Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Krause A., Olson M. — The basics of S-plus |
Предметный указатель |
Row functions 100
rowMeans 101 292
rowSums 101 231 292
rowVars 101 292
S-News 395—396
S-Plus commands, reading from a file 335—336
S-Plus, history of 2—4
S-Plus, how it works 349—351
S-Plus, storing mechanism 354
Sample 208 231
sapply 169 186 277—278 332 359
SCAN 339 340
Script window 10
Search 380
Search path 16 18
searchPaths 380
segments 128
seq 78—79 81 82 84 86 91
SEQUENCE see “seq”
set.seed 209 226 366
setMethod 314 315
Shaded area plotting 217
Show 314 319
show.settings 152
showMethods 318
Sine function 138 139
Sink 335 342 343
Slot 314—317
slots 311
Smoothing 241
Solve 98
sort 110
sorting data 110
Sorting data with the GUI 23—25
Sorting in descending order 114
Source 296 314 335 336 362
special characters see “Control characters”
Spin 205
Spiral, plotting a 138 141
Split 186 189 194 248 280
split.screen 135
splom 149 229
Splus CHAPTER 72
square brackets see “Brackets square”
Stable distribution 208
Standard deviation 183
Stars 206
Start-up customization 350 351
Start-up directory (Windows) 352
Starting S-Plus 72
Statistical models 241
Statistical Sciences, Inc. 2
StatLib Server 396
StatSci 2
STDEV 183 219
stem 181 182 186
Stem and leaf display see “stem”
STEP 246 254 262
Stepwise regression, backward elimination 246
Stepwise regression, forward selection 245
STOP 288 296
Strings concatenate 301
strip.default 157
stripplot 149
Student t distribution 208
Student t-test 212 213
Subsetting elements 84
Substitute 288
SUM 84 90 91
Summary 181 183 186 189 196 229 238 239 244 248 250 252 258 372 373 390 391
Summary statistics (GUI) 25
Surv 252 253
survdiff 253
survfit 242 252
Survival analysis 242 251—253
Survival analysis, composite outcome 252
Survival analysis, Cox proportional hazards model 253
Survival analysis, martingales 251
Survival analysis, median survival time 253
Survival analysis, output 252
Survival analysis, statistical test 253
SVD 98
Swiss fertility data set 237 244 254
sys.call 289
Systems supported by S-Plus 4
t-test see “t.test”
t.test 215 217
table 186—188 231
Tabulate data see “Table”
Tabulator in strings 300
tapply 184 186 257
terminate 288
Testing hypotheses 212
| Tests, functions for 215
TeX see “LaTeX”
text 128
Text printer 121
text, adding to a graph 198
Theophylline data set 163
Tick marks to axes 130
Title 128
Title on top of a layout figure 227
Toolbar, main 10
Trace 298 319
Traceback 297 324
traceMethod 319
transferring data 342
TREE 219 241 242
Trellis 145—159 166—178
Trellis, adding regression lines 166
Trellis, aspect ratio 154
Trellis, changing the order of panels 155
Trellis, conditioning 148
Trellis, customizing 152—159
Trellis, devices 150—152
Trellis, exercises 166—178
Trellis, function arguments see “trellis.args” and “trellis.3d.args”
Trellis, functions 149
Trellis, graph ordering 155
Trellis, layout 146 153
Trellis, legend 164
Trellis, options 152—157
Trellis, panel function 156 159—162 174
Trellis, settings 153
Trellis, strip argument 156
Trellis, syntax 148—150
Trellis, using the GUI 34—36
trellis.3d.args 149 156
trellis.args 149 156
trellis.device 151
trellis.par.get 153 156
trellis.par.set 153 156
Trigonometric functions 138 139
trunc 89 92 231
Truncation methods 89 92
Type option see “Graphics”
unclass 229
Uniform distribution 208
UNIX 4 122 336
UNIX devices 121
UNIX GUI 45—54
UNIX, starting S-Plus 72
unlist 280
unpaste 302
untrace 298 319
UPDATE 158—159 164 244 245 254 260
var 183 186 219 255
var.test 215
Variable declaration 282
Variance see “var”
Vector arithmetic operations 80
Vector concatenation 86
Vector creation 77
Vector referencing entries 82
Vector, efficiency of 81
vi 341
vt100 121
WARNING 288 296
Weibull distribution 208
which.inf 221
which.na 221
while 290
White Book 2
wilcox.test 215
Wilcoxon rank sum distribution 208
Windows 4 72 73
Windows devices 121
Windows start-up directory 352
Wireframe 149 200
wmf.graph 382
Working directory, creating a 21
write.table 339
writing data 335
Writing S-Plus output 342
xyplot 149 166 171 198 210 211
\# 300
\b 300
\n 194 300
\r 300
\t 300
\\ 300
\’ 300
\” 300
^ 74
_ 75
~ 242
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