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Falconer K. — Fractal Geometry. Mathematical Foundations and applications
Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå
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Íàçâàíèå: Fractal Geometry. Mathematical Foundations and applications
Àâòîð: Falconer K.
Àííîòàöèÿ: An accessible introduction to fractals, useful as a text or reference. Part I is concerned with the general theory of fractals and their geometry, covering dimensions and their methods of calculation, plus the local form of fractals and their projections and intersections. Part II contains examples of fractals drawn from a wide variety of areas of mathematics and physics, including self-similar and self-affine sets, graphs of functions, examples from number theory and pure mathematics, dynamical systems, Julia sets, random fractals and some physical applications. Also contains many diagrams and illustrative examples, includes computer drawings of fractals, and shows how to produce further drawings for themselves.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1990
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 288
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.11.2004
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( -)well approximable numbers 141 190—191
( -)cover 25
( -)parallel body 4 41 113
(s-)capacity 66
(s-)energy 64
(s-)potential 64
1-set 73—77 79—80 86—87
Affine transformation 8 126
Affinity 8
Almost all 15
Almost everywhere 15
Almost surely 18
Analytic function 126 164 197—223
Area 13 26
Attractive orbit 209 223
Attractive point 197
Attractor 170 173—188
Autocorrelation 155—158 247
Autocorrelation function 156
Average 20
Avogadro's number 237
Baker's transformation 177 177—178 193—195
Ball 3
Basic interval 31 56
Basic set 116
Basin of attraction 171 203
Bi-lipschitz function 8 30 217
Bifurcation diagram 176
Bijection 6
Binary interval 15 33
Borel set 6
Boundary 5
Bounded variation 79
Box(-counting) dimension 38 38—49 41 255 259 267
Branching process 230
Brownian motion 33—34 237—253 238 239 265 268—270
Brownian motion, index- 245—248 246
Brownian motion, multiple points 243
Brownian surface 250 250—252
Cantor dust xvi 31
Cantor product 94 96
Cantor set, middle third xiii xiv 31—32 43 54 55 104 113 116 173
Cantor set, non-linear 124 140
Cantor set, random 225—230 235—236
Cantor set, uniform 58 95
Cantor target 96
Cat map 196
Central limit theorem 22 238
Chaos 171 173
Chaotic attractor 171
Characteristic function 248
Chernoff's theorem 261
Class 104—109 105 143—144
Closed ball 3
Closed set 5
Coastline 50 265
Codomain 6
Collage theorem 134—135
Compact set 5
Complement of a set 4
Composition of functions 7
Computer drawings 116—117 135 208 215—216 239 247—248 252
Conditional probability 18
Conformal mapping 126 222
Congruence 7 103—104
Conjugacy 204
Connected component 6
Connected set 6 233
Content, Minkowski 42
Content, s-dimensional 42
Continued fractions 139—141 140 144—145
Continuous function 9
contours 252
Contraction 113 113—136
Convergence 5 8
Convergence pointwise 10
Convergence uniform 10 16
Convex surface 165—167
Convolution theorem 67 157
Copper sulphate 267—272
Correlation 155—158 247 274
Covering lemma 60
Critical point 208 209 223
Cross section 185
cube 4
Curve 49 74
Curve, fractal 117 122
Curve, Jordan 49 74
Curve, rectifiable 74 74—78 166
Curve-free set 75 75—77
Curve-like set 75 75—77
Darcy's law 272
Data compression 132—137
Decomposition of 1-sets 73
Dendrite 215
Dense set 5
density 60—62 69 69—73 77 81—82 139
Density lower 69—77 70
Density upper 69—77 70
Derivative 9
Diameter 5 25
Difference of sets 4
Differentiability 9 77—79 146 159 165—167
Differentiability, continuous 9
Diffusion equation 270
Diffusion Limited Aggregation 267—272 277
Digital sundial 89—90
DIMENSION xix—xxi 36—53
Dimension box(-counting) 38 38—49 41 255 259 267
Dimension capacity 38
Dimension divider 36 49 49—50
Dimension entropy 38
Dimension function 33
Dimension of attractors and repellers 170—188 191—196
Dimension of graphs of functions 146—155
Dimension of intersections 101—110
Dimension of products 92—100
Dimension of projections 83—91
Dimension of random sets 224—231 237—253
Dimension of self-affine sets 99 126—133
Dimension of self-similar sets xix 117—123
Dimension print 50—52
Dimension, approximations to 267
Dimension, calculation of 54—68
Dimension, experimental estimation of 36—37 265—267
