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Bates Douglas M., Watts Donald G. — Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) |
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Abdollah, S. 306
Abruzzo, C.W. 74 273
Acceleration, array 236
Acceleration, in an arbitrary direction 239
Acceleration, normal 234
Acceleration, space dimension 234
Acceleration, tangential 234
Acceleration, vector 234
Accumulated data 96
Accumulated data, analysis by direct integration 98
Analysis of variance 29
Analysis of variance, nitrite example 110
Anderson, D.H. 172 182 282
Ansley, C.F. 23
Arcing 247
Armstrong, P.W. 69
Array, acceleration 236
Array, Hessian 233
Array, relative curvature 242
Array, second derivative 233
Array, transformation 251
Arrhenius relation 180 188
Assessing fit 23 26 29
Assessing fit, nitrite example 113 116
Assessing fit, nonlinear models 90
assumptions 23
Assumptions for least squares 5
Assumptions of correct model 24
Assumptions, additive disturbance 24 25
Assumptions, constant variance 25 26
Assumptions, disturbance 136
Assumptions, independence of disturbances 25
Assumptions, multiresponse 136
Assumptions, normal disturbances 25 91
Assumptions, planar 43 229 232 245 256
Assumptions, uniform coordinate 43 229 232 256
Assumptions, zero mean of disturbances 25
AUC (area under the curve) 180
Autocorrelation of residuals 93
Bache, C.A. 3 267
Bacon, D.W. 87 96 155 156
Bard, Y. 49 74 77 79 138 141 164 168
Bates, D.M. 49 86 141 144 145 147 171 178 217 233 244 246 249 254 255 259 260 261 300
Bayes, HPD region 7
Bayes, inference 7
Bayes, inference for nonlinear models 216
Beale, E.M.L. 225 232 233 261
Becker, R.A. 291
Belsley, D.A. 1 26
Bischoff, K.B. 168
Bliss, C.I. 205
Box, G.E.P. 1 3 7 24 27 28 42 70 81 93 94 122 123 124 125 127 131 134 135 137 138 139 140 147 148 155 156 157 161 213 218 220 261 272
Box, M.J. 125 129 164
Boyle, J.M. 316 317
Bright, P.B. 172 178
Brown, R. 310
Bunch, J.R. 13 81 145 156 244 289 295 302 316
Caracotsios, M. 68 69 168 179
Carr, N.L. 55 271
Carroll, R.J. 70 91
Chambers, J.M. 49 110 291
Chi-squared distribution 16
Chiong, M.A. 69
Cholesky decomposition 145
Cleveland, W.S. 110
Cochran, W.G. 123
Cole, K.S. 136
Cole, R.H. 136
Collinearity 78 80
Compansion 247
Compartment model 168
Compartment model, catenary 184
Compartment model, derivative with respect to parameter 178
Compartment model, mamillary 184
Compartment model, multiresponse estimation 188
Compartment model, practical considerations 179
Compartment model, sink 168
Compartment model, source 168
Compartment model, starting values 182
Compartment model, unidentifiable 181
Conditional likelihood 204
Conditionally linear model 129
Conditionally linear parameter 85
Confidence, band for response function 6 22
Confidence, geometry of interval 19 21
Confidence, geometry of region 17
Confidence, interval 6
Confidence, interval for expected response 6 22
Confidence, interval for parameter 21
Confidence, region 6
Confidence, region for nonlinear model 223
Constraint in multiresponse estimation 140
Constraint on parameter 77
Constraint, interval 77
Constraint, order 78
Conte, S.D. 69
Contour, likelihood 6 200
Contour, sum of squares 23 61
Convergence 40
Convergence, check 90
Convergence, criterion 49
Convergence, criterion for multiresponse estimation 145
Convergence, geometry 49
Convergence, orthogonality criterion 49
Convergence, practical considerations 86
Convergence, relative offset criterion 49
Convergence, to spurious optimum 154
Convergence, tolerance level 49
Convolution 173
Cook, R.D. 1 26 91
Correlation matrix 22
Correlation of residuals 92
Coutie, G.A. 261
Covariance matrix 5 137
Cox, D.R. 28 70
Cox, G.M. 123
Curvature, definition 241
Curvature, intrinsic 241
Curvature, measures of nonlinearity 232
Curvature, parameter effects 241
Curvature, root mean square (RMS) 254
D-optimal, design criterion 124
Daniel, C. 27
Davies, O.L. 123
Dead time 175 191
deBethizy, D. 96 274
deBoor, C. 69
Degrees of freedom 6 16
Degrees of freedom, extra parameter 103
Degrees of freedom, lack of fit 29
Degrees of freedom, replication 29
Degrees of freedom, residual 29
Dennis, J.E.Jr. 80 82 145
Dependencies in multiresponse data 154
Dependencies in multiresponse estimation 154 158
Derivative matrix 2 40 124 233
Derivative matrix, conditioning 78
Derivative of expectation function 71
Derivative, compartment model 178
Derivative, numerical 71
Derivative, vector 58
Determinant, constraints for multiresponse estimation 140
Determinant, criterion for multiresponse estimation 138
Determinant, design criterion 124 125
Determinant, evaluation by QR decomposition 141
Determinant, gradient of 142
Determinant, Hessian of 142
Determinant, Jacobian 12 38
Diagnostics 24 26
Differential equation, specification of nonlinear model 68
| Disturbance, additive assumption 24
