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Eddington A.S. — Philosophy of Physical Science |
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Sensations, group-structure of, as subject-object relations 203
Sensations, group-structure of, distinction from other feelings 196
Sensations, group-structure of, information obtainable from 149
sensing 212
Sensory and intellectual equipment 16 114 133
Sensory impressions 196 210
Sensum 204 212 214
Sentient and sapient awareness 199
Set of parts 118 145
Short standard 81
Signless coordinate 35
Simultaneity (distant), unobservability of 38 42
Snook 214
Solipsism 193
Space, measurement of 71
Space, measurement of, general and structural concepts of 145
Special facts 15 63 66 218
Specialisation of philosophy 8
Spirit 69 115 184 219 223
Spirit of science 222
Standard of length and time extension 74 75
Standard of length and time extension, limitations of 79 81
State 166
Stebbing, L. S. 159
Stebbing, L. S., criticism of 211
Stebbing, L. S., in six dimensions 140 164
Stebbing, L. S., Rational correlation of experience 184 187
Stebbing, L. S., Rayleigh, Lord 107
Stebbing, L. S., Realist philosophy 147
Stebbing, L. S., Relations 31
Stebbing, L. S., Relativity theory 28 33 71 85
Stebbing, L. S., Relativity, principle of 31
Stebbing, L. S., Remembered-sensations 191 198
Stebbing, L. S., represented by double existence symbols 163 164
Stebbing, L. S., Rotations, group structure of 139 146
Stebbing, L. S., Russell, Lord 152
Stebbing, L. S., Rutherford, Lord 109
Stebbing, L. S., Zechariah 179
Strain of long standard 82
Structural concept 144
Structural concept of existence 162
Structural concept of space 145
Structural concept, of heard-noise 149
Structural knowledge, communi-cability of 142
Structural knowledge, communi-cability of, basis of physics 147 207
Structural units 122 127
Structure, quantum-specification of 75
Structure, quantum-specification of, explanation of variety 125
Structure, quantum-specification of, mathematical concept of 142
Structure, quantum-specification of, of groups 140
Structure, quantum-specification of, of sensations in consciousness 148 207
Structure, quantum-specification of, synthesis of 209
Subject-object relation, sensation as 203 207
Subjective selection 17 114
| Subjectivity of physical universe 26
Subjectivity of physical universe of cosmical number 178
Subjectivity of physical universe of human knowledge 192
Subjectivity of physical universe, removal of 86 216
Subjectivity of physical universe, scope of 57 59 66
Substance 129
Substance-analysis 120
Summary of first six chapters 102
Summary of first six chapters of forms of thought 135
symbols 137
Symbols, cardinal 167
Symbols, eigenvalues and expectation values of 174
Symbols, existence 163
Symbols, idempotent 162
Symbols, occupation 166
Sympathetic knowledge 190
Sympathetic knowledge, involved in memories 191
Systematisation, contrasted with generalisation 13
Tensors 86
Theoretical and observational knowledge 10
Time, sensory impression of 197
Time-extension, standard of 75
Twelve o’clock rule 25
Uncertainty principle 29 35 90 99
Uncertainty principle, Heisenberg limits 183
Uncountable particles 171 175
Undetermined behaviour 180
Undetermined behaviour, noncorrelation of 181 218
Unfinished sentence 156 158
Unification of physics 44 60 173
Unified theories 80
Unity of consciousness 195 205
Universe, objective 25 27 66 158 2
Universe, objective, physical 2 101 159
Unobservables 32
Unobservables, detection of 39 41
Unobservables, importance of distinction 51
Uranoid 166
Values, problem of 222
Variety, cfue to relations 122
Variety, cfue to relations, due to structure 125
Velocity of aether 33 38
Velocity of light, constancy of 78
Verb-forms, paucity of 213
Vicious circle 39 42 7
Volition 180 183 219
Wave functions 174
Wave functions, quadruple 176
Wave mechanics (see “Quantum”)
Wave mechanics, theory Wave packet 51 93
Weyl, H. 28
“Good” observation 20 22 96 110
“Hard facts of observation” 32 89
“I” 202 204
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