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Paulos J.A. — A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market
Paulos J.A. — A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market

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Íàçâàíèå: A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market

Àâòîð: Paulos J.A.


In A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market, best-selling author John Allen Paulos demonstrates what the tools of mathematics can tell us about the vagaries of the stock market. Employing his trademark stories, vignettes, paradoxes and puzzles (and even a film treatment), Paulos addresses every thinking reader's curiosity about the market: Is it efficient? Is it rational? Is there anything to technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and other supposedly time-tested methods of picking stocks? How can one quantify risk? What are the most common scams? What light do fractals, network theory, and common psychological foibles shed on investor behavior? Are there any approaches to investing that truly outperform the major indexes? Can a deeper knowledge of mathematics help beat the odds? All of these questions are explored with the engaging erudition that made Paulos's A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper and Innumeracy favorites with both armchair mathematicians and readers who want to think like them. Paulos also shares the cautionary tale of his own long and disastrous love affair with WorldCom. In the tradition of Burton Malkiel's A Random Walk Down Wall Street and Jeremy Siegel's Stocks for the Long Run, this wry and illuminating book is for anyone, investor or not, who follows the markets — or knows someone who does.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.04.2005

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"Blow up" investor      118
"Butterfly effect" of nonlinear systems      174
"Dominance" principle, game theory      198
"Double-dip" recession      46
"Efficient frontier" of portfolios (Markowitz)      157
"Flocking effect" Internet      178
"Ghosts" investors      118
"Head and shoulders" pattern      46
"Maximization of expected value" principle      198
"Single index model" (Sharpe)      159
"The Imp in the Bottle" (Stevenson)      94
A New Kind of Science (Wolfram)      170—171
A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street (Lo and MacKinlay)      48
A Random Walk Down Wall Street (Malkiel)      48 62
Accounting practices, assumptions vs. Practices      115
Accounting practices, auditors and      115—116
Accounting practices, comparing corporate and personal accounting      25
Accounting practices, conflict of interest and      111—112
Accounting practices, deciphering company financial health      111
Accounting practices, Enron      112
Accounting practices, reforms      114
Accounting practices, transparency      115
Accounting practices, vagueness and subjectivity of      114
Accounting practices, value investing and      110
Accounting practices, worldcom (WCOM)      112
Accounting scandals      see also "Fraud"
Accounting scandals, Benford’s Law and      74
Accounting scandals, deciphering company financial health      111
Accounting scandals, Efficient Market Hypothesis and      63
Accounting scandals, psychology of cover ups      24
Accounting scandals, volatility and      15
Accounting scandals, WCOM fraud      200
Al Qaeda      124
Albert, Reka      178—179
Anchoring effect, financial numbers and      20
Anchoring effect, number experiments      19—20
Anchoring effect, online chatroom example      32
Arithmetic mean      see also "Mean value"
Arithmetic mean, IPO purchases/sales      96—98
Arithmetic mean, outstripping geometric mean rate of return      99
Arthur Andersen      112
Arthur, W. Brian      9
Auditors      115—116
Aumann, Robert      10 165
Availability error      21
Average values, compared with distribution of incomes      132—133
Average values, risk as variance from      136—137
Averages, average return compared with median return      99
Averages, average value compared with distribution of incomes      132—133
Averages, buy-sell rules and      43
Averages, outguessing average guess      6—7
Averages, risk as variance from average value      136—137
Averaging down      13—14
Bachelier, Louis      59 122
Bak, Per      178—179
Barabasi, Albert-Lazlo      178—179
Bartiromo, Maria      199
Bear markets, investor self-descriptions and      58
Bear markets, shorting and distorting strategy in      35—36
Benford, Frank      73
Benford’s law      72—74
Benford’s Law, applying to corporate fraud      74
Benford’s Law, background of      73
Benford’s Law, frequent occurrence of numbers governed by      73—74
Bernoulli, Daniel      148
Beta (B) values, causes of variations in      161
Beta (B) values, comparing market against individual stocks or funds      160—161
Beta (B) values, strengths and weaknesses of      161—162
Beta (B) values, technique for finding      161
Beta (B) values, volatility and      160
big bang      16
