Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Krause A., Olson M. — The basics of S-plus |
Предметный указатель |
!= 83
"-" 276
"/" 281
"[" 276 320
"[<-" 320
"[[" 276
# 6 73
%*% 98
& 85
* 74
** 74
+ 6 74
- 74 107
... 171 286 359
.C 377 379 380
.Data 349
.First 351 353
.First.lib 351 354
.First.local 351 354
.Fortran 377 380
.guiFirst 353
.Last 351 354
.Last.lib 351 354
.Last.local 351 354
.Last.value 354
.S.chapters 350
.S.init 351
/ 74
: 78
< 83 387 389
<- 75 85
<= 83
== 83 87 316
> 6 83
>= 83
@ 314 316
abline 128 129 240 241 243
abs 91
Acrobat Reader 407
add1 245 246 260
again 365
Aggregate 186
ALL 292 359
And (&) 85
Annotate palette 13
anova 241 247—249 255—256 264—270
ANOVA, coefficients 248
ANOVA, contrasts 248
ANOVA, output 248
ANOVA, split-plot 255
ANY 292
aov 241 242 248 249 255 265
apply 101—103 109 113 186 292
args 157
arithmetic operators 74—75
Array 100
Arrays 93 99—102
Arrays, syntax 100
arrows 128 198
as.integer 369
as.numeric 341
ASK 346 347
ASSIGN 284 381
Assignment, -> symbol 75
Assignment, <- symbol 75
Assignment, = symbol 75
Assignment, _ symbol 75
Attach 103 104 108 196 381
axes 128—130
Axis 128—130
backslash in strings 300
Backspace in strings 300
BarChart 149 174
Barley data set 180 212 277 369
barplot 206
Batch job 375—376
Batch job, exercise 388 392
Beta distribution 208
binom.test 215
Binomial distribution 208 211
biplot 206
Blue Book 2
Boolean see “Logical values”
box 128 129
Boxplot see “bwplot” “boxplot”
Braces see “Brackets square”
Brackets 81—83
Brackets, curly 81
Brackets, referencing entries 82
Brackets, round 73 81
Brackets, square 81
break 291
breaks 247
Brown Book 2
Browser 297—300 319 324
Brush 205
bwplot 149 192
By 185 186 189 229
C 77 82 84 86 87 240 247 264
C programs 376—380
C type equivalents in S-Plus 378
Car data set 222 228 310
cat 300 347
Categorize data into tables 187
Cauchy distribution 208
cbind 99 102 108 258
CEILING 89 92 226
Censored data 251
chapter 14—15 72 349
Chapter, attaching on start-up 350
Chapter, creation of 72
Chapter, exercise 358 359
Chi-square distribution 222 231
chisq.gof 215
chisq.test 215
Circle, computing the area of 223
Circle, plotting a 138 141
Cleaning up directories 363—364
close.screen 136
Cloud 149
coef 246
colMeans 101 292
colStdevs 101
colSums 101 292
Column functions 100
colVars 101 292
command prompt 72
Commands window 9
Comments, how to add 73
Concatenate see “c”
concatenate strings 301
Conditioning in graphs see “Trellis”
contour 203 206
contourplot 149 203 205
Contrasts 248
Control characters 300 301
Control characters, example 195
ConvertOldLibrary 350
coplot 206
Cor 219 230 239 255
cor.test 215
Correlation see “cor” 239
Cosine function 138 139
coxph 242
crosstabs 186 242
cumsum 293
Customization on exiting 350
Customization on start-up 350
| Cut 148 166 168 247 257
Dashed lines 220
DATA DIRECTORY see “Chapter”
Data editing 86
Data export 336—340
Data file types 11
Data frames 93 102—105
Data import 336—340
Data sets, Barley see “Barley data set”
Data sets, car see “Car data set”
Data sets, drug.mult see “drug.mult data set”
Data sets, Geyser see “Geyser data set”
Data sets, Kyphosis see “Kyphosis data set”
Data sets, Swiss fertility see “Swiss fertility data set”
Data sets, Theophylline see “Theophylline data set”
data.dump 335 342
data.frame 102 113 310 372
data.restore 335 342
Debugger 298—300
Debugging 294—299
Debugging, execution errors 296—297
Debugging, invalid arguments 296
Debugging, logical errors 297—299
debugging, syntax errors 295 296
density 206
Density function 207
densityplot 149
deparse 288
Detach 103 104
dev.ask 123
dev.copy 123 152
dev.cur 123
dev.list 123 152
dev.next 123
dev.off 123 376
dev.prev 123
dev.print 123
dev.set 123 152
Device see “Graphics devices”
Dice test 222 231
DIM 95 108 109
dimnames 95 96 228 374
Distribution graphing 209
Distribution related functions 207—211
DLL 377
doErrorAction 324
dotchart 206
Dotplot 149
drop1 246
drug.mult data set 255
dummy.coef 248 249
Dump 342
dumpMethod 314
duplicated 115
Dynamic data analysis 205
ED 341
edit 341
editing data 341
Encapsulated PostScript 382
Equal to (==) 83 87
Error 255 267
ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) 362
eval 324 329 347
evaluation, lazy 285
Excel 41—43
Excluding elements 107
Exit customization 350
Exponential distribution 208
exportData 337 339 344 345
exporting data 19—20 336—340
extracting elements 84
F distribution 208
F test see “var.test”
Faces 206
factanal 241 242
Factor 365—374
Factor comparisons 370
Factor, convert to numeric 369
Factor, exercises 387—392
Factor, internal representation 368
Factor, levels 369
Factor, ordered 366
Factor, preventing generation of a 372
Factor, using paste 369
Figure layout 133—138
fisher.test 215
fitted 240
fix 341
FLOOR 89 92 226
for 293 294
Fortran programs 376—380
Fortran type equivalents in S-Plus 378
Frame 298
friedman.test 215
Function 280—289
Function arguments in graphics labels 288
Function developing 361—363
Function parameters, defaults 284 286
Function parameters, missing 287
Function variables scope 283—284
Function writing 106
Function, documenting 283
Function, returning nothing 282
Function, returning output 282
Function, searching for errors see “Debugging”
gam 241 242 249
Gamma distribution 208
Generalized linear models see “glm”
Generator initialization see “set.seed”
Geometric distribution 208
get 276 331 356
getenv 380
getSlots 311
geyser 166
Geyser data set 86 108 136 196
Geyser data set, regression using the 166
GhostScript 385 407
GLM 219 241 242 249 259 262
Graph in text processors 381—385
Graph layout 132—138
Graph layout, Trellis 146
Graph sheet 10 121
Graph, 2D palette 12
Graph, 3D palette 12
Graph, adding a title see “title”
Graph, adding arrows see “arrows”
Graph, adding axes see “axes” “axis”
Graph, adding elements 125—131
Graph, adding lines see “lines” “abline”
Graph, adding points see “points”
Graph, adding segments see “segments”
Graph, adding surrounding box see “box”
Graph, adding text see “text” 131
Graph, axes 126
Graph, axis label 126
Graph, changing plot type 12
Graph, character size 134
Graph, color 126
Graph, conditioning see “Trellis”
Graph, editing 28
Graph, figure region 132
Graph, Greek letters 385
Graph, GUI 11—13
Graph, layout customization 136
Graph, leave out a figure see “frame”
Graph, line type 126
Graph, line width 126
Graph, margins 132 133
Graph, multiple figure layouts 133
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