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Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics |
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Inverse of a matrix 315 844
Inverse trigonometric functions 634
inversion 735
Investment 9 33
Irreducible 869
Irregular boundary 919
Irrotational 415 765
Isocline 10
Isolated singularity 707
Isotherms 758
Iteration for eigenvalues 872
Iteration for equations 787—794
Iteration, Gauss — Seidel 846 913
Iteration, Jacobi 850
Iteration, Picard 41
Jacobi iteration 850
Jacobian 436 733
Jerusalem, Shrine of the Book 814
Joukowski airfoil 732
Kirchhoff’s laws 92 973
Kronecker delta 210 A83
Kruskars algorithm 967
Kutta 892
Labeling 968
Lagrange 50
Lagrange identity of 383
Lagrange interpolation 798
Laguerre polynomials 209 257
Lambert’s law 43
Laplace 221
Laplace equation 407 465 536 579 587 910
Laplace integrals 512
Laplace limit theorem 1031
Laplace operator 408
Laplace transform 221 594
Laplacian 443 A73
latent root 324
Laurent series 701 712
Law of absorption 43
Law of cooling 14
Law of gravitation 385
Law of Large Numbers 1032
Law of mass action 43
Law of the mean see “Mean value theorem”
LC-circuit 97
LCL 1068
Least squares 860 1084
Lebesgue 863
Left-hand derivative 484
Left-hand limit 484
Left-handed 378
legendre 177
Legendre differential equation 177 204 590
Legendre functions 177
Legendre polynomials 179 207 590 826
Leibniz 14
Leibniz convergence test A70
Length of a curve 393
Length of a vector 365
Leonardo of Pisa 638
Leontief 344
Leslie model 341
Libby 13
Liebmann’s method 913
Likelihood function 1047
Limit of a complex function 615
Limit of a sequence 664
Limit of a vector function 387
Limit, cycle 157
Limit, left-hand 484
Limit, point A90
Limit, right-hand 484
Limit, vector 386
Line integral 421 633
Lineal element 9
Linear algebra 271—363
linear combination 106 325
Linear dependence 49 74 106 108 297 325
Linear differential equation 26 45 105 535
Linear element 394 A72
Linear fractional transformation 734
Linear independence 49 74 106 108 297 325
Linear interpolation 798
Linear operator 60
Linear optimization 939
Linear programming 939
Linear space see “Vector space”
Linear system of equations 287 833
Linear transformation 281 327
Linearization of systems of ODEs 151
Lines of force 751
Liouville 203
Liouville, Theorem 661
Lipschitz condition 40
LIST 957
Ljapunov 148
Local error 887
Local minimum 937
Logarithm 630 688 A60
Logarithmic decrement 69
Logarithmic integral A66
Logarithmic spiral 399
Logistic population law 30
Longest path 959
Loss of significant digits 785
Lot tolerance per cent defective 1075
Lotka — Volterra population model 154
Lower control limit 1068
Lower triangular matrix 283
LTPD 1075
LU-factorization 841
M-test for convergence 969
Maclaurin 683
Maclaurin series 683
Maclaurin trisectrix 399
Magnitude of a vector see “Length”
Main diagonal 274 309
Malthus’s law 5 31
Maple 779
Mapping 327 729
Marconi 63
Marginal distributions 1035
Markov process 285 341
Mass-spring system 61 86 135 150 243 252 261 342 499
Matching 985
Mathcad 779
Mathematica 779
Mathematical expectation 1019
Matrix, addition 275
Matrix, augmented 288 833
Matrix, band 914
Matrix, diagonal 284
Matrix, eigenvalue problem 333—363 863—882
Matrix, hermitian 357
Matrix, identity see “Unit matrix”
Matrix, inverse 315
Matrix, inversion 315 844
Matrix, multiplication 278 321
Matrix, nonsingular 315
Matrix, norm 849 854
Matrix, normal 362 869
Matrix, null see “Zero matrix”
Matrix, orthogonal 345
Matrix, polynomial 865
Matrix, scalar 284
Matrix, singular 315
| Matrix, skew-Hermitian 357
Matrix, skew-symmetric 283 345
Matrix, sparse 812 912
Matrix, square 274
Matrix, stochastic 285
Matrix, symmetric 283 345
Matrix, transpose 282
Matrix, triangular 283
Matrix, tridiagonal 812 875 914
Matrix, unit 284
