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Kubo R. — Statistical Mechanics: An Advanced Course with Problems and Solutions |
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-function 168 222
-space 4
-transition 239 309
-space 4 363
(absolute) activity 23 83 192 247 286
Abnormal system 99 147
Acceptor 237 254 256 273 283
Additivity of entropy 17 188
Adiabatic compressibility 382
Adiabatic invariant 14
Adiabatic process 14 58 60 63
Adiabatic theorem 14 76
Adsorbing surface 133 150 204 223
Adsorption center 133 150
Alloy 309 321 323 326 338 347
Alloy, A B-type 307 315 322
Alloy, order-disorder change of alloys 307
Alloy, partition function for binary alloy 326 327
Anharmonic oscillator 135 156 203
Anharmonic term 219
Anomalous heatcapacity 331 338
Anomalous specific heat 41
Antiferromagnetic crystal 322
Antiferromagnetic material 325 344 346
Antiferromagnetic spin ordering 344
Antiferromagnetism 308
Antisymmetric wave function 182 186
Asymptotic evaluation 106 107
Average energy 26 40
Average field 309
Average number density 326 341
Average potential 309
Average value of a dynamical quantity 111
Average, time 63
Background electrons 327
Band structure see “Energy bands”
band theory 245
Band, conduction 236 246 256 265 271 283 287
Band, filled 236 254
Band, valence 236 254
Becker, R. 374
Bernoulli’s formula 32 65
Bethe’s approximation 321 328 358
Binomial distribution 399
Binomial theorem 73
Birkhoff 87
Black body 146
Bogolyubov 216
Bohr — van Leeuwen theorem 138
Bohr-magneton 138 150 255 256
Boltzmann 123 126
Boltzmann ( — Maxwell) distribution 30 231
Boltzmann equation 363—365 371 372 377 378 393 409—412
Boltzmann statistics 30 60 85 92 150 183 239 255 269 280
Boltzmann, linearization of, equation 366
Bose gas, chemical potential of 248 275
Bose gas, ideal 30 238 248 254 257 259 288 291 298
Bose gas, internal energy of 257
Bose gas, partition function of 298
Bose gas, specific heat of 450
Bose gas, thermodynamic properties of 257 288
Bose gas, weak degeneracy of 239
Bose — Einstein condensation 239 248 254 259 292
Bose — Einstein condensation, critical temperature of 249
Bose — Einstein statistics 9 28 53 60 62 94 182 238 275
Bose-distribution 29 238
Bose-particle 29 186 239
Bose-system, degeneracy of 239
Boson 29 186 239
Boson, state density of free 248
Bragg-Williams’ approximation 305 315 321 323 331 333 335
Brillouin function 149
Broglie, de, wavelength 84 85
Brownian motion 275 378 400 402 416
Bulk viscosity 378 410
Callen H.B. 416
Canonical (conjugate) momentum 140 200
canonical ensemble see “Distribution”
Canonical ensemble, partition function of 22
Canonical equation of motion 2
Cauchy’s Theorem 125 166
Central limit theorem 105
Centrifugal force 140
Chainmolecule 134 135 153 156 159
Chaos see “Molecular chaos”
Chapman’s relation 412
Charged particles 63 309
Charged particles, distribution of 309
Charged particles, system of, density matrix of 139 180
Charged particles, system of, entropy of 63
Charged particles, system of, Hamiltonian of 138
Charged particles, system of, Hemholtz free energy of 100
chemical potential 17 23 30 133 224 269 403 “Bose “Photon
Chemical reaction 357
Chemical reaction, equilibrium constant of 202 211 222
Classical limit 6 9 30 139 181 183 231 255 278
Classical statistics see “Boltzmann statistics”
Clausius 51
Closed shell 184
Cluster 191
Cluster expansion 183 190
Cluster, (irreducible), integral 191 205 227
Cohen E.G.D. 216
Cole-Cole plot 409
Collision term 388
Collision, average duration of 362
Collision, collision 362
Colloidal particles 276 378 400
Compressibility of ideal Fermi gas 253 268
Compressibility, adiabatic 382
Compressibility, isothermal 165 377 399
Condensation, Bose — Einstein 239 248 254 259 292
Conduction band 236 246 256 265 271 283 287
Conduction band, state density of 372
Conduction electron 243 254 256
Conductivity see “Electric conductivity” “Heat
Conductor 310 415
Configurational partition function 109
Configurational probability distribution 109
Conjugate force 109
Conjugate momentum 2 112 140—142 200
Conservative system 2
Contact, material transferring 12 16 44 48
Contact, mechanical 12
Contact, pressure transmitting 13 17
Contact, thermal 12 15 46 48
Convolution (folding) property 103
Cooperative phenomenon 307 321
Coordinate representation 129 259 295
Coordinate representation of density matrix 129 178 295
Coordinate representation of Schroedinger equation 178
Coriolis’ force 144
Correlation function 312 325 377 378 398 400
Correlation function of electric current 381
Correlation, spatial 325 342
Correlation, velocity 414
Covariance matrix 383 384
Covering ratio 62
Cramer 105
Critical temperature 307 308 315 321 338
Critical temperature of Bose — Einstein condensation 249 (see also “Temperature”)
Cross-section 141 363 369 387 416
Cross-section, differential 364
Crystal 203 234
Crystal imperfection of Frenkel type 90
Crystal lattice 160
Crystal, antiferromagnetic 322
Crystal, ferromagnetic 313
Crystal, heatcapacity of 136
Crystal, imperfect 61 90
