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Eddington A.S. — Philosophy of Physical Science |
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A posteriori knowledge 24 26
A priori knowledge 24
A priori knowledge of natural constants 58 175
A priori knowledge, associated with frames of thought 116
A priori knowledge, not applicable to special facts 65
Absolute 85
Absolute truth, fragments of 184
Absolute truth, fragments of, 186
Absolute, representation by tensors 87
Aether, velocity of 33 38
Analysis, concept of 118
Analysis, concept of, applied to consciousness 195
Arithmetic, unified with wave mechanics 173
Artist, physicist as 112
Astronomy 14 186
Atomic concept 122 135
Awareness, direct 191 203 211
Awareness, direct, sentient and sapient 199
Berkeleian subjectivism 27
Bode’s law 14
Bohr, N. 29
Cardinal symbol 167 173 176
Casual hypotheses 43 63 218
Causation 149 208
Chair, as physical object 159
Chance, law of 61 180 218
Characteristic equation 167
Cipher, interpretation of 148
Clifford, W. K. 4
Colour, production of 106
Communicable knowledge 142 207
Composite nature of white light 106
Compulsory laws 19 20 65 181
Conscious matter 180
Consciousness, source of objective law 69
Consciousness, source of objective law, attributed to other persons 193
Consciousness, source of objective law, content of 195
Consciousness, source of objective law, dualism with matter 150
Consciousness, source of objective law, group-structure in 148 207 215
Conservation, laws of 129
Constants of nature 58 169
Constants of nature, constancy of 28
Correlation of experience 184 187
Correlation of undetermined behaviour 181 218
Correspondence principle 29
Cosmical number 59 65 175 177
Cosmical number, numerical value 170
Coulomb force 36
Counting 171
Counting, in quantum arithmetic 173
Court of Appeal, observation as 9 18 94
Data, primitive 195 201
Davidson, Archbishop 7
Debunking 177 178
Definition of physical quantities 70
Definition of physical quantities of length and time-extension 73
Definition, logical contradictions in 39 41
Determinism (see “Indeterminism”)
Dimensions of space-time 169
Dingle, H. 160
Displacement, non-integrability of 82 84
Distance, observational meaning of 12
Distance, observational meaning of, definition of 73
Distance, observational meaning of, long distances 82
Distant simultaneity, unobservability of 38 42
Dualism 150
Duplicating, operation of 139 143
Duplicating, operation of, 15
Eigenvalues 162 165 174
Einstein, A. 7 28 55 71 83
Einstein’s and Newton’s laws compared 47
Electromagnetic field, failure of standard in 79
Electron, not a wave 51
Electron, not a wave, difference from proton 124
Electron, not a wave, in an elementary state 127
Electron, not a wave, number in the universe 170
Electrostatic (coulomb) force 36
Epistemological method 18
Epistemological method, a priori character of 24
Epistemological method, characteristic of 49
Epistemological method, example of 84
Epistemological method, grudging acceptance of 53
Epistemological method, scope of 56
Epistemological principles, security of 19
Epistemological principles, security of, exactness of 45
Epistemological principles, security of, replace physical hypotheses 35 37 45 47 56
Epistemologist as observer 21
Epistemology, scientific 1
Epistemology, scientific, detection of unobservables 39
Epistemology, scientific, first axiom of 10
Epistemology, scientific, observational control of 5
Evolution of sensory equipment 133
Exactness of epistemological laws 45
Existence symbols 163
Existence symbols, independent 165
Existence symbols, quadruple 168 176
Existence, meaning of 154
Existence, meaning of of physical universe 157
Existence, meaning of, structural concept of 162
expectation value 174
Experiment, interference due to 108 112
External world 147 150 198 209
Fish, analogy of 16 19 62
Form and substance, no Forms of thought 115
Form and substance, no Forms of thought, emancipation from 118
Form and substance, no Forms of thought, summary of 135
Fourier analysis 107
Frames of thought 115
Frames of thought, summary of 135
Freewill 182
Full circle 77
Fundamental hypotheses 43 56 63
Fundamental laws 61 63
Generalisation 13 17
Generalisation, hypotheses of 44
Generic subjectivity 87
Grating, action of 107
Gravitation, Newton’s and Einstein’s laws 47
Gravitation, Newton’s and Einstein’s laws, Einstein’s theory of 83
Gravitational constant 58
Gravitational constant, constancy of 78
Group-structure 140
Group-structure of sensations in consciousness 148 207
Group-structure, basis of physical knowledge 147
Group-structure, synthesis of 209
Groups, theory of, ix 140
Heat-death of universe 54
Heisenberg, W. 28 31
Human knowledge 192
Hypotheses, fundamental and casual 43 56 63 218
Hypotheses, fundamental and casual of generalization 44
Hypotheses, physical, elimination of 43
Hypotheses, physical, elimination of, replaced by epistemological principles 37 45 47 56
Hypothetico-observational knowledge 12
Idealist philosophy 69
Idempotent 162 202
Identical structural units 122 128
Imagining and perceiving 214
Indeterminism 63 90 94 180
Indistinguishable particles 36 128
Integers as eigenvalues 167 173
Integers as eigenvalues, highest integer 175 177
Interaction 127
Interference of perfect observers 98
Interference of perfect observers, by experiment 108 131
Intrusion of scientist in philosophy 4 7 188
Invariance 40
Invariance, Lorentz-invariance 56
Items of observational knowledge 99
Jeans, J. H. 137
| Joad, C. E. M. 146 211