Matrix, unitary 357
Matrix, zero 276
Max-flow min-cut theorem 978
Maximum 937
Maximum, flow 979
Maximum, likelihood method 1047
Maximum, matching 983
Maximum, modulus theorem 772
Maximum, principle 773
Mean convergence 214
Mean value of a (an) analytic function 771
Mean value of a (an) distribution 1016
Mean value of a (an) function 764
Mean value of a (an) harmonic function 772
Mean value of a (an) sample 996
Mean value theorem 402 434 454
Mean-square convergence 214
Median 994 1081
Membrane 569—586
Meromorphic function 711
Mesh incidence matrix 278
Method of false position 796
Method of least squares 860 1084
Method of moments 1046
Method of steepest descent 938
Method of undetermined coefficients 78 117 160
Method of variation of parameters 98 118 160
Middle quartile 994
Minimum 937 942 946
Minitab 991
Minor 309
Mixed boundary value problem 558 587 759 917
Mixed triple product 381
Mixing problem 13 130 146 163 259
MKS system Front cover
ML-inequality 644
MODE 542 582
Modeling 2 6 13 61 84 130 159 222 340 499 538 569 750—767
Modified Bessel functions 203
Modulus 607
Moebius 453
Moebius strip 453 456
Moebius transformation 734
Moivre’s formula 610
Molecule 912
Moment of a distribution 1019
Moment of a force 380
Moment of a sample 1046
Moment of inertia 436 455 457
Moment, central 1019
Moment, generating function 1026
Moment, vector 380
Monotone sequence A69
Moore’s shortest path algorithm 960
Morera’s theorem 661
Moulton 900
Moving trihedron see “Trihedron”
Multinomial distribution 1025
Multiple point 391
Multiplication of complex numbers 603 609
Multiplication of determinants 322
Multiplication of matrices 278 321
Multiplication of means 1038
Multiplication of power series 174 680
Multiplication of vectors 219 371 377
Multiplication rule for events 1003
Multiplicity 337 865
Multiply connected domain 646
Multistep method 898
Mutually exclusive events 998
nabla 403
NAG 779
Natural frequency 63
Natural logarithm 630 A60
Natural spline 812
Neighborhood 387 613
Nested form 786
networks 132 146 162 244 260 263 277 331
Networks in graph theory 973
Neumann, C. 201
Neumann, C., functions 201
Neumann, C., problem 558 587 917
Newton 14
Newton interpolation formulas 802 805 807
Newton law of cooling 14
Newton law of gravitation 385
Newton method 800
Newton second law 62
Newton — Cotes formulas 822
Newton — Raphson method 800
Neyman 1049 1058
Nicolson 924
Nicomedes 399
Nilpotent matrix 286
NIST 779
Nodal incidence matrix 277
Nodal line 574
Node 142 797
Nonbasic variables 945
Nonconservative 428
Nonhomogeneous differential equation 27 78 116 159 305 535
Nonhomogeneous system of equations 288 304
Nonlinear differential equations 45 151
Nonorientable surface 453
Nonparametric test 1080
Nonsingular matrix 315
Norm 205 326 346 359 365 849
Normal acceleration 395
Normal derivative 444 465
Normal distribution 1026 1047—1057 1062—1067 A98
Normal equations 860 1086
Normal form of a PDE 551
Normal matrix 362 869
Normal mode 542 582
Normal plane 398
Normal random variable 1026
Normal to a curve 398
Normal to a plane 375
Normal to a surface 447
Normal vector 375 447
Normal, asymptotically 1057
Normal, two-dimensional 1090
Null hypothesis 1058
Null matrix see “Zero matrix”
Null space 301
Null vector see “Zero vector”
Nullity 301
Numeric methods 777—934
Numeric methods, differentiation 827
Numeric methods, eigenvalues 863—882
Numeric methods, equations 787—796
Numeric methods, integration 817—827
Numeric methods, interpolation 797—816
Numeric methods, linear equations 833—858
Numeric methods, matrix inversion 315 844
Numeric methods, optimization 936—953
Numeric methods, ordinary differential equations (ODEs) 886—908
Numeric methods, partial differential equations (PDEs) 909—930
Nystrom method 906
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