| Crystal, molecular 338
Crystal, paramagnetic 309
Crystal, perfect 61 90
Crystalline mixture 337
Cubic expansion coefficient 164
Curie point 322 328 356
Curie temperature 307 313 314
Curie temperature for para- and ferromagnetism 315 331
Curie — Weiss law 315 333
Curie’s constant 315
Curie’s law 150 333
Cyclic permutation 296
Dalton’s law 56 64
Darwin 104
Debye 115 136
Debye (screening) length 319 340
Debye frequency 116 161
Debye model, theory 116 118 136
Debye — Hueckel theory 310 324
Debye’s equation 409
Debye’s screening constant 353
Degeneracy 202 248 252 253 255 278
Degeneracy in Bose system 239
Degeneracy of lowest electronic state 187
Degeneracy of nuclear spin states 184 187 221
Degeneracy of rotational states 185 206
Degeneracy temperature 265 327 364
Degeneracy, non, condition 30 183 228
Degeneracy, non, of conduction electrons 244
Degeneracy, spin 247 269
Degeneracy, weak, of Bose gas 257
Degenerate Fermi gas 265 267
Degenerate Fermi system 231 232
Degenerate particles 365
Degenerate, non-electron gas 256 327 364 377
Density distribution 131 143
Density distribution in rotating coordinate system 131 143
Density matrix for canonical distribution or ensemble 111 128 138 139 174—178 181
Density matrix for Fermi gas 259 295
Density matrix for harmonic oscillators 139
Density matrix for system of charged particles 139 180
Density matrix, coordinate representation of 129 178 295
Density matrix, for microcanonical distribution or ensemble 111 128 138 175
Density of electrons 324 339
Density of states 8 15 44 57 67 76 96 102 137 165 168 229 233 382
Density of states for free bosons 248
Density of states of conduction band 372
Density of states of electrons 251 252 263
Diagram 191
Diagram, irreducible 227
Diagram, reducible 227
dielectric constant 113 311 318 379 408
Dielectric medium 311
Diffraction, neutron 307 309
Diffusion constant or coefficient 369 374 379 400 402
Dipole, electric 113 126 379
Dipole, rigid 137 169
Dipoles, interaction of two 169
Dispersion Formula 136 160
Dissipation-fluctuation theorem 374 416
Dissipative process 417
Dissociation energy 202 212 223
Dissociation reaction 198 202
Dissociative equilibrium 247
distribution see “Partition function”
Distribution function 4 109 312
Distribution function, electron 380 404
Distribution function, n-body (reduced) 110 204 312 324 328
Distribution function, orientational 379
Distribution function, spectral 160 161
Distribution in number of particles 23
Distribution in volume 24
Distribution of charged particles 309
Distribution, binomial 94 399
Distribution, Boltzmann ( — Maxwell) 30 231
Distribution, Bose 29 238
Distribution, canonical 21 46 60 102 360
Distribution, density 131 143
Distribution, electronic 327 352
Distribution, Fermi 29 229 247 265 373
Distribution, Gaussian 21 57 74 375
Distribution, generalized canonical 23 109
Distribution, grand canonical see “T- distribution”
Distribution, Maxwell 5
Distribution, microcanonical 4—6 63 95 360
Distribution, normal 384
Distribution, Poisson 57 60 74
Distribution, probability, of fluctuations 366
Distribution, T- 23 60—63 84 91 247 375
Distribution, T-p 24 46 60 375
Donor 237 246 254 256 257 271 273 283 287
Doppler broading 56 66
Dorub 322
Drift term 364
Drude’s electron theory 245 391
Dulong — Petit’s law 118 136 161 245 253
Duration of a collision, average 362
Dynamical quantity or variable 1 3 111
effective mass 237 243 246 256 372 378
Ehrenfest 216
Eigenvalue 129
Eigenvalue equation 26 397
Eigenvector 111
Einstein 276
Einstein relation 402
Einstein’s model 118 120 134
Elastic energy 395
Elastic waves 120 160
Electric conductivity (tensor) 254 363 371—374 377 381 391—394
Electric Dipole 113 126 379
Electric displacement 115 311 379 407
Electric polarization 113 379 407
Electric, condition of, neutrality 254 270 273 284 310
Electrolyte 324
Electromagnetic vector potential 138 171
Electromagnetic wave 120 122 145 251
Electron 29 85
Electron distribution function 380 404
Electron gas, degenerate 258 259 289 327 371
Electron gas, degenerate, free energy of 269
Electron gas, degenerate, non degenerate 256 327 364 377
Electron gas, degenerate, specific heat of 278 255
Electron spin 257
Electron, background 327
Electron, bound 245
Electron, conduction 243 254 256
Electron, density of 324 339
Electron, free 245
Electron, state density of 251 252 263
Electron, valence 253
Electronic charge 116
Electronic distribution 327 352
Electronic energy band 233 234 254 269
Electronic partition function 198 210
Electronic state 184 202 219 244
Electronic, degeneracy of lowest, state 184 187
Electron’s, nondegenerate 377
energy bands 233 234 254 269
Energy gap 236 243 283
Energy, average 26 40
Energy, microscopic see “Hamiltonian”
Ensemble see “Distribution”
Enthalpy 82
entropy 7 18 60 323 382
Entropy of 1-dimensol chain 59 77
Entropy of mixing 188 327 336
Entropy of normal system 11
Entropy, additivity of entropy 17 188
Entropy, generalized definition of 31
Entropy, increase of 17 58 76
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