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Goldstein H., Poole C., Safko J. — Classical mechanics |
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Lie bracket, relations 415
Lie group 411 412 611—613
Lie subgroup 613
Light cone 279 280
Lightlike 278 304
Limit cycle 489
Limit cycle, figure 491
Limit cycle, van der Pol equation 491
Line of nodes 150 473
Linear momentum 1
Linear momentum, particle 1
Linear momentum, system of particles 6
Linear momentum, total 6
Liouville theorem 418—421 428 483
Lissajous figure 83 258 439 458 462
Lissajous figure, noncommensurate 464
Lissajous figure, sketch 440 463
Ljapunov see Liapunov
Logistic equation 509 620
Logistic equation, control parameter 510
Logistic equation, Feigenbaum diagram 510 513—515
Logistic equation, fourfold cycle 510
Logistic equation, iterations 510
Logistic equation, Liapunov exponent 512 514
Logistic equation, self-similarity 514
Logistic equation, twofold cycle 510
Longitude of ascending node 474
Lorentz 282
Lorentz boost 284
Lorentz condition 297
Lorentz force 22 131 237 350
Lorentz frame 580
Lorentz group 282 610
Lorentz invariance 302 577
Lorentz ten constraints 282
Lorentz transformation 280—265
Lorentz transformation, boost 282
Lorentz transformation, equations for and 281
Lorentz transformation, general matrix 281
Lorentz transformation, homogeneous 282
Lorentz transformation, inhomogeneous 282 610
Lorentz transformation, invariance 302
Lorentz transformation, pure 284
Lorentz transformation, scattering 306
Lorenz equations 523
Lyapunov see Liapunov
M-matrix 382—389 394
MacCullagh formula 225
Mach's principle 324
Magnetic field, charge particle motion 23 317
Magnetic field, uniform 409
magnetic moment 230
Magnetic rigidity 318
Manifold 576 611 618
Mapping 287
Mapping, quadratic 503
Mass, center of 312
Mass, reduced 71
Mass, weighted coordinates 241
Matrix, addition 145
Matrix, antisymmetric 148 165
Matrix, cofactor 340
Matrix, determinant 159
Matrix, hermitean 412
Matrix, infinitesimal element 164
Matrix, inverse 147
Matrix, J- 342 383—389
Matrix, M- 382—389 394
Matrix, multiplication 144
Matrix, orthogonal 147
Matrix, reciprocal 147
Matrix, rectangular 147
Matrix, skew symmetric 148
Matrix, transpose 147
Matrix, unitary 412
Maxwell's equations 54 276 297 350
Maxwell's equations, covariant form 298
Mean anomaly 102
Mechanics see Classical mechanics
Merry-go-round 183
Meson 331 616
Meson, scalar 571 599
Metric, Minkowski space 287 580
Metric, Minkowski space, matrix 287
Metric, tensor 327
MeV, definition 32
microcanonical ensemble 421
Million electron volt, definition 32
Minimum, gravitational coupling principle 325
Minimum, surface of revolution 40
Minkowski coordinate 288
Minkowski force 299 322
Minkowski space 278 580
Minkowski space, two dimensional 287
Mixing 516
Mixing, property of chaos 491
Mode, normal 252
Moderator 120
Molecule, internal coordinates 272
Molecule, linear triatomic 272
Molecule, pentatomic 272
Molecule, polyatomic 258 259
Molecule, polyatomic, rotation and vibration 180
Molecule, triatomic 275
Molecule, vibrating 253 258
Molecule, vibrating, linear polyatomic 558
Moment of force, definition 2
Moment of inertia 191
Moment of inertia, about axis of rotation 192
Moment of inertia, choice of origin 193
Moment of inertia, coefficients 187
Moment of inertia, ellipsoid 197
Moment of inertia, integral 194
Moment of inertia, operator 188
Moment of inertia, parallel axes 193 194
Momentum, angular 187 344
Momentum, canonical 55 314
Momentum, center of 312
Momentum, conjugate 55 335 351
Momentum, conservation 403
Momentum, density 569 573 579
Momentum, electromagnetic 55
Momentum, generalized 55
Momentum, linear 1 6 24 344
Momentum, representation 576 598
Monochromatic light 259
Monogenic 34
Monopole, magnetic 131 427
Motion, bounded 80 484
Motion, chaotic 491—493
Motion, equation 74
Motion, hyperbolic 315
Motion, periodic 484
Multiplet 615 616
Multiply periodic 458 461
Multivector 614
Napier's rules 476
Network, electrical 264
Neutron scattering 120
Newtonian equations of motion 199
Newtonian formulation versus Lagrangian 199
Newtonian mechanical corpuscles 132
Newtonian second law 1 299
Newtonian third law 5
Nielsen form of Lagrange's equations 30
No-interaction theorem 324 353
Node, ascending 472
Node, line of 150 473
Noether's theorem 344 566 589 594
Noether's theorem, conditions 590