Billiards, as example of nonlinear system      172—173
Binary system      71
Biorhythm theory      39
Black — Scholes option formula      122
Black, Fischer      121—122 129
Blackjack strategies      50—51
Blackledge, Todd      108
Blue chip companies, P/E ratio of      101
Bogle, John      60
Bonds will not necessarily continue to be outperformed by stocks      145—146
Bonds, Barry      108
Bonds, Greenspan’s impact on bond market      86
Bonds, history of stocks outperforming      143—145
bookkeeping      see "Accounting practices"
Bottom-line investing      92
Brock, William      48
Brokers      see "Stock brokers"
Buffet, Warren      65 85
Bull markets, investor self-descriptions and      58
Bull markets, pump and dump strategy in      33
Butterfly Economics (Ormerod)      169
Buy-sell rules      43
Buying on the margin      127 129 see
Calendar effects      49
Call options      see also "Stock options"
Call options, covering      121
Call options, how they work      120
Call options, selling      120
Call options, strategies      121—122
Call options, valuation tools      122—123
Campaign contributions      126
Capital asset pricing model      160
Capital gains vs. Dividends      91—92
Central limit theorem      140
Ceos, arrogance of      184—185
Ceos, benefits in manipulating stock prices      123—124
Ceos, remuneration compared with that of average employee      183
Ceos, volatility due to malfeasance of      15
Chain letters      92—95
Chaitin, Gregory      193
Chance      see also "Whim"
Chance, as undeniable factor in market      63
Chance, trading strategies and      28
Chaos theory      172 see
CHARITY      156
Clayman, Michelle      107
Cognitive illusions      21—26
Cognitive illusions, availability error      21
Cognitive illusions, confirmation bias      21—22
Cognitive illusions, heuristics rules of thumb for saving time      25—26
Cognitive illusions, mental accounts      24—25
Cognitive illusions, status quo bias      22—23
Cohen, Abby Joseph      147
Coin flipping      63—64
Common knowledge, accounting scandals and      63
Common knowledge, definition and importance to investors      9—10
Common knowledge, dynamic with private knowledge      191
Common knowledge, insider trading and      164—165
Common knowledge, parable illustrating      10—12
Common knowledge, private information becoming      165—167
Companies/corporations, adjusting results to meet expectations      21
Companies/corporations, applying Benford’s Law to corporate fraud      74
Companies/corporations, comparing corporate and personal accounting      25
Companies/corporations, financial health and      102
Companies/corporations, P/E ratio of blue chips      101
Competition vs. Cooperation, prisoner’s dilemma      191—192
Complexity of sequences (mathematics)      193
Complexity of trading strategies      191 192 194—196
Complexity, changing over time      195—196
Complexity, horizon      195
Compound interest, as basis of wealth      86
Compound interest, doubling time and      90
Compound interest, formulas for      88—89
Compound interest, future value and      89—90
Compound interest, present value and      89
Confirmation bias, definition of      21—22
Confirmation bias, investments reflecting      13
Confirmation bias, stock-picking and      22
Connectedness      see also "Networks"
Connectedness, European market causing reaction on Wall Street      163
Connectedness, interactions based on whim      168—169
Connectedness, interactions between technical traders and value traders      167—168
Connectedness, irrational interactions between traders      169—170
Connectedness, Wolfram model of interactions between traders      170—171
Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)      9
Contrarian investing, dogs of the Dow      105
Contrarian investing, measures of excellence and      107
Contrarian investing, rate of return and      106—107
Cooperation vs. Competition, prisoner’s dilemma      191—192
Correlation coefficient      152 see
Counter-intuitive investment      54
Counterproductive behavior psychology of      17—18
Covariance, calculation of      152—153
Covariance, portfolio diversification based on      154
Covariance, portfolio volatility and      152
Covariance, stock selection and      159
Cramer, James      199
Crowd, following or not      37
Crowd, herd-like nature of price movements      181
Dart throwing, stock-picking contest in the Wall Street Journal      63
Data mining, illustrated by online chatrooms      32
Data mining, moving averages and      44
Data mining, survivorship bias and      30—31
Data mining, trading strategies and      28—30
DeBondt, Werner      106—107
Deciding What’s News (Gans)      185
Decimalization reforms      70—71
Decision making, minimizing regret      23
Decision making, selling WCOM      200
Depression of      1873 113
Derivatives trading, Enron      112
Despair and guilt over market losses      118
Deviation from the mean      see also "Mean value"
Deviation from the mean, covariance      152
Deviation from the mean, standard deviation (d)      137—139
