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Bellman R. — Methods of nonlinear analysis (Vol. 1) |
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Accelerated convergence 184
Acceleration of convergence 210
Adaptive computation 58
Adaptive control processes 102
Adjoint 65
Adjoint equation 118
Adjoint operator 132
Aggregation 225
Aleksandrovskii, N.M. 255
Alekseev, V.M. 172
Algorithm 225
Altschuler, S. 301
Analytic continuation of solutions 219
Andersson, L. 330
Andrade, S. 223
Andreief, C 98
Anitschenko, R.I. 185
Aoki, M 255 302
Approximately convex functions 173
Approximation by exponentials 242
Arenstorf, R.F. 186
Aronsson, G. 300
Aronszajn, N. 44 316
Arthurs, A.M. 186
Asymptotic behavior 23 52 146 136 149 160 179 181
Asymptotic control theory 185
Asymptotic series 35
Atkinson, F.V. 52 102 128 182 302
Averaging 131
Averaging method 250
Baker — Campbell — Hausdorff 109
Baker — Campbell — Hausdorff formula 120
Banach space methods 140
Bancroft, S. 183
Banta, E.D. 213
Baxter, G. 128
Baxter’s functional equation 128
Beckenbach, E.F. 50 52 296
Bellman, R. 8 11 31 37 41 42 47 49 50 51 52 71 93 94 98 99 100 101 102 103 121 130 131 132 133 140 172 173 175 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 207 219 223 224 254 255 256 257 295 296 298 299 301 302 303 312 322 328 330
Ben Miloud, M. 132
Benson, D.C 299 327
Bertram, J.E. 297
Bharucha-Reid, A.T. 180
Bialynicki-Birula, I. 120
Bihari, I. 183
Birkhoff, G. 103 152 182 224 330
Blaquiere, A. 247 255
Blasius equation 176
Bogdanoff, J.L. 257
Bogoliuboff, N. 216
Boland, W.R. 330
Borel, E. 2
Borg, G. 300 329
Boundary layer 14
Boundary layer problems 176
Boyd, D.W. 51
Branching processes 103
Braver, F. 172
Bremmer, H. 52
Brickman, L. 97
Brown 186
Brown, T.A. 50 97 103 173 182
Brownian motion 70
Bubnov — Galerkin method 187
Buche, A.B. 180
Bucy, R.S. 185 303
Burger’s Equation 57
Burnand, G. 183
Bushkovitch, A.V. 45
Calabi, E. 97
Calculus of variations 11 121
Canosa, J. 179
Carleman 179
Carter, D.S. 300
Cauchy determinant 96
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 16
Cauchy, A. 18
Causey, R.L. 84
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 76
Cesari, L. 52 182 221
Characteristic equation 69
Characteristic functions 307
Characteristic roots 69
Characteristic values 307
Characteristic vectors 69
Chen, K-T 132
Closure 258
Cohen, E.R. 257
Cohn, J.H.E. 310
Colautti, M.P. 325
Cole, J. 179
Commutators 108
Computational methods 131
Conditioned matrices 86
Conditioned systems 59
Constrained minimization 71
Conti, R. 182 184
Continued fractions 51 130
Control processes 51 132 184
Convolution 7 256
Cooke, K.L. 8 37 132 185 255 256
Courant parameter 191
Courant, R. 78
Cowan, K.C 184
Cramer solution 56
Cramer, H. 55
Cremer, H. 43
Culver, W.J. 257
Dantzig, G.B. 102
Davison, B. 302
Davison, E.J. 184 255
DeBruijn, N.G. 98 220 300
Deferred passage to the limit 164
Deich, A.M. 255
Denman, H.H. 222
deSpautz, J.F. 31 182
Determinantal criteria 81
Determinantal solution 55
Diaz, J.B. 302 328
Difference approximations 318
Difference equations 165
Difference methods 163
Differential approximation 225 227 256
Differential-difference equations 8 37 132 238 255 256
Differential-integral equation 128
Domain of stability 183
Drobnies, S.I. 130
Duerr 223
Duffin, R.J. 103 183 326
Dynamic programming 104 172
Effertz, F.H. 43
Elimination 58
Elliptic functions 223
Emden — Fowler equation 170 186
Erdelyi, A. 53
Euler equation 12 305
