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Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics
Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics

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Название: Advanced engineering mathematics

Автор: Kreyszig E.


Introduces the Mathematica software program and its application for performing numerical calculations, symbolic calculations, and graphing to solve engineering problems. The guide contains 130 worked-out examples and 400 problems that correspond to chapters in the Advanced Engineering Mathematics textbook by the same author.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 9-th edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1246

Добавлена в каталог: 07.12.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$l_1$, $l_2$, $l_{\infty}$      853
$l_2$      863
A priori estimate      794
Abel      78
Absolute convergence      667 697
Absolute frequency      994 1000
Absolute value      607
Absolutely integrable      508
Acceleration      395 995
Acceptance sampling      1073
Adams — Bashforth methods      899
Adams — Moulton methods      900
Adaptive      824
Addition of complex numbers      603
Addition of matrices      275
Addition of means      1038
Addition of normal random variables      1050
Addition of power series      174 680
Addition of variances      1039
Addition of vectors      276 324 367
Addition rule      1002
ADI method      915
Adiabatic      561
Adjacency matrix      956
Adjacent vertices      955
Airfoil      732
Airy’s equation      552 904
Algebraic multiplicity      337 865
Algorithm      777 783
Algorithm, Dijkstra      964
Algorithm, efficient      962
Algorithm, Ford — Fulkerson      979
Algorithm, Gauss      837
Algorithm, Gauss — Seidel      848
Algorithm, greedy      967
Algorithm, Kruskal      967
Algorithm, Moore      960
Algorithm, polynomially bounded      962
Algorithm, Prim      971
Algorithm, Runge — Kutta      892 904
Algorithm, stable, unstable      783
Aliasing      526
Allowable number of defectives      1073
Alternating, direction implicit method      915
Alternating, path      983
Alternative hypothesis      1058
Ampere      92
Amplification      89
Amplitude spectrum      506
Analytic at infinity      711
Analytic function      175 617 681
Angle between curves      35
Angle between vectors      372
Angular speed      381 765
Annulus      613
Anticommutative      379
AOQ, AOQL      1075—1076
Approximate solution of differential equations      9 886—934
Approximate solution of eigenvalue problems      863—882
Approximate solution of equations      787—796
Approximate solution of systems of equations      833—858
Approximation, least squares      860
Approximation, polynomial      797
Approximation, trigonometric      502
AQL      1074
Arc length      393
Arc of a curve      391
Archimedian principle      68
arctan      634
Area      435 442 454
Argand diagram      605
Argument      607
Artificial variable      949
Assignment problem      982
Associated Legendre functions      182
Asymptotically equal      191 1009
Asymptotically normal      1057
Asymptotically stable      148
Attractive      148
Augmented matrix      288 833
Augmenting path      975 983
Augmenting path, theorem      977 984
Autonomous      31 151
Average      see “Mean value”
Average outgoing quality      1075
Axioms of probability      1001
Back substitution      289 834
Backward, differences      807
Backward, edge      974 976
Backward, Euler method      896 907
Band matrix      914
Bashforth method      899
Basic feasible solution      942 944
Basic variables      945
Basis      49 106 113 138 300 325 360
Beam      120 547
Beats      87
Bell-shaped curve      1026
Bellman optimality principle      963
bernoulli      30
Bernoulli distribution      1020
Bernoulli equation      30
Bernoulli law of large numbers      1032
Bernoulli numbers      690
bessel      189
Bessel equation      189 204
Bessel functions      191 198 202 207 A94
Bessel functions, tables      A94
Bessel inequality      215 504
beta function      A64
Bezier curves      816
BFS      960
Bijective mapping      729
BINARY      782
Binomial coefficients      1009
Binomial distribution      1020 A96
Binomial series      689
Binomial theorem      1010
Binormal (Fig. 210)      397
Bipartite graph      982 985
Birthday problem      1010
Bisection method      796
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem      A91
Bonnet      181
Boundary      433
boundary conditions      203 540 558 571 587
Boundary point      433 613
Boundary value problem      203 558
Bounded domain      646
Bounded function      38
Bounded region      433
Bounded sequence      A69
Boxplot      995
Branch cut      632
Branch point      746
Buoyance force      68
Cable      52 198 593
CAD (Computer aided design)      810
Cancellation law      321
Cantor — Dedekind axiom      A69
