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Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics |
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Fibonacci numbers 683
Field of force 385
Field, conservative 415 428
Field, gravitational 385 407 411 587
Field, irrotational 415 765
Field, scalar 384
Field, vector 384
Field, velocity 385
Finite complex plane 710
First fundamental form 457
First Green’s formula 466
First shifting theorem 224
Fisher, R.A. 1047 1066 1077
Fisher, R.A., F-distribution 1066 A102
Fixed decimal point 781
Fixed point 736 781 787
Flat spring 68
Floating point 781
Flow augmenting path 975
Flows in networks 973—981
Fluid flow 412 463 761
Flux 412 450
Flux integral 450
Folium of Descartes 399
Forced oscillations 84 499
Ford — Fulkerson algorithm 979
Forest 970
Form, Hermitian 361
Form, quadratic 353
Form, skew-Hermitian 361
Forward, differences 804
Forward, edge 974 976
Four-color theorem 987
Fourier coefficients 480 487
Fourier coefficients, complex 497
Fourier constants 210
Fourier cosine integral 511
Fourier cosine series 491
Fourier cosine transform 514 529
Fourier double series 576
Fourier half-range expansions 494
Fourier integral 508 563
Fourier integral, complex 519
Fourier matrix 525
Fourier series 211 480 487
Fourier series, complex 497
Fourier series, generalized 210
Fourier sine integral 511
Fourier sine series 491 543
Fourier sine transform 514 530
Fourier transform 519 531 565
Fourier transform, discrete 525
Fourier transform, fast 526
Fourier — Bessel series 213 583
Fourier — Legendre series 212 590
Fraction defective 1073
Fractional linear transformation 734
Fredholm 201
Free fall 18
Free oscillations 61
Frenet formulas 400
frequency 63
Frequency of values in samples 994
Fresnel integrals 690 A65
Friction 18—19
Frobenius 182
Frobenius method 182
Frobenius norm 849
Frobenius theorem 869
Fulkerson 979
Full-wave rectifier 248
Function space 327
Function, analytic 175 617
Function, Bessel 191 198 202 207 A94
Function, Beta A64
Function, bounded 38
Function, characteristic 542 574
Function, complex 614
Function, conjugate harmonic 622
Function, entire 624 661 711
Function, error 568 690 A64 A95
Function, even 490
Function, exponential 57 623 A60
Function, factorial 192 1008 A95
Function, Gamma 192 A95
Function, Hankel 202
Function, harmonic 465 622 772
Function, holomorphic 617
Function, hyperbolic 628 743 A62
Function, hypergeometric 188
Function, inverse hyperbolic 634
Function, inverse trigonometric 634
Function, Legendre 177
Function, logarithmic 630 A60
Function, meromorphic 711
Function, Neumann 201
Function, odd 490
Function, orthogonal 205 482
Function, orthonormal 205 210
Function, periodic 478
Function, probability 1012 1033
Function, rational 617
Function, scalar 384
Function, space 382
Function, staircase 248
Function, step 234
Function, trigonometric 626 688 A60
Function, unit step 234
Function, vector 384
Fundamental form 457
Fundamental matrix 139
Fundamental mode 542
Fundamental period 485
Fundamental system 49 106 113 138
Fundamental theorem of algebra 662
Galilei 15
Gamma function 192 A95
GAMS 778
Gauss 188
Gauss distribution 1026
Gauss divergence theorem 459
Gauss elimination method 289 834
Gauss hypergeometric equation 188
Gauss integration formula 826
Gauss least squares 860 1084
Gauss quadrature 826
Gauss — Jordan elimination 317 844
Gauss — Seidel iteration 846 913
General powers 632
General solution 64 106 138 159
Generalized Fourier series 210
Generalized function 242
Generalized solution 545
Generalized triangle inequality 608
Generating function 181 216 258
Geometric multiplicity 337
Geometric series 167 668 673 687 692
Gerschgorin’s theorem 866
Gibbs phenomenon 490 510
Global error 887
Golden Rule 15 23
Goodness of At 1076
Gosset 1066
Goursat 648 A88
Gradient 403 415 426 A72