Deviation from the mean, variance      136—137
Dice, probability and      50
Digex      55
Discounting process, present value of future money      91—92
Distribution of incomes      132
Distribution of wealth, dynamic of concentration      182—183
Distribution of wealth, UN report on      182
Diversified portfolios      see "Stock portfolios diversifying"
Dividends, earnings and      100
Dividends, proposals benefitting returns from      92
Dodd, David      106
Dogs of the Dow strategy      105
Dot com IPOs, as a pyramid scheme      93
Double entry bookkeeping      115
Double-bottom trend reversal      46
Doubling time, compound interest and      90
Dow, dogs of the Dow strategy      105
Dow, percentages of gains and losses      15
e (exponential growth), compound interest and      86—88
e (exponential growth), higher mathematics and      88—89
Earnings, anchoring effect and      20
Earnings, complications with determination of      100
Earnings, inflating (WCOM)      112
Earnings, P/E ratio and      100
Earnings, stock valuation and      100
East, Steven, H.      147
Ebbers, Bernie, acquisition appetite of      93
Ebbers, Bernie, arrogance of      183
Ebbers, Bernie, author emails offer of help      199
Ebbers, Bernie, Digex purchase      55
Ebbers, Bernie, down-home style of      181—182
Ebbers, Bernie, forced to sell WCOM stock      23
Ebbers, Bernie, fraud by      112—113
Ebbers, Bernie, pump and dump strategy and      34
Ebbers, Bernie, purchase of worldcom stock by      129
Economics, human behavior and      16—17
Efficient Market Hypothesis, background of      59
Efficient Market Hypothesis, impact of accounting scandals on      63
Efficient Market Hypothesis, increased efficiency results in decreased predictability      61—62
Efficient Market Hypothesis, investors beliefs impacting      189
Efficient Market Hypothesis, moving averages and      44
Efficient Market Hypothesis, paradoxes of      187—189
Efficient Market Hypothesis, randomness and      57
Efficient Market Hypothesis, rationale for      60—61
Efficient Market Hypothesis, resistance and support levels and      46
Efficient Market Hypothesis, versions of      59—60
Elliott, Ralph Nelson      38—39
Ellison, Larry      184
Employee remuneration vs. CEO remuneration      183
Endowment effect      22
Enron, accounting practices      112
Enron, margin calls on CEO Ken Lay      129
Environmental exploitation, as Ponzi scheme      93—94
Equity-risk premium      146
Erdoes, Paul      75 177
Escher, M.C.      54
European stock market      163
Euros, benefits of standardizing European currencies      71
Euros, euro-pound/pound-euro exchange rate      39—40
Expected excess return      158 160
Expected value      see also "Mean value"
Expected value, "maximization of expected value"      198
Expected value, covariance and      152
Expected value, formula for obtaining      133—134
Expected value, graphing against risk (Markowitz optimal portfolios)      157
Expected value, insurance company example      135
Expected value, mu (m)      133 138
Expected value, probability theory and      135—136
Exploitable opportunities, tendency to disappear      61
Fama, Eugene      59 105
Fibonacci numbers, Elliott wave theory and      38
Fibonacci numbers, golden ratio and      40—41
Fibre-optic cable      113—144
Fifty-two-week highs      20
Fooled by Randomness (Taleb)      134
Formulas, Black — Scholes options      122
Formulas, compound interest      88—89
Formulas, expected value      133—134
Fractals      38 174—175
Frank, Robert      183
Fraud      see also "accounting scandals"
Fraud, applying Benford’s Law to corporate fraud      74
Fraud, applying Benford’s law to income tax fraud      73
Fraud, Bemie Ebbers      112—113
Fraud, Salomon Smith Barney benefiting illegally from IPOs      34
Fraud, WCOM fraud      200
Fraud, wrongdoing of brokers at Merrill Lynch      34
Free market economy      184
French, Ken      105
Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin (Gould)      61
Fund managers      149 see
Fundamental analysis, as sober investment strategy      85
Fundamental analysis, determining fundamental value by discounting process      91—92
Fundamental analysis, evidence supporting      104
Fundamental analysis, present value and      90
Fundamental analysis, sequence complexity and trading rules and      195
Fundamental analysis, stock valuation with      99—100
Fundamental analysis, unexciting nature of      86
Future value, P/E ratio as measure of future earnings expectations      101
Future value, present value and      89—90
Gambler’s fallacy      64
Games, gambling and probability      50—51
Games, game theory      198
Games, guessing games      6—9
Games, Monopoly      141—142
Games, Parrondo’s paradox      52—54
Games, St. Petersburg paradox      147—149
Games, ultimatum games      17
Games, worldcom board game      142
Gans, Herbert      185
Gates, Bill      182 184
Geometric mean, illustrated by IPO purchases/sales      96—98
Geometric mean, rate of return      99
Gilder, George      2
1 2 3
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