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Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics |
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Self-starting 898
Self-sustained oscillations 157
Separable differential equation 12
Separation of variables 12 540
Series 666 A69
Series of Bessel functions 213 583
Series of eigenfunctions 210
Series of orthogonal functions 210
Series, addition of 680
Series, binomial 689
Series, convergence of 171 666
Series, differentiation of 174 680
Series, double Fourier 576
Series, Fourier 211 480 487
Series, geometric 167 668 673 687 692
Series, harmonic 670
Series, hypergeometric 188
Series, infinite 666 A70
Series, integration of 680
Series, Laurent 701 712
Series, Maclaurin 683
Series, multiplication of 174 680
Series, partial sums of 171 666
Series, power 167 673
Series, real A69
Series, remainder of 171 666 684
Series, sum of 171 666
Series, Taylor 683
Series, trigonometric 479
Series, value of 171 666
Serret — Frenet formulas see “Frenet formulas”
Set of points 613
Shifted data problem 232
Shifting theorems 224 235 528
Shortest, path 959
Shortest, spanning tree 967
Shrine of the Book 814
SI system Front cover
Sifting 242
Sign test 1081
Significance level 1059
Significant in statistics 1059
Significant, digit 781
Similar matrices 350
Simple curve 391
Simple event 997
Simple graph 955
Simple pole 708
Simple zero 709
Simplex method 944
Simplex table 945
Simply connected 640 646
Simpson’s rule 821
Simultaneous corrections 850
Simultaneous differential equations 124
Simultaneous linear equations see “Linear systems”
Sine of a complex variable 627 688 742
Sine of a real variable A60
Sine, hyperbolic 688
Sine, integral 509 690 A65 A95
Single precision 782
Single-valued relation 615
Singular at infinity 711
Singular matrix 315
Singular point 183 686 707
Singular solution 8 50
Singular Sturm — Liouville problem 206
Singularity 686 707
Sink 464 765 973
Size of a sample 997 1045
Skew-Hermitian 357 361
Skew-symmetric matrix 283 345
skewness 1020
Skydiver 12
Slack variable 941
Slope field 9
Smooth curve 421 638
Smooth piecewise 421 448 639
Smooth surface 448
Sobolev 242
Soft spring 159
Software 778 991
Solution of a differential equation 4 46 105 536
Solution of a system of differential equations 136
Solution of a system of equations 288
Solution, general 6 48 106 138
Solution, particular 6 48 106
Solution, singular 8 50
Solution, space 304
Solution, steady-state 88
Solution, vector 288
SOR 851
Sorting 969 993
Source 464 765 973
span 300
Spanning tree 967
Sparse graph 957
Sparse matrix 812 912
Sparse system of equations 846
Spectral density 520
Spectral mapping theorem 344 865
Spectral radius 848
Spectral representation 520
Spectral shift 344 865 874
Spectrum 324 542 864
Speed 394
Sphere 446
Spherical coordinates 588 A71
Spiral 399
Spiral, point 144
Spring 62
Square error 503
Square matrix 274
Square membrane 575
Square root 792
Square wave 211 480 488
Stability 31 148 783 822 922
Stability, chart 148
Stagnation point 763
Staircase function 248
Standard basis 328 369
Standard deviation 1016
Standard form of a linear ODE 26 45 105
Standardized random variable 1018
Stationary point 937
Statistical inference 1044
Statistical tables A96—A106
Steady 413 463
Steady, state 88
Steepest descent 938
Steiner 399 457
Stem-and-leaf plot 994
Stencil 912
Step function 234
Step size control 889
Step-by-step method 886
Stereographic projection 711
Stiff, ODE 896
Stiff, system of ODEs 907
Stirling formula 1008 A64
Stochastic matrix 285
Stochastic variable 1011
Stokes’s theorem 469
Straight line 375 391
Stream function 762
streamline 761
Strength of a source 767
Strictly diagonally dominant 868
| String 204 538 594
Student’s t-distribution 1053 A100
Sturm — Liouville problem 203
Subgraph 956