Disturbance, constant variance 25 26
Disturbance, independence 26
Disturbance, independent of expectation function 25
Disturbance, normal assumption 25
Disturbance, practical considerations 69
Disturbance, zero mean 25
Dongana, J.J. 13 81 145 156 244 289 295 302 316 317
Downie, J. 155 156
Draper, N.R. vii 1 26 28 49 70 91 122 123 134 137 138 161 164
DUD 82
editing data 91
Edlefsen, L.E. 291
Ehrenberg, A.S.C. 110
Eigenvalue 173
Eigenvalue, analysis of centered data matrix 155
Eigenvector 173
Elliott, J.R. 110 278
Ellipse, approximation to sum of squares contour 63
Erjavec, J. 135 147 148 155 156 157 272
Estimate, least squares 5
Expectation function 2 25
Expectation function, correct model 24
Expectation function, linear approximation to 40 232
Expectation surface 36 38
Expectation surface, geometry 36
Expectation surface, linear approximation to 232
Expectation surface, prior density 217
Expectation surface, quadratic approximation 259
Expectation surface, tangent plane 232
Expectation, plane 10
Expectation, surface 9
Expected response 33
Expected response, confidence interval 6 22
Expected response, vector 10
Experimental design for conditionally linear model 129
Experimental design for linear expectation functions 124
Experimental design for nonlinear expectation functions 124
Experimental design, D-optimal 124
Experimental design, determinant criterion 124
Experimental design, general considerations 122
Experimental design, objectives 122
Experimental design, sequential 127
Experimental design, starting 125
Experimental design, subset 129
Extra determinant, test for nested models 162
Extra sum of squares and nonlinearity 104
Extra sum of squares, analysis for nested models 103
Extra sum of squares, nitrite example 116
F distribution 6 16
Fanning 247
Fedorov, V.V. 142
Fisher, R.A. 25
Froment, G.F. 168
Fuguitt, R.E. 68 135 157 165 272 310
Garbow, B.S. 316 317
Gauss increment 40
Gauss — Newton increment 81
Gauss — Newton, increment for multiresponse estimation 144
Gauss — Newton, iteration method 79
Gauss — Newton, method 40
Gauss — Newton, method for multiresponse estimation 143
Gay, D.M. 80
Gentle, J.E. 49
Geometry 36
Geometry of confidence region 17
Geometry of convergence 49
Geometry of experimental design determinant criterion 124
Geometry of likelihood approach 23
Geometry of linear least squares 9
Geometry of multiresponse determinant criterion 139
Geometry of nonlinear least squares 43
Geometry of nonlinear models 36
Geometry of sampling theory approach 15
Geometry of the expectation surface 36
Gill, P.E. 77
Godfrey, K. 168 180
Golub, G.H. 81 86 142
Gorman, J.W. 170 172 191 282
Gradient of determinant 142
Gradient of sum of squares function 79
Half-life 179
Halperin, M. 229
Hamilton, D.C. 69 123 228 234 244 259 260 261
Hartley, H.O. 42
Hat matrix 27
Havriliak, S.Jr. 136 146 149 280
Hawkins, J.E. 68 135 157 165 272 310
hessian 145
Hessian of determinant 139 142
Hessian of sum of squares function 61 80
Hessian, approximate 143
Hessian, array 233
Heyes, J.K. 310
Highest posterior density (HPD), approximate band in multiresponse estimation 140
Highest posterior density (HPD), approximate interval in multiresponse estimation 140
Highest posterior density (HPD), approximate region in multiresponse estimation 139
Highest posterior density (HPD), region 7
Highest posterior density (HPD), region for nonlinear model 220
Hill, P.D.H. 129 131
Hill, W.J. 129 131 213
Himmelblau, D.M. 49
Hinkley, D.V. 87
Hocking, R.R. 26
Hougen, O.A. 272
Hubbard, A.B. 170 188 282
Huber, P.J. 91
Hunter, J.S. 24 28 122
Hunter, W.G. 24 28 122 123 127 129 131 135 147 148 155 156 157 164 272
Hypothesis 17
Ikebe, Y. 316 317
Improving convergence, centering and scaling 78
Incremental parameter 91 104
Incremental parameter, nitrite example 113
Indicator variable 104
Indicator variable, nitrite example 110
Inference in multiresponse estimation 139
Inference in nonlinear regression 52
Inference, band, linear approximation 58
Inference, Bayes 7
Inference, interval, linear approximation 58
Inference, likelihood 6
Inference, linear approximation 52
Inference, linear approximation region 64
Inference, region 7 15
Inference, sampling theory 5
Intrinsic curvature 241
Intrinsic curvature, geometric interpretation 245
Intrinsic nonlinearity 237
Intrinsic nonlinearity, direct assessment 256 262
Intrinsic relative curvature array 242
Intrinsically linear model 34
Iteration 40
Jacobian 217
Jacobian, determinant 12 38
Jacobian, matrix 250
James, A.T. 205
Jenkins, G.M. 93 94
Jennrich, R.I. 49 82 85 172 178
Joiner, B.L. 27 91
Jones, S.D. 291
Jupp, D.L.B. 78 86
Juusola, J.A. 306
Kadane, J.B. 223
Kanemasu, H. 81
Kaplan, S.A. 74 273
Kaufman L. 86
Kennedy, W.J.Jr. 49
Khuri, A.I. 129 131
Kleiner, B. 110
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