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Goldstein H., Poole C., Safko J. — Classical mechanics |
Предметный указатель |
Symplectic approach 339 343
Symplectic canonical transformation 381 382
Symplectic condition 384 387 422
Symplectic generating function 394
Symplectic group 387 612
Symplectic Hamilton's equations 343
Symplectic matrix 384
Symplectic Poisson bracket 388 397
System, continuous 568
System, discrete 558
System, vector 409 410 413
Tachyon 278
Tait — Bryan angles 154
Tardyon 278
Taylor series 239
Taylor series, potential expansion 482
Temperature, definition 85
Tensor 188—191
Tensor, alternating 169
Tensor, Cartesian 189
Tensor, definition 293
Tensor, first rank 189
Tensor, inertia 191—198
Tensor, isotropic of rank 3 169
Tensor, metric 286
Tensor, moment of inertia 191—198
Tensor, product 294
Tensor, properties 188
Tensor, rank 293
Tensor, second rank 188
Tensor, slots 293
Tensor, unit 190
Tensor, wedge product 295
Tensor, zero rank 189
Thermodynamics 336
Thomas frequency 285
Thomas precession 282 330
Three body problem 121—126 617
Three body problem, Euler solution 122
Three body problem, Lagrange solution 123
Three body problem, restricted 124 133
Threshold energy 302—305
Time dilation 279
Timelike 278
Top, Euler equations 210
Top, fast 215 221
Top, heavy symmetrical 200 208 482
Top, motion 208 212
Top, sleeping 221
Top, symmetric 618
Top, tippie 221
Top, uniform 221
Top, with one point fixed 208
Topological dimension 518
torque 2
Torque, critical 266
Torque, damping 266
Torque, gravitational 223
Torque, pendulum 266
Torus 487 492
Tour de force 407
Trace of similarity transformation 160
Transformation, active sense 143
Transformation, canonical 368—421
Transformation, canonical, infinitesimal 396
Transformation, canonical, restricted 371 382
Transformation, congruence 245 246 252
transformation, elements 140
Transformation, equation 13
Transformation, extended canonical 371
Transformation, formal properties 144
Transformation, Galilean 281
Transformation, gauge 595
Transformation, generating function 371
Transformation, identity 146 156 395
Transformation, improper 151 168
Transformation, infinitesimal 165
Transformation, infinitesimal, canonical (I.T.C.) 396
Transformation, Legendre 375 549
Transformation, Legendre, examples 375
Transformation, linear 187
Transformation, Lorentz 280
Transformation, matrix 144
| Transformation, operator 142
Transformation, orthogonal 139—150 184
Transformation, passive sense 143
Transformation, point 31 370 422
Transformation, principal axis 241
Transformation, proper 151
Transformation, restricted canonical 371 382
Transformation, rigid body rotation 139—155
Transformation, scale 370
Transformation, similarity 149 158 180 189 244
Transient 260
Translational mode 272
Triatomic molecule 275
Triple cross product 186
Turning angles 213
Twin paradox 285
Ultrarelativistic 303
Ultrarelativistic region 308
Undetermined multipliers of Lagrange 46 363
Unitary matrix 412
Unstable moment of inertia axis 205
van der Pol equation 490
van der Pol limit cycle 491
Variable, canonical 335
Variable, fast 547
Variable, slow 547
Variation 354
Variation, -type 38 44
Variation, integral 44
Variation, line integral 35
Variational Principle 5 34—43 51
Variational, Hamiltonian 353
Vector, 4-vector energy, momentum 295 300 301
Vector, 4-vector photon momentum 304
Vector, 4-vector table 287
Vector, 4-vector velocity 286—288
Vector, addition 163
Vector, axial 168
Vector, conserved 104
Vector, covariant 289
Vector, field, table 287
Vector, first rank tensor 189
Vector, flux density 569
Vector, Minkowski space 286
Vector, polar 167
Vector, radius 73
Vector, rate of change 171—174
Vector, system 409 410 413
Vector, tangent 286 326
Velocity, addition law 282
Velocity, angular 172 187
Velocity, angular, critical 221
Velocity, angular, rigid body 172
Velocity, areal 73
Velocity, critical angular 221
Velocity, escape 31
Velocity, field 588
Velocity, four- 286
Velocity, generalized 25 319
Vibration, anharmonic 255
Vibration, forced 259 264
Vibration, free 250 253
Vibration, linear triatomic molecule 253
Vibration, longitudinal mode 257
Vibration, modes 261
Vibration, number of normal modes 255
Vibration, transverse mode 257
Virial Clausius 84 128
Virial theorem 83—86 94 472
Virtual displacement 16 20
Virtual work principle 17
viscosity 51 265
wavefunction 613
Weak nuclear force 299
Weber's electrodynamics 367
Wedge product 295 296
Wheatstone bridge 66
Witten and Sander diffusion model 524
Wobble, Chandler 208 228
Work 9
Yaw angle 154 603
Year, anomalistic 131
Young's modulus 559 560
Zeeman effect 232
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