Capacitance      92
Capacitor      92
Capacity of a cut set      976
Capacity of an edge      973
Cardano      602
Cardioid      443
Cartesian coordinates      366 604
CAS (Computer algebra system)      vii 777
Catenary      399
Cauchy      69
Cauchy convergence principle      667 A90
Cauchy determinant      112
Cauchy inequality      660
Cauchy integral formula      654
Cauchy integral theorem      647 652
Cauchy method of steepest descent      938
Cauchy principal value      719 722
Cauchy product      680
Cauchy — Goursat theorem      647
Cauchy — Hadamard formula      676
Cauchy — Riemann equations      37 618 621
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality      326 859
Cayley transformation      739
Center      143
Center of a graph      973
Center of a power series      171
Center of gravity      436 457
Central differences      808
Central limit theorem      1057
Central moments      1019
Centrifugal, centripetal      396
cgs system      Front cover
Chain rule      401
Characteristic determinant      336 864
Characteristic equation      59 111 336 551 864
Characteristic function      542 574
Characteristic of a partial differential equation      551
Characteristic polynomial      336 864
Characteristic value      324 864
Characteristic vector      324 864
Chebyshev polynomials      209
Chi-square      1055 1077 A101
Chinese postman problem      963
Cholesky’s method      843
Chopping      782
Chromatic number      987
circle      391
Circle of convergence      675
Circuit      95
Circular disk      613
Circular helix      391 394
Circular membrane      580
Circulation      764
Cissoid      399
Clairaut equation      34
Class intervals      994
Closed disk      613
Closed integration formula      822 827
Closed interval      A69
Closed path      959
Closed point set      613
Closed region      433
Coefficient matrix      288 833
Coefficients of a differential equation      46
Coefficients of a power series      171
Coefficients of a system of equations      287 833
Cofactor      309
Collates theorem      870
column      275
Column, space      300
Column, sum norm      849
Column, vector      275
Combination      1007
Combinatorial optimization      954—986
Comparison Test      668
Complement      613 988
Complementary, error function      A64
Complementary, Fresnel integrals      A65
Complementary, sine integral      A66
Complementation rule      1002
Complete bipartite graph      987
Complete graph      958
Complete matching      983
Complete orthonormal set      214
Complex conjugate numbers      605
Complex exponential function      57 623
Complex Fourier integral      519
Complex Fourier series      497
Complex function      614
Complex hyperbolic functions      628 743
Complex impedance      98
Complex indefinite integral      637
Complex integration      637—663 712—725
Complex line integral      633
Complex logarithm      630 688
Complex matrices      356
Complex number      602
Complex plane      605
Complex plane, extended      710
Complex potential      761
Complex sequence      664
Complex series      666
Complex sphere      710
Complex trigonometric functions      626 688
Complex trigonometric polynomial      524
Complex variable      614
Complex vector space      324 359
complexity      961
Component      366 374
Composite transformation      281
Compound interest      9
Compressible fluid      412
Computer Aided Design (CAD)      810
Computer algebra system (CAS)      vii 777
Computer graphics      287
Computer software      see “Software”
Conchoid      399
Condition number      855
Conditional probability      1003
Conditionally convergent      667
Conduction of heat      465 552 757
Cone      406 448
conf      1049
confidence intervals      1049—1058
Confidence level      1049
Confidence limits      1049
Conformal mapping      730 754
Conic sections      355
Conjugate complex numbers      605
Conjugate harmonic function      622
Connected graph      960
Connected set      613
Conservative      415 428
Consistent equations      292 303
Constraints      937
Consumer’s risk      1075
Continuity of a complex function      615
Continuity of a vector function      387
Continuity, equation      413
Continuous distribution      1011
Continuous random variable      1011 1034
Contour integral      647
Contraction      789
Control chart      1068
Control limit      1068
Control variables      936
Convergence in norm      214
Convergence of a sequence      386 664
Convergence of a series      171 666
Convergence of an iterative process      793 848
Convergence, absolute      667
Convergence, circle of      675
Convergence, conditional      667
Convergence, interval      172 676
Convergence, mean      214
Convergence, mean-square      214
Convergence, principle      667
Convergence, radius      172
Convergence, superlinear      795
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