Ðåçóëüòàò ïîèñêà |
Ïîèñê êíèã, ñîäåðæàùèõ: Normal distribution
Êíèãà | Ñòðàíèöû äëÿ ïîèñêà | Kharazishvili A.B. — Strange functions in real analysis | | Ñåðãèåíêî À.Á. — Öèôðîâàÿ îáðàáîòêà ñèãíàëîâ | 66 | Spiegel M.R. — Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables | 189 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 2) | 535 | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) | 1809, 1814 | Hatrl D.L., Jones E.W. — Genetics: Principles and Analysis | 673—675 | Soong T.T. — Fundamentals of probability and statistics for engineers | 107, 196—199, 236 | Falconer K. — Fractal Geometry. Mathematical Foundations and applications | 22 | Petrie A., Sabin C. — Medical Statistics at a Glance | 21, 26 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 341.D 397.D, App. A, Table 22 | Devroye L. — Generation of non-uniform random variates | 379 | Oksendal B. — Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications | 12, 291 | Falconer K. — Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications | 23, 260 | Graham R.L., Knuth D.E., Patashnik O. — Concrete mathematics | 424 | Harris R.J. — A primer of multivariate statistic | 9, 18, 76, 80, 353, 517 | Fishman G.S. — Monte Carlo: concepts, algorithms, and applications | 151, 189—191, 246 | Haerdle W., Simar L. — Applied multivariate statistical analysis | 175 | Heyde C.C. — Quasi-likelihood and its application: a general approach to optimal parameter estimation | 4, 27, 28, 41, 55—57, 62—66, 88, 91, 105, 111, 116, 121, 129—131, 139, 156, 161, 163, 164, 166, 173 | Good P.I., Hardin J.W. — Common Errors in Statistics : (and How to Avoid Them) | 67, 71, 145 | Felinger A. — Data analysis and signal processing in chromatography | 8, 16, 359 | Lindsey J.K. — Applying generalized linear models | v, vii, 1—3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 18—20, 25, 27, 28, 38, 39, 44, 53, 70, 71, 93, 98, 101, 109, 150, 159, 162, 164—167, 173, 175—177, 195, 199, 205, 210, 214, 218, 219, 222—225 | Frey B. — Statistics Hacks | | Patton P., Jayaswal B. — Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software | | Myers J.L., Well A.D. — Research design and statistical analysis | see Distributions | Hull J. — Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities | 192 | Matousek J. — Lectures on Discrete Geometry (some chapters) | 314, 328 | Föllmer H., Schied A. — Stochastic finance | 78, 82, 122, 125 | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 2) | 1809, 1814 | Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics | 211 | Raychaudhury S. — Computational text analysis for functional genomics and bioinformatics | 32 | Clote P., Backofen R. — Computational Molecular Biology | 30—31 | Helgaker T., Jorgensen P., Olsen J. — Molecular Electronic-Structure Theory. Part 2 | 821 (see also “Distributions”) | Peters E.E. — Fractal Market Analysis: Applying Chaos Theory to Investment and Economics | 21—26, 40—41, 53, 197, 205, 310 | Peters E.E. — Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets | 25, 27—31, 53, 102, 195, 234 | Bollinger J. — Bollinger on Bollinger Bands | 68, 69 | Folland J.B. — Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications | 325 | Agresti A. — An introduction to categorical data analysis | 73—74, 97 | Leach A.R. — Molecular Modelling Principles and Applications | see “Gaussian functions” | Curtain R.F., Pritchard A.J. — Functional Analysis in Modern Applied Mathematics | 81 | Skorokhod A.V., Prokhorov Y.V. (Ed) — Basic Principles and Applications of Probability Theory | 44, 132, 133, 162, 200, 205, 206 | Wilmott P., Bowison S., DeWynne J. — Option Pricing: Mathematical Models and Computation | 22, 52 | Meisel W.S. — Computer-oriented approach to pattern recognition | 42—43 | Ferguson T.S. — Mathematical Statistics. A Decision Theoretic Approach | 101 | Mahmoud H.M. — Evolution of random search trees | 34 | Hamilton J.D. — Time Series Analysis | 745—746, 748—749, 751—752 | Honerkamp J. — Statistical Physics | 10 | Kolassa J.E. — Series Approximation Methods in Statistics | 11, 68 | Fogiel M. — The Operations Research Problem Solver | 12—30 | Engel K. — Sperner theory | 305 | Balakrishnan N., Nevzorov V.B. — A Primer on Statistical Distributions | 8, 39, 53, 61, 76, 81, 91, 96, 170, 182, 188, 207, 209—235, 239—241, 246, 257, 266, 279, 282, 286 | Polyanin A., Manzhirov A.V. — Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists | 1053 | Devlin K.J. — Language of Mathematics: Making the Invisible Visible | 296 | Kohonen T. — Self-organizing maps | 12 | Kanatani K. — Statistical Optimization for Geometric Computation: Theory and Practice | 68 | MacNeil D.B. — Modern Mathematics for the Practical Man | 109 | Tanigawa Y. — Number Theory: Tradition and Modernization | 70, 74 | Buhlmann H., Berger M. (Ed) — Mathematical Methods in Risk Theory | 5, 18 | Nickerson R. — Cognition and Chance The Psychology of Probabilistic Reasoning | 242, 245 | Ben-Zvi D. — The Challenge of Developing Statistical Literacy, Reasoning and Thinking | see distribution | Szekely G.J. — Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics | I/10, IV/9 | Oksendal B. — Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction With Applications | 12, 305—307 | Granville A. (ed.), Rudnick Z. (ed.) — Equidistribution in Number Theory, an Introduction | 16 | Lawless J.F. — Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data | 21, 24, 230 | Lange K. — Optimization | 233—236 | Ghosh Sujit K., Mallick Bani K., Dey Dipak K. — Generalized Linear Models: A Bayesian Perspective | 390 | Malliaris A.G., Brock W.A. — Stochastic methods in economics and finance | 6 | Gleick J. — Chaos. Making a new science | 84 | Goldberg M.A. (ed.) — Solution Methods for Integral Equations | 186 | Bolstad W.M. — Introduction to Bayesian Statistics | 131 | Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration | 617,618,655 | Shiryaev A., Peskir G. — Optimal Stopping and Free-Boundary Problems | 105 | Packel E. — The Mathematics of Games and Gambling | 73 | Khuri A.I. — Advanced calculus with applications in statistics | 120, 306 | Stone C.J.D. — Course in Probability and Statistics | 145—155, 766—767. See also Standard normal distribution. | Smith S.W. — Digital Signal Processing | see “Gaussian” | Barlow R. — Statistics: A Guide and Reference to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences | see Gaussian distribution | Hartl D.L., Jones E.W. — Genetics: Principles and Analysis | 673—675 | Spiegel M.R., Stephens L.J. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of statistics | 92, 105, 106, 156—158, 165—172 | Kadanoff L.P. — Statistical physics | 42 | Kerker M. — The scattering of light | 353 | Najim K., Ikonen E., Daoud A.-K. — Stochastic processes. Estimation, optimization and analysis | 67, 99, 117, 154, 231, 297, 302, 326 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) | 56, 122, 384, 565 | Vapnik V. — Estimation of dependences based on empirical data | see “Gaussian distribution” | Dorlas T.C. — Statistical mechanics, fundamentals and model solutions | 234, 235 | Hull J.C. — Options, futures and other derivatives | 234, 709, 722—723 | Bowman K.O., Shenton L.R. — Continued Fractions in Statistical Applications | 51 | Fukunaga K. — Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition | see Distribution, normal | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 341.D, 397.D, App. A, Table 22 | Gnedenko B.V., Kolmogorov A.N. — Limit Distributions for Sums of Independent Random Variables | 3 | Fundamentals of engineering. Supplied-reference handbook | 9 | Takezawa K. — Introduction to Nonparametric Regression | 10, 16, 124, 125, 128, 227, 286, 360, 361, 368, 390, 407, 414, 444, 523 | Kakosyan A.V., Klebanov L.B., Melamed J.A. — Characterization of Distributions by the Method of Intensively Monotone Operators | 23 | Jahne B. — Digital Image Processing | 90 | Zauderer E. — Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics | see “Gaussian distribution” | Michie D., Spiegelhalter D.J., Taylor C.C. — Machine learning, neural and statistical classification | 20 | Krause A., Olson M. — The basics of S-plus | 208 | Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering | 633, 651 | Higham N.J. — Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms | 3 | Greenberg M.D. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 984 | Wolf-Gladrow D.A. — Lattice-gas cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann models | 154 | Berry D.A., Fristedt B. — Bandit problems | 10, 24, 129, 175, 179, 220, 224, 258 | Aven O.I., Coffman E.G., Kogan Y.A. — Stochastic Analysis of Computer Storage | 92, 93 | David H., Nagaraja H. — Order Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) | see also “Bivariate normal distribution”; “Multivariate normal distribution” | Afifi A.A., Clark V. — Computer-Aided Multivariate Analysis | 54—55, 131 | Kubo R., Toda M., Hashitsume N. — Statistical physics II. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics | 8, 9, 12, 22 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 1. Fundamental algorithms) | 102, 103 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms) | 54, 71, 117—127, 129, 130, 134—135, 368 | Bhattacharya R.N., Rao R.R. — Normal Approximation and Asymptotic Expansions | 50 | Norman G.R., Streiner D. — Biostatistics: the bare essentials | 19, 23—28 | Barlow R.E., Proschan F. — Mathematical Theory of Reliability | 2, 11, 16 | Lyons R.G. — Understanding Digital Signal Processing | 325 | Kubo R. — Statistical Mechanics: An Advanced Course with Problems and Solutions | 384 | Bardou F., Bouchaud J., Aspect A. — Levy statistics and laser cooling | see “Gaussian distribution” | Montgomery D.C. — Introduction to Statistical Quality Control | 61, 62, 65, 78, 88, 216, 237, 339 | Balakrishnan N. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Advances in Reliability | 409 | Aczel J. — Lectures on functional equations and their applications | 106 | Saaty T.L. — Elements of Queueing theory with applications | 65 | Baglivo J.A. — Mathematica Laboratories for Mathematical Statistics: Emphasizing Simulation and Computer Intensive Methods | 35 | Pope S.B. — Turbulent Flows | 45-46, 47 | Shohat J. — The problem of moments | ix | Huang K. — Introduction to Statistical Physics | 244 | Billingsley P. — Probability and Measure | 263, 264, 273, 20.19, 20.22, 281, 286, 354, 358, 366, 28.13, 28.14, 397 | Searle S.R. — Matrix algebra useful for statistics | 352 | Aczel J., Dhombres J. — Functional equations in several variables with applications to mathematics, information theory and to the natural and social sciences | 32, 370 | Spiegel M.R. — Schaum's mathematical handbook of formulas and tables | 189 | Bracewell R.N. — The Fourier Transform and its applications | 58 | Lipschutz S. — Schaum's Outline of Probability | 106 | Antia H.M. — Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers | 395, 398, 399, 405, 411 | Maddala G.S. — Introduction to Econometrics | 19 | Fersht A. — Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science | 210 | Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 1026, 1047—1057, 1062—1067, A98 | Kotz S., Johnson N.L. — Breakthroughs in Statistics: Volume 1: Foundations and Basic Theory | 14, 37, 86, 101, 118, 202, 241, 276, 283, 342, 407, 523, 551, 563, 566 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 1 Fundàmental algorithms) | 104, 122 | Bowman A.W., Azzalini A. — Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis: The Kernel Approach with S-Plus Illustrations | 23, 33, 36, 39, 40, 42, 46, 75, 77, 87, 163, 170, 171 | Graybill F.A. — Matrices with Applications in Statistics | Sec. 10.3 | Bow S.