| Noether's theorem, conserved current 594
Noether's theorem, conserved quantities 418
Noether's theorem, discrete 596 597
Noether's theorem, statement of 594 595 597
Noether's theorem, symmetry properties 598
Non-Euclidean 278
Nonabelian group 606
Noncommensurate 464
Nonholonomic system 45
Noninertial system 175
Normal, behavior in chaos 515
Normal, coordinates 250 251
Normal, modes 252 256
Number theory theorem 463
Nutation 215
Nutation, heavy symmetrical top 209 214
O(3) group 610
Oblateness, Earth 229
Oblateness, Moon 229
Occupation number 253
One dimensional problem, equivalent 76
One-form see I-form
Operational calculus 275
Optics, geometric 112
Optics, meteorological 114
Orbit, bounded 80
Orbit, chaotic 522
Orbit, circular 80 81 94
Orbit, closed 452
Orbit, closed, conditions for 89
Orbit, commensurate 106
Orbit, degenerate 106
Orbit, elliptic 94 95 484
Orbit, equation 99
Orbit, equation, integration 93
Orbit, equation, of state 86
Orbit, hyperbolic 94 110
Orbit, inclination 474
Orbit, open 452
Orbit, osculating 531
Orbit, parabolic 94
Orbit, phase space 452
Orbit, quasi-periodic 490
Orbit, reflection symmetry 87
Orbit, regular 522
Orbit, satellite 229
Orbit, shape, scale, orientation 105 473
Orbit, stable 90
Orbit, unbounded 79
Orbit, unstable 90
Orbiting 113
Orthogonal matrix 147
Orthogonal transformation 139
Orthogonality condition 140
Oscillation 238—265
Oscillation, eigenvalue equation 241—249
Oscillation, forced 259—265
Oscillation, free vibration frequencies 249 253
Oscillation, Josephson junction 271
Oscillation, normal coordinates 249—253
Oscillation, pendulum, damped and driven 265—271
Oscillation, potential expansion 238—241
Oscillation, principal axis transformation 241—249
Oscillation, triatomic molecule 253—259
Oscillator, anharmonic 545
Oscillator, double 486
Oscillator, parametric 508
parabola 81 94 128
Parametric resonance 505 508 509
Parity 590
PAST 279
Pauli matrices 412 612 614
Pendulum, damped driven 265
Pendulum, double 14
Pendulum, equation 267
Pendulum, hysteresis 270
Pendulum, periodicity 453
Pendulum, perturbation 533
Pendulum, phase angle 533
Pendulum, plane 234
Pendulum, spherical 83 428
Pentatomic molecule 272
Periapsis 99 108 540 541
Periastra 474
Pericynthion 99
Perigee 474
Perihelion 99 100 474 477 484
Perihelion, Mercury 332 538 539
Period doubling 516
Periodic frequency 455
Periodic libration 452
Periodic motion 452 484
Periodic multiply 458
Periodic orbits of pendulum 454
Periodic rotation 452
Periodic, quasi 461
Permutation group 609
Permutation symbol ( ) 169 173 181
Perturbation 487
Perturbation theory 229 338 483 526—555
Perturbation theory, examples 533—541
Perturbation theory, quantum 527
Perturbation theory, time dependent 527—533
Perturbation theory, time independent 541—549
Perturbation, action-angle variables 541
Perturbation, adiabatic invariance 549—555
Perturbation, degeneracy 547 548
Perturbation, fast variable 547
Perturbation, first order 530 534 537
Perturbation, Hamilton — Jacobi equation 543
Perturbation, Hamiltonian 526
Perturbation, harmonic oscillator 529
Perturbation, Kepler problem 536
Perturbation, n-th order 530
Perturbation, pendulum 533
Perturbation, precession, equinoxes 539
Perturbation, precession, Mercury 538 539
Perturbation, precession, satellite orbits 539
Perturbation, second order 534 544
Perturbation, secular 532 535
Perturbation, slow variable 547
Perturbation, solar system 532
Phase space 335 370 453 573
Phase space, ellipse 98
Phase space, harmonic oscillator 380
Phase space, harmonic oscillator, damped driven, plot of 507
Phase space, harmonic oscillator, uncoupled 486 487
Phase space, Kepler problem 98
Phase space, orbits 454
Phase space, point transformation 370
Phase space, regular orbits, Henon — Heiles 502
Phase space, trajectory 354
Photomeson production 304
Photon 253
Pitch angle 154 603
Planck's constant 380
Poincare integral invariants 394
Poincare map (or section) 494 495
Poincare map (or section), Henon — Heiles 499—501
Poincare map (or section), Kepler problem 495
Poincare transformation 282
Poinsot's construction 201 202 206 234
Point, inflection 42
Point, Lagrange 124
Point, saddle 124
Point, transformation 31 370 422
Point, transformation, configuration space 370
Point, transformation, phase space 370
Point, turning 78
Poisson bracket 388—41
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