Gradient, method 938
Graph 955
Graph, bipartite 982
Graph, complete 958
| Graph, Euler 963
Graph, planar 987
Graph, sparse 957
Graph, weighted 959
Gravitation 385 407 411 587
Greedy algorithm 967
Green 439
Green formulas 466
Green theorem 439 466
Gregory — Newton formulas 805
Growth restriction 225
Guldin’s theorem 458
Hadamard’s formula 676
Half-life time 9
Half-plane 613
Half-range Fourier series 494
Half-wave rectifier 248 489
Halving 819 824
Hamiltonian cycle 960
Hanging cable 198
Hankel functions 202
Hard spring 159
Harmonic conjugate 622
Harmonic function 465 622 772
Harmonic oscillation 63
Harmonic series 670
Heat, equation 464 536 553 757 923
Heat, potential 758
Heaviside 221
Heaviside expansions 245
Heaviside formulas 247
Heaviside function 234
Helicoid 449
Helix 391 394 399
Helmholtz equation 572
Henry 92
Hermite interpolation 816
Hermite polynomials 216
Hermitian 357 361
Hertz 63
Hesse’s normal form 375
Heun’s method 890
High-frequency line equations 594
hilbert 201 326
Hilbert matrix 858
Hilbert space 326
histogram 994
Holomorphic 617
Homogeneous differential equation 27 46 105 535
Homogeneous system of equations 288 304 833
Hooke’s law 62
Householder’s tridiagonalization 875
Hyperbolic differential equation 551 909 928
Hyperbolic functions, complex 628 743
Hyperbolic functions, real A62
Hyperbolic paraboloid 448
Hyperbolic partial differential equations 551 928
Hyperbolic spiral 399
Hypergeometric differential equation 188
Hypergeometric distribution 1024
Hypergeometric functions 188
Hypergeometric series 188
Hypocycloid 399
Hypothesis 1058
Idempotent matrix 286
Identity matrix see “Unit matrix”
Identity of Lagrange 383
Identity theorem for power series 679
Identity transformation 736
Identity trick 351
Ill-conditioned 851
Image 327 729
Imaginary axis 604
Imaginary part 602
Imaginary unit 602
Impedance 94 98
Implicit solution 20
Improper integral 222 719 722
Impulse 242
IMSL 778
Incidence List 957
Incidence matrix 958
Inclusion theorem 868
Incomplete gamma function A64
Incompressible 765
Inconsistent equations 292 303
Increasing sequence A69
Indefinite integral 637 650
Indefinite integration 640
Independence of path 426 648
Independent events 1004
Independent random variables 1036
Indicial equation 184
Indirect method 845
Inductance 92
inductor 92
Inequality, Bessel 215 504
Inequality, Cauchy 660
Inequality, ML-inequality 644
Inequality, Schur 869
Inequality, triangle 326 372 608
Infinite dimensional 325
Infinite population 1025 1045
Infinite sequence 664
Infinite series see “Series”
infinity 710 736
Initial condition 6 48 137 540
Initial value problem 6 38 48 107 886 902
Injective mapping 729
Inner product 325 359 371
Inner product, space 326
Input 26 84 230
Instability see “Stability”
Integral, contour 647
Integral, definite 639
Integral, double 433
Integral, equation 252
Integral, Fourier 508 563
Integral, improper 719 722
Integral, indefinite 637 650
Integral, line 421 633
Integral, surface 449
Integral, theorems, complex 647 654
Integral, theorems, real 439 453 469
Integral, transform 221 513
Integral, triple 458
Integrating factor 23
Integration, complex functions 637—663 701—727
Integration, Laplace transforms 255
integration, numeric 817—827
Integration, power series 680
Integration, series 695
Integro-differential equation 92
Interest 9 33
Interlacing of zeros 197
Intermediate Value Theorem 796
Interpolation 797—815
Interpolation, Hermite 816
Interpolation, Lagrange 798
Interpolation, Newton 802 805 807
Interpolation, spline 811
Interquartile range 995
Intersection of events 998
Interval of convergence 172 676
Interval, closed A69
Interval, estimate 1046
Interval, open 4 A69
Invariant subspace 865
Inverse hyperbolic functions 634
Inverse mapping principle 733
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