Euler solution 111
Existence 140
Exponential operators 120
Extrapolation techniques 209 237
Fair, W. 51
Faris, W.G. 109
Farison, J.B. 257
Fermi — Thomas equation 170
Feynman integrals 109
Feynman operator calculus 132
Feynman, R.P. 303
Fichera, G. 325
Fike, C.X. 224
Filchakov, P.F. 312
| Finlayson, B.A. 222 301
Finsler, P. 79
Fischer, E. 78
Fixed points 152
Fixed-point methods 152
Fixed-point theorems 184
Floquet representation 120
Floquet theorem 132
Folkman, J. 114
Forsythe, G.E. 96 101 131
Fourier transform 230
Fowler, M.E. 132
Fowler, R.H. 41
Fredholm integral equation 130 177
Friedrichs, K.O. 222
Froman, N. 53
Froman, P.O. 53
Fuller, A.T. 132
Functional-differential equations 240
Fundamental inequality 3
Fundamental lemma 136
Furstenberg, H. 133
Gasymov, M.G. 330
Gelfand, I.M. 52 224 329
Generalized Baker — Hausdorff formula 132
Generalized Fourier expansion 312
Generalized inverse 67
Gilvarry, J.J. 183
Glicksberg, I. 302
Golden 96
Golub, G.H. 96
Good, I.J. 224
Gorman, D. 224
Gould, L.A. 297
Gould, S.H. 329
Goursat, E. 213
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization 62
Gram — Schmidt procedure 227
Green, J.W. 53
Greenspan, D. 185
Green’s functions 12 14 123 320
Grobner, W. 177 183
Gross, O. 302
Gusarov 31
Hadamard, J. 95 96
Hadamard’s inequality 95
Hale, J.K. 183
Hallam, T.G. 183
Hammer, P.C 207
Hammersley, J.M. 172
Hammerstein type equations 175
Handelman, H.G. 185
Hardy, G.H. 2 41 52 296 323
Harris, T.E. 103
Hartman, P. 103 174
Heard, M.L. 181
Hearon, J.Z. 132
Hedrick, E.R. 213
Heine, E. 214
Heisenberg 223
Helton, B.W. 131
Henrici, P. 213
Hermite, C 223
Hermitian 82
Hestenes, M.R. 301
Higgins, T.J. 222
Hilbert matrix 87
Hilbert projective metric 103
Hille, E. 186
Hobby, C.R. 256
Hochstadt, H. 217
Hoffman, W.A. 64
Holder inequality 17
Hsu, C.S. 223
Hukuhara, M. 184
Hunter, C 53
Hurwitz, A. 43
Hyers, D. 173
Hyperbolic partial differential equations 98
Identification 11 98
Identification problems 132
Ikebe, T. 291
Ince, E.L. 310 329
Inequalities 50 52 183
Ingham, A.E. 94
inhomogeneous equation 7
Initial approximations 208
Inner product 61
Integral identities 94
Integral inequalities 323
Integration in functional spaces 52
Intermediate problem 316
Invariant imbedding 52 102 104 185
Inverse theorems 140
Irregular perturbation problem 185
Irregular stability problem 168
Jacobi identity 64
Jacobi, K.G.J. 103 116
Jacobian matrix 64
Jacobs, O.L.R. 296
Jao, F.F. 223
Jeffreys 53
Jones, G.S. 45
Jordan canonical form 113
Jordan, T. 83
Juncosa, M.L. 97
Kac, M. 52 79 99
Kagiwada, H. 1S5
Kaiser, J.F. 297
Kajuk, Ja.F. 219
Kalaba, R. 52 101 102 116 183 184 185 223 224 255 256 302 303
Kalman, R.E. 297
Kantorovich, L.V. 204
Kaplan, S. 132
Kardashov, A.A. 256
Kato, T. 291 302
Kato’s Lemma 80
Kazakov, I.C 257
Keller, J.B. 185 220
Kellogg, O.G. 152 224
Kemp, R.D. 47
Kepler’s equation 213
Kesten, H. 133
Kevorkian, J. 182
Khenkin, G.M. 258
Kolodner, I.I. 48 175
Kolovskii, M.Z. 257
Korteweg — de Vries 57
Koshiba, Z. 45
Kotkin, B. 256
Krein, M.G. 183 329
Kronecker products 124
Kryloff, N. 216
Kushner, H.J. 258
Lagrange expansion 53 212 224
Lagrange multiplier 72
Lagrange transform 7
Lagrange variation of parameters 8
Lagrange — Burmann formula 213
Lagrange, J.L. 213
Laguerre, E. 51
Lanczos, C 242 257
Langer, R.E. 53
Laplace transform 7 101 250
LaSalle, J.P. 93 182
Latta, G.E. 256
Latter, R. 322
Lattes, R. 51 102
Lavrentiev, M.M. 102
Lawson, C.A. 257
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