Dimension, finer definitions 33—34
Dimension, Fourier 67
Dimension, Hausdorff 28—33 29 37
Dimension, Hausdorff — Besicovitch 29
Dimension, information 38 260
Dimension, lower box(-counting) 38 38—49 41
Dimension, metric 38
Dimension, Minkowski 42
Dimension, modified box-counting 45—49 46
Dimension, one-sided 50
Dimension, packing 47 47—49
Dimension, similarity xix
Dimension, upper box(-counting) 38 38—49 41
Dimensionally homogeneous set 46
Diophantine approximation 108—109 141—14
Diophantine equations 145
Direct congruence 7
Distance set 168
Distribution of digits 34 138—139
Distribution, Gaussian 22
Distribution, multidimensional normal 241
Distribution, normal 22
Distribution, uniform 22
Domain 6
Duality 161—164
Dynamical systems 170—196 254 263
Dynamical systems, continuous 184—188
Dynamical systems, discrete 170 170—184 188—196
Egoroff's theorem 16
Electrical discharge 272
Electrolysis 267—272
Electrostatic potential 64 272—273
entropy 38 192 192—194 260
Euclidean distance 3
Euclidean space 3
Event space 17
Expectation 20
Expectation equation 227 230
Expectation, conditional 21
Experiment (probabilistic) 17
Experimental approach to fractals 36—37 263 265—267
Fatou set 198 198—223
Figure of eight 205
First return map 185
Fixed point 170 197
Fluid dynamics 273—276
Fourier series 188—190
Fourier transform 66 66—67 157—158
Fractal growth 267—272
Fractal, definition of xviii—xxii
Fractional Brownian motion 245—248
Full square 233
Function 6—10
Functional analysis 163—164
Gaussian distribution 22
General construction 56 56—60
Generator 122
Geometric measure theory 49 69—82
Graphs of functions 146 146—160 237
Gravitational potential 64 272—273
Group 167—168
Group of transformations 8 101—104
Growth 267—272
Hamilton's equations 190
Hamiltonian 190—191
Hausdorff dimension 28—33 29 37
Hausdorff dimension of a measure 192
Hausdorff measure 25 25—28
Hausdorff metric 114
Henon map 179—181 195
Heuristic calculation 31—32 117—118
Hoelder function 8 27—29 28 147 241 246 250
Homeomorphism 9 30
Horseshoe 178—179
Image 6
Image, encoding 132—137
Independence of events 18
Independence of random variables 19
Independent increments 238 248
Indifferent point 197
Infimum 4
Injection 6
integral 15—16
Integral geometry 109—110
Interior 5
Intermittency 274—276
Interpolation 154
Intersection 4 101—110 243
Intersection, large 104—109 143—144
interval 4
Invariance, geometric 37
Invariance, Lipschitz 37 217
Invariant measure 191 191—194
Invariant set 113 131—137 171—174 200 209
Invariant tori 190—191
Inverse function 7
Inverse image 6
Irregular point 70 73
Irregular set 70 70—82 86—87 164
Isometry 7
Isotropic 239
Iterated function scheme 113 131—137 171—174 209
Iterated venetian blind construction 88—90 165
Iteration 170—184 191—223
J-set 29 63 69—73 77 80
Jarnik's theorem 142—143 190
Jordan curve 49 74
Julia set xvii 197 197—223 204
Kakeya problem 161—164
Kam theorem 191
Koch curve see “von Koch curve”
Kolmogorov entropy 38
Kolmogorov model of turbulence 274
Laminar flow 274
Laplace's equation 271
Lebesgue density theorem 69
Lebesgue measure 12 15 26
Lebesgue measure, n-dimensional 12
Legendre transform pair 259
Length 12 26 74
Level sets 245 248 252
Liapounov exponents 191—194 192
LIMIT 5 6—10 8
Limit lower 8
Limit upper 8
Line set 161 161—164
Linear transformation 7
Lipschitz function 8 28 30
Lipschitz invariance 37 217
Local product 96 180 185
Local structure 69—82
Logarithmic density 38
Logarithms 10
Logistic map 173—176 195
Loop 205
Lorenz attractor 186
Lorenz equations 186
Mandelbrot set 204 204—217
Mapping 6
Martingale 228
Mass distribution 10—16 11
Mass distribution, construction by repeated subdivision 13—15
Mass distribution, principle 55
Mean 20
Mean value theorem 9
Measure 10 10—16
Measure net 33 62
Measure on a set 11
Measure, counting 12
Measure, Hausdorff 25 25—28
Measure, Lebesgue 12 15 26
Measure, Lebesgue n-dimensional 12
Measure, packing 47 47—49 81
Measure, restriction of 13
Minkowski content 42
Monotonicity 37
Montel's theorem 199
Moser's twist theorem 190
Multifractal measures 254—264
Multifractal spectrum 259 261
Multiple points 243
Natural fractals xxi 135 265—267
Navier — Stokes equation 186 273 276
Neighbourhood 5
Net measure 33 62
Newton's method 219—222
Normal distribution 22
Normal family 198 198—204
Normal family at a point 199
Normal numbers 138
Number theory 138—145
One-to-one correspondence 6
One-to-one function 6
Onto function 6
Open ball 3