 108
Resolvent 207
Riesz — Fischer theorem 14
Schmidt's formula 244
Schmidt's orthogonalization process 16
Schrodinger's Equation 37 379
Schwartz's Theorem 115
Sequence in itself 2
Sequence of functions, converging in the mean 13
Sequence, converging 2
Set of functions continuous in 13
Set of measure zero 6
Set, bounded 2
Set, closed 2
Set, connected 2
Set, equicontinuous functions 5
Set, measurable 6
Set, open 2
Small longitudinal vibrations of a rod 29
Small transverse vibrations of a membrane 30
Small transverse vibrations of a string 29
Sokhotski's formula 75
Sommerfeld radiation conditions 362
Space, , 3
Space, 3
Space, 3
Space, 66
Space, 69
Space, 4
Space, 113
Space, 114
Space, 12
Space, C(T), T closed 4
Spherical function 333 345
State, equation of 35
Steklov's theorem 277
Sturm — Liouville problem 270
Sufficiently-smooth surface 310
Summable function 6 8
Superposition of waves, principle of 179
Support of a generalized function 70
Support of a piecewise continuous function 4
Telegrapher's equation 36
Test functions 63 65 113
Transformation, Fourier, of convolution 129
Transformation, Fourier, of the function belonging to 121
Transformation, Fourier, of the generalized function belonging to 123
Transport equation 33
Tricomi's equation 41 51
Types of equations 40
Vibration equations 27
Vibration of a fixed membrane 383
Vibration of a spherical volume 384
Vibration of a string 381
Wave equation 29
Weak convergence 70
Weierstrass theorem 5
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