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Goldstein H., Poole C., Safko J. — Classical mechanics
Goldstein H., Poole C., Safko J. — Classical mechanics

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Название: Classical mechanics

Авторы: Goldstein H., Poole C., Safko J.


For thirty years this has been the acknowledged standard in advanced classical mechanics courses. This classic book enables readers to make connections between classical and modern physics - an indispensable part of a physicist's education. In this new edition, Beams Medal winner Charles Poole and John Safko have updated the book to include the latest topics, applications, and notation, to reflect today's physics curriculum. They introduce readers to the increasingly important role that nonlinearities play in contemporary applications of classical mechanics. New numerical exercises help readers to develop skills in how to use computer techniques to solve problems in physics. Mathematical techniques are presented in detail so that the book remains fully accessible to readers who have not had an intermediate course in classical mechanics. For college instructors and students.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Классическая физика/Теоретическая механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: third edition

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 638

Добавлена в каталог: 19.06.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\delta$-function      588
$\delta$-variation      38
$\delta_{ij}$ Kronecker delta      138 181 190
$\epsilon_{ijk}$ Levi-Civita density, permutation symbol      169 410
1-form      289
1-form, charge, current      295
1-form, covariant vector      290
1-form, definition      290
1-form, energy, momentum      295
1-form, figure      290
1-form, table      290
4-vector, energy, momentum      295 300 301
4-vector, photon momentum      304
4-vector, table      287
4-vector, velocity      286—288
4-velocity      286—288
Abbreviated action      354 434
Abelian group      606
Acceleration, centripetal      29 80
Acoustics      53 237 239
action      356
Action, abbreviated      359 434
Action, and reaction      7
Action, and reaction, strong law      7 10
Action, and reaction, weak law      5
Action, at a distance      323 583
Action, integral      359 596
Action, variable      452
Action, variable, integral over orbit      458
Action-angle variable      430 452—478 619
Action-angle variable, celestial mechanics      456
Action-angle variable, chaos      485
Action-angle variable, completely separable      457—466
Action-angle variable, degeneracy      73 464 468
Action-angle variable, harmonic oscillator      456
Action-angle variable, Kepler problem      466—478
Action-angle variable, one degree of freedom      452—457
Action-angle variable, periodic motion      452
Action-angle variable, perturbation      541
Action-angle variable, proper variables      481
Adiabatic invariance      549—555
Algebra      611
Algebra, Clifford      614 621
Algebra, geometric      617
Algebra, Heisenberg      613
Algebra, Lie      611 612.
Analogy, structural      54
Analytical mechanics      1
Angle variable      455
Angle variable, Fourier expansion      460
Angle variable, libration      460
Angle variable, quasi-periodic      461
Angle variable, rotation      461
Angle variable, time dependence      454 458 460
Angle variable, ultiply periodic      460
Angular momentum, areal velocity      73
Angular momentum, canonical      405
Angular momentum, central force problem      72
Angular momentum, conservation      3 72 73 571
Angular momentum, conservation, total      7
Angular momentum, delinition      2
Angular momentum, density, total      571
Angular momentum, eigenvalue      411
Angular momentum, electromagnetic      8
Angular momentum, ellipsoid      203
Angular momentum, mechanical      8 405
Angular momentum, Poisson bracket      408 411
Angular momentum, relativistic      309
Angular momentum, rigid body      188
Angular momentum, spherical symmetry      72
Angular momentum, spin      10
Angular momentum, total      8
Angular velocity in Euler angles      602 615
Anharmonic oscillator      545
Anomalistic year      131
Anomaly eccentric      100
Anomaly mean      102
Anomaly true      540
Antiproton      304
Antiquark      616
Aphelion      484
Approximation, semiclassical      115
Apsidal distance      78 95 96
Apsidal vector      86
Areal velocity      73
Ascending node      472
Astronomy, medieval      100
Attitude angle      154
Attractor      489 516 620
Attractor, regular      493
Attractor, strange      489 492 500
Attractor, strange, Henon — Heiles      500
Atwood's machine      27 28
Axis, rigid body      135
Axis, screw      161
Axis, semimajor      95 475
Axis, semiminor      101
Axis, symmetry      161
Azimuth      209
Backward glory      114
Bank angle      154 603
Barrier, centrifugal      112
Baryon      615 616
Basis vector      286
Bertrand's theorem      89 92
Bessel function      126
Biform      296
Bifurcation      454 484 505 513 514
Bifurcation diagram      506 508 513 515
Bilinear      219 388
Bilinear form      194
Binet ellipsoid      203 204
Biot — Savart law      7
Bivector      296
Black Box      121
Bohr quantum mechanics      466
Bohr theory      95
Boltzmann constant      185
Boltzmann factor      128
Boost      280. See also Lorentz transformation
Bounded motion      80 484
Boyle law      128
Boyle law and virial      84
Brachistochrone      42 63
C-O-M, center of momentum      301
Calculus of variations      36 43
Calculus, fundamental lemma      38
Calculus, operational      275
Canonical      338
Canonical equations of Hamiltonian      338
Canonical extended transformation      371
Canonical invariant      388
Canonical momentum      55 314
Canonical perturbation theory      see Perturbation theory
Canonical relativistic      322 323
Canonical restricted transformation      371
Canonical transformation      348 368—121 619
Canonical transformation, active and passive      400 405