Submarine cable equations 594
SubMatrix 302
Subsidiary equation 220 230
subspace 300
Subspace, invariant 865
Success 1021
Successive corrections 850
Successive overrelaxation 851
SUM see “Addition”
Sum of a series 171 666
Superlinear convergence 795
Superposition principle 106 138
surface 445
Surface area 435 442 454
Surface integral 449
Surface normal 406
Surjective mapping 729
Symmetric matrix 283 345
System of differential equations 124—165 258—263 902
System of linear equations see “Linear system”
System of units Front cover
t-distribution 1053 A100
Tables of Fourier transforms 529—531
Tables of functions A94—A106
Tables of integrals Front cover
Tables of Laplace transforms 265—267
Tables on differentiation Front cover
Tables, statistical A96—A106
Tangent 627 A62
Tangent to a curve 392 397
Tangent, hyperbolic 629 A62
Tangent, plane 406 447
Tangent, vector 392
Tangential acceleration 395
Tarjan 971
Taylor 683
Taylor formula 684
Taylor series 683
Tchebichef see “Chebyshev”
Telegraph equations 594
Termination criterion 791
Termwise differentiation 696
Termwise integration 695
Termwise multiplication 680
Test for convergence 667—672
Test of hypothesis 1058—1068
Test, chi-square 1077
Test, nonparametric 1080
tetrahedron 382
Thermal, conductivity 465 552
Thermal, diffusivity 465 552
Three-eights rule 830
Three-sigma limits 1028
Timetabling 987
Torricelli’s law 15
Torsion of a curve 397
Torsional vibrations 68
Torus 454
Total differential 19
Trace of a matrix 344 355 864
Trail 959
Trajectories 35 133 141
Transfer function 230
Transformation by a complex function 729
Transformation of Cartesian coordinates A84
Transformation of integrals 437 439 459 469
Transformation of vector components A83
Transformation, linear 281
Transformation, linear fractional 734
Transformation, orthogonal 346
Transformation, similarity 350
Transformation, unitary 359
Transient state 88
Translation 365 734
Transmission line equations 593
Transpose of a matrix 282
transpositions 1081 A106
Trapezoidal rule 817
Traveling salesman problem 960
TREE 966
Trend 1081
Trial 997
Triangle inequality 326 372 608
Triangular matrix 283
Tricomi equation 551 552
Tridiagonal matrix 812 875 914
Tridiagonalization 875
Trigonometric approximation 502
Trigonometric form of complex numbers 607 624
Trigonometric functions, complex 626 688
Trigonometric functions, real A60
Trigonometric polynomial 502
Trigonometric series 479
Trigonometric system 479 482
Trihedron 398
Triple integral 458
Triple product 381
Trivial solution 27 304
Truncation error 783
tuning 543
Twisted curve 391
Two-dimensional distribution 1032
Two-dimensional normal distribution 1090
Two-dimensional random variable 1032
Two-dimensional wave equation 571
Two-sided test 1060
Type I and II errors 1060
Type of a differential equation 551
UCL 1068
Unconstrained optimization 937
Uncorrelated 1090
Undamped system 62
Underdamping 66
Underdetermined system 292
Underflow 782
Undetermined coefficients 79 117 160
Uniform, convergence 691
Uniform, distribution 1015 1017 1034
Union of events 998
Uniqueness differential equations 37 73 107 137
Uniqueness Dirichlet problem 774
Uniqueness Laurent series 705
Uniqueness linear equations 303
Uniqueness power series 678
Unit binormal vector 398
Unit circle 611
Unit impulse 242
Unit matrix 284
Unit normal vector 447
Unit principal normal vector 398
Unit step function 234
Unit tangent vector 392 398
Unit vector 326
Unitary, matrix 357
Unitary, system of vectors 359
Unitary, transformation 359
Unstable see “Stability”
Upper control limit 1068
Value of a series 171 666
van der Pol equation 157
Vandermonde determinant 112
Variable, complex 614
Variable, random 1010 1032
Variable, standardized random 1018
Variable, stochastic 1011
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