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Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics |
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o 962
Objective function 936
OC curve 1062
Odd function 490
ODE 4 (see also “Differential equations”)
Ohm’s Law 92
One-dimensional heat equation 553
One-dimensional wave equation 539
One-sided derivative 484
One-sided test 1060
One-step method 898
One-to-one mapping 729
Open disk 613
Open integration formula 827
Open interval A69
Open point set 613
Operating characteristic 1062
Operation count 838
Operational calculus 59 220
Operator 59 327
Optimal solution 942
Optimality principle, Bellman’s 963
Optimization 936—953 959—990
Orbit 141
Order 887 962
Order of a determinant 308
Order of a differential equation 4 535
Order of an iteration process 793
Ordering 969
Ordinary differential equations 2—269 886—908
Orientable surface 452
Orientation of a curve 638
Orientation of a surface 452
Orthogonal coordinates A71
Orthogonal curves 35
Orthogonal eigenvectors 350
Orthogonal expansion 210
Orthogonal functions 205 482
Orthogonal matrix 345
Orthogonal polynomials 209
orthogonal series 210
Orthogonal trajectories 35
Orthogonal transformation 346
Orthogonal vectors 326 371
Orthonormal functions 205 210
Oscillations in circuits 91
Oscillations of a beam 547 552
Oscillations of a cable 198
Oscillations of a mass on a spring 61 86 135 150 243 252 261 342 499
Oscillations of a membrane 569—586
Oscillations of a string 204 538 929
Oscillations, damped 64 88
Oscillations, forced 84
Oscillations, free 61 500 547
Oscillations, harmonic 63
Oscillations, self-sustained 157
Oscillations, undamped 62
Osculating plane 398
Outcome 997
Outer product 377
Outlier 995
Output 26 230
Overdamping 65
Overdetermined system 292
Overflow 782
Overtaxation 851
Overtone 542
Paired comparison 1065
Pappus’s theorem 458
Parabolic differential equation 551 922
Paraboloid 448
Parachutist 12
Parallel flow 766
Parallelepiped 382
Parallelogram, equality 326 372 612
Parallelogram, law 367
Parameter of a distribution 1016
Parametric representation 389 446
Parking problem 1023
Parseval’s equality 215 504
Partial derivative 388 A66
Partial differential equation 535 909
Partial fractions 231 245
Partial pivoting 291 834
Partial sum 171 666
Particular solution 6 48 106 159
Pascal 399
Path in a digraph 974
Path in a graph 959
Path of integration 421 637
PDE 535 909
Peaceman — Rachford method 915
Pearson, E.S. 1058
Pearson, K. 1066
Pendulum 68 152 156
Period 478
Periodic, extension 494
Periodic, function 478
Permutation 1006
Perron — Frobenius theorem 344 869
Pfaffian form 429
Phase of complex number see “Argument”
Phase, angle 88
Phase, lag 88
Phase, plane 141 147
Phase, portrait 141 147
Picard iteration method 41
Picard theorem 709
Piecewise, continuous 226
Piecewise, smooth 421 448 639
Pivoting 291 834
Planar graph 987
Plane 315 375
Plane curve 391
Poincare 216
Point at infinity 710 736
Point, estimate 1046
Point, set 613
Point, source 765
Point, spectrum 507 524
poisson 769
Poisson distribution 1022 1073 A97
Poisson equation 910 918
Poisson integral formula 769
Polar coordinates 437 443 580 607—608
Polar form of complex numbers 607
Polar moment on inertia 436
Pole 708
Polynomial approximation 797
Polynomial matrix 865
Polynomially bounded 962
Polynomials 617
Polynomials, Chebyshev 209
Polynomials, Hermite 216
Polynomials, Laguerre 207 257
Polynomials, Legendre 179 207 590 826
Polynomials, trigonometric 502
Population in statistics 1044
Population models 31 154 341
Position vector 366