Canonical transformation, cyclic Hamiltonian      369 377 399 430 441
Canonical transformation, degeneracy      464 470
Canonical transformation, equations      368—375
Canonical transformation, examples      375—377
Canonical transformation, explicit time dependence      385 397 402
Canonical transformation, generated by Hamiltonian      420
Canonical transformation, generating function      373
Canonical transformation, group      387
Canonical transformation, harmonic oscillator      377—381
Canonical transformation, infinitesimal      385 402
Canonical transformation, invariant, phase space volume      393 420
Canonical transformation, invariant, Poisson bracket      389
Canonical transformation, Jacobi matrix      382 394
Canonical transformation, parametric      385 405 408
Canonical transformation, restricted      371 381 382 387
Canonical transformation, symplectic      381—388
Canonical transformation, table of      373
Canonical variables      335 377
Cantor set      516 519 522
Capacitance      271
Caratheodory theorem      394
Carousel      183
Cartesian coordinates      25 141
Catenary      41 42 64
Cayley — Klein parameters      154 182 601 602
Celestial mechanics      533
Center of energy      312
Center of force      106
Center of gravity      185
Center of mass      5 6 185 312
Center of momentum      301 312
Center of momentum, system      301
Central force problem      70—126. See also Kepler problem
Centrifugal barrier      112
Centrifugal effect      126
centripetal acceleration      29 175
Chain rule      18
Chandler wobble      208 228
Chaos      483 522 617 619
Chaos, attractor      489—491
Chaos, bifurcation      505—509
Chaos, damped harmonic oscillator      505—509
Chaos, dimensionality      616 522
Chaos, fractals      516—522
Chaos, Henon — Heiles      496—503 506
Chaos, Islands      503—505
Chaos, KAM theorem      487—189
Chaos, logistic equation      509—516
Chaos, motion      491
Chaos, onset      492 501 503
Chaos, parametric oscillator      508
Chaos, parametric resonance      509
Chaos, perturbation theory      487—489
Chaos, properties of      491
Chaos, trajectory      491 494 521 522
Character table      611
Characteristic equation      157
Characteristic value      156
Charge density      588
Charged particle in electromagnetic field      23 317 553
Charm      615 616
Chasles' theorem      161 184
Class of group      607
Classical mechanics      1—600
Clifford algebra      614 621
Closed orbit      89 452
Colliding beam      304
Collision, elastic      118 120 306
Collision, inelastic      118
Commensurability      463
Commensurability, condition      464
Commensurate      105 463
Commensurate, completely      464
Commensurate, condition      464
Commensurate, frequency      462
Commensurate, m-fold      464
Commutator      171 411
Commutator, quantum mechanics      392 398
Commutator, relations      170
Configuration space      34 357
Configuration space, point transformation      370
Configuration space, variation      36
Congruence transformation      245 246 252
Conic section      94 99
Conjugate momentum      55 335 351
Conservation differential theorem      594
Conservation energy function      62
Conservation momentum      403
Conservation theorems      7 55 72 343 597
Conservation theorems, angular momentum      3 344
Conservation theorems, canonical momentum      315 340
Conservation theorems, energy      4 11 345 450
Conservation theorems, linear momentum      2 6 344
Conservation theorems, Noether's theorem      589
Conservation theorems, Poisson bracket      396 402
Conservation theorems, relation to symmetry properties      54—59
Conservation theorems, system of particles      6
Conservation theorems, total      7
Conservative system      4
Conserved current      594 595
Constant of motion      105 397 402 403 415
Constant of motion, algebraic      418
Constant of motion, central force      105
Constant of motion, Jacobi identity      397 411
Constant of motion, Poisson bracket      398
Constraint      12—16 24
Constraint, differential      16
Constraint, equation      15
Constraint, holonomic      12
Constraint, nonholonomic      12
Constraint, nonintegral      16
Constraint, rheonomous      13
Constraint, rigid body      12
Constraint, rolling      182
Constraint, schleronomous      13 25
Constraint, semiholonomic      46 49
Constraint, virtual work      16 17 48
Constraint, weak      321
Continuity conditions      572
Continuity equation      595
Continuous system      265 558 568
Continuous system, Hamiltonian formulation      572—577
Continuous system, Lagrangian density      561—566
Continuous system, stress energy tensor      566—572
Continuous system, transition from discrete to continuous      558—561
Contour integration      469
Contraction      290 295
Contraction of tensor      191
Contravariant      289
Control parameter      503 506
Control parameter, logistic equation      510
Coordinate, basis      286
Coordinate, Cartesian      184
Coordinate, contraction      295
Coordinate, cyclic      55 343 369 445
Coordinate, generalized      13 19 239
Coordinate, internal      272
Coordinate, mass weighted      241 258
Coordinate, normal      251 257 259
Coordinate, polar      72
Coordinate, pseudo-Cartesian      294
Coordinate, rotating      175
Coriolis      174—179
Coriolis acceleration      176
Coriolis circulation of fluid dynamics      177
Coriolis deflection      176—178 182
Coriolis effect      126 174—179 326
Coriolis effect on meteorological phenomena      177
Coriolis force      175
Coriolis hemisphere      178
Coriolis pressure gradient      176
Coriolis, Foucault pendulum      179
Correspondence principle      325 390 392 398
Correspondence principle, Poisson bracket      388 391 392 398
Cosmological constant      328
Cosmology      617
Coulomb field      109 111
Coulomb law      274
Coulomb scattering      110
Coupled electrical circuits      53
Covariant definition      277
Covariant equation      297
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