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Kubo R. — Statistical Mechanics: An Advanced Course with Problems and Solutions |
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Oscillation see “Zero point oscillation”
Oscillator see “Harmonic oscillator” “Anharmonic
Osmotic pressure 375
Oxtoby 87
Pair interaction 189
Para-deuterium 187
Para-hydrogen 187 201 208 210
Parallel susceptibility 325
Paramagnetic crystal 309
Paramagnetic substance 150
Paramagnetic susceptibility 252—255 263 266 267 278 313 314 322
Paramagnetism, spin 245 307
Partition function 45
Partition function and thermodynamic functions 25
Partition function for a single harmonic oscillator 123
Partition function for binary alloy 326 327
Partition function for composite system 108
Partition function for electron system 247
Partition function for generalized canonical distribution 109
Partition function for individual spin 50
Partition function for Ising spin system 355
Partition function for one particle 31 183 221
Partition function for photon gas 251
Partition function for symmetrical top 203
Partition function for system of harmonic oscillators 59 80 116
Partition function for T- distribution 23
Partition function for T-p distribution 24 47 171
Partition function for two phases in equilibrium 135
Partition function, canonical 22 102
Partition function, classical configurational 109
Partition function, electronic 198 210
Partition function, internal 184 206
Partition function, rotational 115 185 200 206 208 213 217
Partition function, translational 189
Partition function, vibrational 185 218
Partition of energy 15
Partition of volume 17
Pauli 245
Pauli principle 265 266 365
Pauli spin operators 138 173
Perfect black body 133
Perfect crystal 61 90
Perfect disorder 308
Perfect gas see “Ideal gas”
Perfect, entropy of, crystal 91
Perfect, perfect ordering 308
Periodic boundary conditions 69
Permutation operator 182
Permutation, cyclic 296
Perpendicular susceptibility 325
Phase average 63
Phase change 302
phase diagram 335
Phase equilibrium 133 134
Phase integral 9 35 78
Phase orbit 2
Phase point 2
Phase space 2
Phase transition 138 152
Phase transition of second order 239
Phase transition, rotational 338
Phase volume 126 (see also “Density of states”)
Phase, quantization of, space 9
Phase, trajectory of, point 57 67 87
Phases, equilibrium condition for two 134 153
Photo current 256
Photo-electric effect 256 283
Photon 29 250 256 281
Photon gas, chemical potential of 250
Photon gas, chemical potential of, partition function of 251
Photon gas, chemical potential of, thermodynamic properties of 254 274
Photon, polarization of 274
Planck 245
Planck’s law 136 159
Planck’s radiation formula 120
Plane wave 180
Poincare 215
Poisson distribution 57 60 74
Poisson equation 60 309 351
Polarization 120
Polarization of photon 274
Polarization, electric 113 379 407
Polarization, plane of 119
Polyatomic molecule 187 201
Polymer 159 326 349
Positron 29 85
Pound 148
Pressure 27 32 52 56 64 325 343
Pressure tensor 389 410
Prigogine 216 374
probability density 4
Proton 29 85
Purcell 148
q-representation see “Coordinate representation”
Quantization of phase space 9
Quasi-chemical approximation see “Bethe’s approximation”
Quasi-ergodic theorem 87 215
Radial distribution function see “Correlation function”
Radiation formula, Planck’s 120
Radiation formula, Rayleigh — Jeans 122 245
Radiation formula, Wien’s 122
Radiation law, Planck’s 136 159
Radiation pressure 145
Ramsey, N.F. 148
Random walk problem 400
Randomness 307
Rarefield gas 376 379 380 405 410
Rarefield gas, viscosity of 376 389
Rayleigh — Jeans radiation formula 122 245
Reciprocity relations 373 404
Recurrence theorem 215
Reduced distribution function see “Distribution function”
Reduced mass 215
Reducible diagram 227
Refractive index 136 159 387
Relativistic effects 257 289
Relativistic Fermi gas 257—259 288—291
Relativistic mechanics 82
Relaxation function 379
Relaxation time 254 379 380
Rest mass 258 290
Richardson formula 245
Riemann -function 233
Rotating coordinate system 131 142
Rotating coordinate system, density distribution in 131 143
Rotational characteristic temperature 187 202
Rotational partition function 115 185 200 206 208 213 217
Rotational phase transition 338
Rotational, degeneracy of, states 185 206
Rotational, Hamiltonian for, motion 115
Rotator 185 200
Rotator, Hamiltonian of a 200
Saddle point method 104 108 125 128 137 168