Positive definite 326 372
Possible values 1012
Postman problem 963
Potential 407 427 590 750 762
Potential complex 763
Potential theory 465 749
Power of a test 1061
Power, method for eigenvalues 872
Power, series 167 673
Power, series method 167
| Pre-Hilbert space 326
Predator-prey 154
Predictor-corrector 890 900
Prim’s algorithm 971
Principal Axes Theorem 354
Principal branch 632
Principal diagonal see “Main diagonal”
Principal directions 340
Principal normal (Fig. 210) 397
Principal part 708
Principal value 607 630 632 719 722
Prior Estimate 794
probability 1000 1001
Probability, conditional 1003
Probability, density 1014 1034
Probability, distribution 1010 1032
Probability, function 1012 1033
Producer’s risk 1075
PRODUCT see “Multiplication”
Projection of a vector 374
Pseudocode 783
pure imaginary number 603
QR-factorization method 879
Quadratic equation 785
Quadratic form 353
Quadratic interpolation 799
Qualitative Methods 124 139—165
Quality control 1068
quartile 995
Quasilinear 551 909
Quotient of complex numbers 604
Rachford method 915
Radiation 7 561
Radiocarbon dating 13
Radius of a graph 973
Radius of convergence 172 675 686
Random experiment 997
Random numbers 1045
Random variable 1010 1032
Range of a function 614
Range of a sample 994
Rank of a matrix 297 299 311
Raphson 790
Ratio Test 669
Rational function 617
Rayleigh 159
Rayleigh equation 159
Rayleigh quotient 872
RC-circuit 97 237 240
Reactance 93
Real axis 604
Real part 602
Real sequence 664
Real vector space 324 369
Rectangular membrane 571
Rectangular pulse 238 243
Rectangular rule 817
Rectangular wave 211 480 488 492
Rectifiable curve 393
Rectification of a lot 1075
Rectifier 248 489 492
Rectifying plane 398
Reduction of order 50 116
Region 433 614
Regression 1083
Regression, coefficient 1085 1088
Regression, line 1084
Regula Falsi 796
Regular point of an ODE 183
Regular Sturm — Liouville problem 206
Rejectable quality level 1075
Rejection region 1060
Relative class frequency 994
Relative error 784
Relative frequency 1000
Relaxation 850
Remainder 171 666
Removable singularity 709
Representation 328
Residual 849 852
Residue 713
Residue theorem 715
Resistance 91
Resonance 86
Response 28 84
Restoring force 62
Resultant of forces 367
Riccati equation 34
Riemann 618
Riemann sphere 710
Riemann surface 746
Right-hand derivative 484
Right-hand limit 484
Right-handed 377
Risk 1095
RL-circuit 97 240
RLC-circuit 95 241 244 499
Robin problem 558 587
Rodrigues’s formula 181
Romberg integration 829
Root 610
Root test 671
Rotation 381 385 414 734 764
Rounding 782
Row echelon form 294
Row operations 292
Row scaling 838
Row space 300
Row sum norm 849
Row vector 274
Row-equivalent 292 298
Runge — Kutta methods 892 904
Runge — Kutta — Fehlberg 893
Runge — Kutta — Nystrom 906
Saddle point 143
Sample 997 1045
Sample, covariance 1085
Sample, distribution function 1076
Sample, mean 996 1045
Sample, moments 1046
Sample, point 997
Sample, range 994
Sample, size 997 1045
Sample, space 997
Sample, standard deviation 996 1046
Sample, variance 996 1045
Sampling 1004 1023 1073
SAS 991
Sawtooth wave 248 493 505
scalar 276 364
Scalar field 384
Scalar function 384
Scalar matrix 284
Scalar multiplication 276 368
Scalar triple product 381
Scaling 838
Scheduling 987
Schoenberg 810
Schrodinger 242
Schur’s Inequality 869
Schwartz 242
Schwarz inequality 326
Secant 627 A62
Secant, method 794
Second Green’s formula 466
Second shifting theorem 235
Sectionally continuous see “Piecewise continuous”
Seidel 846
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