-T. — Pattern recognition and image preprocessing | 93 | Emanuel Parzen — Stochastic processes (Classics in Applied Mathematics) | 14, 15, 17, 19—21, 54, 60, 91, 93, 95, 96, 141, 169 | Arwini K. — Information Geometry: Near Randomness and Near Independence | 9 | Cotterill R.M.J. — Biophysics: An Introduction | 376 | Kolchin V.F. — Random Graphs | 9 | Maritz J.S., Lwin T. — Empirical Bayes Methods With Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs On Statistics & Applied Probability) | 7, 33, 90, 109, 115, 122, 182, 211, 243 | Miller K.S. — Complex stochastic processes | 36 | Gordon H. — Discrete Probability | 149 | Roe B.P. — Probability and Statistics in Experimental Physics | (see Distributions, normal) | Efron B. — Large-Scale Inference. Empirical Bayes Methods for Estimation, Testing, and Prediction | 3, 16, 84, 139, 153, 213 | Trefethen L.N., Bau D. — Numerical Linear Algebra | 96, 171, 240 | Cantu-Paz E. — Efficient and accurate parallel genetic algorithms | 18, 28, 83, 106 | Balakrishnan N. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Order Statistics - Theory and Methods | 17, 26, 28, 30—32, 37—39, 41, 43—45, 99, 137, 138, 151—153, 155, 173, 174, 272—274, 292, 297, 305—307, 321-323, 325, 348, 354, 362, 388, 394, 442, 447, 449, 453—459, 467, 468, 470, 472—174, 479, 489, 493, 495, 498, 503, 505, 506, 509, 510, 518, 524, 525, 532, 537, 543, 547, 554, 555, 595, 600, 661, 672, 673 | Wilkinson L., Wills G., Rope D. — The Grammar aof Graphics | 457 | Berg C., Christensen J.P., Ressel P. — Harmonic Analysis On Semigroups | 190 | Hubbard J.R. — Theory and Problems of Programming with C++ | 152 | Thompson W.J. — Computing for Scientists and Engineers: A Workbook of Analysis, Numerics, and Applications | see Gaussian distribution | Tsang L., Kong J.A., Ding K.- H. — Scattering of electromagnetic waves (Vol 1. Theories and applications) | 133 | Wilmott P., Howison S., Dewynne J. — The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives : A Student Introduction | 22, 50 | Spiegel M.R. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of probability and statistics | 109—111, 124—127 | Kotz S. — Breakthroughs in Statistics (volume 3) | 371, 415 | Efron B. — Large-Scale Interference. Empirical Bayes Methods for Estimation, Testing, and Prediction | 3, 16, 84, 139, 153, 213 | Graham J., Baldock R. — Image processing and analysis. A practical approach | 115 | van Dijk N. — Handbook of Statistics 16: Order Statistics: Theory & Methods | 17, 26, 28, 30-32, 37-39, 41, 43-45, 99, 137, 138, 151-153, 155, 173, 174, 272-274, 292, 297, 305-307, 321-323, 325, 348, 354, 362, 388, 394, 442, 447, 449, 453-459, 467, 468, 470, 472-474, 479, 489, 493, 495, 498, 503, 505, 506, 509, 510, 518, 524, 525, 532, 537, 543, 547, 554, 555, 595, 600, 661, 672, 673 | Rektorys K. — Survey of applicable mathematics | 1252-3 | Bloomfield P., Steiger W. — Least Absolute Deviations | 65, 104 | Marmanis H., Babenko D. — Algorithms of the intelligent web | 242 | Balakrishnan N., Rao C.R. — Handbook of Statistics (Vol. 17): Order Statistics: Applications | 62, 127, 128, 131—133, 159, 160, 163, 164, 166—170, 174, 201, 207, 217—221, 223, 226, 227, 246, 247, 269, 297, 340, 342, 446, 456, 460, 461, 463, 475, 477, 480, 484, 486, 488, 491, 492, 498, 500, 504, 505, 507 | Bracewell R. — The Fourier Transform and Its Applications | 58 | Anderson T.W. (ed.), Fang K.T. (ed.), Olkin I. (ed.) — Multivariate Analysis and Its Applications | 76, 134, 177, 203, 263 | Bird G.A. — Molecular gas dynamics and the direct simulation of gas flows | 9 | Ralston A., Wilf H.S. — Mathematical methods for digital computers | 255 | Riley, Hobson — Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering | see "Gaussian (normal) distribution" | Adler R.J. — Geometry of random fields | see "Gaussian" | Gelman A., Carlin J.B., Stern H.S. — Bayesian data analysis | 574, 578 | Gnedenko B.V., Kolmogorov A.N., Chung K.L. — Limit Distributions for Sums of Independent Random Variables. Revised Edition | 3 | McEvily A.J. — Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention | 153 | Haken H. — Synergetics: an introduction | 37 | Chase R.B., Jacobs E.R. — Operations management for competitive advantage | 348 | Franklin G.F., Workman M.L., Powell J.D. — Digital Control of Dynamic Systems | 521, 714 | Hamming R.W. — Art of Probability for Scientists and Engineers | 208 | DeGroot M.H. — Optimal statistical decisions | 37, 263 | Dynkin E.B., Yushkevich A.A. — Markov processes; theorems and problems | 40 | Hamming R.W. — Numerical Methods For Scientists