Scatterer 362 364
Schottky type anomaly in specific heat 41
| Schottky type imperfection 61
Schroedinger equation 28 68
Schroedinger equation in q-representation 178
Screening constants of Debye, Thomas — Fermi, and Mot 353
Screening length 319 340
Self consistent molecular field see “Molecular field”
Semi conductor 233 254 256 377
Semi conductor, impurity 236
Semi conductor, intrinsic 236 243 286
Semi conductor, N-type 236 246
Semi conductor, P-type 237
Shear viscosity see “Viscosity”
Smoluchowski 276
Smoluchowski equation 378
Solid 362
Solvent molecules 310 326 375
Sommerfeld, electron theory of 245
Space charge 318 324
Spatial correlation 325 342
Special relativity, theory of 131
Specific heat of ideal Fermi gas 253 267
Specific heat of nearly ideal gas 205 226
Specific heat of para- and ortho-hydrogen 210
Specific heat of system of oscillators 218
Specific heat, rotational 210
Spectral distribution (function) 160 161
Spin see “Electron nuclear spin” “Ising
Spin degeneracy 247 269
Spin paramagnetism 245 307
Spin temperature 148
Spin waves 160
Spin, anti-ferromagnetic, ordering 344
Spin, negative absolute temperature of, system 99 147
Spin, partition function for individual 50
Spin, Pauli, operator 138 173
Spontaneous magnetization 304 307 322 325 331 343
State density 8 15 44 57 69 76 96 102 137 165 168 229 233 283
State density of a classical harmonic oscillator 137 168
State density of conduction band 372
State density of electrons 251 252 263
State density of free bosons 248
State, electronic 184 187 202 219 244
State, macroscopic 7
State, most probable 19
State, one-particle 28
State, stationary 3
State, thermal equilibrium state 5 15
Statistical ensemble see “Distribution”
Steepest descent see “Saddle point method”
Stefan — Boltzmann constant 146 274
Stefan — Boltzmann’s law 123
Stirling’s formula 35
Stochastic theory 276
Stochastic variable 378
Stosszahlansatz 216 362
Sublattice 307 316 322
susceptibility see “Magnetic susceptibility”
Susceptibility, parallel 325
Susceptibility, pependicular 325
Symmetric wave function 182 186
Symmetrical top 203
Symmetry number 187 219 327
Symmetry, inversion 338
T- -distribution see “Distribution”
T-p-distribution see “Distribution”
Takahashi, H. 417
Temperature gradient 370 402 404 410
Temperature, characteristic, for intra-molecular vibrations 197
Temperature, critical 307 308 315 321 338
Temperature, critical, for Bose — Einstein condensation 249
Temperature, Curie see “Curie”
Temperature, degeneracy 265 327 364
Temperature, local 379
Temperature, Neel 309 325 344
Temperature, negative absolute 99 147
Temperature, Rotational characteristic 187 202
Temperature, spin 148
Temperature, statistical 11
Temperature, thermo-dynamic 18
Temperature, Transition 321 323 328 334 355
Temperature, Vibrational characteristic 197
thermal conductivity see “Heat conductivity”
Thermal fluctuation 417
Thermal noise 416
Thermal radiation 123 132 136 146
Thermionic current 254 268
Thomas — Fermi screening constant 353
Thouless, D. 397
Time correlation function 381
Transition temperature see “Temperature”
Translational partition function 189
Transport coefficients 363
Transport of momentum 363 376
Transport phenomena 363
Turbidity 387
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 322
Uncertainty in energy 7 42
Uncertainty principle 2 147
Unitary transformation 175
Valence band 236 254
Valence electron 253
Vector potential 138 171
Velocity correlation 414
Velocity gradient 388
Vibrational modes 116 120 136 160 163 251 302
Vibrational modes degrees of freedom 219
Vibrational modes partition function 185 218
Vibrational modes quantum levels 185
Vibrational modes, characteristic temperature for 202 219
Virial 33
Virial coefficients 183 204 222 329 360
Virial expansion 193
Virial expansion of ideal quantum gas 259 293 294
Virial theorem 33 132 144 202 216 325
viscosity 369 379 410
Viscosity of rarefied gas 376 389
Viscous forces 363 376
Vleck’s, van, model 322 325
Waals, van der, equation 322
Waals, van der, force 189
Waals, van der, radius of atom 369
Wave functipn, symmetric and antisymmetric 182 186
Wax 276
Weight, principle of equal 5 15 173 302
Weight, thermodynamic 7 42 62
Weissfield 303
Welton 416
Westgren 276
Wiedeman — Franzlaw 404
Wien’s radiation formula 122
X-ray diffraction 307
Zeeman levels 147
Zermelo 215
zero point energy 89 120 161 198 202 212
Zero point oscillation 89 224
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