Kant’s philosophy 188
Knowledge, definition of 1
Knowledge, definition of, a posteriori and a priori 24 26
Knowledge, definition of, direct investigation of 49
Knowledge, definition of, hypothetico-observa-tional 12
Knowledge, definition of, non-physical 189
Knowledge, definition of, not the sole aim of philosophy 222
Knowledge, definition of, obtained by direct awareness 199
Knowledge, definition of, physical 2
Knowledge, definition of, primitive data of 195 203
Knowledge, definition of, structural 142
Knowledge, definition of, subjective element in 17
Knowledge, definition of, sympathetic 190
Knowledge, definition of, theoretical and observational 10
Language, use for pointing 201
Language, use for pointing, influence on philosophy 211
Laplace 63
Law of chance 61 180 218
Laws of governance of objective universe 179 183
Laws of nature 13 17 58 63
Laws of nature, associated with frame of thought 116
Laws of nature, subjective pattern of 67
Length, definition of 71 73
Length, definition of, general agreement on 77
Length, standard of 75
Length, standard of, failure in electromagnetic field 80
Length, standard of, failure of long standard 82
Logical positivism 189
Long standard, failure of 82
Lorentz transformation 56
Mass, change with velocity 116
Mass, change with velocity, conservation of 129 132
Mathematics, relation to physics 55 72 74
Mathematics, relation to physics, how introduced 137
Measurement, dependent on four entities 168 176
Memories 191 198
Metaphysician 16 17 33
Metrology 73 77
Michelson — Morley experiment 39
Microscopic physics 28
Microscopic physics, union with molar physics 77
Mob-psychology 30
Molar law 29 130
Molar physics 28
Molar physics, union with microscopic physics 77
Mysticism 222
Natural philosophy 8
Nature of the Physical World viii 99
Necessities of thought 118 121 132
Neutrinos 112
Newton 47 52 83
Newton, experiments on colour 106
Nomenclature, mathematical 137
Non-integrability of displacement 82 85
Notation, orgy of 138 163
Nucleus, atomic 60 109
Nucleus, atomic, in 170
Number of protons and electrons 170
Objective law, nature of 68 183
Objective universe 25 27 66 158 217
Observation, as Court of Appeal 9 18 94
Observation, as Court of Appeal, as a pointer reading 99
Observation, as Court of Appeal, hard facts of 32 89
Observation, as Court of Appeal, nature of 31 89
Observational knowledge 10
Observational knowledge, item of 99
Observer of observers 21 179
Occupation symbol 166
Operations, selective 26
Operations, selective, terminable sets of 140
Operators, symbolic 174
Ouch 200
Part, conception of 119
Part, conception of, positive and negative 120
Particle, elementary 163
Particle, elementary with independent existence 165
Particles, indistinguishable 36 128
Pattern of physical law 67
Pattern of physical law of group-structure 140
Pearson, K. 4
Perfect observations 96
Perfect observations, interference of 98
Perfect, compared with “good” 129
permanence 129
Personal subjectivity 86
Philosophy and the scientific intruder 4 7 188
Philosophy of science vii 187
Philosophy of scientists, not applied in practice 54 185
Philosophy of scientists, not applied in practice, usual creed 184
Physical knowledge 2
Physical knowledge form of 10
Physical knowledge, homogeneity of 14
Physical knowledge, structural character of 142
Physical objects 159
Physical quantities, observational definitions of 70
Physical quantities, observational definitions of, do not include probability 91
Physical science, logical starting-point of 148 215
Physical universe, definition of 2 101
Physical universe, definition of, Justification of definition 159
Planck, M. 28
Poincare, H. 4 72
Pointer language 200 201
Pointer readings 99
Pointer readings, secondary and tertiary 100
Positron 120 170
Prediction fin classical physics 63
Prediction fin classical physics, by law of chance 61 218
probability 50 89
Probability, introduced by interference of observations 98
Probability, irreversibility of 91 136
Probability, See also Chance Procrustean treatment 109 112 116 131
Probability, statistical meaning of 95
Proton 124
Proton, number in the universe 170
Pseudo-distances 81
Pure mathematician 72 74 137
Quadruple existence symbols 163 168
Quadruple existence symbols, wave functions 176
Quantum arithmetic 172
Quantum Jump 173
Quantum specification of standard 7
Quantum theory, history of 28
Quantum theory, history of, analyses knowledge 50
Quantum theory, history of, criticism of 35 54 126
Quantum theory, history of, introduces probability 89
Quantum theory, history of, provides numerical specification 75
Quantum theory, history of, union with relativity theory 77
Quotations from Anonymous 184
Quotations from Anonymous, Chaucer 79
Quotations from Anonymous, Dingle, H. 160
Quotations from Anonymous, Joad, C. E. M. 146 211
Quotations from Anonymous, Kipling 81
Quotations from Anonymous, Nursery rhyme 160
Quotations from Anonymous, Poincare, H. 72
Quotations from Anonymous, Preston, T. 106
Quotations from Anonymous, Prior, Matthew 74
Rankine, W. J. M. 138
Russell, B. 152
Sapient and sentient awareness 199
Schuster, A. 107
Scientific epistemology (see “Epistemology”)
Scientific philosophy, vii; aim of, 187
Selection 17 114 133
Selective operations 26
Selective operations, interference, no Selective subjectivism 26
Self-consciousness 204
Self-sufficient parts 126 136
Sensation, theory of 210
Sensations, group-structure of 142 207 215
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