And Engineers | 34 | Lena P., Lebrun F. — Observational Astrophysics (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library Series) | 439 | Mitchell T.M. — Machine Learning | 133, 139—140, 143, 151, 165 | Grimmett G., Welsh D. — Probability: An Introduction | 63, 67, 85, 87, 98, 99, 114, 131 | Taylor J.R. — An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements | 129—135 | Rektorys K. (ed.) — Survey of Applicable Mathematics | 1252—1253 | Mathews J., Walker R.L. — Mathematical methods of physics | 378 | Ash R. — Basic probability theory | see Distribution | Bickel P., Doksum K. — Mathematical statistics | 464, see "Gaussian" | Macmillan N., Creelman D. — Detection Theory: A User's Guide | 35, 320—322, 348—349, 374—378 | Hobbie R., Roth B. — Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, | 568 | Jurik M. (ed.) — Computerized Trading: Maximizing Day Trading and Overnight Profits | 263 | Devroye L. — Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation | 379 | Berger J.O. — Statistical decision theory and bayesian analysis | 559, see also "Normal mean" | Kotz S., Johnson N.L. — Breakthroughs in Statistics: Volume 2: Methodology and Distribution | 24, 493, 544, 553, 554 | Paulos J.A. — A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market | 122, 139 | Strang G. — Introduction to Applied Mathematics | 141, 537, 539 | Ashby N., Miller S.C. — Principles of modern physics | 35 | Bates Douglas M., Watts Donald G. — Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) | 2, 25 | Kuo H.-H. — Gaussian Measures in Banach Spaces | 56, 93 | Cooper R.B. — Introduction to queueing theory | 290 | Chernick M.R., Friis R.H. — Introductory Biostatistics for the Health Sciences : Modern Applications Including Bootstrap | 60, 121 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications | 535 | Richard A. DeFusco CFA, McLeavey D.W., Runkle D.E. — Quantitative Methods For Investment Analysis | 250—257 | Hartmann A.K., Rieger H. — Optimization Algorithms in Physics | 330 | Zeidler E. — Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics | 77 | Hamilton J.D. — Time Series Analysis | 745—746, 748—749, 751—752 | Smith W.J. — Modern Lens Design: A Resource Manual | 437 | Rektorys K. — Survey of Applicable Mathematics.Volume 2. | II 714 | Hassani S. — Mathematical Methods: for Students of Physics and Related Fields | 806—809 | Gullberg J. — Mathematics: from the birth of numbers | 979 | Haile J.M. — Molecular Dyanmics Simualtion: Elementary Methods | see "Gaussian distribution" | Haile J.M. — Molecular Dyanmics Simualtion: Elementary Methods | see "Gaussian distribution" | Rice J.A. — Mathematical statistics and data analysis | 53 | Ripley B.D. — Stochastic Simulation | 5, 54, 60, 65, 67, 82ff, 92, 228ff | Vanmarcke Erik — Random Fields : Analysis and Synthesis | 47, see also "Gaussian" | Stein S. — Strength In Numbers: Discovering the Joy and Power of Mathematics in Everyday Life | 179 | Krane K.S. — Introductory nuclear physics | see "Gaussian distribution" | Ñåðãèåíêî À.Á. — Öèôðîâàÿ îáðàáîòêà ñèãíàëîâ. Ó÷åáíèê äëÿ âóçîâ. | 66 | Yao W-M — Review of particle physics | 299 | Falconer K. — Fractal geometry: mathematical foundations and applications | 23, 260 | Clarke C.L.A., Cormack G.V. — Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines | 417 | Mathews J., Walker R.L. — Mathematical Methods of Physics | 378 | Hogg R.V., Craig A.T. — Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 138, 143, 147, 208, 214, 247, 381, 446 | Epps T. — Quantitative Finance: Its Development, Mathematical Foundations, and Current Scope | 46, 143 | Stein S. — Strength In Numbers: Discovering the Joy and Power of Mathematics in Everyday Life | 179 | Honerkamp J. — Statistical physics: an advanced approach with applications | 10 | Nievergelt J., Farrar J.C., Reingold E.M. — Computer approaches to mathematical problems | 152, 158 | Chvatal V. — Linear programming | 220 | Billingsley P. — Convergence of Probability Measures | 24 | Knuth D.E. — Selected papers on discrete mathematics | 577, 753, 768 |